Be gentle (R-18)


Warnings: Explicit R-18 chapter


Kris pulled Lena's slender body closer to him, capturing her alluring lips in one swoop. He kissed her lips, consuming her every breathe, once again.

Lena slightly opened her mouth, allowing Kris to go further. He gently touched his tongue with hers, moving them delicately with each other.

He brushes his own tongue with Lena's as he also explored her mouth, making sure to give every single part of her mouth attention.

He pushed Lena's body more up against the clear window of the elevator as their tongues now dance in a tango, intertwining their tongues.

They moved in a smooth gently pattern between french kissing and just kissing on the lips.

The elevator dings as it stopped and opened its door on Lena's apartment. Kris gently bit Lena's lower lip and picked her up.