
"And then?" Lena was curious. "Did the old lady say anything else?"

"Hmm... I don't remember. But I kept praying as she said. Even when the doctors said that I had a high chance of not conceiving again, I was still hopeful. I truly believe that my sweet baby was in a better place."

"Yeah... me too." Lena softly replied.

"It was about a year after that I got you. You were a gift. Even though the doctors said I could not get pregnant again, I did not care. One child is all I needed to have a complete family. That's why we should go pray once a year at the shrine. To be thankful and bless your sister wherever she is."

"We should go visit it next month."

"Yes. Your dad, me and you. We will go together."

Lena stayed with her mother as they just sit and had a good time bonding more as mother and daughter. Lena was laughing at the stories her mother was telling her about how she would pee everywhere when she was young.

Lena would run around half-naked around the farm.