Dinner and small talks.

Ace walked over and sat down on the seat across from Old Madam Li and next to Elder Li.

"Have you got into contact with Chen Xu?" Elder Li asked.

"I have."

"Set up a meeting with him. I will go personally go see him." Elder Li coughed.

Ace nodded.

"Husband... what about the dinner tomorrow?" Old Madam Li spoke.

"Didn't you hear what she said? If we push closer, she'll leave him. I won't be alive to see what he will do next... and it's not yet time for me to leave." He coughed.

He knew that he was getting old... and karma was knocking his doors... but he needed to do some things before he leaves.

Lena was right... whatever good part is left of him still have a concern about Kris. His greediness got the best of him.

Ace stood up and left the two old couple alone. He walked out to the back of the mansion and looked into the vast emptiness. He was empty...