No wedding.

"We saw them downstairs. Seems like they didn't remember which room the dinner was. Luckily, they saw us." Shen Mao spoke.

Lena awkwardly smiles and then looked at Kris who has not said a single word. Well... if they both were actually invited, the workers would have to lead them to the correct room. Of course, this old couple was obviously not invited and were just staking out the place, targetting Lena's parents so they can join them for dinner.

"Hello, Grandfather... grandmother." Kris finally greeted them. He did not want to look bad in front of his future in-laws.

"Ah, Kris... hope you don't mind us old people arriving late." Elder Li smiled happily.

Of course, Kris can't mind... because they also arrived with Lena's parents. So the old man saying they were late... he was also saying that the Shens were late too.

Lena could see the lightning zipping through both of their eyes at each other.