Let me be jealous.

Lena walked over to James car, where he was already there, waiting for her. Lena opened the back seat door and sat in while.

"Where are you going?" Kris asked when he heard the door closed.

"To come to see you... I can come to see you right?"

"I am a very busy person when I at work."

"But, I ditched the hot young man for you."

"But?? But, you still gave your phone to him!"

"Sometimes, I like when you're jealous too... so I am not the only one."


"I'll talk to you about it when I come to see you." Lena quickly replied and hung up the call.

Without even talking, James already knew that Lena was on the phone with Kris. He quickly started the car and drove to the Li Company. He stopped at the front of the building.

"You didn't have your lunch right?" Lena smiled at James. "I'll be here for a while, so go and have your lunch. I'll text you later when I am leaving."