Extra Exercise (3) : (R-18)

Kris touched Lena's lips and then pulled her in for a kiss. He stuck his tongue inside her, twirled it once and then let her go. 

He wiped his lips and smiled. "Bubblegum."

Lena put her hands on his shoulder and pushed him to sit down. She put her legs on the side of him and sat on his lap.

"We're so shameless to be doing this in broad daylight." Lena nibbled on his lips.

Kris put a hand on her plump breast and fondled it gently. Lena arched her head back so Kris can entirely have access to her neck and collarbone. 

He sucked on them, marking his territory on her in several places. Lena moaned from the sweet sensation, teasing his hard membrane.

After he was done, Lena stood up. She grabbed his hard er*ction, guide it her awaiting entrance and slid it right in. She instant felt the rubber sliding against her encaving flesh. There was now new barrier between her and Kris, but she can still feel how hard and big he was.