Chapter 33

Disclaimer: This is a translation of the Chinese novel 瞎娘娘 by 洗泥 > translator: @Luxiufer

The Blind Concubine's body was similar to a piece of rag, lying paralyzed on the ground. His mouth was panting and gasping for air without stopping.

Xiao Bao was looking at him, having difficultly opening and closing his mouth, so he worriedly inched his ears closer to that mouth. A faint voice was transmitted inside his ears. The more he listened, the more he got scared; his eyes opened widely to the point of becoming round.

After a good while, his face turned to that of a mournful face, his mouth murmured: "Master..."

His voice had yet to fade when suddenly he heard a noise of rubbing metal clashing violently.

Xiao Bao was startled. He lifted his head to face the source of the sound. Didn't know since when the prison door had been unlocked. The long iron chain was being hurled to the floor. About two or three prison guards carrying along a wooden pail gushed in from the prison tunnel.

He couldn't help but to grasp his sleeve tightly, rose his bowing back: "What do you want??"

The leader of the prison guards spat at him: "None of your business!! Go away!!"

Xiao Bao straightened up his body to block the prison door, "His Majesty hasn't given his order. What do you actually want to do??"

The prison guard raised his leg, kicked Xiao Bao straight in his abdomen. Xiao Bao made a pitiful 'hmph' sound, then tumbled, he became a huddle on the ground after he severely bumped against the limestone wall.

After kicking him, the prison guards entered the prison cell. Using their physical strength, they lifted and poured out all the water in the wooden pail. They poured the water from the head of the Blind Concubine to all over his body.

Xiao Bao was lying on his stomach, with a hissing voice as he shouted: "STOP!!"

The Blind Concubine's lips became greenish purple; he was already unable to move. As if like a broken rag doll, twisted and toppled on the floor. Xiao Bao forcefully propped up his body, struggling to crawl to the prison door, pleaded with his mournful voice: "Master had once fainted because of being drenched in the Bamboo Forest, the Imperial Physician had warned that he must never get drenched anymore, otherwise, if he relapsed because of his former affliction, he might lose his life!"

The prison guards pretended that they heard nothing. Pail after pail of the icy cold well water was smashed on the Blind Concubine's face one after another and onto his body. Xiao Bao gritted his teeth and crawled to enter the prison. His thin and weak body was blocking the smashing icy cold water. While trembling greatly from head to toe, he shielded the Blind Concubine in his embrace.

The prison guard creased his brows and gave Xiao Bao a kick. Xiao Bao closed his eyes tightly, enduring the pain on his back, allowing his back to be kicked over and over again. Only biting down on his lips, hugging the Blind Concubine even tighter.


In the Imperial Study Room.

The young monarch was sitting on his dragon chair. His face was cold and indifferent.

He had gone through his violent rage period, now his expression was as usual, moderate and placid. Only leaving a hint of pent up sadness in his eyes.

His attendant was telling him in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the Little Prince is coming."

Rui Ze with his wrinkled face stepped into the room, he was clutching the corner of his clothes, softly said: "Big Brother."

The Emperor oddly looked at the official document in his hand, not even raising his eyes to look up.

"Rui Ze knows, what I'm about to say perhaps will not be liked by Big Brother, however, I felt that I cannot leave it unsaid. The Blind Concubine is being locked in the prison now, Big Brother must also feel uncomfortable. If he did something wrong, just reprimand him slightly harsher would be enough. Why do you have to make it this serious? In the end, the one who will feel the heartache, wouldn't it be Big Brother? Big Brother is afraid that he might run away, from now on, just keep watch of him all day long, if not successful, then you can fasten a chain on him, make it so he couldn't run away for the rest of his life."

The Emperor creased his brows, "You are just a little kid. What kind of nonsense are you talking about?"

The Little Prince hung down his head, he felt wronged: "I was just saying whatever was on my mind. Rui Ze didn't know if what I said was being heard or not, but each word that I said was the truth."

The Emperor's heart was agitated for a while. He clutched the document in his hand until it left marks on his fingers. "This sort of matter is not your responsibility to think of. You just need to study properly with the Great Teacher. Despite there is or there isn't this problem."

Rui Ze suddenly lifted up his face, on his small face there were two trails of tears: "The Blind Concubine's body is weak. His body wouldn't be able to endure the prison's cold air. Big Brother, right now you are angry, of course you wouldn't take this into consideration. If by any chance the person really has gone for good. I would like to see what Big Brother will do!!"

After saying that, he turned his body and ran out, he felt wronged as well as sorrow.

The Emperor threw the document aside. He was pacing back and forth in the Study, eyebrows tautly locked.

His attendant, with a hint of a smile said to sooth him: "Your Majesty, please don't be angry. What the Little Prince had said, actually has some logic in it. Your humble subject although hasn't talked with The Blind Concubine, has seen the expression of Your Majesty when Your Majesty was together with The Blind Concubine. Your Majesty is truly treasuring the Blind Concubine, those kinds of eyes, are impossible to be faked."

The Emperor breathed in a mouthful of air, then slowly said with his gloomy voice: "Prepare the ride."