Is it wrong to become a scumbag? 156 Seaside class | akikan40 on Patreon

A blue sky, a blue sea, and a windy wind

Tsukasa leaned on the pillar under the shade of the deck with Julie, watching the scenery around. However, he was more interested in the scene on the upper deck since, from his location, he could see various different patterns and colors of panties were shown below. He wasn't sure whether the girls did this deliberately or not, but either way, he was going to enjoy it to the fullest.

The summer break was approaching, so it was quite normal for the temperature to be hot.

While Tsukasa had gotten used to it, Julie felt uncomfortable with the heat.


Julie frowned slightly as she lay on Tsukasa's lap.

Tsukasa summoned his blaze and changed it into the shape of a portable fan. "Does it feel good?"

"Um." Julie felt comfortable when she felt the wind.

"Do you want to drink?"

"No, I am alright..."

Not only was Julie weak against the heat, but she also had seasickness too, which made it so unbearable for her to stay on the ship.

"I am sorry, Tsukasa..." Julie felt she had troubled Tsukasa. "Even though I have drunk medicine, I still trouble you. We were looking forward to this seaside class..." But then she felt her head being patted gently, which made her snuggly.

"It's alright. You should know I don't enjoy the crowd that much. I like to stay with Julie."

"Tsukasa..." Julie turned and looked at his profile from his lap. "...I want a kiss."



Tsukasa looked around for a moment as he let out a helpless sigh. "It can't be helped. Only this one, alright?"

Julie saw him, approached her, and kissed her lips.

Their kiss was only for a moment, but Julie enjoyed it so much before she closed her eyes and slept.

As Julie slept, Tsukasa turned to the side and looked at Miyabi. "How long are you going to watch, Miyabi?"

Miyabi pouted from her hiding place and walked toward Tsukasa.

After she was taught by him, she became a stealth expert since she loved to see him secretly from a distance.

Tsukasa wanted to tell Miyabi that she had become a stalker, but he didn't say anything since it wasn't like she was going to harm him since mostly she wanted to do something naughty with him like this.

When Miyabi approached him, she kissed his lips and sat on his other side naturally.

"....." Tsukasa.

However, Miyabi didn't seem to feel satisfied and whispered, "Julie is sleeping. Isn't it exciting?"

"....." Tsukasa stared at Miyabi, who had become so naughty and couldn't help but smack her butts.

Miyabi was startled, but she quickly covered her mouth since she was afraid to let out a weird voice. However, she looked at Shishio with a blush, and her expression contained a question about why he did that.

"Don't tempt me now. We can do it later when we arrive," Tsukasa whispered.

Miyabi blushed shyly but nodded.

While the two hadn't reached the last stage, they had tried many things with their bodies slowly.

As for the last time, while Tsukasa wanted to do it, he wasn't in a hurry, especially when he had Rito around.

If Rito wasn't busy, they might do it on this ship right now.

Unfortunately, as a teacher and a guard, Rito was busy with various things, and she was preoccupied with her duty.

"Still, you have become so naughty, Miyabi..." Tsukasa whispered.

Miyabi blushed and lightly hit his arm. "It-It's your fault, right?" She pouted but then asked, "By the way, you have been staring at the girls' panties above, right?"

"Tsukasa is a pervert." Julie, who had woken up so suddenly, looked at Tsukasa with her usual emotionless expression.

"..." Tsukasa.

"Tsukasa. Miyabi. Julie. Tsukimi-sensei is calling us."

Tomoe came and helped him accidentally, but then she realized what kind of situation they were in, which made her face flush. "Wh-What are you three doing?!" Even though she had gotten used to seeing this scene, she felt she needed to scold him every time or else she might drown by him too.

"It seems, Usa-sensei has something to announce. Let's go there."

Tsukasa changed the topic without batting his eyes before looking at Tomoe.

Being stared at by Tsukasa, Tomoe felt her heart was jumpy and blushed before she lowered her shyly.


Julie and Miyabi thought it was only a time before Tsukasa was going to do a kissing training with Tomoe.

However, the two didn't know. In fact, Tsukasa and Tomoe... Cough! Cough!

After being called by Tomoe, Tsukasa gathered with the other students on the front deck area with Rito and stood on the upper deck, ready to tell them what they would do.

However, as the ship stopped moving and the island could be seen from a distance, Tsukasa somehow could imagine what kind of thing Rito was going to tell them to do, especially when he could see her winking in his direction from time to time excitedly.

Still, her excitement was normal since Rito had always looked forward to this seaside class, especially when she could spend her time together with Tsukasa in a different place other than the Kouryou Academy.

While Rito and Tsukasa had gone on a date before, they only went to a nearby place, but this time it was different since this time, she was going to show him her new swimsuit!

Rito laughed, thinking what kind of beast Tsukasa would be when she showed her swimsuit, and she couldn't wait for it!

Looking at Rito, everyone wondered whether this teacher had gone crazy because of the heat.

"Now then, it's time for the big announcement! You'll be swimming from here all the way to that island over there where your training camp is!"



Every student was dumbfounded and couldn't help but complain.

After all, unlike Miyabi, Tomoe, or Julie, who had become Level III recently, or Tsukasa, who had become Level IV before, the rest of them was only either Level I or Level II.

Even Kokonoe Tooru, the Irregular, was also Level II.

How could they become a Level II?

It was because, at the end of the semester, everyone was given a chance to level up, but of course, unlike the rest of the new students, the treatment that was received by Miyabi, Tomoe, and Julie was different from the rest.

However, it was a normal thing since Sakuya could see the potential in Miyabi, Tomoe, and Julie after they were trained by Tsukasa.

If Tsukasa wanted to teach everyone, it was possible to make the rest of them become even more powerful, but why should he?

After all, unlike them, Miyabi, Julie, and Tomoe had a special relationship.

Still, what was important right now was this seaside class, and while everyone complained, no one dared to say much to Rito since they knew even though this teacher was quite amiable, she was quite Sparta during the class. If they weren't careful, they might be told to wear weight when they swam.

Tooru looked in Tsukasa's direction for a moment and thought to ask him out since he happened to see him training with Tomoe, Miyabi, Julie, and Lilith, being attacked together, but Tsukasa was able to win easily.

Tooru sought revenge, and he wanted to get stronger, so without a doubt, if he could have him teach him, he could become stronger, but it was so hard to have a chance to talk with him.

"And as a part of your special training, you're going to swim there in your uniforms! It should be a child play for an Exceed!"

While the rest of the students discussed this sudden task with each other, Rito didn't care and showed a large map behind her back. "This is your final destination! The training camp building is right at the center of the island! So put your heart into it and get on going!" She was still excited, but then she remembered something. "Oh right, you just recently had your end-of-term Ritual of Sublimation (level up ritual). If you have leveled up, I won't say much, but if you haven't, make sure not to drag your Duo down."

The one who leveled up was okay, but the one who didn't level up could only lower their heads.

However, they didn't have time to think since suddenly the deck under them started to move and threw them off to the sea!

"All right! Get going now!"

Along with everyone, Tsukasa also fell, but before that, he glanced at Rito, who made a movement with her lips. While she didn't say anything, he could read what she told him.

'Visit me tonight.'

Tsukasa somehow quite anticipated his stay in this seaside class.

Is it wrong to become a scumbag? 157 Summer has begun! | akikan40 on Patreon

As he was thrown to the sea, Tsukasa wrapped his hand around Julie since this girl couldn't swim.

Julie also subconsciously hugged him without letting him go.

If it was in the past, his body would be broken when he was hugged by Julie since the power that came from Level III Exceed wasn't a joke.

Luckily, Tsukasa had become stronger.

The two fell into the sea smoothly before they came out to the surface, taking a breath.

"Cough! Cough!"

Julie, who was weak from the heat and seasickness, coughed hard without letting him go.

"Calm down, Julie. I won't let you drown no matter what, so can you not hug me so tightly? It's hard for me to swim."

While Tsukasa wanted to pat her back, he felt it was impossible since Julie almost wrapped his body like a snake.

If he wanted to, he could float and move to the island in the air without touching the water, but that would make the seaside class lose its meaning, and it also wasn't fun.

While Julie's body might not be as good as Tomoe, Miyabi, Lilith, or even Rito's, her petite body was still soft, and it was nice being hugged by her.

"Ja." Julie calmed down by having him by her side and slightly loosened her hands, feeling his hand around her waist, which made her blush, but then she realized what she had done and apologized. "Sorry, Tsukasa." She couldn't swim and knew that she had to trouble him.

"It's alright. You don't need to apologize. We're a Duo, right? So don't act like a stranger to me, especially when we have done many of..."

Before he finished his words, Julie was embarrassed and hugged his neck tighter. "Tsukasa!"

"I can't breathe, Julie! I can't breathe!"

While they were arguing with each other, the rest of the students swam toward the island.

Tsukasa had told Miyabi and Tomoe to leave them behind since he wanted to teach Julie how to swim.

While doing it in the middle of the sea might seem too much, Tsukasa didn't think so.

Even lions throw their cubs off a cliff.

While Tsukasa wasn't the one who threw Julie to the sea, he wanted to toughen her up, considering she might fight in the water in the future. If she couldn't swim, he was afraid she might get hurt.

'Still, if she can step in the air, it'll be a different matter.'

Tsukasa knew it would be easy for Julie to become Level IV since, after his training, her physical ability and mentality were better than most Level III. There was even another power inside her body. While he wasn't sure what kind of power it was, he felt it was better for her not to use it since he felt this power was dangerous.

However, Tsukasa was also curious and thought to ask her about this matter later.

"Hold my hands and kick your feet."


Julie didn't ask much why they would do swimming practice in the middle of the sea, but it felt great since she could monopolize him this way.

Tsukasa could create a life jacket with his Blaze, but he didn't do so since that way, it was impossible to enjoy this moment together since he had a feeling he would leave soon.

The two kept swimming together until suddenly they heard the sound of a rotating motor which made them subconsciously raise their heads.


Lilith was there, standing right in the passenger area of the helicopter, wearing a bright and bold red bikini before she jumped in their direction!

"..." Julie and Tsukasa.


Luckily, Lilith didn't jump right to the top of them and jumped into the nearby sea before she swam to Tsukasa and kissed his lips.

"...." Julie.

"Tsukasa is my Duo!"

"Oh, really? But I have gotten permission to become a Trio with the two of you!" Lilith announced a big matter in a simple manner.

"..." Julie and Tsukasa were at a loss for words.

"So as your Trio, we'll be together from now on. Please take care of me, alright?" Lilith said with a smile.

"...How?" Tsukasa asked.

"How? Isn't that obvious? There's nothing that I can't do." Lilith raised her chest proudly and said, "You should know my family is one of the shareholders of the Dawn Organization. So as long as I want to, there's nothing impossible."


"Tsukasa...." Julie looked at Tsukasa, and her expression was quite mixed since she didn't expect Lilith would join them so suddenly. She wasn't prepared, and she didn't know how to handle this situation.

"Julie, I can't say much in this situation since if what she has said is right, it is the decision above, so there's nothing we can do," Tsukasa said with a sigh, thinking the power and the authority of this rich girl were amazing.

"That's right!" Lilith nodded with a smile, feeling happy Tsukasa could accept her.

"Anyway, let's focus on getting to the island now."

Everyone had already left them behind since Tsukasa was taking it easy.

Julie nodded and decided to leave this matter aside. Also, she didn't really hate Lilith, and she didn't need to part from Tsukasa, so besides feeling startled and unsure, she didn't really have much rejection if the three of them became Trio, considering how the three of them often trained to each other.

Lilith was also a good girl, but she was slightly aggressive.

Overall, Julie was okay with Lilith.

"Tsukasa, I am too lazy to swim. Can you use your ability or create something to go to the island?" Lilith asked coquettishly while hugging his neck intimately.


Julie stared at Lilith for a moment and also mimicked what Lilith did.

However, unlike Lilith's well-developed boobs, Tsukasa could only feel the hardness of Julie's ribs.

Still, Tsukasa wouldn't say it out loud and decided to go to the island quickly.

Summoning his Blaze, the black cube with several red marks transformed into a luxurious yacht.

"Is this enough?" Tsukasa asked.


Lilith and Julie looked at this luxurious yacht in a daze, thinking that his Blaze was really amazing. As long as he understood the mechanism and materials, he could make anything with his Blaze. They might have heard it in his mouth, but it was their first time creating something so huge.

"By the way, Tsukasa."


Tsukasa looked at Lillith, who seemed shy, but he could tell she wanted to ask him something.

"Can you turn your blaze into The Black Pearl?" Lilith asked shyly.


Tsukasa believed if there was a One Piece, this girl might shout to him to create a Going Merry or Thousand Sunny while shouting she wanted to become a "One Piece."



"Really?!" Lilith's eyes were shining brightly.

Tsukasa slowly changed the luxurious yacht into an old pirate ship which made the eyes of Julie and Lilith shine brightly.

Lilith also summoned her rifle and rested it on her shoulder. "Okay, let's rob that island!"


Looking at her third-rate acting still, Tsukasa thought this girl must be a chuunibyou, but he didn't really hate it.

However, was it his imagination, but Julie seemed to take off her panties secretly.

Watching Julie, who walked to the back area of the ship while holding her panties, Tsukasa looked forward and thought the summer had begun.

'Hmm... is it only me or her panties blown away?'

"Tsukasa, my panties..." Julie said dejectedly.


Anyway, the summer had begun!

Is it wrong to become a scumbag? 158 Tsukasa: I don't have time to waste | akikan40 on Patreon

"Be careful, alright?"

"Ja. Thank you, Tsukasa."

Tsukasa caught Julie's panties with his telekinesis without touching them.

While it was doubtful whether he had touched them or not, considering he was using telekinesis, it was a good thing Julie didn't lose her panties.

The three of them quickly arrived at the island, and right now, they decided to walk inside to forest right away, so they could arrive at their destination quickly.



"...Can you keep my panties? They're still wet, and I am afraid to lose them again," Julie said while holding the pure white panties in her hand.


"Can you keep my pan---"

"I heard what you were saying, but were you being serious here, Julie?" Tsukasa looked at Julie helplessly, but no matter what the angle was, all he could see was this girl was quite serious.

"Ja." Julie nodded and said, "If you're the one who keeps it, I'll be reassured."

'What do you mean by that?!'

Tsukasa was almost mad, but he was too lazy to argue. Instead, he used his telekinesis again to increase the kinetic energy of atoms around Julie's panties to generate heat in order to dry them faster.

It might be quite difficult for someone else to do something like this, but it was quite easy for him, especially when he combined his ability as a Blazer which allowed him to understand the information around him.

Frankly, Tsukasa was in love with his telekinesis ability, and sometimes, he thought it was the best ability to laze around in this world. He wanted to drink cola or eat a potato chip, there was no need for him to move, and he just needed to lay on the bed or sofa while watching something.

Still, if it was someone else, Tsukasa was afraid they might have a beer belly if they relied on this ability too much.

Anyway, Tsukasa's head was full of ideas about how to develop his telekinesis ability, except for throwing something at his opponents.

Watching the interaction between Tsukasa and Julie, Lilith wanted to give her panties too. However, she had nothing but a bikini on her body, so unless she got naked, there was nothing she could give him, making him think Julie was a formidable opponent or maybe a natural pervert.

Lilith wasn't sure, but she must admit Julie was a formidable opponent.

"It's done."

Tsukasa gave Julie's panties back after he dried them using his telekinesis.

Still, Tsukasa must admit his telekinesis ability was quite convenient.

"Ja. Thank you very much. They felt uncomfortable when they were wet before." Julie seemed to be so happy and walked to the nearby tree before she wore her panties back.

"....." Tsukasa.

"Tsukasa, if you want panties, I can give you mine later," Lilith whispered those words while hugging him.

"...If you have time to joke around, why don't we go to our destination right away? The faster we arrive, the better it is."

"That's right." Lilith nodded and said, "That way, we can sleep together."

"Ja." Julie nodded while wiping her sleepy eyes. "I am quite sleepy too."


Tsukasa felt he had been misunderstood, but he was unfazed, so he decided to ignore them.

"How should we go there?" Lilith asked.

"While I want to go there by walking, I feel it is quite troublesome since I detect few people that have waited for us secretly," Tsukasa said.

"Oh?" 2x

Lilith and Julie looked at Tsukasa in surprise at the same time.

Tsukasa knew that there were many people on this island, and he also smelled a familiar smell that had been waiting for him in this forest.

However, Tsukasa didn't see them as his opponent, and he was also quite lazy to fight them.

As for Lilith and Julie, Tsukasa didn't think those people were good opponents for the two of them, considering he had trained them well together.

Unless they were Level V Exceed, no one could defeat Lilith, Julie, Miyabi, or Tomoe, who had become Level III Exceed.

Even though their opponents had a home advantage since they were familiar with the terrain, Tsukasa didn't think Lilith or Julie would lose.

In other words, it was simply a waste of time.

Tsukasa summoned his Blaze again and transformed it into the shape of an enhanced AW10. He entered the helicopter as he controlled it remotely, but he realized the two girls were looking at him in a daze.

"Come in."


Lilith and Julie thought that Tsukasa's Blaze was really amazing.


Imari Nagakura.

She was a girl who talked with Tsukasa during the Qualification Ceremony. She might have lost, and she should have lost her Lukifer, but she didn't and was accepted to the branch school of the Kouryou Academy.

She was told to move to this island and trained with the rest of the students who had failed their Qualification Ceremony in the past.

This time, Imari was tasked by the teacher to welcome the students from the main academy, and she thought to defeat them.

"Miwa, are you ready?"

"Yes, Imari-chan."

Miwa was her Duo, and similar to her, she was also a beautiful girl. "Imari-chan, we're going to meet Kugayama Tsukasa, right?" She was familiar with this name, or rather, she couldn't forget him since the majority of the girls who had failed before were also the same, considering it was their first time to see someone who was as handsome and beautiful as him.

"Yes. We're going to meet him." Imari somehow blushed, especially when she remembered their sneaky kiss before she walked out of the academy. She thought she wouldn't meet him again, but she didn't expect she was going to meet him again. She was excited but also nervous since it had been a while for them to meet each other.

However, this wasn't a time for them to get excited about him since they needed to fight their opponents.

"Remember, our opponent is the Irregular," Imari said.

"Irregular? You mean the one with the shield shape of Blaze?" Miwa asked.

"Yes, that's the one. However, you don't need to worry. Even though he's an Irregular, he's nothing compared to Kugayama-kun."

"That's true."

Compared to Kugayama, neither of them thought Kokonoe Tooru could be compared since his Blaze was just a shield.

On the other hand, Tsukasa's Blaze was a gun that made him able to attack from a distance.

While Kokonoe Tooru's shape of Blaze might be unexpected, it was nothing special, especially when they had prepared many traps for Tooru and his Duo.

The two were prepared for their battle, and shortly, they started their battle with Kokonoe Tooru and Aoi Torasaki.

The battle between the four was quite fierce, especially when Miwa and Imari attacked them in the dark while wearing dark clothes, which made them hard to discern.

However, Tooru and Tora weren't weak, and they held them until suddenly they heard a helicopter noise.

"It's a chance!" 2x

Miwa and Imari attacked at the same time as they opened their trap, giving a surprise attack on Tooru and Tora.

"Tooru, don't let down your guard!"


As they continued to fight, a huge helicopter moved swiftly in the sky as they arrived at the destination where everyone was told.

However, when everyone saw this helicopter, why did they have a feeling this might be Tsukasa's Blaze?

Still, while they had those feelings, they needed to face the opponents in front of them, or else... they might be kicked out of the main academy!

Is it wrong to become a scumbag? 159 Imari: Has the headmistress been seduced too? | akikan40 on Patreon

"You, students from the main school, welcome to the Kouryou Academy branch school. We probably startled you with our violent mock battle. This is how Kouryou Academy does seaside classes. So please excuse us." Imari, as the leader of the branch of Kouryou Academy, raised her cup of glass and said, "And so, we look forward to training with you these next few days! Let's have a toast!"


Everyone also raised their glasses at the same time.

However, even if Imari talked, the attention of the girls was mostly on Tsukasa, and they couldn't look away.

Imari noticed this, but there was nothing she could do, and it was perfectly normal for him to attract everyone's attention, especially with his otherworldly appearance.

Also, his shape of Blaze.

The shape of his Blaze made them so dumbfounded since it was capable of forming into the shape of a military helicopter!

While they were amazed, they also realized the distance between them.

However, this made the girls become even crazier to him, which made the guys sigh, thinking their three years of time would be spent as a single.

On the other hand, Tsukasa didn't really feel an attraction at this meeting and just quietly ate the food on the side.

"Geez." Tomoe looked at Tsukasa, who ate quietly with a sigh, and asked, "Don't you have an interest in the branch school, Tsukasa?"

"I don't know them. Also, I am tired. I just want to sleep now." Tsukasa glanced at Rito, who kept glancing at him from time to time and wondered whether he could slip out early, considering this meeting really bored him to death.

"Ah! If you're tired, you should sleep early then," Tomoe said worriedly.


Tsukasa looked at Tomoe and thought this girl was so gullible, but it was nice to have such a girl around.

However, someone suddenly called him.

"Tsukasa-kun, it has been a while."

This voice attracted the attention of Julie, Lilith, Miyabi, and Tomoe.

"It's been a while, Imari. It's great that I can meet you again."

Imari blushed, especially when she saw him again. She still recalled the feeling of his lips on her lips, and she just couldn't forget it, but then she kept staring at him. Someone woke her up.

"Ahem! Tsukasa, why don't you explain who this is?" Lilith asked while looking at Imari.

Imari only then realized there were many beautiful girls around him, and she could only show a bitter smile.

'What do I imagine?'

Imari knew with his appearance that there was no way he would lack girls. Even though they might have kissed, she knew there wasn't much meaning, and he did that because it might be their last time to meet.

Imari thought they would have hugged each other happily and dated, but cold water poured on her head.

Still, Imari didn't regret that kiss, so she smiled generously and said, "My name is Imari Nakagakura. We have met each other during the entrance of the ceremony in the past, so I hope you don't misunderstand. By the way, I know it is quite rude, but who are Tsukasa-kun's girlfriends among you?"

"Me!" Lilith shouted as she hugged Tsukasa's arm intimately. "I am the wife." She then looked at Miyabi, Tomoe, and Julie, then said, "They're the lovers."

"....." Everyone.

"Li-Lilith, wh-what you were saying?!" Tomoe blushed, and her head emitted smoke.

"What? I am not wrong, right? After all, you two have..."


Tomoe quickly closed Lilith's mouth.

Miyabi only smiled and didn't show much change in her emotion while looking at Tsukasa.

"....." Tsukasa.

Julie only hugged Tsukasa's hand and said, "Tsukasa is my Duo."

"Yeah, you're the Duo, but I am the wife!"

"He's my Duo!"

Tsukasa had enough and fed them Julie and Lilith so they would stop talking. He then looked at Imari, who also happened to look at him.

Imari only smiled and said, "You spend your days so happily, Tsukasa-kun."

"Yeah, it's great to have them. It'll be even better if I have you too," Tsukasa said while looking at Imari.

Imari laughed and said, "You're the worst!"

"You're not wrong there."

The two laughed together and talked to each other again since it had been a while since they talked to each other, and Tsukasa also wondered how they could be in the branch of the Kouryou Academy.

On the other hand, Imari also introduced her Duo, Miwa, and also asked him about his Blaze since it was her first time to see a Blaze in the shape of a military helicopter. After that, she felt better and erased her illusion that she could be with him and dated him, especially when she needed money to help her family.

However, Imari felt it wouldn't be bad to have fun with him while he was here since she knew sooner or later he would return, and he wanted to do something, so he didn't have any regrets.

While they talked to each other, Kokonoe Tooru looked in Tsukasa's direction. He wanted to go there, but he hesitated since there were too many girls around Tsukasa, so it was quite hard for him to talk.

"What's wrong, Tooru?"

"Tora." Tooru looked at his Duo and showed an awkward expression.

Tora followed Tooru's direction and asked, "You want to talk with Kugayama?"

"Yeah..." Tooru clenched his fist and said, "He's strong. I want to talk about how he can become so strong."

Tora shook his head and said, "It'll be hard."


"Because you're not a beautiful girl."

"...." Tooru.

When they talked, someone suddenly called his name again.

"Tsukasa, can you come with me?"

They turned their heads and were surprised to see Sakuya Tsukumo, who suddenly approached Tsukasa.

"Sakuya, why are you here? Why do you want to call my husband?" Lilith asked curiously.

"He has never agreed to become your husband." Sakuya plainly refuted Lilith's words.

'I am not your husband either, though...' Tsukasa was lost for words.

"It's hard to talk here. Come with me," Sakuya said and walked away.

"Okay." Tsukasa didn't mind following Sakuya, so he excused himself and followed her.

"Wait, I am going with you too," Lilith said and ignored Sakuya's words while looking at this little girl curiously, wondering what she planned to do with her husband.

"Just do what you want." Sakuya didn't care about Lilith and let her follow them since she was familiar with them.

However, the rest couldn't do the same since their relationship with Sakuya wasn't exactly good, and most of the students didn't have a good opinion about her since they felt Sakuya treated them like guinea pigs.

Still, they would be lying if they didn't feel curious about what they were going to talk about with each other.

Also, they knew their relationship wasn't equal, so they could only stay there, waiting for him to return.

"So..." Imari's voice suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"Has he also seduced the headmistresses?"


Tomoe, Julie, and Miyabi were silent, but they felt there was such a possibility.

Is it wrong to become a scumbag? 160 The calm before storm | akikan40 on Patreon

Sakuya brought Tsukasa to her office in the branch school of Kouryou Academy.

However, Tsukasa could see something different about Sakuya. "Where's Mikuni-sensei?" Unlike the rest of the students, he could see how important Mikuni was for Sakuya.

Sakuya was the granddaughter of the investor Lukifer, and she was also the headmistress of the Kouryou Academy. There were many people who were aiming for her life, and Mikuni needed to be by her side all the time to protect her, which was why Tsukasa was quite confused that he didn't see him anywhere.

"He has to protect the main school," Sakuya said plainly.

"I see..." Tsukasa didn't ask much since he had a feeling Sakuya was going to tell him later.

"You're not going to ask?"

"If you don't want to tell me, you don't need to. I don't have much of an interest in the problematic situation, to begin with," Tsukasa said plainly.

Sakuya smiled and said, "I love this part of you."

"...Thank you?"

"Geez, Sakuya, what are you flirting with my husband?!" Lilith pouted.

"As I have said before, he isn't your husband! Also, he's my subordinate! Let go of him!" Sakuya somehow felt regret for bringing Lilith here.

"Ah, are you jealous? You're jealous, right? If so, why don't I let you become his lover? I don't mind if you become his lover five or ten years later. Oh! By then, I'll have his child already!" Lilith said excitedly while imagining her future with Tsukasa.