Granny's Home

What met Jay was the old home in his memories. It was a small home. A small living room faced the door, a tatami room to the right, and a tight hallway at the end of the living room which went to the left, and led towards the kitchen, bathroom, shower room,  and his grandmother's bedroom.

There was also a room near the beginning of the hallway, and at the intersection between the tatami room and living room, was the entrance to the backyard.

The backyard had a small building, sort of like a tree house, but with stairs instead. It was the place to dry the wet laundry at. Right now it was strangely empty though. It was most likely because she didn't have much laundry as she lived by herself.

Taking off his shoes at the entrance, Jay's socks touched the ground. The house environment was just as he remembered, junk clattered everywhere with just enough space to form walkways. Besides the place for beddings, bathroom, plus the shower room, he guessed that the house's space was still crowded as ever.

The house to him didn't really feel old, but more like antique. Paintings on the walls decorated by the old artists of fame, complimented the wooden furnishings of the house. Although the items spaced around the house were junk to him, these were his Granny's memories.

They were all items related to her son, me, and her sibling's families. It was also related to her life and Jay's grandfather. It also was related to his Granny's parents and grandparents. Over the years the small trinkets and photos pasted in frames added up, becoming a collection.

The environment was clean, with no dust or trash laying about, but strangely the first thought that came into mind was that it was dirty. The air inside also felt stuffy, making it hard for Kaiya to breath.

Luckily the AC was on in the room which gave him comfort from the heat. The air conditioning was installed on the wall, almost touching the ceiling. Normally one can see the wind blowing from the installation, but he was not able to see the effects at all, other than the noise and green light which indicated it was on.

All Jay Kaiya felt was a chill that accompanied the atmosphere. The feeling was unnatural, but by far better than standing in the heat outside.


Jay's Granny closing the door, entered the house after taking off her slippers at the entrance.

"Jay its been a while... Look at how tall you are now! You even ended up growing more handsome and fit than you were before! Let me cook you up sonething! Granny was about to eat just before you came anyways! Let me make it special! I'll go ready it up right now Jay!"

Jay upon seeing his Granny hurrying about around the house with her aged back, felt guilt from not talking with her while overseas... He wished to talk with her, but having international charges were so expensive, plus he was also so busy studying and working.

Now he thought upon it, he felt that if he lowered his food costs and walked more instead of using buses and Uber, he would've been able to afford these calls...

He also wished to say no and cook instead, but he knew that he will be denied, and his Granny might even be hurt from him insisting. Thinking about all this, Jay Kaiya just responded with a sentence.

"Sorry your grandson in unfilial..."

Putting his bag near the living room table, he pulled up a chair and sat while waiting. Looking around at the photos of him and his parents around the wall, he felt touched. While he scrolled with his eyes, his Granny quickly filled the table with plates, food, and drinks.

Knowing that her grandson does not like alcohol or sodas, she brought out his favorite juice which was Calpico. Known as Calpis, this drink was made in Japan, so it was hard to drink overseas. They were only seen in Asian Grocery stores, and even when they were found, it was expensive as it was imported. The prices fluctuated 400%, four times higher price on average.

Due to this, he had not drank this since the last time he had left Japan. The foods were all his favorites. Japanese curry, Okinawan tofu, and koroke on the side. [1] Every single one of them were steaming fresh.

"Itadakimasu!" [2]

Briskly grabbing his food he began to eat. The moment he made his first bite, his face scrunched. Worried that his Granny will see though, he quickly got rid of his face and acted joyful.

"Thank you Granny! Your the best!"

Seeing him, his Granny laughed and also began eating, seeming to be filled with energy.


Perceiving her looking down and eating, Jay's face was replaced by confusion.

The food he just ate seemed to be worse than the food he ate on the air plane. Even though Jay was poor and couldn't afford good food regularly, he still considered himself a foodie.

He could tell the food he was eating was expired for a while. On outside appearance though, the food looked gorgeous being crisp and plump. The inside- the essence of taste... it damaged him heavily by being fooled by the food's appearance and smell.

For his Granny though he decided to stomach it and leave no leftovers, that way she will be happy. There was some small talk while eating, making the scene seem warmly from a third person perspective.

The only interuption from this seemingly peaceful meal, was the KuKu clock which sounded out each time a new hour has begun.

"Gochisosama..." [3]

Giving thanks for the meal, Jay began to collect the dishes. His stomach felt like crap, he was even pretty sure he had a little bit of diarrhea. Thankfully Jay could stomach the pain because he had a good digestive system and metabolism, so his outer appearance still seemed strong and cheerful.

Seeing her grandson start to put away the dishes, she hurridly tried to help out. Perhaps being a little too hasty, her ring flew off her finger and hit the floor.

Discerning that her jewellery had dropped, Jay picked up the ring for her to be kind. Once the ring was on his grasp, he noticed the ring's color of white gingerly turned into a light red.

Handing the wierd ring back to her, he wished to ask her what it was, but for a reason he did not know himself he asked another question.

"Granny can I use the shower?"

Still cleaning up she did not glance back at him. She did not speak, but nodded her head instead. Gazing at his Granny whose face was covered by her white gruffly hair, it hid her expression. The ring that Jay picked up for her, slowly lost its color, his heart felt off.

Leaving her to the dishes, Jay sped off to get some distance from the room, while grabbing his backpack with him. He strolled down the small hallway and turned on the water heater connected to the kitchen. Lastly he headed into the bathing area.

Closing the door he tried to lock it, but the door knob area happened to be broken. Grabbing the second lock he inserted the pin in the ring on the door hoping his Granny will remember he is showering and not open the door. The door was locked, however it can open up a smidge as the lock could not close the door the wholeway.

Hanging his backpack on the door, he opened it up and grabbed his shower items and clothes. There was a small laundry room connected to the shower room, so he threw his dirty clothes into a basket. Walking back he opened up the window above the shower head for ventilation.

Opening the sliding glass, fresh air blew in replacing the stuffy air he had gotten used to. Some distant lights could also be seen in the background. This made Jay feel more at ease.

He turned on the hot water and waited for around a minute for it to warm up. Watching the water droplets form into puddles on the ground, the earlier scenes replayed in his mind.

Thinking enough time had passed, Jay grabbed the shower head and sprayed the water at him.


Jay Kaiya hurridly let go of the shower head and jumped back. The water was cold as ice and felt like needles stabbing into his skin. His body felt frozen and was constantly shivering, his nerves moving on reflex.

Yelling so that his Grandma can hear him in the house, he spoke as loud as he can.

"Gra-Granny! Can you turn up the water heater!? The water way too cold! Did you tur-turn it off-fa-fa!?"

No sounds or voice answered back. Doubts began to arise in Jay's mind. The house was compact, and should be small enough for her to hear even if she was on the opposite side of the house...

As he waited with nothing happening, he decided to just grit his teeth and shower in the freezing water. Taking quick sprinkles to let his pain lessen, Jay finished his shower.

To not wet his new clothes he pat himself dry, than wrapped himself with the towel while his bones still shivered. Taking a peek outside, the coast was clear so he quickly grabbed his clothes and went inside his grandmother's room to change.

Closing the door he noticed the door knob area here was also broken, while there was also no spare lock here making it unlockable. The room was dark as the night had already arrived.

The windows were covered making the room so dark that he had trouble seeing the bed, which should only be one and a half feet in front of him, and a bit to the left. The light switch next to him was also broken making him have no light source.

Wishing to get out, Jay quickly changed into his clothes while using his body to block the door.  As soon as he was done, he rushed outside the room and shut the door with his backhand.

What met him was his grandmother blocking the tight narrow corridor leading to the kitchen. There was scarce lighting shining behind her, with just enough light to see she was smiling and her wrinkles forming dimples.

Jay Kaiya spooked dropped his towel while his back hit the door he had just exited. Hair still dripping wet, his eyes stared into his Granny's eyes in the dark. He felt as if she was wearing a mask, and that smile of hers was not real...

"Jay I readied up your bed in the tatami room, since I'm guessing you are staying over right?"

"Oh-... Um, thank you for setting it up Granny..."

After notifying him, his Granny turned and walked down the the dark hall.