Party in the cockpit.

"Haha..." Lena laughed softly but then released that Kris was being serious. "..."

"Everyone has secrets. I had my own suspicions of hers... but only now I more certain about it." Kris spoke.

Lena listened but she still had no clue what he was talking about.

"When you.... confronted Mr. Chen regarding that curveball you threw at him, it only added more to my suspicions. Sometimes you love someone so much... that it is hard for you to accept the truths. Especially the ugly ones." He continued. "She's still my mother and I will always love her dearly."

"I... I am still confused." Lena pointed out. "How does Madam Yang have anything to luring out the enemies?"

"I said I wanted to clean my mess so my children don't have to deal with it... she's basically doing the same thing."

Lena tilted her head... still confused.