Waking Up

His grandmother left the hanging asian light in the room on it lowest setting. This gave the room a dim lighting of yellow, creating contrasting shadows.

Everything in this room was Asian themed, but the two air conditioners, and a sculpture of a hawk sitting on a perch.

One of the air conditioners was the same as the one in the living room, while the other was a plug-in. The plug-in AC had a blue light that glew on top, giving the room more light than the hanging lanten itself.

Jay rubbing his dead eyes, placed his bag onto the table. Taking off his socks that he had recently put on, he climbed into the bed.

Covering himself with the blanket, his head stared towards the hanging light overhead. The rectangular frame shaked slightly by the hanging rope. The dim yellow light creaked back and forth above his strained face.

Leaning forward above him, his hand pulled the rope that dangled off the lamp to turn off the light source.

The yellow light was lost, replacing the dark room with a shine of blue. It was too dark to clearly identify the decorations anymore. Only the outlines of everything remained.

Tired, Jay turned his head to the side and covered himself with the blanket. The old worn out blanket tickled a little. It was also the only source of security he had left for his heart.

The night grew darker, leaving Jay with his energy slowly escaping. He was dead tired with his eyes closed, but he did not know when his body will let him sleep.

Jay still had many worries and doubts left inside his heart. He had not heard his grandmother's door to her bedroom open nor close. This indicated she was still awake. Her footsteps could even be heard shuffling around the house.

He was pretty sure she even came to check him sleeping while in the dark. He could have turned his head to check, but he kept his eyes closed, afraid of the face which will meet him in the dark.

Seconds and then minutes passed by. His mind slowly elapsed, making Jay Kaiya drift away, falling asleep.

Time ticked by and Jay's mind was whisped away. Jay Kaiya was asleep, all alone inside the dark room.

. . .

Heaviness, darkness. Jay's mind was groggy, muddled, his head a mess. His body felt hazy, almost as if he had not used it for a long time.

His body was in shackles, disrepaired, making his body not move. His thought process felt slow, but his senses slowly returned to him. It was like he was drugged or even heavily drunk.

'Am I paralyzed?'

Dawning upon the realization, he focused harder, trying to activate his body. His eyes would not open yet, but other senses returned to him first.

With the absense of sight, his other senses were more focused and strengthened. His ears managed to hear distorted sounds. They sounded muffled, covertly secluded away from him. It sounded like things were being dragged around him, shifting positions.

His nose detected a sense of decay. The scent it gave off was of a pugnent mold that would appear in old buildings. His nose was itchy, rejecting the smell from instinct.

The feeling of his body gradually grew back. He felt drenched, and there was even a feeling of countless tiny things crawling over him like critters.

'What are those!? Bugs? Am I being dragged!?'

Jay's body began to struggle, twitching in response. His control of his body began to come back. His fingers were slightly lifted, moving back and forth. His feet started to turn in response.

As his control over his body returned, Jay's past memories began to resurface. His recent memories starting to register.




'Her house...'

Arising memories began to resurface. Then finally his last memory triggered within him. Sleeping inside the tatami room with all the scary things that happenef last night, Jay asked himself what he was thinking.

This errupted a hidden switch inside Jay, soon Jay Kaiya deperately struggled for his body's control. After moments passed, the sleepiness was gone and his eyes opened.

At the same time his eyes opened the Kuku bird sang its special tune to signify it was midnight.

Hu- Huoo!- Hu- Huoo!- Hu- Huoo!- Hu- Huoo!-

His eyes stared into the room, a sense of fear creeping into his heart. His body was fine, but that was not the problem.

The blue UV light dimly lit the room, showing the staggering transformations that have taken place while he was asleep.

The paintings which were once elagant now had faded marks, making the colors lose their vibrance. This made them appear more antique than they already were. The scrolls flapped along with a wind that was not apparant in the room.

The Asian tea sets were now cracked and rusted, showing their age and lack of care. The bird resting on the perch that stood above the cabinet, now had its wings spread and ready to fly.

The decorative bow's case was broken with the arrows laying on the sides. The Buddha statue which was watching him, now had his hands on its cheeks as it leaned forward, emphasising its smile as it seemed to be enjoying the show.

The trinkets and all the items sitting on the counter changed and shifted as the paper screens rattled. The bright colored dresser now was shaded in dark brown.

The books and everything else on the bookshelf, were now falling apart from age, looking yellow and torn. The asian light above him was now cracked.

The sheets which were clean, were now covered with dozens of ants, which made this house their home a long time ago.

Jay's head was faint. He gritted his teeth to help relieve some of his emotions as fear overflowed from his eyes

All this took a long time to explain, but in reality it happened within only eight seconds, ending the clock's sound.

Feeling the stares from his ancestors which seemed alive overhead, he turned his head into the pillow blocking off all sight.

Hoping it was a nightmare, he locked his eyes shut while his body shook from his emotions in turmoil. The ants crawling over his skin, and the noise sounding off from the shifting things around him.

He just wished to awake from his nightmare or sleep through it, whichever would come first. However, he had no luck in achieving his goal.

Creeee- Creeee-

Soon the sounds of the floarboards sounded, creaking as something got closer. The sound became louder before stopping itself before his room.

His sight blocked with darkness, he gripped the pillow with his fingers as he waited. He knew it was his Granny, and was afraid there was also something abnormal about her too.

Soon his worries had become true.

In a voice deeper than a grown man's, the words sounded off into the room, awaking every single entity within the house, filling the room with activity.

"Its naughty to be up this late Jay... Let- your- Granny- here- punish- you..."

Creeped Jay raised his eyes catching a scene of horror. His grandma was pitch white, a color a human with blood would not give off. She resembled a walking dead human like a zombie with its skin not torn.

Tears forming in his eyes, he turned himself over to glance at the room. Every item resembling a living thing was now alive. Creaking and slithering around.

The bird turned to look at him. Staring at Jay, it shaked its feather, crying out as it pounced.


Jay Kaiya finally lost every sense of rationality and realism as he was forced to face reality that was playing out.

Crying and screaming out, Jay threw the pillow he was gripping at the bird.

The pillow smacked into the bird, making it fly off towards the cabinet holding the tea sets.

With a heavy thud the glass brome and flew around the room, destroying the peaceful night Jay had wished for.