"How can I deny my baby's request?"

Lena does not know when they both fell asleep, but the annoying alarm from her alarm clocked woked her up. The alarm clock was connected with her phone, so even if her phone was lost somewhere in the mess last night, the alarm clock still went off.

Lena grabbed the alarm clocked and tossed it to the floor. However, she didn't jam it hard enough, it was still going off.

"I'll get it." Kris got off the bed and turned off the alarm.

"...." Lena didn't open her eyes and stayed in bed.

"Don't start whining now, I am not the one who kept going last night." Kris tugged the blanket off of Lena, exposing her naked body.

She cuddled in her body when she felt the coldness. She opened her eyes and glared at Kris. Kris smiled at her lazy body. He walked over to the side of the bed and picked Lena up.

"Ah!" She screeched.

"We only have an hour to get ready." Kris carried her to the bathroom and straight to the shower.