
The lady who came into the room saw the beauty hiding in the bed and became confused. The girl was definately way more gorgeous than her, but he still wanted her for a night? "Are we doing a threesome?", though she experienced such circumstances before, so she wasn't stumbled for long.

"*cough* *cough* No I have something else to talk to you about", having a coughing fit, Jay tried his best to talk normally.

Now the lady truly became confused. He ordered a reservation with her, but they weren't even going to play? However, trying to keep professional, she asked him if what he wished to talk about. "Sir, what can I help you with?"

As this might be his only chance for easy questions, Jay Kaiya slowly moved his body towards the door, in order to be ready to block her if she tries to escape.

Speaking quietly to her, Jay mumbled out the resort owner's name. "Hotaru Isamu... You work for him correct?"

The girl remained smiling, not giving any rise to anything which can give her away. "I'm afraid I do not know what you are talking about. I just work here as there is traffic, though of course I had to bribe my way in."

Not believing her, Jay continued to interrogate her. "Don't mess with me. I already know what that guy did. The resort owner's daughter... Well... She appeared quite out of no where correct? Almost as if, well... as if Hotaru's girl was never in love..."

The girl finally showed some reaction, which gave him silent relief as he was on the right course. As he had been taught for four years on courses related to horror aspects in media, he can also identify human reactions too.

The girl's pupils moved slightly, with her fingers curling on the edges of her short dress. Although she was still smiling, and looking sweetly at his eyes, he was willing to bet that she was hiding something.

"You don't need to hide it, I know what he did to that girl. Stalking her... Following her... And finally one day, he had enough, making the two connect. Yet when she had a break from his tight grasps, he stole what she cultivated, leaving her deserted, and alone... Why are you even trying to defend this type of person? Is it possible you also have something you did wrong? Thats a federal offense you know?... Do you really wish to be his replacement, and go live youre life in the cell instead when you could of been safely enjoying life outside in this beautiful world?"

Hearing Jay, the girl couldn't keep up her mask. She started to shiver, and her face lost its smile as she grinded her teeth for comfort. Hearing the big speach of his, she probably thought that Jay was part of the police who found evidence, and decided to reinvistage that case from years ago.

Knowing what was going on through her mind, Jay messed with her psyche more. Trying to pull answers through her mouth which closed shut. "If you answer, I keep my word to not mention you at all in my report. You will be free from this incident, and no one will ever know of the relationship you had with the one responsible..."

Believing in him, the girl gave up, deciding to believe his words. Giving in to the devil, she asked a confirmation for him one more time, for if she can get out of this with no repercussions. Jay nodding to her, she began to tell him what he knew of the incident.

Aiko hearing the two as the women started to tell the history, rolled her eyes at the drama and ignored them to play with her phone. She didn't believe what the two were shitting out from their holes. She thought it was just Jay trying to trick her so he can get the room to himself.

"As you know, anyone in this business of mine won't start it unless they really have no other choice... I started when I was a teenager as there was no other job which paid so well. My parents were in the hospital from a car crash, and the boss here gave me a loan to pay the bills while I started to work. Its already been paid off by now, but tasting how lucrative this profession is, and as I myself is already ruined as a life, I decided to stick with it. Although I gain less than when I was younger, gaining 1,000,000 yen in a month is still enough."

"Cut to the chase, I don't care about your background", Jay hurried her as she basically replied everything not useful to him, and he also felt ticked about how much the girl can make in a month. This was just purely unfair to him as a person who wants to have honest work. Though his work was now related to ghosts...

"Sorry... Um, anyways after working for a while, I had a friend who always hanged out with me. She didn't know about my work, but we were best friends... Yet I was also the one to ruin her life... She always dropped me off at work. Eventually the boss who hired us saw her and instantly fell in love. He thought she was a new worker at first, one that I brought, so he awarded me and told me to go visit him in the office, but sh-she wasn't, and thats when my friend finally learned what type of job I did..."

"After that, she stopped talking to me, but eventually she came back, begging me to tell her boss to stop. I didn't know what she meant until she explained more. Hotaru Isamu was following her, stalking her, and gaining info about her. He even pushed into our school by bribes and donations, in order to gain access, forcing my friend to interact with him. She said that he even tried to barge in the locker room while she was changing for sports... She didn't wish to leave the island, and I didn't know what to do either."

"It just got progressively worse till one day she came back to me with a big belly, thanking me with her dark eyes for the great help I have done to her... An-And the op-oppurtunity I pro-provided for her...", she started to cry once she spoke out this part. It seemed to be like the victim was her friend, and the future events were correlated to her, just for her trying to save some money to work.

The story only got darker from there. The baby was stolen on the day she was born, and the guy even gave hush money to her parents and everyone around her to keep quiet. The women kept yelling what happened to her, but no one believed her, while the ones who knew the truth ignored her. Finally not being able to deal with her life, seeking relief she jumped out the hospital window.

Letting the girl go out now, Jay searched up right away about the incident. She didn't mention her name the whole time, but she did say that when she died, she used her body to smash at Hotaru's car which sat in the lot below her.

Looking up events of Hotaru Isamu again, he remembered that there was one about a hospital a wrecked car, but he skipped over this as he thought it was just a normal crash on the road. Clicking the incident, it showed the scene of a hospital, and the story of a girl's suicide. Her death smashing the car.

Her name was Katashi Koi; the mother of the owner's daughter.