Bring your cuffs

Kris let Lena down as he carried her to the rooftop.

"Wait there." He said.

Kris walked and pressed a button so the covering of the pool opened, displaying the clean water of the pool. Lena smiled and ran toward the pool.

"CANNONBALL!" And plopped. She went down to the deep side of the pool.

Her head popped out and she trod on the water. "Are you going to join me?"

"Soon." He smiled at her before turning around. He left to go back down to his house as Lena hopped swam to the ledge to wait for him.

A few minutes later, he came up with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "Just one bottle to celebrate."

He popped the bottle and poured them to the glasses. He gave one for Lena to sip before taking it back and placing both of theirs on the table.

"Do you want me to just join you like this?" Kris was referring to their uncomfortable clothes that were not meant for swimming.

"Yeah..." Lena laughed. "Look at my gown, you can see my underwear."