goyya 1035-1043

Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1035 Tiamat part 2

Hermes, like most of the Gods, couldn't believe what he was seeing. An attack that was as strong as some Divine Weapons, was unleashed and was met by an equal force. But on top of that, those attacks were released with relative ease from both parties.

"Loki... Just what sort of being is that man?" Hermes asked while watching the standoff between Tiamat and the Hollowfied Kisuke.

Loki just shrugged her shoulders, "Who knows? What I'm sure of is that he's not a God."

Naturally, all the Gods present didn't know of any beings that were stronger than them, so Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Serafall's existences were an enigma to them as they considered their 'Father' and the being of Dungeon of Divine descent.

Zeus peeked at the other Chief Gods that were with him right now and used a bit of his ability to connect their minds, [Our guess of him being Chaos' agent is mostly confirmed at this point. I just didn't expect that it wasn't a Deity.]

[It doesn't change what we have to do. Were you able to contact the others?] Odin continued staring at the screen while stroking his beard.

[No. Whether they have a plan of their own or are just watching the situation unfold for now, I also don't know. It's also hard to guess which side they're going to take if this situation devolves any further.], Zeus then turned his eyes at Ouranos, [What about you? Were you able to separate the 'good' and the 'bad' ones?]

Ouranos stayed silent for a moment before replying, [I was, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. And even if I am, we can't move against them with our Avatars sealed. It seems that Chaos was able to see through our little ploy and made some adjustments to his plan.]

[So what do we do about these agents?] Odin suddenly asked. As they are one of the only remaining few that still remember Tiamat, they were betting that her power would be enough to thwart Chaos' agents. However, even though Tiamat seems to have the advantage, they aren't sure if she'll be able to hold on against these people who seem to know how to deal with her, [Tiamat can't be defeated... Or else, Chaos will be able to descend.]

Unbeknownst to them, Riveria was staring at them and intercepting their communications while also relaying everything to Kisuke.

[I see. So they don't want Chaos to come down here and Tiamat's presence is what's stopping him. For what reason, I wonder?]

[Why can't Chaos descend or why don't they want him down here?]

[Both. Either way, it's clear that the other Chief Gods who seem to remember Tiamat don't have the same opinion as these three. When the time is right, please make contact with Zeus-san.]

[Leave it to me.]




Kisuke and Tiamat stared at each other while the hellscape that was created was being washed away by Serafall's Ice Magic and the dense smoke that came from the burning matter being blown away by Yoruichi's Wind Magic.

Kisuke then pulled the blade out from his cane and it instantly changed into a sword with a flat end. At the same time, five drums made out of his bloody aura materialized behind him with three of them 'opened', "Scream, Benihime!"

A red sword arc glazed with golden energy was sent towards Tiamat and she responded with multiple Magic Circles appearing everywhere on her giant body, creating a strange network of barriers that covered her whole body.

The sword arc enlarged itself as it traveled and became as big as Tiamat when it was about to hit. With a loud explosion that was only slightly weaker than the first clash, the arc slammed against the barrier, cracking it. But that's about it.

Nevertheless, it wasn't for naught since the main purpose of his attack just now was to feel her out, [She's mostly stationary so most of her attacks will be Magic in nature. Her barrier is also very powerful due to it automatically strengthening the part where the most pressure is. Yoruichi, let's attack her from opposite sides. Serafall, continue containing her domain's expansion and if possible, freeze that black mud entirely.]

With a bit of strategy finally on the table, the three of them immediately moved with Kisuke initiating the attack once again by gathering Cero on the tip of his blade and combining it with Benihime's natural ability. With a swing of his sword, another sword arc emerged, but this time, much smaller and sharper.

Tiamat's eyes widened slightly at the sight of this and increased the durability of her barrier while also conjuring hundreds of Magic Circles several kilometers on top of their heads.

Kisuke ignored the threat that was coming from above and kept strengthening his attack. The sword arc slammed against the barrier once again and on this round, there was no explosion with two forces just intensely vibrating and sending out small shockwaves. Kisuke could see that energy behind the barrier was being concentrated on the point of contact.

At the same time, Yoruichi was able to sneak behind Tiamat, "Shunko! Raijin Senkei!"

With her Bankai still activated, Yoruichi used the added strength and speed of her Shunko to swing the thin blade in her hand that was almost a million tonnes heavy, "Grrr!!!" Yoruichi gritted her teeth and felt like her arms were about to be ripped off since the influence of gravity didn't just stay on the dagger.

Thankfully, a second within this state was enough for her to slam the heaviest blade known in the world onto Tiamat's barrier and manage to crack it instantly.

The pure physical attack was able to instantly smash through the weakest part of the barrier and the cascading collapse extended to the other side of the barrier where it was stopping Kisuke's attack.

Kisuke used this chance to pour more power behind his attack while also communicating to the girls, [Don't worry about me. Just get out of range. I'll be fine.]


28th00: We even got the Xianxia spectator thing going on!

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Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1036 Tiamat part 3

Kisuke's whistling sword arc smashed through the barrier and instantly reached Tiamat, causing it to immediately sink into her skin from her right shoulder to her left flank.

But at the same time, a bombardment from the sky came down hard and there was no space for Kisuke to dodge. As if multiple high-yield bombs exploded at the same time, the world instantly lit up in blinding light.

Yoruichi and Serafall who escaped the range of Tiamat's attack first immediately looked back while thinking it'd be hard for them to survive this sort of destructive attack. Although both of them were capable of very destructive attacks themselves, it's not the same story for their defenses.

Serafall swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked nervously, "He'll be able to survive that, right?"

Worry couldn't escape Yoruichi but she still reassured her, "Unless it's instant disintegration, he won't die that easily."

The blinding light ceased and the world instantly darkened due to their eyes still not being able to adjust. However, they could still see what was happening despite the poor visibility that a white shadow was flying around Tiamat who seems to have transformed.

With red lines running along her entire body, Tiamat grew another two pairs of giant horns on her back that seemed to act as her wings as she started floating above her black mud. She also grew a Dragon's tail behind her and her entire lower body transformed into that of Draconic too. Thankfully, even though her shackled arms had been released from her neck, her left arm was already missing and there was a long cut across her entire body that didn't seem to be healing.

The white shadow, on the other hand, was attacking Tiamat from various angles with his sword that was being held by his remaining arm. Kisuke looked like an injured small bird flying around Tiamat.

"He can't heal himself?" Serafall asked. Aside from the missing right arm, his left leg was also nowhere in sight along with one of her horns and the multiple lacerations on his entire body.

Yoruichi's heart sank when she saw this and hurriedly turned to Serafall, "Serafall! The black mud! That's the source of Tiamat's authority over this space! We have to take back control!"

Serafall looked down and saw that the black mud had already expanded yet again. There's supposed to be a large and deep crater because of the earlier explosion but it only still looks like a slightly wavy sea.

Serafall took a deep breath and said, "I probably won't be able to do anything if I start contesting that."

Yoruichi knew what she meant. Since it could reanimate the dead, there's probably going to be a resistive force. She worried about Kisuke being all alone but what was important right now is to break Tiamat's field advantage, "Alright. I'll protect you."

Serafall closed her eyes and her ten Devil wings turned to dust.

Yoruichi's eyes widened because this was the first time she had done this, 'But why? Their wings are their pride.'

Serafall's transformation didn't just stop there as her white hair grew longer until it reached her feet and a blue and white glistening robe materialized around her body. Soon a crown of ice that looked like a halo with multiple rays around appeared floating above her head. Along with that, several large rings also appeared behind her with twelve blade-like icicles connecting them.

Serafall finally opened her eyes and her former blue eyes had turned purple, giving a contrast to her overall appearance.

Demonic Power exploded from her and it almost physically materialized when she swung her right arm at the same time. In an instant, mountains of ice 'sprouted' all around the black mud, forming a gigantic blooming flower that spanned several kilometers. Immediately after, these petals the size of mountains started encroaching upon the black mud and freezing it, which was equivalent to Serafall freezing and halting Tiamat's authority itself.

Though despite the intense cold that the ice was releasing, Yoruichi didn't feel any of that.

Tiamat immediately noticed this and ignored Kisuke for a while to release a shrill scream. But instead of controlling the energies around them, it was a call for help.

Eleven spots on the black mud began bubbling and eleven black, humanoid, winged beings with a single horizontal mouth full of omnivorous teeth for their heads emerged.

Yoruichi prepared herself as this was the resistance that she was already expecting. What she was not expecting however was their creepy echoing laugh and sudden acceleration several times the speed of sound and them instantly surrounding her and Serafall.

Yoruichi saw their tentacles-like limbs go rigid and become sharp blades that all aimed at Serafall, "No you don't!"

Yoruichi turned into a flash of lightning and went through all of Tiamat's spawns, cutting through their abdomens and necks before blasting them away. Naturally, Yoruichi knew that it wouldn't be that easy and she was right when she saw them regenerating and reconnecting the cut parts.

"This won't be easy, huh?" Yoruichi muttered while remembering the moment when these humanoid beings' blades were about to land on Serafall but the latter didn't even move a muscle and just focused on her task, 'That trust is heavy... But it's something I'm willing to carry.'




As Yoruichi and Serafall have guessed, Kisuke's regeneration was severely suppressed and the only thing he could do right now was to heal small wounds and close the big ones. Nevertheless, he wasn't too concerned with his injuries since it was something he'd already taken into account when he decided to go for mutual destruction, 'The wound I inflicted on her is still a lot worse than my current wounds.'

With the 'poison' he embedded within his attack, it'd be hard for Tiamat to physically recover, 'Well then... It's a shame that Sera-tan had to reveal her cards this early, but I only have to wait until the 'poison' fully takes effect and finish this in one go.'

Kisuke looked into Tiamat's eyes and although there was no emotion behind them, he could tell that she was ready, 'Time to cast the biggest bait in history!' To avoid revealing anything he was planning to do, Kisuke didn't tell anyone, including Yoruichi and Serafall, what sort of deal he signed with Tiamat.

'First step, fulfilling the contract of killing Tiamat.'


28th00: Pulling a Great Red, huh?

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Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1037 Tiamat part 4

Although the eleven spawns of Tiamat only had physical abilities, each one of them is at least on a battle-oriented God level. But the worst part about them was their unpredictability due to their freely transforming body and durability that seems to stem from the black mud below them.

Kisuke saw that Yoruichi was having trouble against them to the point that she had already taken several hits that caused injuries since she also had to defend Serafall. However, he couldn't help them. Even though he'd struck a deal with Tiamat beforehand, to avoid any suspicion from Chaos, both of them were going at each other's throat for real and even if Kisuke were to die at Tiamat's hand, the latter would only consider that the deal had fallen apart.

Kisuke took some distance from Tiamat and kept firing his high-powered Ceros, causing massive explosions on each hit, but Tiamat's natural defenses had strengthened further after her transformation.

As a form of retaliation, Tiamat would have her now freed arms cause various phenomena like Kisuke's arm suddenly catching on fire or the space around him solidifying for a second or two. He was fascinated and wanted to figure out how she's doing this because there was no rhyme or reason for these abilities. In other words, there was no logic behind her 'Magic' that he could find as it would just spontaneously happen without any regard to the cause and effect.

'If I were to categorize it, it's in the realm of 'Creation'.' Kisuke thought while dodging the expanding air within his chest and the invisible blade that nicked the side of his neck.

Since all he has to do is to wait, Kisuke's only focus was to understand Tiamat's abilities while also keeping her attention only on him since any attacks from her to Yoruichi could spell fatal for the latter.




Zeus, Odin, and Ouranos were discretely trying to get away with Fels' help and they soon reached a dense forest. But as soon as they entered the forest, two people came into view.

"Yo~ Three old men and an old skeleton. Where are you going?"

"Loki," Zeus muttered and also saw Riveria behind her.

"Are you planning to sneak in?" Loki asked another question, but instead of the casual demeanor from earlier, there was a threatening aura manifesting around her now, "You've got a death wish?"

Odin stepped forward and said, "Move aside Loki. Tiamat mustn't die."

"Tiamat. Is that her name? What do you guys know?"

"It doesn't matter. What's important is that Tiamat cannot disappear from this world." Odin didn't comply and his fellow Gods also didn't give an answer.

Loki's narrow eyes opened and there was obvious fury within them, "Even if it means letting that giant lady lay waste to the entire Lower World?"

The three of them became quiet for a few moments before Ouranos stepped out and said, "We could safeguard the souls of the children back to Heaven. And within a few millennia, life could start within the Lower World once again."

"Stop messing with me!!!" Loki yelled at them, "Who are you to decide that!?"

Zeus sighed, "Like how you and Freya sealed your children's memories, it was also the same for the Gods. It's hard to explain since those who were able to recover from this seal were bound by a curse of 'silence'. If you want to know more, escape the seal first."

"W-what?" Loki was stunned and even Riveria behind her was surprised.

"You heard me. Everything you know about this world's inception was a sham." Zeus added.

Concerned, Odin grabbed Zeus' shoulder, "Zeus... Any more and the curse will flare up."

Riveria pulled that silenced Loki to the side and spoke up, "Then what do you plan to do, Lord Zeus? Are you planning to stop Kisuke and the others with your Divine Avatar sealed?"

Zeus reassured his comrade before answering, "Since we have a way of escaping the seal, don't you think we also have a way to go over the current restriction?" And as soon as he finished speaking, streaks of lightning started flashing in and out of his body.

At the same time, Odin and Ouranos looked at each and sighed while shaking their heads with wry smiles on their faces. Soon after Zeus, Odin's thin body began to bulk up and an incredible heat started emitting from him. Although not as affluent, the air around Ouranos grew heavy to the point that no normal person would be able to breathe around him.

"...You guys..." Loki muttered with an unbelieving expression, "You're already in your Divine Avatars!"

"Even if it means destroying ourselves, we can't let Tiamat disappear no matter how low of a chance that is." Zeus added and looked towards Riveria, "Are you going to stop us?"

"Yes." Riveria nodded before turning around to the ongoing battle, "Is what I'd like to say. But it's already over."

Zeus, Odin, and Ouranos were shocked at her words and hurriedly conjured a floating screen, only to see five 100-meter tall stone pillars that were connected to each other via chains on top, surrounding Tiamat.




Kisuke dodged a blast of the high-energy beam and finally saw Tiamat's forehead cracking, 'It's the time!'

Tiamat also noticed the crack and knew that she wasn't hit by any attack on it. In fact, Kisuke avoided attacking her head for some unknown reason so she had no idea what the crack represented.

Kisuke looked down and saw that the ice had already controlled the majority of the black mud and thought, 'Thanks to that, this will be a lot easier. Just like we've planned. I'm leaving the rest to you, Benihime.'

Kisuke immediately threw his sword towards a certain spot and Benihime was instantly submerged in the black mud. Thanks to Serafall's ice, however, Tiamat's authority over this space had weakened and it became a lot safer for Benihime to traverse the chaotic and corrupting black mud.

A few seconds later, the spot where Benihime disappeared briefly lit up before five towering stone pillars connected by a chain emerged from the mud and surrounded Tiamat.

Tiamat didn't know what was going on but she knew that those stone pillars were not good for her and decided to destroy them. However, before she could gather enough power, a suppressive and compressing force suddenly came smashing at her from all sides, causing her whole body to contract and become immovable.

She tried to struggle by commanding the energies around her but that too was instantly suppressed within the space of the stone pillars.

Naturally, Benihime, who took control of the formations that Kisuke had left in Orario, wouldn't give her a chance and immediately activated the second phase of the seal as hundreds of half meter wide white cloths emerged from the mud and started wrapping around Tiamat's whole body.


28th00: This is a "You're too late!" moment for those 3, huh?

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Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1038 Tiamat part 5

Tiamat tried to get away and destroy the hundreds of strange white cloths that were wrapping around her as she immediately noticed that it was sealing her power. However, it was all for naught as the seal had been designed specifically for her after Kisuke gathered all the data he could get from the Dungeon and the strange pond, 'And of course, the data I got from the 'monsters' of the void. Looks like my guess was correct that those attributes would be useful. If this is the case, I can now guess why Chaos, that coward, won't come down here and deal with Tiamat himself.'

Tiamat released a shrill scream once again and the white fabric around her started burning up. Too bad for her, hundreds more came out from the ground to reinforce the seal around her.

Even then, Kisuke knew that this won't be able to contain her for too long so he immediately moved to the next step and activated the next layer of the formation he set up beforehand, "Grand Sealing Rite!"

A stone pillar similar to the ones that appeared first materialized a few hundred meters away on top of Tiamat. This time, however, the stone pillar was at least ten times bigger than Tiamat herself.

Tiamat immediately felt the threat coming from above and hurriedly looked up. While she could only see the flat gray bottom, it still sent a shiver down her spine. With her body tightly bound, she could only use her voice to command her authority.

The air and space itself under the stone pillar solidified, but that didn't do anything as it continued descending unimpeded while creating noise akin to glass cracking. Tiamat could only watch as the pillar squarely slammed into her face, forcing her downwards.

The ground below Tiamat collapsed and even the black mud that could easily hold her up couldn't take the immense weight and pressure that the pillar was putting on it. As a result, Tiamat, with her gigantic body, easily slid down into the ground.

The more than 300-meter tall stone pillar didn't just stop at forcing Tiamat back into the ground as it kept traveling downwards without any regard to Tiamat's resistance.

And to ensure its success, Kisuke went on the top of the pillar and partially opened the 4th Gate, "4th Gate, Depression!"

The bloody aura around Kisuke thickened along with the appearance of a blood-red transparent hagoromo. The malevolent aura was similar to that of a God, but also distinctly different. But despite it being just a partial opening of the 4th stage of his unique Shunko, it was still enough to slowly rip his body apart with his already injured body cracking and blood seeping out.

Kisuke, nevertheless, ignored the burden on his body and placed his remaining hand on the pillar, and pushed it down, "Let's have a date. To the center of the earth, we go."

Naturally, Tiamat didn't like that but Kisuke could only hear her shrill screams from below. Within just a few seconds, Kisuke and Tiamat disappeared from everyone's sight along with the giant pillar of stone and only left a huge hole in the ground with light from the surface unable to reach its bottom.

With their disappearance and the black mud losing its size from Serafall's ice, the eleven spawns also became a lot weaker and Yoruichi was able to contain them without much difficulty. She hurriedly went to the center of the former Orario and peered down the hole. She couldn't see anything nor feel anything from it and could only hear a small sound of rocks being crushed.

Soon after, even the sound of crashing rock disappeared and the world returned to its former peaceful state.

"Kisuke..." Yoruichi could only mutter to herself. She stared at the hole for a few more minutes before shaking her head, "We're not yet done."

She then looked toward Serafall who had gathered back her Demonic Power but seemed to be having a hard time doing it, "Are you okay?"

Serafall took several deep breaths before answering, "...I'm fine... But I overexerted myself. I won't be able to do something like that again any time soon."

Yoruichi immediately lent Serafall her shoulder and said, "Rest well."

Since Serafall contested a transcendent's authority all on her own, it was amazing that she even lasted this long. Because of her help, Tiamat wasn't able to release the majority of her power and Kisuke was able to smoothly trap her in a seal, 'If I were to compare that to something, it's like trapping Great Red or Ophis in place and reducing their authority over [dreams] or [infinity] respectively. It's an unbelievable feat.'

"Let's return for now. Riveria and Line might need our help soon."




Kisuke continued pushing the stone pillar even after they were enveloped with darkness and the light from the surface couldn't reach them anymore.

At the half hour mark since he started pushing her down, the stone pillar was already filled with cracks and it was any moment that it'd fail, 'As expected of her. Even the strongest suppressing technique I could manage with the formation was not enough to completely trap her for very long.'

Similar to when he was able to seal Aizen, Tiamat was weakened enough for the seal to take effect thanks to Serafall. However, unlike Aizen, Tiamat was not weakened for long enough to be placed in a more permanent seal, so Kisuke could only drag her down to the depths of the Dungeon to initiate his plan.

A few more minutes later, the stone pillar finally gave out and was smashed into pieces before it disintegrated back into Magic Power and Spiritual Particles.

With dust and debris covering the surrounding area, Kisuke landed in an empty cavern and hurriedly scanned his surroundings. It didn't take long for Kisuke to find his 'date' and at the same time, he heard her shrill scream once again, blowing away the debris and dust.

Transforming for the third time, Tiamat's jaws now extended to her whole neck, revealing a row of sharp teeth. More horns also emerged behind her and a scaly wing extended out from her forearm. Her previous beautiful appearance morphed into a Draconic monstrosity that stands on all fours.

"Pretty pissed, aren't ya~?" Kisuke then took out an unadorned kodachi, "Well, it must have hurt, so I can understand you."

Tiamat still hadn't recovered so when Kisuke disappeared from her sight, it was already too late for her to react when he suddenly arrived at her forehead where it all started, "I'll end your misery."

Inserting the dagger through the crack, Kisuke listened to Tiamat's final cry.

If Benihime were to see what was happening, she'd instantly lose her sanity.


28th00: Benihime is gonna find out and freak out anyways, though.

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Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1039 The Existence of Another One

AN: I'm very sorry for the delay. There's a bit of an emergency on my side that I have to settle first.

In any case, Thank you very much for supporting me once again! I really appreciate it and I hope you continue enjoying my work!

Just a bit more to finish this volume!

Yoruichi and Serafall arrived at the last spot where they felt Riveria's Demonic Power erupting and saw some traces of a dimensional transfer in the surroundings.

"You should be able to get inside, but should we wait?" Serafall asked Yoruichi. After she had taken back the majority of her Demonic Power, she'd already returned to normal.

Yoruichi unsheathed her dagger and poked a hole in the space in front of her. She took a peek inside and saw that Riveria and Loki were hiding behind a barrier that looks like a turtle shell, 'That looks like a Youkai technique. Did she learn that from the first-generation Sha Wujing?'

Riveria noticed the sudden hole that was created in her space but immediately felt Yoruichi and Serafall's aura. She hurriedly looked over and saw Yoruichi give her a wink which caused Riveria to sigh in relief.

The three old Gods, meanwhile, were trying to break the boundaries of the limited space with all sorts of attacks and it'd only take a few more minutes before they could break through, "She's fine for now." Yoruichi replied while closing the hole, "Let's rest and recover to our peak before the next party."

And within ten minutes, the space not far from Yoruichi and Serafall cracked before exploding like glass. With a cascading effect, the five figures returned to the artificial dimension.

The moment they got out, the three Gods hurriedly accelerated towards Orario but also immediately stopped when they couldn't find Tiamat's figure and even her oppressive aura from earlier, "What!?" Zeus exclaimed, "W-where is she!?"

The other two Gods also spread out their senses and could only detect a giant hole on the ground and the slowly receding black mud.

"It's over."

They heard a woman's voice and instantly turned around, only to see two familiar faces casually taking a sip from their tea while sitting at a round table.

"You!" Odin almost lost his patience.

But before he could attack, Yoruichi calmly asked, "Are you really going to waste your time and energy on us? Wouldn't preparing for what might happen next be better?"

Ouranos immediately grabbed Odin's shoulder.

"Ouranos!? Don't stop me! They- They killed mother!" Odin snapped at him.

Another hand landed on him and this time, on his arm, "...I know... But she's right. Assaulting them now will do us no good. We have to prepare in case he really descends."

"Zeus!? Even you..." Odin turned to him but saw the immense frustration on his face and couldn't continue what he wanted to say.

"I admire you." Yoruichi suddenly said, "And I'm not saying that out of sarcasm but my honest opinion."

"I don't need to hear your opinion. What do you want to happen? And where's Kisuke Urahara? Did he go down with Tiamat?" Zeus' last question was to infuriate Yoruichi and Serafall but sadly for him, that wouldn't work on these two girls.

"He'll be joining us later. What we need to figure out now is how to protect the other one now that Tiamat is already gone."

Zeus, Odin, and Ouranos' eyes instantly widened at her mention of the 'other one' and the latter immediately asked, "Just how much do you know? I don't believe Chaos would reveal to you that much even if you're his agents."

Yoruichi placed down her cup and chuckled, "So there really is another one."

It was then that the Gods realized that they'd been had.

"Another one?" Serafall asked curiously.

"Kisuke didn't really tell us anything but don't you find it weird? If Tiamat was really the creator of the Dungeon, then there's no reason for her not to use her own 'monsters' to fill it if her goal was to decimate the Lower World. But something like Xenos came into existence as if its owner wanted to coexist with its inhabitants." Yoruichi explained, "We've seen how she acted and I have a feeling that wouldn't have been Tiamat's choice."

"I see..." Serafall nodded to herself, "And the simplest explanation for that is that someone else other than Tiamat exists in the Dungeon."

Yoruichi nodded, "And they were kind enough to confirm my guess." She then turned to the other two that had been silently listening. More specifically, towards Loki, "I know you have a lot of questions, especially when Odin called Tiamat 'mother', sadly, I can't provide any answers and neither could Kisuke, even if he was here since he's also just guessing these things."

Loki bit her lips and a few seconds later, started scratching her head in frustration, "And these old men also can't provide any answers... Just what's going on, really?"

"What's happening now is of no importance compared to what's going to happen next." Ouranous suddenly said.

"That's true." Yoruichi acknowledged him, "But I heard you couldn't contact the other chief Deities. If you don't mind me asking when was the last time the three of you came into contact with any of them?"

Ouranos wanted to ask her why she knew that but chose to answer her honestly because he had a feeling that she was onto something important, "For me, the last one was less than a decade ago. It was with Shiva."

Yoruichi looked at Zeus and Odin and waited for their answer. Thankfully, they only sighed and did the same as Ouranos, "Eight years ago. I met Amun-Ra." Zeus answered.

"Quetzalcoatl. More than 20 years ago." And finally Odin.

"Hmmm..." Yoruichi looked down and thought for a moment before replying, "Seven years ago, we started searching and locating any prominent Gods that lead the others. However... Aside from the three of you... We couldn't find any of them."

"What? Are you sure?" Ouranos furrowed his brows.

"Well, we found some clues to where they are but each of them... Every single one of their traces was cut off. It's as if they suddenly disappeared from the face of this world without any warning."


28th00: Fun times ahead? Also known as "Goyya, don't lose your notes for the 5th time."

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Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1040 Prelude

"No one...? You found no one?" Zeus asked again. He and the others just had a bad premonition.

"No one." Yoruichi repeated, "These last three days, we went around the world to do something. Their strange case of disappearances was kept in the back of our heads so when we got a chance, we tried looking for them again 'cause we figured that if they were going to turn up, now was the time. Even then, no one showed up. Not a single one."

Zeus hurriedly turned to Ouranous and asked, "Ouranous, do you think they were..."

But the latter immediately interrupted him, "We can't be sure but we have to take action while taking that possibility into account. Let's go back for now. We don't have time to just casually chat here. We have to make sure that no one is going to take his side."

Without waiting, Ouranos flew off toward the direction of the temporary base where everyone was. Odin also soon followed him and the last was Zeus. But before the latter could go, Yoruichi spoke again, "You of all people should know how impossible it is to unite everyone under a single banner."

Zeus stopped but didn't turn around, "But we still have to do it or else, this will be a bloody war that would spell the end of both Lower and Upper World."

The girls watched Zeus fly off and Serafall offered Riveria and Loki a seat.

Riveria and Loki quietly sat down and the former commented, "You people really do like speaking in a cryptic manner. Couldn't you have added more context to your conversation? I want to know more too."

Yoruichi picked up her cup again and answered, "Those old men couldn't answer specifically so we could only gather information while feeling them out. Since they couldn't answer straight, I also couldn't ask straight."

"...What are you going to do next?" The formerly silent Loki finally asked.

Yoruichi briefly looked at her before looking up to the now clear sky, "It depends. Depending on how that guy will fulfill his side of the deal, we'll just retreat or it could be messy."

Thanks to her silence, Loki was able to figure out a few things just from the clues that she got from the earlier conversation. And with the conclusion she came up with, she couldn't help but smile wryly, "So there's a chance that you'll just abandon this world?"

"It's not that unreasonable, is it? In the first place, we only care about a few people here. You might think that we're apathetic, but we're also no heroes. We have no reason to save everyone while risking ourselves."

Loki went quiet once again. But instead of Yoruichi or Serafall, it was Riveria who continued, "But that also means that they'll go to any lengths just to save any one of theirs."

Loki's eyes widened and she was shocked not because of Riveria's words, but how she forgot this very simple fact, 'If Hestia and Artemis were involved... then...' She looked at Riveria and asked, "What about you?"

Riveria smiled and was confident enough to give an answer, "If they are willing to go that far, the least I could do is the same."

Loki grinned and stood up, "Is that so? Then I have to go back and prepare everyone. Mentally at least."




Yoruichi and Serafall followed Riveria and Loki back to the temporary camp. The moment they arrived Yoruichi and Serafall immediately disguised themselves and saw that all the inhabitants of the Lower World were celebrating. However, there's a very obvious lack of Deities on the streets as every one of them was called in once again.

Unbeknownst to this celebratory mood, the Deities are trying to come up with a consensus of uniting together in case someone turns hostile.

Riveria, Loki, Yoruichi, and Serafall discreetly moved towards where the Loki Familia was camping, and when they got near, they saw that it wasn't just the Loki Familia, but also the Freya, Hephaestus, Takemikazuchi, and Miach Familias were also gathered together. Since this group usually moves as a single faction, it wasn't strange for them to be together.

When they saw Loki and Riveria arrive, they immediately gathered to greet them but immediately halted when they saw their serious expression.

"Loki? What's wrong?" Finn asked.

"Gather everyone and get inside. We need to talk about something important."

Everyone was taken aback and took notice of the two hooded figures behind them. However, no one asked why and did what she asked.

A few minutes later, everyone is cramped inside a tent. Although it was a very large tent, it was still not enough to comfortably accommodate everyone.

As soon as the curtains of the tent dropped down, Riveria immediately erected a barrier that would fake sound and light to avoid arousing the attention and suspicion of those who were outside.

Yoruichi then removed her hood and revealed herself before calling out to someone, "Line. Please help Serafall to recover."

Line immediately came forward and asked, "What about you? I saw you take not just a few hits."

"I'm fine. It's still not enough to affect my combat effectiveness. Serafall, however, was drained significantly."

When Line and the others heard Yoruichi worrying about combat effectiveness, a cold wind brushed everyone's back. Although they still don't know how to react to the earlier battle and how to approach Yoruichi and Serafall after what they've just seen, the fact that she's insinuating that the battle is still not over made them not worry about this small thing.

"Understood." Line immediately ran towards Serafall to start her special treatment.

"Don't tire yourself too much. Kisuke will still need you later." Yoruichi added while sitting down beside Loki and Riveria, "You may proceed, Loki. We can't say anything but if it's you, you should have some idea what you should warn them about."

"Are you sure you don't want me to wait for Hestia and Artemis?"

"They are in another location and they also have some idea of what's going to happen next."


28th00: Chaos, literally.

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Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1041 Choices part 1

"The giant monster is not yet dealt with?" Finn asked, "Come to think of it, Kisuke Urahara still hasn't come out of the Dungeon."

"Oh right... Before we start, let's release the seals. There's no point for it now, anyway." Yoruichi interrupted and turned to Serafall.

Serafall nodded her head and snapped her fingers. Despite the single simple gesture, the sound of her snap traveled across the barrier and the sound spread out throughout the whole base and several kilometers beyond.

The wave of sound instantly unlocked something inside the heads of the people who'd stayed in Orario for the past years. The celebratory mood instantly went away and silence descended to the whole place. A few seconds later, some scream erupted and that signaled everyone to wake up from their abrupt stupor.

Unlike those outside, the inside of the tent's silence continued on and the one who spoke a few seconds later was Liliruca Arde from Miach Familia, "...Those two Familias... How could I forget?"

Everyone had the same sentiment as her.

"Well, that's not really important. Listen to what Loki has to say first."

Loki also clapped her hands to gather everyone's attention, "We are not yet out of danger. In fact, we're in much more trouble. If my guess is right, the disappearance of that 'monster' will make another, much more dangerous, 'monster' descend on this plane."

Everyone stood on alert when they understood Loki's words and the celebratory mood from earlier had completely disappeared.

"Do you want us to prepare? And how?" Allen from the Freya Familia asked, "If the monster you're talking about is even remotely close to that from earlier, the only choice we have is to escape and let those who could fight, stop it."

But before Loki could answer, Yoruichi's head suddenly snapped to the side and she immediately stood up.


Yoruichi ignored Loki's call and drew her dagger and made a single cut in the space in front of her. From that cut, a single hand came out, and soon a severely wounded person with a missing arm came out of it while casually muttering, "It won't be just a single monster this time. That guy will be bringing his own army and there's nowhere in the whole world anyone can hide."

Kisuke, in his normal form with blood continuously dropping on the ground, sat down beside Yoruichi before continuing, "You, and everyone else living in this world will have no choice but to fight for survival."

Without waiting for any instructions, Line immediately ran over to Kisuke and immediately started her treatment. As soon as her Magic began, a faint silhouette of Kisuke's complete body overlapped on his current one, and the small wounds he had instantly started disappearing, 'By pulling out information from the 'past', she's able to overwrite the 'present' with it. Although it's only limited to restoration and healing, it's still a pretty powerful concept that is only below Orihime's 'causality rejection'.'

While Kisuke was watching and studying Line's Magic and guessing how she envisioned this concept, Yoruichi asked him, "Is alright to talk about this?"

"Yep." Kisuke answered, "That slimy bastard is busy checking if Tiamat is really dead. We have a few hours before his attention turns to something else. Just enough time to make things clear."

Those who had weaker stomachs couldn't stand looking at Kisuke with his ripped flesh that gave a window to his bone. However, the words he uttered gave everyone a shiver and an image of a bloody war of an unprecedented scale.

"First of all, if that 'guy' allows me and those I want to leave, we'll leave. Regardless of what happens to this world."

Despite not exerting any effort, Kisuke's last words felt so cold that they froze everyone on the spot.

Disappointed, Bell asked, "Where would you even go if you said that the war will be on a global scale?"

Kisuke displayed a grin and returned a question of his own, "You're still asking? You already have an idea, right?"

As Kisuke has guessed, those who are sharp enough were able to have an idea that they are not from these lands, at least, they think that they are not from Lower or Upper World.

Bell closed his eyes and uttered in a heavy voice, "...That's really unfortunate."

But then, Ais stepped forward, "Then what if 'that guy' doesn't allow it?"

Intrigued by the changes in her, Kisuke inadvertently stared at Ais out of curiosity until he felt Riveria's sharp stare, "...Well, as much as I hate it, if 'that guy' turns hostile, I'll be the first one he'll eliminate. It's no mystery that I'll defend myself."

As if Ais was very sure that the discussion would turn violent, she replied, "...Nice working with you."

Kisuke couldn't help but chuckle at her response since he has the same opinion as her. And that reaction of his put Loki at ease, 'If he knew he was fighting, he should have prepared for this too.'

All of the small injuries on Kisuke's body were healed and only a few large wounds along with his missing arm needed some healing. He could use his own regenerative ability but he wanted to recover as much energy as possible in case Chaos suddenly decided to come down now.

"In any case, prepare for the worst... And don't trust anyone that you don't know or anyone you don't respect, really." Kisuke stood up and started walking towards the exit and Line wanted to slap his back for suddenly moving but stopped herself and just continued her treatment.

"...Huh? What do you mean by that?" Tsubaki asked.

Kisuke didn't answer her and Yoruichi, Serafall, and Line followed him outside. However, that didn't remain unanswered as Riveria gave her one, "That means 'that guy's' army or a part of it could come from the inhabitants of the Lower World."

'And probably of the Upper World...' Riveria wanted to add but decided against it, 'But they don't need to know something that isn't a hundred percent set in stone.'

"You're not going to follow them?" Loki asked.

And Riveria shook her head, "As he has said, we need to prepare and I'll do my best so that no one of this group and my friends die. They can fend off for themselves and I think Line will be returning after healing Kisuke. After all, this is still our family."

'Besides, if I really leave you in a time like this, I wouldn't just hate myself but also receive a not-so-mild scolding from them.' Riveria thought while releasing a long breath with a wry smile on her face, "Alright, everyone. Come closer. I'm going to teach you all some simple but effective Magic that may very well save your lives. We'll also need to create a network of communication between ourselves so we won't lose each other's positions in case the situation turns chaotic."


28th00: I had a comment but forgot it. Kisuke must've looked pretty traumatizing to the people that haven't even seen him get hurt before.

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Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1042 Choices part 2

After Kisuke's injuries were healed, Line immediately returned to Loki and the others, but not before receiving a reminder from Kisuke, "Chaos knows of your existence and might try to eliminate you first if he gets a chance. When Hestia-sama makes her appearance, make sure to stay close to her."

"Hestia-sama? Why?" Line asked.

"It'll be the safest place in the whole world. You know the importance of your role so you have to take that spot."

Fear immediately surfaced on Line's face but she shook it off, "U-understood."

Seeing her put up a brave front, Kisuke couldn't help but regret it a bit. If she were not as excellent as she is now at what she does, Chaos would probably ignore her, but now an existence like hers came to light, it would be weird if Chaos would still ignore someone who could potentially change the tide.

Patting her head, Kisuke reassured her, "He's going to us first before he reaches you. And after this, I'll ask Sona to give you an extensive tour on the other side."

Line froze and thought, 'Ah... How many years has it been?' As the hand that saved her from certain death, she couldn't forget the comfort that it brought her. And with just this simple gesture, it actually gave her courage, "...I'll do my best!"

While watching her run off, Yoruichi asked, "If that guy really wanted to take over this world, there's no way he'd let us go, right?"

Kisuke chuckled, "If I was in the same shoes and had the same personality as him, I'd never let go of myself either. I pose too much threat to just turn my head away."

"So? How would you respond?" Serafall curiously asked.

A smile that could only be described as 'bad' emerged from his lips and as he said, "With everything~!"




A few hours had elapsed and just as Kisuke had expected, a black line was drawn in the sky before it split open and revealed the void. From the unsettling darkness, a single figure in a white suit and pants came floating down and stopped just a hundred meters away from the temporary base where all the significant figures were currently staying.

Feeling his presence, the Deities locked in an endless discussion came pouring out of their place. On their way out, they saw all the mortals, including the Xenos blankly staring at the sky with fear-filled expressions and couldn't seem to move their sights away.

They also looked up and saw the gentleman with sleek black hair and crimson eyes slowly and silently floating down and all of them, without any exceptions, lowered their heads. As much as they wanted to help and hide their children away, they couldn't do it because of the absolute authority and power of the gentleman in front of them.

But the man completely ignored them and set his sights on Kisuke's group, who were hiding their presence, "It has been a while."

Although he was facing Kisuke and the others, they knew that he wasn't talking to them.

A second later, Yoruichi kodachi started vibrating.

"As we've agreed. The little girl can go."

'So we're not even worth talking to, huh?' Kisuke thought while waiting.

Yoruichi kodachi vibrated again a few times and it seems that the man understood it, "That's your problem. Only your contractor is included in the stipulations."

Finally, the man looked into Kisuke's eyes, "As for the additions, I'll give them a new set of contracts." But his eyes soon left the group and were transferred to the Deities below.

"Zeus, I see that you're trying to do something amusing."

Zeus groaned. Even though this man, Chaos, was not exerting any effort, the pressure from his eyes was enough to turn his stomach, '...This... Is really dangerous.'

Chaos chuckled at his reaction, "So you don't have any comments." He then turned his eyes to the other Deities, "And what about you lot? Have you forgotten that it's only thanks to me that you're even enjoying your life? And now not a few of you are planning to rebel? How amusing. You actually think you stand a chance?"

A wave of killing intent washed through everyone and made all mortals buckle to their knees while the Deities did their best to keep standing.

Zeus, Odin, and Ouranous, however, fought against this insanity-inducing intent by releasing their own Divinities and releasing a multi-colored light that blanketed everyone and protected their minds, "Enough of this, Chaos! Are you intending to destroy these children's souls!?" Zeus shouted.

The smile on Chaos' face didn't disappear, "Why would I care if a few of these lower life forms disappear? I'm just expressing what I feel right now."

A vein popped on Zeus' forehead, "Lower life forms... you say? They are the foundation of this world! Without their souls, there wouldn't be a Lower or an Upper World!"

In response, Chaos exaggeratedly spread out his arms, "That's because this is a flawed world~!"

Odin raised an eyebrow at that and asked, "And now that you've come down, are you intending to correct that?"

Chaos snapped his fingers and a black throne appeared behind him. As he sat down on it, he snapped his fingers once again and hundreds of black lines were drawn on the sky similar to how he arrived, "Of course. And there's no better time to do it compared to now when Tiamat's dominion has already disappeared."

A second later, various grotesque creatures started peeking from the opened void and looked down on everyone, sending an aura of impending doom.

Zeus, Odin, and Ouranos were gritting their teeth while the other Deities were thinking about what he meant by fixing this 'broken' world and why he was welcoming his minions to this plane.

"Naturally, I don't intend to start a massacre here since that would be too wasteful. As such, I'm giving everyone here a choice. Come under my banner or get annihilated as the creation of the new order."

While all of this was happening, a grin emerged from Kisuke's face, and sent a message to Sona. He didn't care if Chaos noticed him since his goal wasn't to have his message come across safe and clear. In fact, he wanted him to notice this so that someone could secretly send messages locally.


28th00: Did you really give him "Absolutely Evil Villain Monologue #4" dude? Damn.

Goyya: I mean, he's the start of all of this, including Tiamat turning hostile to the world.

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Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Chapter 1043 New Order

Chaos had felt what Kisuke just did but decided to ignore him. Although he could send messages to his original world, only something as small as that could go through his restrictions. If he wanted to call his friends over, he would have to break through his void first, and without his permission, they would never be able to go through it. That's how confident he is and his confidence is warranted since even Great Red wouldn't be able to go through, not because he's much stronger than the Great Red, but because he had been cultivating that void for countless eons and no one really bothered him while doing so.

"...New order, you say? What does that even mean?" Zeus asked while gritting his teeth.

"Nothing too grandiose," Chaos sneered at him, "Just a new world with perfect inhabitants created and blessed by my magnificent self."

"...What?" Not just Zeus but everyone else also didn't understand what he meant, "A new world?"

"Yes. A paradise constructed and carefully designed by me with inhabitants in perpetual happiness and bliss. A world with no hunger, no disease, no rich or poor, no conflict with your neighbors, and more. A utopia that would essentially expand and function forever."

At this point, Kisuke and the other few finally understood what he wanted to happen, 'Ignoring the ridiculous claim of perpetual bullshit, to maintain something like that couldn't come from limited resources provided by this land. He wants to invade the other worlds. He must've been watching what's happening on our side closely. He knew that Great Red had already perished while Ophis was still incomplete and planned to use the route we took to invade directly. However... Why is he still talking? If he wanted to convert everyone here, he should just do it directly... Or maybe he can't do that? Or at least, there's a limit to what he can do?'

'But then, he shouldn't be thinking of invading the other world if his force is that limited...' At this point, a realization dawned on Kisuke, 'I see... He doesn't just want to control this world in Tiamat's absence... He's after the Dungeon. More specifically, it's 'production' ability.'

However, there's still one question left in Kisuke's head that he wanted some answers to. Just what is the Dungeon?

Silence reigned over the region and since Zeus, Odin, and Ouranos are the only ones who had the courage to talk to him, with them thinking, no one spoke a word.

Chaos immediately got tired of waiting so he continued, "Hmmm... Let me add that as long as you come under my banner, you and your children will get the power that you can't ever imagine and you won't be limited in any way you want to use it."

It was silent again for a few moments until one of the war-oriented Goddess, Bast, curiously asked, "Power? Even our children?"

Zeus glared at her but Chaos grinned, "Of course. Want proof?" He then turned his head to the right and started talking to someone who seemed to not be not there, "Are you done on your side? Come over."

A few seconds later, a familiar aura for the Deities manifested and a Magic Circle which looked like the crest of the sun emerged on Chaos' side. Immediately after, a foot stepped out of the Magic Circle and soon a black-haired Goddess wearing a gorgeous and luxurious traditional eastern gown came out.

"A...Amaterasu?" Tsukimakazuchi and the other eastern Gods immediately recognized her but there seems to be something different about her. Aside from the weird and strangely malevolent aura, thin black veins also ran through her pearl-white skin.

Freya, who was silently watching all of this unfold, frowned in disgust while looking at her. And although they couldn't see what Freya could, Kisuke and Yoruichi's expressions twitched and immediately turned into a frown when they felt the disgusting amount of souls infused into her.

Amaterasu ignored them and reported, "I've returned, father. I have managed to convert more than half of the Deities in my area."

Chaos nodded in satisfaction, "I assigned you the area with the most stubborn insects and you still managed to convert more than half. You have my praise."

"Thank you."

Chaos nodded again in acknowledgment, showing that he's a benevolent leader, "And the reason why I called you here is to show these unenlightened what you can do after coming under me."

Amaterasu finally looked down on the Deities and trembling children that were protected by Zeus' light and wondered how Zeus could use his powers without Chaos' blessing.

But her eyes on them didn't last long as she turned to her side and waved her arm. A forest not far from everyone was instantly incinerated by a beam of light. She wanted to show that she was not limited by the System of Heaven in any shape or form.

Of course, that could have been more impressive since Zeus, Odin, and Ouranos also managed to find a way to bring down their Divine Avatars without Chaos' help.

However, the next thing she showed sent shivers to anyone watching. Even though she was floating next to Chaos, a shadow suddenly spread out of her feet and expanded for a few meters. And from that very dark shadow, multiple figures emerged and stood behind Amaterasu.

They were mortals. Nevertheless, something is very off about them but no one could tell, except for a few. They had no souls in their bodies.

"Amaterasu-sama! You finally called us!" One of the mortals, a 2-meter muscular man, spoke jovially.

Amaterasu didn't look at them and just commanded, "Show them."

"Understood!" The tall man and the ten others behind them answered enthusiastically before raising and pointing their arms to the other side where another forest is located. A few seconds later, beams of sunlight descended on the forest and also instantly razed it to the ground.

Every Deity was stunned at their display. It was a lot weaker than Amaterasu's but it was still unmistakably her Divine Power and each of them were still strong enough to contend against the strongest Adventurers and Mercenaries out there.

Kisuke, on the other hand, finally understood what was happening, 'These dead bodies have become an outlet for her power.'

Although they displayed various expressions and emotions, their eyes were dead. They looked alive but they were only machines made out of flesh with memories of their former self. If they wanted to, they could just reset and erase these memories and they'd be the most loyal soldiers or slaves you could own.

As for their missing souls, they were all deep within Amaterasu, fused with her own and giving more power and fuel to her already existing abilities.

Because of this, Kisuke was reminded of the incident seven years ago that the girls had to face Gods who 'descended', 'I see... So that was an experiment and this is the full implementation. Now Chaos can entice the Deities to leave Heaven's system which he can't control now. If he's successful, he'll also be able to weaken the system and replace it with something else.'


28th00: Fucking ew. That's nasty. Incredibly obvious too. Then again, Danmachi Gods are some absolute dumbasses, so I buy it.

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