His sturdy 6-packs

On the other hand, Kris got to his car and sped to Lena's apartment. He turned on his tablet and connected it to his car. He looked at the tracker and noticed that his tracker on Ming Zhao showed his already leaving Lena's apartment.

He pressed on the gas and soon, he saw Ming's car pass him. Kris makes a quick and sharp U-turn and chased after the man. Ming saw Kris' car speeding up to him so he slowed down.

Kris instantly drove in front of Ming's car and Ming barely stopped in time. Ming got out of his car and Kris did the same too, rushing toward Ming.

"Yo man, are you crazy?" Ming spoke.

Without even giving the man a glance, Kris swung his fist and punch Ming across the face. Ming stumbled back from the hit. When he stabled his stance, he touched his lips and was bleeding.

Kris grabbed Ming's collar and pushed him to Ming's car. "What were you doing at Lena's place?!"