Chapter 17

The Emperor strode in a large step and entered the room, with a loud and clear voice saying: "I heard that this afternoon Rui Ze suffered the General's punishment. I came to check what had happened."

Upon hearing the voice, the Blind Concubine's whole body quivered and trembled in fear, hastily he turned his body to kneel on the floor.

The Emperor didn't expect that the Blind Concubine would be in Rui Ze's palace, caught off guard, his body distinctly became motionless.

The Blind Concubine was kneeling on the floor, the cuff of his sleeve exposed his pale arm. His frail fragile stature was slightly trembling.

The Emperor closed his fan and made a coughing sound, lowered his voice's tone: "I just remembered that I still have a few official documents which I haven't read yet. Next time I will come again."

Not staying for what he intended to check, he hurriedly turned his body and left.

The Blind Concubine remained in his kneeling position and didn't dare to lift his head. Whole body was intensely quivering.

Xiao Bao got closer to him: "His Majesty has left, it's alright." Exerting a great effort to support the Blind Concubine.

Little Prince also blurted out unwittingly: "How come your face became so pale?"

Xiao Bao looked closely and, indeed, the Blind Concubine's face was deathly pale, the color of the blood from his face was completely drained and his hand was icy cold.

The Little Prince hastily comforted: "Your Grace, you don't have to be afraid, Brother Emperor is very kind. Very rare to lose his temper and get angry, he doesn't scold people."

Xiao Bao felt that something was wrong, he got a little bit scared: "His Grace has got frightened, I will take him back to have a rest."

Being in rush while notifying their leaving, even without having their dinner, they quickly got out from Rui Ze's palace, back to their serving quarter.

In the serving quarter, even a single lamp was yet to be lit, Yu Li also ran off to no one knows where to. Such a big house appeared to be rather cold and cheerless.

The Blind Concubine walked with his unstable step. His body temperature had dropped. He was cold like a block of iron.

Xiao Bao supported his arms and brought him to enter his room, helped him to climb the bed and covered him with his quilt.

The Blind Concubine with his hollow eyes, let Xiao Bao to arranged everything for him, his greyish pupil was being unfocused.

Xiao Bao lit up several lanterns to make the room look brighter. Sat by the bed side, he rubbed the Blind Concubine's hand.

After a good while, his hand gradually got back its warmth.

"Master, what's wrong?"

The Blind Concubine took back his hand which was being held in between Xiao Bao's hands. He lightly answered: "Nothing..."

Xiao Bao got worried: "Master, you obviously have something wrong."

Shaking his head, the Blind Concubine turned over his body to face the wall. Unwilling to say another word.

"Is it because the Emperor came over unexpectedly?"

The Blind Concubine didn't respond to him, also didn't turn his body. Looked like he had firmly decided not to pay Xiao Bao any attention.

Xiao Bao had no choice but to comply: "Master, have a nice rest." He attentively tucked in the corner of the quilt for him.

Hearing the sound of the closing door, the Blind Concubine knew Xiao Bao had left the room.

He was all alone reclining on his bed. The surrounding had only the dimmed red candle flame.

Didn't know where Yu Li had ran off to. His hands now were empty without that creature to be held, to be touched. Emptiness in his heart made him flustered.

Actually, ever since he heard that voice, all he could hear was the voice of that person who claimed himself as an Imperial Guard.

His eyes might be blind, regarding voices, he was particularly sensitive.

No matter how that person tried to cover up, he couldn't be able to deceive his ears.

That person said he was an Imperial Guard, he suspected him as a Prince, never thought that he was actually an Emperor.

Why did he have to be the Emperor of all people?

The Blind Concubine huddled up his body as he trembled in fear, tightly closing his eyes.

Since the beginning, he had never expected a true heart in this cold as ice Royal Palace, only wished to have someone who would come to visit regularly, a friend to chat. Alas, even this shred of tender feeling, had also been torn to pieces.

The Blind Concubine opened his eyes. He lifted his pallid pale slender arm to his eyes. Of course, he couldn't see anything.

In front of his eyes, forever, there will always be the vast and unlimited darkness.

His fingers lightly touched his ghastly pale cheek, the tips of his fingers slowly began to shift, tracing his fingertip slowly along his skin, drawing shallow marks until it rested on his eyelids.

His eyes had become blind, for whole of his life, he would never be able to see anymore.

He didn't even know how Xiao Bao actually looked like.

And also Yu Li.

His most precious Yu Li. The Palace's people all said that Yu Li was truly beautiful, but he couldn't see it.

For all eternity, his eyes would be tragically an ashen grey, muddy, and miserably ugly.

The Blind Concubine bit down his lip.

Why did he have to be the Emperor of all people?


The sky had become so bright, Xiao Bao was feeding the hanging on the eaves' birds.

The two Red-billed Leiothrix which they brought along from the cold palace, Every day chirped and chirped to notify the feeding time, hooted and chirped nonstop, as if they would never get tired of it forever.

He turned his body, and caught a sight of the Blind Concubine who noiselessly stood behind him. He was greatly startled.

"Master already up?"


The Blind Concubine seemingly not likely in a good spirit. He kept on massaging his forehead.

"Master, do you want to sit? The stone bench in the garden is cold, let me take the cushion first."

"No need" , The Blind Concubine stopped him, "Where is the Little Prince right now?"

"Little Prince is at the Great Teacher's place to study, haven't been back yet. This afternoon, he will have his combat skill practice with the General."

Nodding his head, the Blind Concubine said, "I will go to see Little Prince in the afternoon."

Xiao Bao hesitated: "But Master is not in good health, have another rest for today."

"I'm fine", The Blind Concubine forced a smile, "We are able to move out here, it was all because of the Little Prince. There are many courtiers who watch us closely, do not attract any unnecessary gossip to cause slander."

Xiao Bao replied: "Master has Master's own reasons, it's not like I don't understand, I am just worried about you."

The Blind Concubine lightly laughed, "I know Xiao Bao concern for me." Paused for a while, "I have truly gotten better already. Let's eat. This afternoon, let's go to see the Little Prince's suffering."