The Sanders Family

Sadly when they went back, Kris was stolen by several businessmen. They were also drinking quite a lot so Lena did not stay and intrude their conversations. Instead, she went and chat with some of the young women that she had not seen before.

"Lena Shen?"

A small voice called Lena's name. Lena turned around to see a delicate and cute woman. She must be the same age as Kevin.

"Hello." Lena greeted her. "Have we met before?"

"No. But my father talked a lot about you. You are much more beautiful in person than the pictures."

"Pictures??" Lena was hoping an old man was not taking pictures of her...

"Oh.. I mean like in the news. Mr. Li and you have been in the top news lately."

"I see..." Lena looked at the young woman more carefully. She looked familiar. "Are you, by any chance, Hannah Sanders?"

"Yes!" Hannah excitedly grabbed Lena's hand. "But I take my father's real family name, so I got by Hannah Chen."
