Can I join you?

Kris and Lena stayed outside in the balcony for another few hours. They went through more of Kris' profile. When the afternoon breeze was greeting them, Kris went back inside to grab a blanket for both of them. Lena wanted to stay outside some more.

She cuddled in with Kris on the balcony sofa. She listened to Kris tell her about his past, and where his mother took him for treatment. It was one of the very few times where Kris talked so much and openly told someone about himself.

Kris looked at Lena after a while when she stopped asking questions. He found her peacefully sleeping on him. They did not even have dinner nor "dessert" yet and she was already sleeping.

He smiled at her sleeping cute face. He gently picked her up and carried Lena to a room. He placed her on the soft bed and completely stripped her down to put something more comfortable for her to wear.