goyya 1059-1062

Chapter 1059 Undercurrents | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Chapter 1059 Undercurrents

While Riveria was figuratively breaking everyone's mind in the cafeteria, Kisuke and Yoruichi arrived at the command center where it was just Sona, Medusa, Ravel, and Ingvild issuing commands and relaying information to those who went outside to secure the left-out Deities and mortals.

"How is it going?" Kisuke asked while looking at the display screens showing everyone's current position.

"All the Deities that are tainted with Chaos' power and children have disappeared. However, we found the children of those who joined you late. As you had expected, they sent their children away from Orario and were already planning to switch sides from the start." Sona answered while highlighting certain areas of the map, "I tried bringing as many of the DxD Team with us... But the backlash was way more than I expected so the Human, Youkai, and Angel sides couldn't join us. And it's the same case for Olympus."

The other three were continuing their work but their ears perked up to listen to their conversation.

"And the main perpetrators?" Asked Kisuke.

"A small portion of the Underworld, Shiva, Indra, and Takamagahara."

Kisuke furrowed his brows, "Takamagahara?" He could understand the other three and even expected more people to come forward but he never put Takamagahara on the top of that list, "Was any information floating around on where we are bringing such a massive military force?"

Sona shook her head, "I made sure that no information would come up. I went as far as not informing the members of DxD until just a few hours ago and even then, not much was told."

"And when did they start interfering?"

"Ever since we started gathering a few weeks ago." Sona answered while turning to Kisuke, "I also thought that it was weird for them to suddenly come out like when they secluded themselves most of the time. I tried searching for anything but I can't find any evidence that they are linked to Chaos."

"If they had, Chaos would have done more to prevent you from coming here," Kisuke muttered.

"Or they indeed have a connection but you guys just pulled out an alien tech that they weren't able to take into account," Yoruichi added.

Kisuke sighed, "That indeed has some kind of merit but one thing is for sure. We have to be careful on our return trip too. For now, however, let's focus on setting down a foundation as a springboard to attack Chaos. I don't have any reason to further delay our attack."

"Two days. That should be enough to get the leftover Deities to our side. They'll do a fine job as a distraction." Sona returned to her work.

"May I ask a question?" All of a sudden, Ravel spoke up.

"Please go ahead."

"We agreed to help you because you promised that this world will be able to help us resist the Evie invasion. How?"

Kisuke sat down and explained, "There are a lot of things that you can do in a world where only a limited number of people can reach. You can even move your base of operations here because I also know that you're worried about the potentiality and dangers of sharing space with untrustworthy people."

Ravel nodded and her eyes sharpened, "That's true... We can have an important gathering among the core members here and we could also hide a lot of stuff that we don't want the group's extension to see. Still, that doesn't seem to be that much of a help to the invasion. I can also see that we have this world's inhabitant's help in combat but aside from raising your own authority and influence, I couldn't see any big merit it has to the world."

"I won't deny that, but there's something else." Kisuke chuckled and felt it was nice that Ravel doesn't trust him at all.

"Something else?"

"In our world, the Biblical Factions have a system that regulates the circulation of souls. In this world, there's something similar but has more functions aside from soul regulations, and a more sophisticated system at that. I want to use that system to elevate our world's grassroots and be a backup in case the Etouldes double cross us."

Ravel and Ingvild's eyes widened and the former muttered, "Etouldes?"

Kisuke grinned at her but his eyes didn't smile along with his mouth, "You've been secretly receiving their aid, haven't you?"

Ravel almost jumped out of her seat, "H-how did you...?"

At her reaction, Sona and Medusa stared at her in shock, "Ravel?"

Kisuke, on the other hand, didn't immediately answer, 'I was just guessing but it looks like I'm correct. Well, if the Evies could have someone worship them, it shouldn't be that hard for Etouldes to do the same.'

"It doesn't really matter, does it?" Kisuke replied, "Although I'm not really telling you to stop cooperating with them. I just want you guys to be careful. You can be friends with them individually, but don't ever forget that you're on a negotiating table with them and not their follower."

Ravel gritted her teeth and Ingvild looked at her with a worried expression. A few seconds later, the former heave out a long sigh and said, "It's as you've said. We have been receiving various aids from them. I want to say that I'm opposed to this but it doesn't really mean anything since we've already accepted it. Is it bad to trust them?"

Kisuke shook his head, "I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that you have to be careful because the Etouldes are not a monolithic faction as you all think. They are very large and could also have diverse opinions on many different matters as us. Instead of thinking that all of them are here to back you up, I'd rather you not discard the possibility that someone out there is pushing for a direct invasion like the Evies."

Ravel was quiet for a moment before saying, "...I'll warn the others about it. But I really don't have any idea how big both Evies and Etouldes are. It seems you have a lot of information that we don't have so we'd really appreciate it if you could share some of them."

"I intend to do that after all of this is over."



28th00: He's gonna extort and blackmail them all to the extreme for all their information and stuff if they want his own personal knowledge, won't he?


Chapter 1060 Round 2 part 1 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Half a day later, there were various people who were transported to the floating island of the Ouroboros Academy, most of them were injured that needed immediate treatment while the others were the Deities who didn't accept Chaos' power with a few of their children.

In all honesty, they didn't really need to save them but that's just Kisuke and a few other apathetic individuals. However, some people, especially Issei, would protest against this and would just move on their own, so Kisuke was forced to wait to settle things down, 'I need to recover a bit anyways so this is fine.'

After meeting Sona, Medusa, Ravel, and Ingvild, Kisuke, and Yoruichi went straight to Hestia where Rossweisse was assisting her in the maintenance of the barrier.

"Hey~ How are you doing?" Kisuke greeted Hestia who was surrounded by Rossweisse, Akeno, Irina, Aika, and Serafall.

But instead of him, Hestia ran towards Yoruichi and hugged her, "You're safe!"

Yoruichi smiled wryly and felt a bit guilty because they didn't really tell him their plan of 'dying', "I'm sorry for making you worry, Hestia-sama."

Hestia pouted and said, "You should have told me."

Yoruichi, nevertheless, only chuckled, "We would have if we were sure that it was going to happen. We weren't even sure if there was indeed a traitor among them so it was just a bit of a sideshow."

From a pout, Hestia started making a contorted expression, "Death is a sideshow? I don't really get how your heads work."

While Yoruichi was comforting Hestia, Kisuke approached Rossweisse and asked, "How is the barrier?"

"It's amazing!" Rossweisse excitedly answered, "It doesn't run on any system and I can't even figure out the logic behind it! It's created as if there's only a single thought, 'defend', behind it and nothing else."

"How's the transfer process?"

Rossweisse's excited face then turned into an embarrassed one, "The transfer went smoothly. I initially thought that I could supplement and fortify it more with my own barriers but I'd only be adding a thin sheet of paper onto a steel plate."

'Even her barriers? As expected, people who can only do one single thing are some of the most frightening beings,' thought Kisuke while saying, "Thank you for your hard work."

Kisuke then turned to Aika and asked, "How's the preparation on your side?"

"Done. But I didn't really expect that we'd use it on the holed-up Transcendent. Those Magic Cannons won't be enough so I already informed Issei that we'd need his [Gift]." Aika, from her inventory, took out a tablet and passed it to Kisuke, "The strength of that shell, though not as strong as the one Hestia-chan can provide, is still a bit too thick." She added while watching Kisuke scroll through the tablet.

"Hmmm... So we only get one shot, huh? When's the next one after the first volley?"

"Three hours if I want it to get back a bit of its original strength but they would be completely out of commission after that. One day if you want to reuse it again after the second volley."

Kisuke scrolled through the tablet more before asking, "What about Issei's AxA? Can't we use that?"

This time, it was Akeno who gave him the answer after shaking her head, "It's not impossible, but breaking the seal of AxA will cause the Alliance to lose its leverage on peacekeeping and will keep Issei's movement to a minimum. As it is now, it'll be disadvantageous, not just for the Alliance, but also for us to have his freedom limited. I don't think it would be wise for us to have Issei use AxA even if it has devastating destructive power."

"Forget it. It's not like we can kill Chaos with just AxA. If he's someone who could just be obliterated with pure firepower, it wouldn't be this hard to deal with him." Kisuke went silent for a moment before continuing, "Just make sure that I can deal with Chaos alone."

"Alone?" Yoruichi approached him with Hestia from behind and asked with a frown, "Do you have to do it alone?"

Kisuke nodded, "It has the highest chance of winning and he'll let his guard down more if I'm alone." He wanted to take out the dagger he used to stab Tiamat in the forehead to check its status but he didn't want Benihime to go ballistic on him right now.

From the outside, they could hear Nyx's voice as she was trying to chase down Claire's group, "She hasn't caught them yet?", asked Irina with disbelief,  but she was not reprimanding Nyx's ability because she also knew what Nyx could do. If she couldn't do it, chances are, she can't do it too.

"How are they escaping?" Akeno also asked as she too could hardly believe the situation.

"It seems that Ophis and Flanna are not with them. Where are they?" asked Serafall.

"They have an assignment they have to complete. They won't be joining us," replied Kisuke, "How about you join them? It's been a while since you've seen Claire and Tanis, right? You could test their skills too if you're curious."

Although a simple and reasonable statement, Yoruichi alone caught what Kisuke was planning, 'He's still struggling with a decision, but this is a good start.'

"Well then, I'll go check on Riveria to see if she hasn't been eaten alive by those curious individuals." Without explaining much else, Kisuke left the girls to themselves.

Although there are thousands of refugees that need to be treated, the island still feels enormous and wide. Along the way, he saw Deities that went to Loki's side in midst of the fighting assisting the other Deities who just came, 'There would be around a thousand Deities on our side if all of them could gather but Chaos would have tens of thousands. Not to mention, they would probably have most of their power back after being poisoned.'

What makes it harder is the fact that Kisuke doesn't really want to kill the enemy Deities because there would be no point in annexing this world if most of its manpower is gone, 'An hour... No. Half an hour. I have to finish Chaos within half an hour.'

While thinking of the sequences he should follow to force Chaos' cards, Kisuke reached the dormitory where those who fought in Orario are staying and once he stepped in, he was greeted by a restless sight. Immediately after, Riveria suddenly appeared behind him with a very tired expression, "Help me calm them down... I didn't think they'd react this much."


28th00: Ah, Riveria isn't just an Elf, She's High-Elf Royalty, and she changed species to a Devil, in a servile position beneath Kisuke. One titularly named his queen. Oh man, saying she's not married must've made them go wild after she got to that part.

Goyya: And not just any Devil. Just her ability alone brings her on par with Ultimate Class.


Chapter 1061 Round 2 part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

Kisuke turned his head and saw Riveria with a tired expression and Devil wings out, "What? They couldn't accept your explanation?"

Riveria grimaced and replied, "... It's more that they couldn't believe what they were seeing. After all, in this world, race is something you can't really do anything about and the source of many conflicts."

The Deities found Kisuke and Riveria with bloodshot eyes. With Loki in the lead, she ran towards Kisuke, "Kisuke! What is this!? How is this possible!?"

"It's a reincarnation system that was created by a certain genius to replenish the depleted Devils after a great war. No point in saying anything more than that."


Kisuke interrupted her, "No buts. You just need to know that you can't apply your common sense here or you'll just trap yourself in a jail of your own making."

"Guhh..." Loki stopped and looked at Riveria who was not willing to tell anything more. Those behind her also stopped and reigned in their curiosity. Nonetheless, a certain possibility emerged in their minds. If Riveria could do it, wouldn't that mean that it's also possible for the rest of the children to do the same?

Not willing to entertain their silly thoughts, Loki sighed, "Fine... I apologize."

"It's fine." Kisuke was planning on briefing them on what they should do next and slowly unlock the powers of the rest of the Deities who just came. But before he could do so, a small rumble came from a distance and only those with sensitive enough senses were able to feel it.

However, Kisuke couldn't help but widen his eyes because the dagger in his sleeve started reacting to the out-of-place rumble. Without any hesitation, he connected his Communication Magic to Aika, "Ask Issei to come back and prepare the cannons. Fire it at the shell as soon as possible!"

Aika didn't question his abrupt decision and instead asked, [It'll take a few minutes to gather enough power to deal with the enemy Deities. Will you be able to hold out?]

While giving Riveria a hand signal, Kisuke replied, "I can fix the formation I left in Orario to deal with Tiamat so I'll be able to transfer everyone out except for Chaos." After giving his instructions to Riveria, Kisuke hurriedly flew towards Orario.

[Issei is returning. One minute before impact.]

"Prepare for the second volley as soon as possible."

[Understood. I've also issued an emergency summon and Sona-chan will lead everyone to meet the enemy. Should I also call Ophis, Lilith, and Flanna?]

"No. They have an important job to accomplish. However, please do tell Sona to aim for a defensive battle. Just keep everyone busy while I deal with the big boss."

[Alright. Good luck. I won't distract you anymore.] Aika then cut the connection because she knew that the suddenness behind Kisuke's actions would mean that he would need some time to analyze the situation.

Halfway through his flight, Kisuke flew to the side and let a 7-meter wide blinding beam of red light pass by him. And the beam was sitting more than 10 meters above the ground, it still melted its path and it's a testament to how much destructive power is behind the beam.

Although it was still just a dot within his vision, Kisuke could see the beam of light slam on the black dome and shake it horribly.

The black dome managed to resist for ten seconds before it couldn't take anymore and the beam bore a 7-meter hole in it before weakening and entirely disappearing as if it was just a bad dream.

A few seconds later, Kisuke arrived near the dome and saw parts of it flaking off as it couldn't take the burden anymore and started collapsing. Nonetheless, he immediately ignored the collapse of the structure and scanned what was inside.

He saw a few Deities on the surface and the Deities also saw him, all wearing terrified expressions. Chaos promised them that his barrier will be able to hold on for at least a week no matter how much they attack it from the outside. However, Kisuke suddenly appeared after the horrifying light so there's only one reaction from them after witnessing this misunderstanding. They all escaped to the depths of the Dungeon where they could feel safer from the arrival of the monster.

Since they even left their children, they really threw away their pride to save their hides.

'Now that's convenient.' Kisuke thought to himself while taking back the energy that was needed to release his Shunkou, 'Did they inherit Chaos' cowardly nature?'

'In any case, this has just become a lot easier for me and it won't just be the [Expulsion] formation that I'll be able to restore, but 'that' too.' Kisuke didn't wait for any further trouble and began working on fixing the formation that was broken with their battle with Tiamat, 'I can't afford to make any mistakes. A single wrong choice will cost me my life. Hopefully, I read him right.'

A few minutes later, Kisuke had managed to fix the formations that he needed and was surprised that no one came to bother him, 'Are they setting a trap for me? Too bad, I'm not here to play with them.' Without any further delay, Kisuke activated the [Expulsion] formation and everyone aside from the being that couldn't move was teleported away from the Dungeon to random directions several hundreds of kilometers away. If they really were preparing a trap for him, it instantly became useless.

After taking a deep breath, Kisuke prepared himself and descended with suitable speed toward the deepest part of the Dungeon.

As he went through the once familiar Dungeon, he could see black veins throbbing along its walls, ceilings, and floors, 'Tiamat said that it would take him some time to get what he wants, but clearly, that isn't the case anymore.'

It didn't take long for Kisuke to arrive at the very bottom where he'd battled Tiamat and saw that Chaos was standing in the middle while watching a humanoid figure with pure black skin in a fetal position embedded in the ground with a faint barrier covering it. As soon as he saw the 'corpse', Kisuke instantly noticed it had the same face as Tiamat.

"You're fast, Kisuke Urahara." Chaos took his gaze off from the 'corpse' and turned to him, "But in the end, it is your arrogance that'll cause you your demise."

"If you prepared a speech for me, save it. I'm not really in the mood to listen to the rambling of a guy who thinks he's at the very top of everything yet is the most cowardly of them all."



Chapter 1062 Round 2 part 3 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres on Patreon

A vein popped on Chaos' forehead but he reigned in the rage that was boiling deep within him. He's not stupid enough to fall into Kisuke's pace over and over again. Ignoring what he'd just said, Chaos continued, "Did you really think that just because I'm busy here, you can take me on all by yourself? If that's not arrogance, I don't know what it is, since you're not a fool."

Kisuke observed the situation more and found that a black tentacle coming out of Chaos' leg is attached to the embedded person's belly and from her, black veins spread out through the entire Dungeon, "That's not Tiamat... Is it?"

Chaos smirked and began muttering, "Ah~ Right. You managed to kill Tiamat against all of my expectations. What should I do~? I'm very tempted to wake her sister up and see what she'll do~."

Kisuke's neutral expression changed to that of a frown, "...Sister?"

Chaos looked down at the woman and proceeded to step on her head, "Yes. Arguably, the real 'Mother'. If Tiamat created order, Null created the substance." As he ground his foot on her, Kisuke could see the pleasure on Chaos' face and almost reeled from it, "But for such powerful beings, they were too naive. I had a great time as their advisor. Ahh~ Those were good times..." At this point, the twisted smile on Chaos is the worst that Kisuke had ever seen, "Corrupting them and slowly leading them to their demise as I gobble everything up... I want to relish that experience once again."

All of a sudden, a whistling sound pulled Chaos from his nostalgia and he stretched his left hand to catch the crimson arc that was aimed directly at him before crushing it and reducing it into motes of light, "What a rude fellow."

Kisuke lowered his sword and said, "I apologize. I saw something disgusting and felt the need to destroy it."

The disgusting smile from Chaos' face finally disappeared as he faced Kisuke once again, "Looks like you won't stop bothering me until I give you a lot of pain."

The answer that Kisuke gave him was another swing of his Benihime. Similar to before, Chaos just casually dealt with the sword arc that's enough to injure a strong God by slapping it away with his bare hands.

Naturally, Chaos wouldn't just passively defend himself. Although he didn't move from his position, Kisuke suddenly felt small tremors on the ground and the walls and immediately jumped up. In his previous position, he saw numerous black tentacles that attempted to skewer him multiple times.

"As I said, your arrogance is the cause of your death." Chaos spoke while sending more tentacles toward Kisuke, "This is my domain and you have no say in it."

Kisuke didn't say anything back and just defended himself. He would attack if there's an opening but overall, his goal is to maintain the status quo, 'He also doesn't want to push me harder than this. That would mean that he's on a crucial part and I could potentially interrupt him.'

Kisuke knew that he had to interrupt him, however, he didn't know how he should be interrupted. As he didn't have much information, he doesn't know if his brash attempt would only make it worse for him. And as Chaos had predicted, Kisuke would need to first understand the situation or he won't be able to do much.

It became a race against who would reach their own goal first.

After a few minutes of observation and tracking the flow of energy, 'Null, huh? It's not really very helpful that Tiamat decided to hide her existence from me. It's as if she just left everything to fate and she's fine with disappearing too.' Kisuke clicked his tongue, 'Having a teammate that doesn't really care is a pain in the ass. I hope my last card works properly.'

Hearing that click of a tongue, Chaos thought that Kisuke was getting frustrated that he couldn't find an opening. But contrary to his belief, Kisuke had already found something but just hadn't found the right timing yet.

'Chaos is not 'eating' this Null, but absorbing a certain aspect of her. I don't really know how Chaos' ability works but I can assume it within the [Gluttony]-class of abilities.'

The [Gluttony]-class abilities. It's a group of abilities that has the concept of absorption. Some of Saji and Vali's abilities fall into this category, 'In Chaos' case, it seems to be the main concept. Or I could be wrong and he has something like [Assimilation]. In any case, I just have to find the right spot for the most effective disruption.

'Found it!' In his last attack, Kisuke finally found a converging spot at the wall furthest away from him and where most of the tentacles seem to emerge. But before he could attack it, he had to prepare for what's coming next, [Benihime, get ready to go all out. Once the timing is right, I'm releasing you along with my Shunkou.]

[Don't you dare use Hollowfication in that state if you want to stay alive. You might have immense regeneration in that form but the combined power output will destroy you from the inside. I'll handle your injuries.]

[If I were to insist, how many seconds could you handle keeping me in one piece?]

[Seven, give or take.]

[That's plenty.]

[But forget about fighting after that.]

[If I can't kill him after that, then I would have lost anyway.]

Kisuke was about to start when suddenly, Benihime asked him an unrelated question, [By the way... What is that dagger? I don't like it.]

[You'll know later... But I beg of you... Don't kill me.]

Benihime was shocked and confused by Kisuke's sudden plea. But before she could ask any further, Kisuke suddenly accelerated and focused on their current goal, "Shunkou!"

The bloody aura that manifested around Kisuke pushed the pursuing tentacles and without rest, he continued, "4th Gate: Depression!"

Chaos thought that Kisuke will attack him for real and prepared to crush him with overwhelming strength, but to his surprise, Kisuke went past him and reached the wall behind him, "Eat this shit, you fucking glutton."

He smashed his fist on the wall and injected a large amount of his aura into it. Immediately after, Chaos suddenly felt bloated and a stream of black blood suddenly emerged from his orifices, "...What?" However, before he could understand what was going on, the tentacle that was connected to Null inflated several times and his head exploded into a fine mist along with his numerous tentacles turning into dust.


28th00: He punched the self-destruct button.