{On Earth you were known as a total ass hat. Jackass Douch bag. you know were I'm going right?}
'Yes, I do.'
{anyway you were an outcast who gave no one the time of day. Until, you enlisted in the US Marines. after basic training you were shipped out to fight in WW3}
'Yea that was a very bloody battle.'
{during the war you were scouted by the Raiders. An elite group of men, where you honed your ability to kill.After you had been in the Raiders for 2 years(5 years in the military age 23) You were picked for a team of soldiers consisting of a Air force Ace pilot, Army Green beret, Navy seal, and you.}
'So? what does my background have anything...oh!'
{so you understand now?}
'Yea, basically on my 25th birthday me and the squad were having a drink glad the war was over. When a couple guys in suits walked over asking for me.'
"Hey are any of you guys a John Vories?", big guy tall bout' 6'4"
"Yea, that's me what'd ya need?", John asks.
"Oh! That makes thing so much easier for me.", A perky young blond stated.
"well well w-ell
"So-o what do you need? Specifically what do you want from me?!?", John asked curiously.
"nothing much I just want you and your squad mate's to work for me," she leaned in and whispered, "And I mean the ones of the fire fall squad." John went completely still. 'WHAT THE FUCK! HOW IN THE HELL CAN SHE KNOW ABOUT THAT?!?' Grabbing his phone and his keys he nodded his head toward the door. "Not here. Not now. Let's go I'll call the boys." "No need their already here and i own this bar." She then stands up on the counter and screams, "GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!!!" Everyone left just like that...Except you her four guys dressed like you and 20 that are like the big man. "Now I'm only ganna say this one damn time do you understand?" She said completely serious. Rich just had to fuck around though. Got'em killed. "Yea, Yea, Yea, We got it now shut up and tell us what the FUCK WER..."
"I hope whatever you need us to do can be done with out a pilot."John states shaking his head, "...Why" "Cuz you just shot ours." "oh." Johns and his friends are surrounded by 20
with the saying. malum enim est qui metit tis pro suae. "Its kinda our motto. Now come I wish to see how many I can venit in manus metentium colligere exspectans dimittam animas hodie."
And so they fought and all died john and his freinds sent 17 souls to the Reaper. Including that Bitch that started all this. She shoulda stood back.
{After that you ended up in the system of reincarnation of heroes! witch is why I now exist}
'Ok... I think I understand lets go do that mission!'
{Ok... Exiting flashback now...complete}