Chapter 23

Today, at dusk, Xiao Bao was feeding Yu Li with her usual mixed cat food.

The Blind Concubine came out from his room, then asked: "Do we have wine stored in our house?"

After thinking for a while, Xiao Bao answered him: "During the Dragon Boat's Festival, General Qi sent people to deliver wine. Master, why do you ask this?"

The Blind Concubine pursed his lips, eyes downcast and directed on the floor, "Not for a special purpose, just suddenly had the urge to drink a cup or two of wine."

Xiao Bao laughed at him: "How strange, Master has never even once drunk wine before."

The Blind Concubine's face slightly blushed, twisting both of his hands together tautly.

Xiao Bao told him: "Master, wait here, I will go and get it."

Not long after, he came back while holding a small but exquisite wine bottle then put it on the table.

The Blind Concubine groped about until he touched the wine bottle, he grabbed it tightly in his embrace then he quickly went towards the outside of the gate.

Xiao Bao surprised and stupefied: "Master, you want to go out?"

The Blind Concubine turned his head and hastily voiced out an "Mm!" sound. Quickened his steps, he strode out to the outer part of the yard.

Xiao Bao shouted from the front door: "Where are you going to, Master? After I feed the cat, I will go with you!"

The Blind Concubine quickly refused him: "I want to drink alone. You don't have to worry. No need for you to come with me."

"Master, be careful on your way….." Xiao Bao hadn't finished what he wanted to say, The Blind Concubine already strode out alone to the outside of the yard then disappeared behind the black curtain of night.


The Emperor was in the Imperial Garden, drinking with snacks. Unexpectedly, he caught a sight of someone's figure approaching from afar towards his direction.

He couldn't help but to be slightly surprised: Why is he coming to this place at this hour?

The Blind Concubine who was hugging the wine bottle arrived at the place that was not far from the Emperor. Groping wildly, he tried to find the stone table and bench the he could remember from his memory.

The Emperor quickly stood up, he held the Blind Concubine's shoulder from in front.

Upon the sudden warmth that came in contact with him, The Blind Concubine was startled greatly, the wine bottle that he had been holding nearly slipped from his hand.

"Why do you come here all alone, even without Xiao Bao to accompany you?"

"It was I who asked him not to come with me", The Blind Concubine's eyes were glistening for a moment, "I heard from the Little Prince, he said that you often come here to drink, so, I wanted to find you to have a drink together."

The Emperor laughed: "Don't take all of Rui Ze's honest words too seriously."

The Blind Concubine looked down, "It is I whose being too blunt, I decided it myself to come and find you….."

"No, you are not", The Emperor took the Blind Concubine's hand, led him to sit on the stone bench, "What's the point of drinking alone, two people, drinking and chatting, then it will become more delightful."

The Blind Concubine lifted his cup of wine, slowly, he brought that cup of wine to his mouth, considering for a while, he held his sleeve then gulped down all of its contents.

The golden yellow liquid of the wine went straight down from his throat to his stomach. Hot and stung while burning. He was choked causing him to cough repeatedly. His entire face became very red in an instant. His chest suffered an intense undulated rise and fall.

The Emperor put down his cup, lightly patted his back, "Why drink in such a hurry?"

While coughing, the Blind Concubine answered him: "I heard that wine tasted sweet and mellow, who would have thought, it is this acid bitterness."

The Emperor laughingly told him: "Wine's taste needs to be slowly savored. Try the flavor and then smell, one at a time, this way you won't taste any bitterness."

The Blind Concubine shook his head and said to him: "This is my first time to drink wine, I don't understand any knowledge about the art of drinking."

The Emperor understood him: "Since this is your first time drinking, we must choose a milder flavor." He ordered the servant to bring them rice wine. He poured it in the cup, then passed it over to the Blind Concubine.

The Blind Concubine stretched out the tip of his tongue, carefully, he lightly had a taste of the liquid wine. Happily he said: "This one is better."

He sipped it little by little.

"How is it?"

"Indeed, there is a sweet fragrance, but this is seemingly not sweet at all."

The Emperor laughed again: "It might be, just slowly savor it."

The Blind Concubine knitted his brows, his expression was a little stubborn, "I don't want to slowly savor it. If you want to drink, just drink all of the wine. Even if it is such a strong wine, what is the point of drinking if not to drink until you get drunk?"

At a lightning speed, he took by force the wine pot which was being held by the Emperor, without pouring it into a cup he drank it all once it met his mouth.

The Emperor could only look at him while he forcefully tried to gulp down the wine. The wine's translucent liquid flew down and dripped on his neck, lining on his dazzling pale skin.

The Blind Concubine wiped his mouth, crooked his eyebrow, seemingly wanting to provoke: "How was that?"

The Emperor narrowed his eyes with a hint of a smile on the corner of his lips, he questioned in wonder: "What is wrong with you today? You aren't like your usual self."

The Blind Concubine's whole body was affected by the wine's effect. His face color also flushed and surged a layer of red. His eyes' corner was a little wet, "Who said I am not like my usual self? This is basically my usual disposition, whether you know or not, it is beyond your control…." He attempted to stand up with his rocking and swaying body.

The Emperor came to his support, "You are already drunk, I will walk you home."

The Blind Concubine grabbed the Emperor's front robe, he shook his head desperately, "I don't want to, I am not in the mood to go back yet."

Hearing this, the Emperor laughed amusingly, "So, in your opinion, where do you have the mood to go to?"

The Blind Concubine, under the effects of the wine, suffered an intense dizziness. In an off and on voice he spoke: "Your Palace, bring me there to have a look….."

The Emperor laughed with a low voice: "Alright."

Then ridiculed him: "Your body has become this weak, how can you walk?"

The Blind Concubine set aside a bit of hair on his forehead. Straighten up his back and raised his chest, it was like he felt elated and exultant: "You can bring me there in your arms."

The Emperor affectionately contained his laughter, put his big hand to hug his waist, powerfully, he carried him in his arms, positioned the Blind Concubine horizontally, (in a bridal style), with large steps he strode to his Royal Chamber.

Inside the Royal Chamber, the floor was paved with a beautiful bright rug, the curtain embroidered with a pattern of a dragon was hanging, the candles were red, dazzlingly brightened up the room. The Blind Concubine was curling up in the Emperor's embrace. In a daze, he said: "There is a nice fragrance."

The Emperor carefully looked at his face's contour thoroughly, then told him: "It is the fragrance of the incense."

The Blind Concubine closed his eyes and moved his nose, sniffing, "It is Ambergris."

The Emperor laughed loudly: "Truly, can't hide anything from you."

The Blind Concubine slowly opened his eyes, the light from the warm candle light reflected on his pupils, made his pupils seemed like they were twinkling. Word for word, he said: "Indeed, the fact that you are an Emperor, also can't be hidden from me."

The Emperor paused in surprise, but he didn't take offence, "Deep in my heart, I knew, eventually I would have to tell you about this, I kept thinking on how I should start the talk about this? I didn't expect for you to find out first. You… You don't blame me, do you?"

The Blind Concubine's lips were displaying a smile, his eyes were wavering like the reflection of the waves: "How can I blame you? You are being very nice to me, this is already more than enough."

The Emperor's eyes filled with deep and sweet affection, containing his happiness: "You thinking of it this way, will be my utmost happiness."

The Blind Concubine climbed down from the Emperor's embrace, took off his outer garment, carelessly tossed it on the floor. "Just now, I didn't drink to my heart's content, is there any wine here?"

The Emperor pulled him and turned him to face the Emperor, his whole face contained a profound laughter: "If you want to pleasure yourself, there is no need to use wine. In this world, there are many other ways to make someone feel pleasure….."

"Ehh??" The Blind Concubine made a light laughing sound. "What is this effective method? Please do tell…"

The Emperor hugged the Blind Concubine with his strong arms, circled him firmly in his embrace. He inched closer to him and whispered in his ear: "Do you know the way the Imperial Concubines serve me in the bedroom?"

The Blind Concubine was breathing in an uneven spell due to the tight embrace, he was panting and gasping for breath when he said: "Don't know, I don't know. How about if you teach me?"

The Emperor bit on the delicate ear lobe of the Blind Concubine, his lips were starting to kiss all over the Blind Concubine's face.

All the Blind Concubine could feel was like he was being wrapped around by a gust of wind. Soon after, his feet had already left the floor, and heavily put on the bed. His clothes got pulled here and there and became messy. His neck was under the torture of a damp, hot, yet overbearing biting. He couldn't help but moan.