Excuses, excuses

While Lena was having her girl's night, Kris went back up to his penthouse to grab himself a drink too. He sat in his office and looked through some important documents.

After a few minutes, his phone started to ring. He glanced over and saw "Nerd" popped out. He stopped reading and picked up the call.

"What is it?"

"You sound grumpy... did I interrupt you?" Gary spoke.

"No. What do you need?"

"Is Lena with you? I tried to call her but seems like she's busy."

"She's not with me. She's out with Hazel."

"No wonder you're grumpy."

"What are you implying..." Kris raised his voice.

"Nothing... that's not why I called." Gary replied. "Have.... Lena made new enemies recently?"

"No. You see something wrong in your magical world?"

"It's not magical... and yes, some red flags. Her name has been popping up lately on my alert system. She must have pissed some bad people, they are really digging her information up."

"Block them." Kris demanded.