Taming dogs.

They continued walking for a long time, turning corners, entering weird hallways, but eventually, they arrived.

Gary's father was sitting in a very comfortable chair, smoking a very large cigar. He just put it out when he saw that his guests had arrived.

"Lena! It's been such a long time." He stood up to shake Lena's hand but she ignored it and just sat down on the sofa across from him.

"I am a very busy woman, let's just get straight the personal business I am here for." Lena spoke.

"Very well then..." He looked at Lena and then at Kris who also just sat down next to her. "How can I help you."

"Stay away from Gary."

"AHAHAHA..." Mr. Chen laughed. 

"Did it look like a joke to you, Mr. Chen. I was very serious."

"Excuse me, Miss. Shen. I don't see you as a threat at all... nor is he." He looked at Kris.