
Kris stared at Lena as she slept soundlessly. She was his wild woman. He only stayed for an hour after Lena slept before sneaking back out. The Shen Mansion does not high security and Kris does not like it one bit. He'll need to do something about that soon if Lena was going to continue to stay here every so often.

He climbed over the wall and walked back to his car that he parked out of the way so it would not look suspicious. He entered his car but stared at Lena's window from afar. For a long time, he had wondered and craved the love of a woman.

In the past, it would be a lie that he never felt jealous of other people's life. His life originally looked at everyone as items. Items that are there for you to use or for you to kill.

After his journey to recover, he had discovered a new world and sight of how things were. He learned to laugh with people and understand that the world was not all about an ongoing battle that you need to always win win win.