My lovely wife.

Kris was caught off guard. He didn't say anything and just looked at Lena... trying to see if she was serious or not.


"Let's go to our room." Lena cut him off and tried to ran toward their room but Kris grabbed her hand.

"Wait, I---"

"Seriously Kris." Lena cut him off again. She looked him up and down. "Let's get changed and then we'll talk. I don't think I can take you seriously in that suit."


The moment they got to their room. Lena ran to her side of the room and locked herself in the bathroom.

Kris just looked at the silly girl and smiled. Why is she the one so shy... she said it herself. He sighed and hoped to take a shower and get changed.

When he got out, Lena was still in the bathroom. Kris sat silently on the bed, staring at the bathroom door.