Best thing

Kris was so happy. He would like a child jumping up and down. He definitely would hug his mother again, but he knew that he shouldn't push himself too much. One was all he ever needed.

He needed to celebrate and embrace someone, and that someone was Lena. He stepped on the gas and drove to her apartment. He did not bother to park his car properly. He stopped outside the apartment building driveway and parked his car there.

He quickly hit the normal elevator button, and luck was with him today because the elevator door opened then.

Lena was already home. She spilled some juice all over herself so she hopped back to take a quick shower. It was supposed to be quick but she kept singing in the shower so she went for a nice bubble bath instead. She knew her voice was not the best, but if she practiced a lot, then it would get better.

People say the echo in the bathroom also make your voice sound nicer. Her body sank in the bathtub and she was playing with the bubbles.