SDG 876-890

Super Dimensional Guild 876 : The two Transmigators doubt what they saw | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

"Why did the sky suddenly turn dark?"

"Isn't it wrong to see? The woman in the sky has black wings behind her back?!"

"Angel fell! It's like a fallen angel from mythology coming down to the world."

"Even aliens have started to invade the earth, what else is impossible? Even if there are fallen angels in this world?"

Some people are shocked, But at the same time, but most people are desperate. They felt that even the appearance of fallen angels and aliens, and the annihilation of mankind was imminent.

Suddenly, someone noticed something strange.

"Why do I feel the figure of a fallen angel, like I've seen it before?"

"Have you ever seen a fallen angel? Are you kidding?

"The god statue in the temple is exactly the same, I have a deep impression of this! After all, Kuroneko's statue is too much like a fallen angel, and the Catholic Church has protested against it."

"Is that Kuroneko who is known as the god of today? I've heard of this too. It is said that the Great God is real, and Catholics have witnessed the miracle of the Great God, so they don't dare to protest anymore, but I always thought it was just a joke, it was all real?"

After realizing this, no matter how calm people are, they can't calm down. The names of gods in myths appeared in the world? What does this actually mean? Could there be a god in their world?

"If all gods exist, then it is not impossible to block aliens."

"Kuroneko-sama, if you can block the alien invasion, then I will be your loyal follower from today on."

Not only did many ordinary people react, but the characters who were standing at the pinnacle of each country at this time also responded, with different expressions, looking up at the sky.

Because Goko Ruri broke through the sky and entered a strange world. This directly caused his figure to be projected into the sky.

No matter where one is on earth, as long as one looks up, one can see clearly.

There is no doubt that high-ranking officials in various countries know more information than ordinary people, even knowing the last time Su Han resolved the biochemical crisis.

After all, the biochemical crisis was too big, even if Japan tried its best to cover up the news, there was nothing they could do.

"Is that the god who appeared in the event of a biochemical crisis with the code name X? According to the information we recorded, Kuroneko, the Great God has great prestige among the Japanese people, she is a god one of the weakest in the event of a biochemical crisis."

"A god who controls lightning, and a man has extraordinary achievements in technology, and has even developed a small human armor. Where are they, those people don't show up? Is it because something happened, or is it because people think this fallen angel is enough?"

Just as the top leaders of various countries were thinking about it, the wings behind Goko Ruri fluttered, and a dark power was released.

"Darkness! Space sealed! Air shock!"

With Goko Ruri's words, space was twisted at this moment, and then, like fragile glass, space shattered.

The large number of mechanical octopuses and mechanical shields in space were unable to withstand this space-destroying attack, and were crushed along with space.

Air shock, this is Shirohige's technique!

Kuroneko continued to hone her bodily functions, develop a devil fruit, and finally, with the help of the power of the Daitenshi fruit, she understood the domain of space, and then she studied with Shirohige.

This was Goko Ruri's first time using this technique.

A sharp roar came from the gap of space, but this time it was not a robot, but an elemental life composed of various elements.

There is a fire element king who is enveloped by fire, and there is a water element king walking in the air and triggering a huge wave, the thunder element king emits thunder light throughout his body.

"What are these elemental creatures?"

Goko Ruri used Busoshoku Haki on her hands and formed a Kamar-Taj magic array, she immediately appeared beside the fire element king, and hit the fire element king to destroy the fire element king's body.

The vast ocean turned into countless whips, all of which charged towards Goko Ruri.

Goko Ruri used the Sube Sube no Mi fruit ability, and her body was like a fish, dodging all the water whips, and her fists bombarded many times in the air.

The air burned, and the air was shaken by the fist and turned into an air cannon. One by one huge holes appeared in the body of the water element king, and finally the life core was crushed by the blow.

After doing all that, Goko Ruri was panting slightly, and sweat dripped from her forehead.

Goko Ruri's strength is indeed strong, but her stamina is not limitless. First, she killed almost all the mechanical vanguard troops in seconds, and then faced a large number of elemental lords. Even if his body was iron, it was useless, and she couldn't resist running out of stamina at all.

Goko Ruri bought a stamina talisman to restore her stamina to the peak.

"Sakai, if I remember correctly, this person should be Goko Ruri, right?"

A somewhat hoarse voice suddenly emerged from the crack of space and time, and a tall and majestic body emitted a mechanical beam of light. The blonde haired man walked out from the gap of space and time, looking at Goko Ruri with surprise in his eyes.

Sakai Tani walked out of the gap of space and time, his eyes fell on Goko Ruri, he was also clearly surprised "I remember Oreimo is a Slice of life anime"

"In the original, this woman called herself a fallen angel! But she's only a Chuunibyou, why does she have such power?"

He was talking to himself, and seemed to be wondering, "Could Oreimo really be an extraordinary world? Isn't this bullshit?"

Sakai Tani wonders if there is a mistake in his memory. This storyline changes too much!

"The plot of the original work collapsed, that's normal! After all, this is a world that wants to be sublimated." Even though Brooks was just as shocked, he quickly calmed down and looked at Goko Ruri, "All we have to do is to destroy the will of this world according to the Transmigrator Organization's mission."

Sakai Tianji nodded in agreement.

"You're right!"

"Mourn this little girl!" Sakai Tani waved his hand, and a flame lit up in his hand, sweeping across the sky and covering the earth. This time it was not like the previous elemental kings.

The blue flames covered the sky completely, making Goko Ruri's body feel an aura of death.

"Oppressing a girl, if the top tier Transmigrator Organization of the Transmigrator Organization is just like this, it really disappoints me."

A sneer sounded and someone suddenly appeared.

Su Han was dressed in white and had an elegant posture. He stretched out his hand and a small light blue sphere appeared from his palm, struck forward, and then expanded into a vast ocean.


Super Dimensional Guild 877 : Isn't this the world of slice of life? | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

The world has turned into an ocean.

The blue fire couldn't stop the ocean at all. A large amount of seawater was burned into water vapor, and the vast ocean extinguished the entire blue fire.

Seeing this scene, Kasumigaoka Utaha, who was nervous in the courtyard, as well as Kasaka Kyosuke, and Kosaka Kirino were all relieved by Su Han's arrival.

"Did the Guild so manage to arrive at the last minute?" Kosaka Kyosuke slumped gently on the chair and muttered, "That's great!"

"Every time we are stuck at the most dangerous time, the Guild Master will arrive!" Kosaka Kirito was also wiping away cold sweat.

Kasumigaoka Utaha smiled and said, "The Guild Master may have a black belly and hope for many flaws. But he is never late at a critical moment."

After speaking, Kasumigaoka Utaha started the guild live broadcast.


Father Shirohige: "Watch your daughter look like a war god on the battlefield. Gurarara..."

Old Man is the Marquis: "The god of war? Which god of war?"

Sakata Gintoki: "Atreus has been kicked out of the group chat because he talks too much"

Loki: "😲😲😲"

Atreus: "???"

Atreus was confused, and he was just a casual observer. What did the dj do to get him involved? He's innocent.

Houraisan Kaguya: Where are Tony and Saiki, why can't I see their shadows?

Aizen Sosuke: "The two of them are hiding in the void! Tony aside from being a master of mechanical transformation, he is also the best space mage."

Shinonono Tabane: "Stank-shit!"

Umaru Doma: "Potato chips and cola have been brought out of the guild warehouse! Ever since I learned of the function of the guild warehouse, I have never worried about food!"

Nakiri Erina: "😲😲😲"

Nakiri Erina: "Although I am a chef, but I also know that the guild warehouse function is used in this case, this usage can no longer be described as rude."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Continue watching the battle now in its climax!"


On the battlefield.

"This is not over!" Su Han's body radiated with dazzling lightning. "If you have studied physics, you must understand that water is a conductor"

The lightning light and the vast sea turned into a sea of lightning at this moment.

Lightning struck the ocean, causing the entire ocean to glow blue.

At this moment, a huge sun-like ocean consisting of swirls of lightning, hung high above the sky, looking so dazzling and terrifying that it lit up the entire earth as brightly as daylight.

The senior officials from various countries who knew little information about Su Han and the others only felt fear at this moment. They stared dazedly at the sky, witnessing the world-destroying level power, and their bodies felt weak.

"It is the God of Lightning, but compared to when he appeared before, his strength has greatly increased! Amazing, really like the gods mentioned in the Bible!"

"Why do you say that he is like a god in the Bible, not like a demon that can destroy the world?"

'The power of the lightning god's power has increased too much! Maybe last time, the lightning god didn't show his true strength at all."

"You mean, the power he is showing now is the power he actually has?"

"If not, then how can one explain the situation in front of us?"

"Still too hard to believe...."

Although last time there was a biochemical crisis that had made them very wary, but later, countries spent a lot of money in search of traces of God's appearance.

In the end, the institutions of various countries concluded that Su Han's appearance was a coincidence, or just an ordinary person possessing extraordinary power. After all, the appearance of Su Han and others combined with the biochemical crisis, it is too suspicious.

The biochemical crisis has nothing to do with gods, right? Not to mention that there is Iron Man on the technology side among Su Han and others. Perhaps Su Han and the others were pure Espers that had been researched by biological science and technology.

But now, seeing this scene, they understood everything they had guessed wrong. Ordinary people? Which ordinary person could control this level of power.

With a wave of the palm, a vast ocean appeared, and the scale of the ocean was like a tsunami that swept across the world as recorded in the Bible. Then the light of lightning can turn the ocean into a sea of lightning?

Is this the combination of the God of the Sea and the God of Lightning? This is the power to destroy the world level. With every move, it has a destructive power that surpasses that of a nuclear bomb.

Saying this thing is human, who can believe it? How can humans be so strong?

"Destroy everything!"

With an indifferent voice, a fist appeared in the depths of the ocean. The sea was torn apart, and the power bombarded Su Han relentlessly.

A piece of cracked space is affected by the force of the fist, and then it vibrates, and is about to shatter.

"Shattering Stars Gift?" Su Han muttered.

Gifts! This is the power of the Little Garden of the world of Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? The power level of this world is extremely high.

Gifts are varied and cover a wide range. But as long as you see this Guft Transmigator, you can understand the function of this Gift.

——This is a powerful Gift that can easily knock down stars.

"Let me try how strong this Gift is." Su Han also raised his fist. "Then why not try this technique… Yasogami Kūgeki!"

Su Han opened the Nine Tomoe Rinnegan, then clenched his fists and punched countless fists. The Reality Stone and Power Stone were activated together.

Sensing the approaching pressure, Sakai Tani couldn't help but curse. "Damn!!!"

Can you still do Yasogami Kūgeki? And possess the Rinnegan Nine Tomoe?

Are you kidding? Isn't this a slice of life world?


Super Dimensional Guild 878 : Battle | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Before seeing Goko Ruri turn into a fallen angel, although Sakai Tani was shocked, he regained his composure.

However the real Goko Ruri has a tendency to thrive in this regard.

No one knows, what kind of mutation will the sublimation of the world cause? Although top-tier Transmigators had experienced many worlds, this was their first time experiencing world sublimation.

But man, it's too much for you to show off the power of the Naruto world.

What is the relationship between the Ascension World and the Naruto World?

You're not a variable in this world at all, but from another world, right?

The Shattering Stars Gift collided with Yasogami Kūgeki, and the entire world began to shake and crumble.

Seeing that this world was about to collapse, due to the tide of battle, another figure with pink hair appeared.

Saiki uses psychic powers to stabilize the entire world.

Yasogami Kūgeki's attack was too strong, and it was thrown from Su Han's hand. His strength far surpasses the Yasogami Kūgeki displayed by Otsutsuki Kaguya, and there is a world-destroying power flowing.

The Shattering Stars Gift was destroyed and Yasogami Kūgeki headed for Sakai Tani.

Facing this, Sakai Tani's body emitted a golden glow. "Kinrin Tensei Baku (Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion)"

The golden light from Sakai Tani's hand rushed towards Su Han. Baku's Kinrin Tensei collided with Yasogami Kūgeki.

The space where the war was taking place turned into powder, showing a void without anything, and everything was destroyed.

Yasogami Kūgeki relentlessly crushed Baku's Kinrin Tensei, and kept pushing in front of Sakai Tani, finally stopping.

Sakai Tani breathed a sigh of relief.

Without waiting for him to completely relax, Su Han's voice appeared beside him. "Gudodama!"

Gudōdama continues to evolve and swallows Sakai Tani completely. Once in the BUFF Power Stone, Gudōdama truly has the power to obliterate everything.

The blue light from Sakai Tani's eyes became even more dazzling, and a Tenseigan appeared in his palm, which collided with Gudōdama.

This was a power of the same nature as Gudōdama, and Gudodama froze for a time.

However, the Gudōdama that had been BUFFed by the Power Stone was completely unstoppable, the Tenseigan was gradually being swallowed up.

However, taking advantage of this moment, Sakai Tani quickly retreated from Gudōdama's attack range.

"I can't believe in Sakai's power to destroy planets and have destroyed one world after another, will have a day like this." Brooks who was watching from the start felt a shudder of fear in his heart.

Even though Sakai Tani wasn't the strongest of the Transmigrator Organization. But it must be the top, how can he be suppressed by others like this? It's like playing with a child.

"I can't keep watching," Brooks immediately entered the battlefield. "I have to participate!"

Sakai Tani is stronger than Brooks.

It was very difficult for Sakai Tani to face Su Han. If Sakai Tani was defeated and only Brooks was left, then he would definitely die.

With such a thought, the space-time gap was torn apart, and a large number of mechanical armor swarmed around him.

This mechanical armor was completely different from the one that was destroyed by Goko Ruri earlier. The whole body shone with a faint blue luster, clearly the energy shield had been opened.

If the previous group of mechanical vanguards were cannon fodder, then the current mechanical armor was the main force that Brooks made.

Before this mechanical armor actually entered the battle, a clanging sound was heard, and a set of red Iron Man armor appeared to intercept this mechanical armor, and the two sides launched an aerial battle.

The combat power of the mechanical armor was superior to that of Iron Man's armor, and it was endless. Iron Man's armor was naturally beaten and retreated.

But soon, Hulk Buster, Saiyan Buster, God Slayer Buster and other high-level mechas joined the battlefield.

Even high-level armor with Batman characteristics, such as Hell Bat, Flash Buster, and Green Lantern Buster, also joins the battlefield.

With the help of high-level armor, the battle situation became a stalemate.

Brooks spots Tony Stark, and mechanical prosthetic eyes quickly analyze the data, allowing him to determine Tony's identity. "Iron Man! Iron Man in the Marvel universe."

"You really are not from this world, but from another world."

Brooks was confused, apart from the Transmigator Organization and Main God Room in the Transmigator Organization's database, is there anyone else who can travel to other worlds at will?

"But it's useless."

Brooks saw Tony from afar and sneered.

"If you obediently hide on the side, you can still hold on, but it's a shame you chose to come here." Brooks disappeared and when he reappeared, he was already behind Tony. "Go to hell with your toys, Iron Man!"

With a loud sound, the antimatter energy cannon fired, but did not bombard Tony. Saiki Kusuo had appeared beside the two, and he grabbed the antimatter energy cannon. So the antimatter cannon can't fire

"Let Tony handle your armor, and I'll play with you? How?"

After saying that, Saiki Kusuo let go of the limiter above his head.


Super Dimensional Guild 878 : Battle | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Before seeing Goko Ruri turn into a fallen angel, although Sakai Tani was shocked, he regained his composure.

However the real Goko Ruri has a tendency to thrive in this regard.

No one knows, what kind of mutation will the sublimation of the world cause? Although top-tier Transmigators had experienced many worlds, this was their first time experiencing world sublimation.

But man, it's too much for you to show off the power of the Naruto world.

What is the relationship between the Ascension World and the Naruto World?

You're not a variable in this world at all, but from another world, right?

The Shattering Stars Gift collided with Yasogami Kūgeki, and the entire world began to shake and crumble.

Seeing that this world was about to collapse, due to the tide of battle, another figure with pink hair appeared.

Saiki uses psychic powers to stabilize the entire world.

Yasogami Kūgeki's attack was too strong, and it was thrown from Su Han's hand. His strength far surpasses the Yasogami Kūgeki displayed by Otsutsuki Kaguya, and there is a world-destroying power flowing.

The Shattering Stars Gift was destroyed and Yasogami Kūgeki headed for Sakai Tani.

Facing this, Sakai Tani's body emitted a golden glow. "Kinrin Tensei Baku (Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion)"

The golden light from Sakai Tani's hand rushed towards Su Han. Baku's Kinrin Tensei collided with Yasogami Kūgeki.

The space where the war was taking place turned into powder, showing a void without anything, and everything was destroyed.

Yasogami Kūgeki relentlessly crushed Baku's Kinrin Tensei, and kept pushing in front of Sakai Tani, finally stopping.

Sakai Tani breathed a sigh of relief.

Without waiting for him to completely relax, Su Han's voice appeared beside him. "Gudodama!"

Gudōdama continues to evolve and swallows Sakai Tani completely. Once in the BUFF Power Stone, Gudōdama truly has the power to obliterate everything.

The blue light from Sakai Tani's eyes became even more dazzling, and a Tenseigan appeared in his palm, which collided with Gudōdama.

This was a power of the same nature as Gudōdama, and Gudodama froze for a time.

However, the Gudōdama that had been BUFFed by the Power Stone was completely unstoppable, the Tenseigan was gradually being swallowed up.

However, taking advantage of this moment, Sakai Tani quickly retreated from Gudōdama's attack range.

"I can't believe in Sakai's power to destroy planets and have destroyed one world after another, will have a day like this." Brooks who was watching from the start felt a shudder of fear in his heart.

Even though Sakai Tani wasn't the strongest of the Transmigrator Organization. But it must be the top, how can he be suppressed by others like this? It's like playing with a child.

"I can't keep watching," Brooks immediately entered the battlefield. "I have to participate!"

Sakai Tani is stronger than Brooks.

It was very difficult for Sakai Tani to face Su Han. If Sakai Tani was defeated and only Brooks was left, then he would definitely die.

With such a thought, the space-time gap was torn apart, and a large number of mechanical armor swarmed around him.

This mechanical armor was completely different from the one that was destroyed by Goko Ruri earlier. The whole body shone with a faint blue luster, clearly the energy shield had been opened.

If the previous group of mechanical vanguards were cannon fodder, then the current mechanical armor was the main force that Brooks made.

Before this mechanical armor actually entered the battle, a clanging sound was heard, and a set of red Iron Man armor appeared to intercept this mechanical armor, and the two sides launched an aerial battle.

The combat power of the mechanical armor was superior to that of Iron Man's armor, and it was endless. Iron Man's armor was naturally beaten and retreated.

But soon, Hulk Buster, Saiyan Buster, God Slayer Buster and other high-level mechas joined the battlefield.

Even high-level armor with Batman characteristics, such as Hell Bat, Flash Buster, and Green Lantern Buster, also joins the battlefield.

With the help of high-level armor, the battle situation became a stalemate.

Brooks spots Tony Stark, and mechanical prosthetic eyes quickly analyze the data, allowing him to determine Tony's identity. "Iron Man! Iron Man in the Marvel universe."

"You really are not from this world, but from another world."

Brooks was confused, apart from the Transmigator Organization and Main God Room in the Transmigator Organization's database, is there anyone else who can travel to other worlds at will?

"But it's useless."

Brooks saw Tony from afar and sneered.

"If you obediently hide on the side, you can still hold on, but it's a shame you chose to come here." Brooks disappeared and when he reappeared, he was already behind Tony. "Go to hell with your toys, Iron Man!"

With a loud sound, the antimatter energy cannon fired, but did not bombard Tony. Saiki Kusuo had appeared beside the two, and he grabbed the antimatter energy cannon. So the antimatter cannon can't fire

"Let Tony handle your armor, and I'll play with you? How?"

After saying that, Saiki Kusuo let go of the limiter above his head.


Super Dimensional Guild 879 : Everything is under my control | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Saiki Kusuo's aura had changed at this time. If he was as peaceful as the commoner before, then if his limiter was removed, he would have the power to destroy the world.

His abilities were too numerous and powerful, to the point that he couldn't even control them, he could only vent them around him and shake the universe.

The psychic power gathered in Saiki Kusuo's palm, he just lightly squeezed it, and the antimatter energy cannon was pinched by it. Then he kicked Brooks' breastplate shattered, and Brooks was thrown far away.

"Want to run away? Do not expect!" Saiki Kusuo chased towards Brooks.

"This battle is really dangerous." Tony had just been stared at by Brooks, and he actually felt a fatal sense of danger. If Saiki Kusuo didn't help halfway, he would at least be seriously injured.

"Don't tell me, you didn't prepare anything this time?" The figure of Goko Ruri appeared beside Tony. and said with a venomous tongue, "It's not like your usual self, you usually prepare all sorts of things"

"Of course!" Tony turned his palm and took out a Time Stone, which was in the form of a crystal, "I can use 30,000 points to temporarily use the Time Stone's power."

"When I used the Time Stone, how could that person kill me?"


Guild chat room.

Kasumi Utako: "That's terrible!"

Sakata Gintoki: "Using a Time Stone? I remember your Dormammu."

Waver: "Your Dormammu is here to negotiate with you"

Ash: "You guys want to scare me to death with your Dormammu? Are you guys trying to make me laugh to death and inherit my Pokémon Ball?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Isn't your Dormammu dead by now?"

Nyaruko: "Your dorm in the Marvel universe is dead? Impossible, according to the film's setting, that person was a Magic God ranked existence in the Toaru Majutsu no Index. Even if your Dormammu meets an undefeated opponent, if your Dormammu wants to escape, there's no problem, right?"

Shinonono Tabane: "There is no doubt about Dormammu's death. This person's dark dimensional world was instantly destroyed by the Guild Master. And his body was also destroyed by the Guild Master and lost the possibility of resurrection."

Nyaruko: "😲😲😲"

The world that Dormammu lives in has been destroyed! Even your Dormammu can't get up? Is this still possible?

King: "Your Dormammu is really dead, not even ashes are left!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Pfffftt... Tell me, how come your Dormammu has ashes? He's not even human. m Is it an element or life with an energy attribute?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Now there's a lot of news in our world that we're going to end."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Guild Master and the others are still fighting! Leaving everyone in every country in danger. "

Kasumi Utako: "This is also something that can't be helped! Their strength is too strong. The Guild Master and Saiki Kusuo who can easily destroy the earth can be ignored, but we are talking about Transmigators this time!"

Kasumi Utako: "Sakai Tani can't act, but Brooks' mechanical army can easily destroy human civilization on earth!"

Aizen Sosuke: "Obviously, as long as the strong think, they can easily slaughter all the weak! But there are some people who have no brains. Obviously standing in a strong position, and they are still thinking about how to deal with the weak."

Hououin Kyoyma: "This is human inferiority! The root of man's darkness, inferiority has taken root in man, and this is how it can develop. Even if we guard this pitiful world, we won't be understood by others! But I still will not give up my struggle to the last drop of blood."

Krul: "😐"

Old Man is the Marquis: "😐"

Shinonono Tabane: "Wow, what a really good word for a Chuunibyou!"

Sakata Gintoki: "Who will take care of this Chuunibyou? Obviously Kuroneko is also Chuunibyou! Why is the distance between the two of them so far?"

Nyaruko: "Don't you dare say anything."


Tony couldn't help but laugh when he saw the conversation in the chatroom. He pressed against his chest, waves spread out, and the nano-mecha covered his entire body.

"Kuroneko, you…" Tony was only halfway there. In addition to the large amount of mechanical armor pouring out from the space-time gap, there were also mechanical octopus monsters, and even many elemental creatures that were purely composed of water, fire, lightning, were also crowding out.

Moreover, the auras on their bodies were not inferior to the previous elemental kings, and there were some auras that surpassed the previous elemental kings.

"These new people are…..?" Goko Ruri deploys advanced Kenbunshoku Haki.

Although Goko Ruri is upgraded through points, rather than directly exchanged for advanced-level Haki, it can also hear the voice of the soul under certain circumstances.

"Levels higher than the previous elemental king!"

"Isn't that guy controlling mechanical power? Why is he still able to manipulate these elementals?" Tony could only complain.

"This isn't Brooks' subordinate!" Goko Ruri said confidently, "This is the power of Sakai Tani."

"Is that so?" Tony suddenly realized, "Is that the power of controlling the seven elements? So he uses it in this way, that's explainable."


Super Dimensional Guild 880 : I received your Tenseigan | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

"Tony-san," Goko Ruri said confidently., "That mechanical monster was handed over to me?"

"Are you sure you can beat them?" Tony asked. "You were very difficult to fight against several elemental kings before. Now it is the king of the elements plus the mechanical army."

"Don't underestimate me"

The black wings behind Goko Ruri are expanding. Initially there was only one pair, but gradually expanded to three other pairs. She instantly transformed into an eight-winged fallen angel, and said confidently, "My devil fruit has reached the awakening stage three times. "

"Before, I didn't use all my strength!"

Without waiting for Tony's answer, Goko Ruri dove into the crowd of elemental kings, tearing all elemental kings apart with every move. This is completely different from the previous one.

But on the other hand, Goko Ruri also bought some physical strength talismans.

The fallen angel formed in the state of awakening three times, although the strength is very strong, the burden on the body has increased. An average of 30 seconds would require five physical strength talismans.

But this is not surprising, if it does not consume a lot of stamina, then Goko Ruri will maintain this mode under normal circumstances.

Of course everything is equal. The high consumption of stamina, in exchange, was a destructive power that had increased tens of times.

"I really underestimated you!" Tony couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Goko Ruri in front of him.

Tony's expression calmed down again, his soles spouted fire, and he pierced through the machine mecha army.

"Since that is the case, then I must work hard."


"Left or right?" Sakai Tani uses Tenseigan to see 360 degrees. Su Han's punch emitting a crystal luster suddenly shot out of the void, and the energy fluctuations of the Power Stone remained there.

"That is within my range of observation."

Sakai Tani activated the Shattering Stars Gift and his fist was covered with a star-like glow. He punched hard, like a meteor streaking across the sky.

With a punch it hit the air, and Su Han's body in front of him fell apart.

"The opponent has lost? But what is this feeling?"

With a loud bang, Su Han's fist had pierced through Sakai Tani's chest, a look of disbelief appearing on his face. Red blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"When did you appear behind me? My Tenseigan definitely doesn't have a blind spot, even if you're stronger than me, it's impossible to get past the Tenseigan's observation range."

"I don't know if you've heard of this..." Su Han whispered in Sakai Tani's ear "Kyoka Suigetsu?"

After hearing this, Sakai Tani knew what was going on. "Aizen!!!"

"Bastard, do you think you have won now?"

Sakai Tani said angrily.

"If you want to kill me! You must also be prepared to die together."

The Tenseigan in Sakai Tani's eyes had a faint blue glow, and a surge of power spread from his body that destroyed everything. His Tenseigan wants to unleash the maximum Kinrin Tensei Baku (Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion) blast through self-destruction, and at the same time detonate the Shattering Stars Gift in his body.

"You can not!" Su Han smiled slightly, "I don't want your Gift, but I'm still very interested in your strengthened Tenseigan."

——Dark Domain!

Black light spread out, covering Sakai Tani's body, and Sakai Tani, who had a ferocious expression on his face before, looked gloomy. Because he discovered that his connection to his own power in his body was severed.

"You directly erased the supernatural power? Imagine Breaker Kamijou Touma? No, Imagine Breaker even removes the user's supernatural powers. What kind of weirdo are you...? "

Sakai Tani's words suddenly stopped, and a shrill scream escaped his mouth. He felt that every inch of his body was being crushed by Su Han.

Su Han's expression was indifferent at this sight.


The Shattering Stars Gift is a talent and cannot be extracted using the Yami Yami no Mi fruit, but the Tenseigan is a bloodline.

Even though Su Han already had the Nine Tomoe Rinnegan, which was on the same level as the Tenseigan or even higher. However, there's no one who doesn't like more power, especially powerful abilities that can be taken casually.

Not to mention the Tenseigan is of the same rank as the Rinnegan, but the nature of the power it controls is different. Tenseigan's control over gravity resistance is superior to that of the Rinnegan, besides the Tenseigan has Ginrin Tensei Baku (Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion) and Kinrin Tensei Baku (Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion).

The power of blood flowed into Su Han's body, he closed his eyes slightly and tasted it carefully.

A moment later, Su Han opened his eyes again, and the Nine Tomoe Rinnegan disappeared, replaced by the blue light of the Tenseigan, which saw the sea and the starry sky, very beautiful.

"The power of these eyes is not inferior to the Rinnegan Nine Tomoe!" Su Han said happily, "It seems that you have also strengthened the Tenseigan! Good work!"

Sakaida Tani now doesn't even have the power to curse.

Su Han tore off Sakai Tani's body. Blood spilled into the sky, and Sakai Tani died on the spot.

While rubbing his hands, Su Han didn't wonder why Sakai Tani died so easily this time. He had investigated through Kenbunshoku Haki, it was not that Sakai Tani had no way to save his life, but the way to save his life was not immortal body, but elementalization.

Moreover, unlike the usual elementalization of Devil Fruits, Sakai Tani can be based on his surroundings, and the seven elements are arbitrarily changed. The tenacity level is stronger than the immortal body.

Unfortunately because the Dark Domain directly stopped the elementalization. So when his body was destroyed, he died ruthlessly.


Super Dimensional Guild 881 : Brooks' Death | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

"One solved!"

Su Han turned to look at the other battlefield.

Saiki Kusuo and Brooks were naturally fighting. Even if Saiki Kusuo didn't open the limiter, his strength wasn't inferior to Brooks, and it went without saying that he opened the limiter.

Brooks cannot attack and can only parry, and he can die at any time.

As for Tony and Goko Ruri, both of them were fighting in the machine army and the elemental army at the moment, like battlefield terminators.


Su Xiaoxiao: "Looks like this battle is coming to an end."

Sakata Gintoki: "This time the Guild Master is the first to finish the battle, this is very rare!"

Kasumi Utako: "If the Guild Master wants to, then no matter what opponent he faces, he can end the battle as soon as possible."

Kasumi Utako: "In the past, Guild Masters were just playing around! It is very difficult for me to imagine that the Guild Master will go all out."

Symbol of Peace: "That's right!"

Waver: "According to what you said, why is the Guild Master this time serious?"

Father Shirohige: "I thought it was for the Tenseigan eye?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Almost right!"

Ash: "Just now, the Guild Master's eyes changed from Nine Tomoe's Rinnegan to Tenseigan! It really surprised me."

Ash : "I want to ask now, what is Nagato's special feeling?"

Let the World Suffer: "What can I feel?"

Uzumaki Nagato didn't feel anything.

Aizen Sosuke: "Actually the effects of the Rinnegan and Tenseigan are somewhat the same."

Su Xiaoxiao: "There is still a difference!"

Su Han disagreed with Aizen's point of view.

Su Xiaoxiao: "If the Rinnegan Eye improves all aspects, then the Tenseigan is undoubtedly a pure attacking eye! Under the same circumstances, the Tenseigan's attack power is superior to that of the Rinnegan."

Fourth Hokage: "But Guild Master, your Rinnegan is the Nine Tomoe Rinnegan and the Tenseigan should be a first stage Tenseigan right?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Why do you think Tenseigan is in the first stage?"

Su Han felt that he had nothing to hide, and answered directly.

Su Xiaoxiao: "According to my perception, the strength of this Tenseigan is not inferior to the Nine Tomoe Rinnegan, it should also be an enhanced version!"

Nakiri Erina: "😲😲😲"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "😲😲😲"

Monkey D. Dragon: "But it's normal to think about it. After all, this was a top tier Transmigator! Just as a Guild Master keeps improving his Rinnegan, the other party should also increase his Tenseigan! But now, it belongs to the Guild Master."


While Su Han was chatting, the situation on the battlefield changed drastically.

Goko Ruri radiated a bright light throughout her body, and black energy remained all over her body. This scene even made many guild members feel like they were seeing a black version of Super Saiyan mode.

Goko Ruri's figure turned into a shadow, a black light flashed, and the elemental king's body was completely crushed.

At this time, there are only a few elemental kings left on the battlefield, and it doesn't last long.

In the end, the elemental king was directly crushed by Goko Ruri's wings, plus the air shockwave.

At the same time, Tony takes control of Iron Man's army and manages to push the mechanized troops to a disadvantage. It even began to strike back at the space-time gap.

Glancing at the scene of Iron Man's troops fighting against opponents, Tony sent several sets of various types of mechanical armor troops' main armor into the system's arsenal, ready to be studied upon his return.

The combat power of the opponent's single mechanic was superior to that of ordinary Iron Man armor. This is a fact, and Tony certainly wouldn't deny it.

However, seeing this scene, Tony had an idea in his heart. He would return to learn the basic principles of mechanical armor and see if he could use this to comprehensively upgrade his Iron Man armor.


In the distance, Brooks who was fighting Saiki Kusuo, now had most of his body shattered, many parts spilled out. The energy core in his chest could be seen.

"You!!!" Even though the situation was quite unfavorable, and he could die at any moment, Brooks had a mocking smile drawn on the corners of his mouth. "You don't dare to kill, do you? Is it because you are soft-hearted?"

"Because of your tender heart, I can kill you in the end, do you believe it?"

Even though it seemed that he was seriously injured at the moment and could die at any moment, Brooks' attitude seemed to be the one with the upper hand.

Saiki Kusuo didn't answer Brooks' words.

Telepathy Saiki Kusuo could clearly feel the words and emotions in Brooks' heart. Although Brooks hated it, in fact, Brooks was very nervous right now, and could even be called frightened. All he wanted was how to escape from this world.

Then a voice sounded beside the two, "If you can't do it, I will help you, how?"

Saiki Kusuo nodded, "Alright!"

Brooks looked around and shouted "Who?"

At some point, Su Han's figure appeared behind him, the azure blue light in his pupils became flower petals, with an aesthetic beauty.

"Baku Kinrin Tensei!"

Light erupted from Su Han's palm. This is the main manifestation of rejection.

This move was shown in Su Han's hands, and his strength was much stronger than the Baku Kinrin Tensei Sakai Tani had displayed before.

The smoldering light shattered Brooks' body. Not only that, golden light shot away non-stop, piercing through the sky.

The power of this kind of attack is too strong, there are many gaps in the void, the world is shaking, the alien space is shaking, and it can collapse at any time.


Super Dimensional Guild 882 : After living for many years, just realized that this world has turned into an extraordinary world. | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Saiki Kusuo used his telekinesis to smooth the gaps in the void and stabilize space. At the same time, he inserted the limiter in his hand back into his head, and his aura returned to a stable state again.

"Bastard… Bastard!" Halting words rang out from above the Brooks ruins, his mechanical prosthetic eyes flickering and dimming.

If it was an ordinary person, his body would be cut in half by this energy beam, and he would definitely die. But Brooks turned himself into a cyborg life.

Even though his life was in danger right now, he was still alive.

"Not dead yet?" Su Han was a bit surprised. "Almost...."

Su Han's figure flashed, and he put his hand on the ruins of Brooks, and Gong Gong water poured out. Brooks couldn't even resist, rusting and turning to dust.

Two top-level Transmigators shut down and a system announcement notification sounded.

[Ding! The guild mission has been completed! All guild members, please receive the mission reward in time]

Goko Ruri and Tony Stark's action stopped for a moment. Goko Ruri had a smile appear on the corners of her mouth.

"The battle on my side isn't over yet," Tony rubbed his brows sadly. "In that case, won't I be the last to finish it?"

He wasn't the only one who finished it. More importantly Tony discovers that he is still a long way from defeating the mechanical army completely. This made him feel ashamed.

"Do you need me to help you? "

Goko Ruri sounded in a somewhat playful voice, and eight pairs behind her made her appear right beside Tony.

"Even if you help, it won't be much help." Tony spread his hands and refused, "If you just break the mechanics, it's not difficult. But if it doesn't solve the gap in space, Even if the mechanical army is destroyed again and again, they can continue to send reinforcements."

"My biggest problem now, I don't know how many reserve troops the other party has?"

"Of course." Su Han appeared beside Tony.

Su Han appeared beside them by teleportation, staring into the distance.

The Tenseigan has vision far beyond the Rinnegan. Coupled with Su Han's Kenbunshoku Haki, his observation ability has been further enhanced this time.

"Did the Guild Master find anything?" Tony asked.

"I originally thought that there would be a travel mechanism behind this space-time gap. Su Han said somewhat regretfully, "But in reality, it's not like this. The space-time gap on the other hand is a different dimensional space. There's a huge army of machines in it."

"It's a huge amount?" Tony had a bad feeling and asked. "How many?"

"According to my feelings…," Su Han thought for a moment, and replied directly, "Maybe there are tens of millions of mechanical mechas?"

Tony: "😐"

Tony was taken aback. Tens of millions of mecha mechanics? Isn't this a joke?

Tony had made his decision beforehand. If there were only a few thousand mecha mechanics on the opposite side, then as long as he spent enough time, he could still finish the other side.

But if the number of his opponents was in the tens of millions, he would have to bathe and sleep.

Not to mention the average mechanical mecha exceeds his Iron Man armor. With this amount alone, the energy of his Iron Man armor could be depleted due to a protracted battle.

Even if he developed an updated version of the energy core, it would be impossible to supply Iron Man's army and tens of millions of mechanical armor for such a battle. The gap between them was too great.

"Guild Master, please!" Tony stepped away, and made an inviting gesture.

Su Han raised his hand and the space in front of him distorted.

With a humming sound, the space-time gap in the distance collapsed.

"It is over!" Saiki Kusuo also used a teleportation technique and appeared beside Su Han and the others.

"Yes!" With a thought, the surrounding space turned around, and then they appeared directly in Goko Ruri's courtyard.

Losing the maintenance of the space-time gap, the alien space above the sky shook violently at this moment, and then completely collapsed. Together with the ruins of the many mechanical armors inside, they all disappeared.

After a brief silence, there was an uproar throughout the world.

Su Han and others saved the world, which naturally made everyone who saw this scene feel relieved. But at the same time as they were relieved, they were also tense. Confused about the future.

"It turns out that there are so many lurking on our earth? Why have I never heard of it before?"

"After all these years until today, I had no idea that we live in such an extraordinary world."

"What a superpower people! If the superpowers are not very strong, I think they should be hidden, or they should be hidden because they can destroy the earth! Even if they want to hide, there is no way to hide it!"

As time passed, the earth returned to peace. But this was only on the surface, after such a change, dark waves surged across the earth.


Goko Ruri's home page...

Kosaka Kyosuke and Kosaka Kirino, were relieved.

Kosaka Kyosuke who has stepped into society, bowed deeply to Su Han, and his words were very sincere, "This is the second time that Guild Master has saved our world."

"I've said it many times, you guys don't need to be so polite. Just like your little sister and Utaha, just do as you please." Su Han said with a smile, "If you really want to thank me, are you just thanking me?"

Kosaka Kyosuke Kyosuke noticed his inappropriate behavior, and he bowed to Saiki Kusuo.


Super Dimensional Guild 883 : Two new members join the guild | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

"Aren't you ignoring me?"

Goko Ruri put her hand on her chest, looking at Kosaka Kyosuke with a frown, "I didn't forget, last time you offended me so much!"

Goko Ruri is very vindictive.

Kosaka Kyosuke smiled bitterly. "You are also a person in this world, isn't saving this world a common thing?"

Goko Ruri: "😐"

Goko Ruri could not refute Kosaka Kyosuke's statement.

Su Han touched Goko Ruri's head, which made Goko Ruri somewhat calm again.

"Since this matter has been resolved, let's go back to our respective homes and find our respective mothers!" Su Han clicked submit the task.

"Finding their respective mothers…" Saiki Kusuo was surprised by this sentence. Was it Su Han and Tony Stark, back to find his parents? Could this sentence really be spoken for him?

The light enveloped the bodies of several people, Su Han waved. When the light disappeared, Su Han and the others had disappeared.

"Guild Master and the others have left!" Kosaka Kyosuke stood there still staring at the empty space.

"I feel that I will be very busy next time." Goko Ruri complained. She turned on his phone, and many messages were sent to his phone.

There is information from the country, as well as information from family members who go to work.

Even though she used black mist earlier, it partially covered his body shape. And in a state where the Devil Fruit ability is fully activated, she is also different from his usual state.

However, family members who were familiar with her would definitely know her, and they would naturally know what had happened earlier and would be worried about her.

"I feel that this time the people who believe in Kuroneko will increase greatly," Kosaka Kirino said jokingly. "Perhaps it will expand overseas!"

"Congratulations to you, Kuroneko, you have the opportunity to expand your church to rival Catholicism."

"I don't care about this!" Goko Ruri rolled her eyes. "I pay more attention to the opportunity for the sublimation of the world!"

Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Utaha also stopped joking. "Tony-san is worried whether the opportunity can increase our strength?"

"He can increase his magic after all, but what can we do?"

Kosaka Kyosuke and Kosaka Kirino looked at each other.

Goko Ruri might still have the possibility to integrate her own path with this sublimation opportunity, but what should they do?

The three of them were all weak, and at most they had learned intermediate-level Haki.

Putting them in the world of One Piece, they might be considered experts with little reputation. After all, things like Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku, even if you look at the New World, are signs of a strong person.

But looking at the guild, their strength was actually nothing. Only slightly better than the new members who had just joined the guild.

"What else can we do?" Kosaka Kyosuke shrugged, "Wait until the boss in the guild talks about their experience!"

"If it works, then use it, if it doesn't work, then your own strength is quite strong. Use this sublimation opportunity to integrate your own path. am I right? Kirino...?!" Kosaka Kyosuke stopped his words.

In Kosaka Kirino's palm, a blue flame flashed roaringly.

With a wave of his hand, the blue flame turned into a small phoenix in the air, like a living human, and even made birds chirp.

Kosaka Kyosuke: "Wow!

Kasumigaoka Utaha: "Wow!"

"Wow!" Goko Ruri looked at Kosaka Kirino in awe. When did Kosaka Kirino learn this element? Why is there no previous news?

"I didn't train this power." Kosaka Kirino hurriedly explained. "This power is actually not very strong. Just barely having the strength to protect myself."

"Who asked how strong this power is? I also know that this power is not developed by you!" Kosaka Kyosuke looked at his little sister with dead fish eyes, "What I want to ask, where did this power come from?"

After giving it some thought, Kosaka Kirino answered with less certainty. "The power of some kind of instinct! Should the Super Dimensional Guild say, the power of the world's will agency?"

Hearing this, Goko Ruri raised her hand and immediately a black turtle piece made of pure water appeared in front of them, the turtle crawled on the ground, like a living creature.

Kosaka Kyosuke spread wings made of flames behind him, flapped slightly, and soared into the sky. But before he could show his surprise, the wings on his back trembled slightly, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

"Very interesting."

Kasumigaoka Utaha didn't start his experiment as quickly as others did, but closed his eyes and realized his power, then opened his eyes.

"Elemental power manipulation and there are other powers?"

Kosaka Kyosuke got up, while patting his clothes with a complicated expression. Not because of unhappiness. It was because he was so happy that he had no idea what he looked like at the moment.

"No," Kasumigaoka Utaha shook her head after thinking for a moment, "This kind of power is limited, it's more about allowing us to comprehend the essence of power. If we want, we can use this to use it to increase the training speed to get stronger!"

"And according to my speculation, the elemental power we can display should be limited in our world, and used in another, it should be limited."

Kosaka Kirino also calmed down. "That's right! As the Guild Master said, this only gives us a chance to become stronger, it doesn't make us invincible."


Opening his eyes, Su Han had returned to his room.

After scanning the room, Su Han found that Luo Cuilian was not in the room at the moment, which surprised him.

Su Han used his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan to use Doujutsu Recollection, which allowed him to see the past.

"Is that so, Luo Cuilian has been brought into training by Ram and Rem?!" Su Han did not look at Luo Cuilian, although he felt a little regretful, but he was not angry.

Lying on the bed, Su Han entered the guild chat room.


[Ding! I must eat the sheep has joined the Super Dimensional Guild]

[Ding! Kageyama Shigeo has joined the Super Dimensional Guild]

Su Han then looked at the two names, and then confirmed the two new members had joined.

It's just these two names...


Super Dimensional Guild 884 : I Want Sheep | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

I must eat the sheep? Who's this?

Su Han had a guess as to the identity of this new member.

"This isn't Pleasant Goat and Big Wolf, wolves that only know how to eat sheep, right?"

Is the Gray Wolf really able to join a guild?

Alright, there are people in the DC and Marvel universes who can join guilds, and it's normal for characters from Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf to join.

"Aside from the suspected member of the great gray wolf, the other protagonist of Mob Psycho 100?"

Su Han remembers the Mob Psycho 100 anime and sees Saitama's name in the guild. Kageyama Shigeo the protagonist of Mob Psycho 100, is just a Saitama with more hair. Both are carved from the same mould.

"I wonder if Saitama will be excited when he sees Shigeo's appearance?" Su Han was curious. "After all, what's with the long hair…"


In the guild chat room.

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Back at his house, I started a new chapter of research. This time I got a mechanical mecha, as long as I study the principle of mechanical mecha energy supply as well as mechanism and weapon mechanism energy output, I can completely increase my Iron Man army, and I get excited when I think about it."

Shinonono Tabane: "I'm so envious."

Shinonono Tabane: "I also really want an alien mechanical mecha. I don't need a complete one, I just want some junk."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "You want? I can give you the full version of this alien mechanical mecha."

Tony revealed that he was very generous.

Shinonono Tabane: "What do you want?"

After a brief shock, Shinonono Tabane became wary. Tony's hospitality is very suspicious, there must be a conspiracy. For no reason, Tony would give her the full version of the mechanical mecha?

When she thought about it, it wasn't as simple as it seemed.

Tony Is Not the Richest: "Was it invented by you? That's right, I can give you a mechanical mecha, but as a condition, you must give me the results of your final research."

Shinonono Tabane: "😐"

Shinonono Tabane: "Research results for you?"

Shinonono Tabane fell into deep thought. Once he agreed, then no matter what she researched on his side, she would give it to Tony and Tony didn't promise to share it with her. In other words, what Tony researched was returned to Tony.

Although not willing, but after thinking about the temptation of the mechanical mecha, Shinonono Tabane finally agreed.

Shinonono Tabane: "Alright, I agree, I'll give you the research results! "

Tony Is Not the Richest: "I'll give you a red envelope later."

Houraisan Kaguya: "No one noticed the two new members? The two new members are about to cry!"

Kasumi Utako: "This year's new members' attention is so low!"

Father Shirohige: "Gurarara.... I noticed, but the names of these two new recruits are really weird! The name Kageyama Shigeo was quite normal. But what kind of name is that, I must eat the sheep?"

Old Man is the Marquis: "Looking at the names of the people who joined, it is probably a very low strength person."

Nakiri Erina: "Don't be so cruel Marquis Voban! What if you anger the new members?"

Old Man is the Marquis: "Huh! What if I make them mad? If you are strong enough! Then you better fight this old man! This old man still needs to be afraid of him?"

I must eat the sheep: "Somehow involving Wolffy into this virtual electronic network interface! I haven't come to bother you, but you will bother me first! What's wrong with I must eat the sheep? Isn't this different name nice?"

I must eat the sheep: "If you want to fight! Make a promise, Wolffy will teach you what the majesty of the wolf clan is and cannot be insulted!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "😐"

So the one who joined this time was really Wolffy.

Although he had already made his judgment, but after the real confirmation, Su Han still felt a little speechless. It's too magical, isn't it?

Kageyama Shigeo: "Is this another strange spiritual phenomenon?"

Kageyama Shigeo: "But what about this feeling, it seems completely different from the previous feeling!"

Father Shirohige: "Two newcomers, how are you?"

I must eat the sheep: "Hello! Bah! You guys have disrupted the time when this king was developing machines!"

I must eat the sheep: "If you don't give me ten little lambs, then Wolffy will never forgive you!"

Father Shirohige: "???"

Shirohige didn't have time to get angry, and suddenly felt something was wrong with what this new member said?

Tony Is Not the Richest: "😲"

Kasumi Utako: "What did he say was given to him?"

Sakata Gintoki: "Ten little lambs! Pffftt... Ha Ha Ha... My stomach hurts from laughing. You want to eat lamb, do you want Gin-san to laugh to death and inherit Toyako? If it's like this, then you'll only be a little more successful!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "It's really a little, just a little between your fingers!"

Nakiri Erina: "Gintoki-san, Toyako is not worthless at all."

Sakata Gintoki: "😐"

Kirishima Touka: "Really!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Gintoki's sakata is as uncomfortable as eating."

Sakata Gintoki: I will slash Toyako!"

I must eat the sheep: "What do you mean by insulting tone? Don't you know that sheep are the most precious wealth in this world?"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Could it be that in a world where I must eat the sheep, little lamb is actually the name for a certain valuable item!"

Altair: "I think what Momonga said is very likely to happen."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "That may be true, a joke is a joke. How can the truth be as simple as it seems!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "The lamb that Wolffy spoke of. That's the kind of lamb he eats, he's a wolf himself."


Super Dimensional Guild 885 : He might be Saitama's illegitimate son! | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

King: "😐"

Accelerator: "😐"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "😐"

Everyone who saw this scene fell silent. They were actually discussing with the wolves, the mysteries of the world were completely beyond their imagination.

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko who: "Can wolves really be able to join a guild?!

Houraisan Kaguya: "Is that a wolf youkai? It could be a werewolf!"

Houraisan Kaguya: "There are youkai in the guild, even if wolves enter, isn't this normal?"

The Princess of the Moon still lacked knowledge, but she always kept her composure.

Nyaruko: "That seems reasonable."

Su Xiaoxiao: "No, Kaguya, you think too much, Wolffy is a very pure wolf! He's not a werewolf and he's not a wolf youkai either!"

Youkai Sage: "😲"

Houraisan Kaguya: "???"

Won't you tell me it's just an ordinary wolf joining in? Types of animals that live in the wild

Is this still possible? Houraisan Kaguya was in a messy mood and started to doubt her judgement.

Su Xiaoxiao: It's too much trouble, I'll upload a memory copy."

[Ding! Guild Master Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a copy of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf's memory]

[Ding! Guild Master Su Xiao Xiao uploaded a copy of Mob Psycho 100 memory]

Su Xiaoxiao: "@Saiki Kusuo. @I'm Not Bald."

I'm Not Bald: "What's up Guild Master?"

Saiki Kusuo: "Could it be a matter of previous promotions? I haven't started using the mission rewards this time, but promotions and promotions have nothing to do with Saitama?"

I'm Not Bald: " ???"

Su Xiaoxiao: "No, I haven't started using omni-directional sublimation or anything like that yet."

Su Xiaoxiao: "The reason why I called you guys is just to remind you not to forget to take a look at Mob Psycho 100."

Saiki Kusuo: "😲"

Krul: "😲"

Koro-sensei: "Guild Master suggested two bosses in the guild see a copy of a certain memory?"

Father Shirohige: "Gurarara... It seems something extraordinary has happened."

Old Man is the Marquis: "Could it be that the new recruit is a very powerful person? Can the Guild Master compare that person to Saiki and Saitama?"

Even an arrogant person like Marquis Voban felt a tremendous shock in his heart.

The possibility of joining the top powers in the guild did exist, but it was relatively small. It's been a long time, and there hasn't been an existence as outstanding as Saiki and Saitama.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Speaking of pure strength only, Kageyama Shigeo may not have reached our level yet. However, the situation with Kageyama Shigeo is more complicated! He also has some of the characteristics of Saitama and Saiki."

Old Man is the Marquis: "???"

Akiyama Mio: "😲"

Asuna: "😲"

Fourth Hokage: "What's with the characteristics of Saitama and Saiki at the same time. Could it be that Kageyama Shigeo has psychic powers and he has a bald head like Saitama?"

Minato had a bold guess.

I'm Not Bald: "😐"

Outrageous! This is really overkill.

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "You dare say that Saitama is bald? Minato, you're playing with fire!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Playing with fire!"

King: "Don't you dare speak."

Shirai Kuroko: "If Minato offended the Guild Master, then it still makes sense."

Shirai Kuroko: "But offended by Saitama, what's the matter? At most, he was trapped in a virtual battlefield and would be beaten. "

Umaru Doma: "Three minutes of silence for Minato-san."

Louise: "Five minutes of silence!"

Sakata Gintoki: "I'm even better! I'm still holding a moment of silence."

Let the World Suffer: "Let's commemorate Namikaze Minato! In his short decade of existence, he has brought great changes to the ninja world. He has put great effort into building construction, building transportation, breaking down barriers, and communicating business, politics, economics, construction, etc. He has made great progress contributions in other fields! He could be called a great person. Maybe everyone here doesn't have a deep understanding of this! But history will remember his achievements. He is undoubtedly a great Hokage! Master Ninja Alliance Alliance!"

Fourth Hokage: "Don't speak in such a mournful tone. I'm not dead yet, I can borrow another five hundred years from the sky."

I'm Not Bald: "What do this Kageyama Shigeo and I have in common?"

Saiki Kusuo: ".I was just watching for a while, I don't know what to say…"

Koro-sensei: "Say Saiki!"

Founding Emperor: "What happened?"

Asuna: "I also want to know."

Saiki Kusuo: "If it is confirmed that we are both from different worlds, I suspect Kageyama Shigeo may be Saitama's illegitimate child."

Akiyama Mio: "😲"

Kageyama Shigeo: "???"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "😲"

Kasumi Utako: "My friends and I were dumbfounded."

Oda Nobuna: "Bad child? It looks so fun!"

Nyaruko: "Is that true?"

Aizen Sosuke: "I'm curious, if Saitama really has a child, then the child is an ordinary person or a natural human who naturally has broken his limiter."

L: "90% are ordinary people! However, if it really breaks the limiter, it should be similar to Saiki Kusuo!"


Super Dimensional Guild 886 : Attention from great-grandfather in heaven | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Saiki Kusuo: "😐"

Why are you dragging him at this time? And any hints that Saitama's son might look like him?

One is a person who is strong in terms of body, and the other is a person who is strong in super strength! The nature of the two are different, right?

Saiki Kusuo covered his forehead with his hand, not knowing what to say.


My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "There's not much to argue about! Let's watch Mob Psycho 100 first."

Nyaruko: "I also saw the power of Mob Psycho 100 first. Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf looks really hard to watch."

Sakata Gintoki: "This reminds Gin-san of what children's animations I saw when I was young! Gin-san suddenly has a bad feeling."

Sakata Gintoki: "So Gin-san chose to watch Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf!"

Nyaruko: "Nyaruko-Chan's sensor is actually flashing again now, this is the second time."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Dignified evil god, don't use the name Nyaruko-Chan, this is so unsuitable."

Old Man is the Marquis: "Nyaruko is not enough to be called a great evil god, right?"

I must eat the sheep: "Bastard! What is Wolff called? Huh! Wolffy won't say much for now, let's go and see Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf! "

I must eat the sheep: "This name actually has the name of this great king... Could it be..."


In the Wolf castle....

Wolffy paced around his room, and had a lot on his mind.

"This interface that suddenly appeared in my mind! Although it looks like some kind of technological product, but according to my research, I couldn't find the slightest clue. Is it possible…"

Wolffy's expression became serious, "Could it be the spirit of the great-grandfather of the great king in heaven? Grandpa wants to tell me the reason for catching the sheep?"

At this moment, Wolffy realized.

"Weslie has ruined this king's plans several times, and this time it must be the way to deal with it."

"My grandfather who died young was very kind. After he died, grandfather still thinks about this great-grandson of yours!"

Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, Wolffy respecting the ancestors, he opened the memory copy of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.


Father Shirohige: "I realized something."

L: "I also noticed a very strange thing."

Edogawa Conan: "So all of you are aware of it."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Ara ara, what are you all paying attention to? Can't you just say it directly?"

Aizen Sosuke: "What they noticed should be that Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf memory copies have multiple episodes"

Ash: "A memory copy that spans a lot of episodes."

Houraisan Kaguya: "I realize that Pokemon and Digimon are for kids, right?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "The Guild Master also said that Dragon Ball, Naruto and One Piece were his childhood."

Umaru Doma: "Is it all for the kids?"

Nakiri Erina: "I think it's like that."

Saiki Kusuo: "If you actually start watching Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, then you'll find that the style of this new memory copy compared to Pokémon and Digimon is very different."

Esdeath: "What are you all talking about? Not only is it boring, it's also useless."

Esdeath: "I actually watched the memory, it was so ridiculous"

Louise: "That's right!"

Over time, the number of people chatting in the chat room also gradually decreased. Just as Su Han was about to leave, someone suddenly called out to him.

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Demon Lord!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "What's wrong?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "We have here tested the power of the so-called world agent."

Su Xiaoxiao: "World agent? Is that power really that strong?"

Su Han suddenly became interested.

Kasumi Utako: "Not very strong, but it's very special. We can control all kinds of elemental powers, and if I want to, I can control some celestial phenomena and cause earthquakes."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "You just told us that you can control celestial phenomena and earthquakes!"

Kasumi Utako: "I haven't said it yet?"

Kiririn: "Of course you haven't said it!"

Kasumi Utako: "Oh, maybe it's because I forgot, I don't think it's a big deal."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "I feel this matter is very great and don't pretend to forget, you are just a black belly!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Controlling elements and earthquakes, at least it's very easy to use."

Although many people in the guild have this ability. Even if Su Han thought about it, he could easily do this kind of thing.

However, the power that Goko Ruri and the others obtained was closer to the privilege bestowed by the world. The privilege of the world and the power of one's own are two different things.

Su Xiaoxiao: "So what about the destructive power of that power?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "So weak! It's not as strong as mine."

Kasumi Utako: "Your powers are already very strong, right?"

Kasumi Utako: "Of course compared to the many strong people in the guild, it's really nothing! However, I can feel that I fit into this world. If I train in such conditions, my training speed should be very fast."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Then good luck."

Symbol of Peace: "After completing world integration, the reward is world privilege?"

Fourth Hokage: "Then I should think about increasing the strength of the inhabitants of the Naruto world."

Let the World Suffer: "I actually feel like this fusion is simpler."

Let the World Suffer: "Even if our world joins in and attracts some strong people, it must not exceed our limits."


Super Dimensional Guild 887 : Understanding the essence of Infinity Stone | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Fourth Hokage: "Even if you say so! But don't forget, the water in our world is very deep! There is also the Otsutsuki clan. Guild Master, will they come to support?"

Let the World Sufferers: "😐"

Fourth Hokage: "And if you want to rely on our own strength, then increase the power of the ninja world as a whole! It was something that had to be done."

Let the World Suffer: "What you say makes sense too. Then this matter is up to you."

Even though Nagato didn't admit it right away, given him personality, it could be considered a tacit agreement to say this.

Fourth Hokage: "It's up to me to decide, I decided to implement it! But I can't let our world power system improve, you should too! If not, what are you doing besides being idle."

Let the World Suffer: "😐"

Nagato felt that what Minato said was true. He chose to take a step back.

Let the World Suffer: "No problem. if you want me to handle it! But I don't know what to do, if you need my help just call me."

Fourth Hokage: "Very good, with your words, it is really stable."

Let the World Suffer: "😐"

For some reason, Nagato saw Minato's words, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Father Shirohige: "Gurararara.... If that's the case, then we should prepare early."

Father Shirohige: "@Monkey D. Dragon."

Monkey D. Dragon: "Rest assured, Shirohige, I will focus on this aspect! But to increase the overall level of world power, this is not something that can be achieved overnight."

Father Shirohige: "For us, time is the most important thing. It's not worthless anymore."

King: "Isn't Old Man Shirohige watching the memory copy? Why is it still possible to chat while watching a memory copy?"

Father Shirohige: "Concentrate some of my attention on the memory copy. At the same time, focus a small part of the attention on the guild chat room. As long as one can do two things with one mind, one can easily do such a thing!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Is that so, what nonsense!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Under such circumstances, how can I do two things with one mind, it's not something that can be solved with one mind!"

Kurosaki Ichigo thought of how to watch a memory copy, and when he saw a memory copy, it was like watching a virtual world! Can it be used like this?

Father Shirohige: "Gurarara... I didn't expect you to know."

Father Shirohige: "For some special reason, I haven't started watching Mob Psycho 100 yet"

King: "😲"

Ichigo Kurosaki: "Another unimaginable turn! Luckily it's been tried and tested, and I can't help it."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Old Man Shirohige really This is so childish!"

Sakata Gintoki: "Kosaka Kyosuke, you are not afraid of being hammered by Old Man Shirohige, even though your attitude is a little embarrassing. But you're serious about flattering."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "😐"

Kiririn: "Why does it sound so weird?"

Shinonono Tabane: "It feels so disgusting."


Su Han turned his gaze out of the guild chat room, and got up from the bed.

"Then try that full-scale sublimation function! I hope it's the same as I imagined."

Su Han closed his eyes and clicked to take the mission reward.

[Ding! Are you going to start full-scale sublimation?]

Su Han hesitated he didn't answer the question immediately, but said, "Jarvis!"

"If Ram and the others come, say I am entering seclusion now!" Su Han then added. "This seclusion is special, it might take a long time! Of course it might only take a moment."

Su Han also used this sublimation state for the first time, and he didn't know what this sublimation state was like. Naturally he had to make some preparations.

"Of course, if I need a little more time! Then there's no need to tell them."

Jarvis replied.

After making all the preparations, Su Han said, "Start full-scale sublimation!"

A glint of light enveloped Su Han's body, and an inexplicable power entered his body and spread out.

Su Han felt his soul sublimate. This feeling was somewhat similar to his understanding of the Third Magic, but fundamentally different.

One by one the Infinity Stones emitted light. The pulse of the Infinity Stone gradually overlapped with the pulse of Su Han's heart, and then the Infinity Stone gradually merged into his heart.

"It didn't just melt into my heart," Su Han realized, "This feeling is more like the Infinity Stones have become part of my essence!"

After that, Su Han was immersed in an endless stream of information. The true meaning of the laws contained within the Infinity Stones was displayed in front of him at this moment. He was completely immersed in it.

Space, Power, Mind, Soul and Reality...

One after another, the laws of the world were revealed in front of him, and then watched by Su Han, he swallowed this information like a sponge absorbing water, and was finally completely overpowered.

In the past, even if he used points to completely fuse the Infinity Stones, Su Han always felt that something was missing, but now he understood. In the past, although he could use this kind of power arbitrarily, he knew the essence of this kind of power was not profound.

And now, he had truly grasped the essence of these five powers. Even without the Infinity Stones, he can use his own power to activate the Infinity Stones. This is a qualitative improvement.


Super Dimensional Guild 888 : Infinite Path | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Su Han didn't know how long it had been, maybe years, or maybe just a moment. He felt as if he had seen the universe since its birth, its evolution, and so far.

"Is this the core of the Infinity Stone?"

Over time, it was not only the power of the Infinity Stones that he realized. Gonggong Water Divine Authority, Storm and Lightning Divine Authority, Goro Goro no Mi Fruit, Yami Yami no Mi Fruit, Rinnegan, Tenseigan, Yin-Yang Chakra, Kyoka Suigetsu, Titan Body...

The essence of all the strength that Su Han had was all revealed at this and showed in front of him.

Over time, this power actually became a part of Su Han's essence, became his own path, it was really in his hands!

"My power will be called the Infinite Path!"

Infinite Path, based on the Infinity Stone, integrates all the forces under his control into one. This is the latest power that Su Han realized! This power is all-encompassing, all-encompassing, and beyond all.

Opening his eyes, Su Han was like an ordinary youth.


At the same time, changes are taking place all over the earth.

Birds, beasts, fish and insects, and even many powerful Desolate Beasts felt an inexplicable aura of prestige at this moment.

Even the Emperor Realm Desolate Beast in the forbidden area of the world, which was strong enough to rival Great Grandmaster groaned at this moment.

Or one could say otherwise, the stronger the Desolate Beast, the more it could sense this essence. All of these beasts knelt on the ground and continued to kowtow towards Su Han.

The world is silent.

Only humans were not kneeling on the ground, but they also felt a terrifying pressure. It was as if a boulder had been pressed above their hearts.

What's more, although ordinary humans only had a slight sense of pressure, those who were cultivators felt differently. Especially when the cultivation base had reached the Grandmaster level, they felt some kind of disaster was coming.

"Why do I feel this world is so oppressive? But my spiritual senses don't tell me a bad feeling.'

"This situation is too special? Could it be another invasion from another world? Just like the Landcave or just like the Beijing incident not too long ago?"

In Beijing....

The three Great Grandmasters sat in different locations. They all soared into the sky and gathered together, then stared at Jianghai City.

"Zhang Mingbei, you feel it?" Grandmaster Ma asked in a deep voice, "This very depressing aura…"

"I feel it!" Zhang Mingbei nodded and said, "But I don't know why, I always feel that this aura is a little familiar."

Grandmaster Ma actually felt somewhat familiar with this extremely oppressive aura.

"Everyone feels this!" Zhao Xu said, and he looked at Grandmaster Ma and Zhang Mingbei, "Think about the direction we're looking at right now, you guys still can't guess?"

Grandmaster Ma and Zhang Mingbei remembered something at the same time, and after that they spoke.

"That person?"

"Saint Su Jianghai City?!"

After realizing that what happened this time was related to Su Han, they calmed down. If it is an invasion from another world, they naturally do not dare to relax, and even prepare for war.

But if it's from Jianghai City, then no matter how big the problem is, there's no need to worry.

Su Han's status in China was never revealed, but slowly accumulated by what he did.

He was a worthy Saint on earth. For the country and people, calm the calamity, and create a prosperous world with its own strength. His achievements surpassed all past and present Great Grandmasters. It must be recorded in the annals of history forever.

Not only is Su Han's strength unmatched, but also that his contribution to the world is enough to go down in history.

"I will contact that person and ask the situation!" Zhang Mingbei then took out his cell phone and sent a message to Su Han.

Almost as soon as he sent it, a message was returned.

Zhang Mingbei was surprised that his message was replied to so quickly this time, but upon seeing it, a serious expression appeared on his face.

This message was not answered by Su Han, but by the existence called Jarvis, but after reading all the information, Zhang Mingbei understood and looked at the other two.

"Indeed this is due to Saint Su," Zhang Mingbei said with a bitter smile. "Perhaps Saint Su has completed a breakthrough."

Grandmaster Ma and Zhao Xu, didn't question it, because this thing could be said from Zhang Mingbei's mouth which meant that 90% was already certain.

"I thought I was the first genius from China of this generation, but when I learned of Saint Su's existence a long time ago, I knew that I was too proud."

Grandmaster Ma was feeling depressed. "The gap between me and him has reached a point like this."

What realm is Su Han currently reaching? No one knows! But definitely way above them.

And even after breaking through to such an incomprehensible realm, Su Han's cultivation speed did not slow down, as usual, he took another step.

"This is our luck!" Zhao Xu said as a smile appeared on his face. Immediately turned away.


Super Dimensional Guild 889 : Become more handsome | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

Su Han moved his body slightly, and his whole body let out a sound like bones cracking.

Along with his activities, the aura on his body was constantly covered, and the atmosphere of oppression that enveloped the entire world also disappeared.

Of course, the oppressive aura that enveloped the world completely disappeared, but few people were able to remain calm.

The Great Grandmasters or the top powers of the United States of America and the many powerful countries in Europe were extremely wary. They gave orders and deployed a lot of intelligence troops to gather this time.

China is a special case, and after this incident, it seems to be still calm and doing nothing.

Su Han knew about the situation around the world, but he didn't really care.

Compared to what was happening in the world right now, he was paying more attention to his own sublimation changes this time around.

"Infinity Stone has merged with many extraordinary powers that I control and transformed into Infinite Path," Su Han muttered, "And my physique is also based on Titan body has turned into a new special physique that can bring the application of infinite power"

Su Han decided on a name, "Let's call this body an infinite body."

Originally, there was a lot of strength in Su Han's body. For example, the most powerful force in Su Han is naturally the power of the Infinity Stones.

Compared to the power of the Infinity Stones, Devil Fruits, Divine Authority, and even the Haki and Ki of the Dragon Ball world is inferior.

The power of the Infinity Stones can easily destroy stars, and even when Su Han has sufficient physical strength, he can destroy the sun with his fists.

And the Goro Goro no Mi Fruit even if paired with the Storm and Lightning Divine Authority, could damage a global scale at most. Control of the world's weather will wipe out the surface life of the world, but it will not be able to completely destroy the entire world.

But now, after all the powers merged and sublimated into an infinite path, the situation had changed.

Whether it was the Goro Goro no Mi Fruit, the Divine Authority of Storm and Lightning, or the Divine Authority of Water Gong Gong had sublimated to the same level as the Infinity Stone. Because now, they have basically become one force.

"This is an unexpected advantage!"

Now, as long as Su Han wanted, Kenbunshoku Haki could easily envelop the world and monitor everything in the world.

Suddenly the door in front of him suddenly opened.

Ram and Rem rushed in together, with confused looks on their faces.

As for Luo Cuilian, she followed behind the two of them. Compared to the flustered two, she seemed very calm, obviously because she had seen the guild before and knew what had happened to Su Han.

"Masters?!" Ram said in surprise when she saw Su Han.

Not only Ram, but Rem was also stiff, she looked at Su Han then said timidly "What happened Master?"

Luo Cuilian felt that the two of them were making a fuss. Didn't Su Han just complete the transformation? How big can it be... uh!

Upon seeing Su Han, Luo Cuilian widened her eyes.

There are clothes that Su Han wears are very ordinary, but his temperament is inexplicable. Him face was flawless, like white jade.

Luo Cuilian and Su Han are enough to get along, plus his own martial arts cultivation has reached the realm of the union of heaven and man, and she is also the leader of Chinese martial arts, so there is no doubt about his temperament.

But even after seeing Su Han, Luo Cuilian still felt that she couldn't take her eyes off.

"Brother foster!" Luo Cuilian's voice trembled.

"What?" Su Han realized something was wrong.

If only Ram and Rem were so shocked, he could understand that, for example, after realizing a new power, his temperament had changed a lot.

But even Luo Cuilian, who was already prepared, looked like this at the moment, so the situation was not easy.

"You can see for yourself!" Ram handed the mirror to Su Han.

Su Han looked at himself in the mirror, and he was surprised, "Who is this handsome man?"

The real Su Han, although he could be considered handsome, that was all. But now, Su Han could no longer use the word handsome to describe him. He was more like a perfect non-human life.

"This is also the effect of sublimation!" Su Han guessed but his expression was still very excited, "This is really too lucky."

Sublimation can also improve appearance?

Ram and Rem regained their composure.

They are not the kind of women who look at men based on face, no matter how handsome other people are, it has nothing to do with them, and they naturally look down on them.

But if it was Su Han, the one they had fallen in love with became so handsome.

"Just get used to it!"

Su Han could only say such a sentence.

"How is your situation, Master?" Ram asks after calming down.

"I have completed a breakthrough!" Su Han touched his face. "It's just that I didn't expect the impact to be so big."

"I understand!" Ram's face reddened. And turned around, "Since it's a happy occasion for your breakthrough, then let's have a richer dinner tonight."

Rem bowed to Su Han, and immediately, the two left together.

Luo Cuilian came to Su Han with her eyes shining brightly. Then she kissed the corner of Su Han's lips, revealing a smile as bright as a summer flower.

"Optimization of the appearance of adopted siblings has not been optimized much. The acquaintances of the past should recognize the adoptive brother, but the temperament of the adopted brother has changed too much and has a fatal attraction."

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen!"

Su Han did not discuss this topic with Luo Cuilian. He closed his eyes and entered the guild chat room.


Super Dimensional Guild 890 : Discussing the relationship between Shigeo and Saitama | Takamiya Shin on Patreon

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Finally I've watched Mob Psycho 100"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuronekom: "I finally understand Saiki's feelings after watching Mob Psycho 100 before!"

Kasumi Utako: "I feel that way too."

Kasumi Utako: "I suspect now, Kageyama Shigeo really is Saitama's bastard! Aren't these two people too similar?"

Kobayashi: "Kageyama Shigeo is Saitama when he's not bald."

I'm Not Bald: "This is just a coincidence! You don't slander me!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't: "There are also things I want to say, but after seeing Saitama's words, I decided not to! It's not because of anything else, or because I'm afraid of being beaten up by Saitama, but mainly because I have great respect for Saitama."

Ainz Ooal Gown: "I like the way you talk nonsense."

Saintess Jeanne: "I think the two are different, Saitama wasn't so bald before he went bald."

Lelouch: "Everyone is just joking, don't take this too seriously."

Saintess Jeanne : "Is that so? I understand!"

Kageyama Shigeo: "Is it true that this Super Dimensional Guild is connected to various worlds?"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Indeed!"

Kageyama Shigeo: "I didn't expect that I would find such a magical thing."


Even in ordinary times, Kageyama Shigeo often encountered various kinds of strange spiritual events, which could be taken for granted.

But right now, Shigeo Kageyama's mood was still making waves. Of course it's just a little turbulence. He quickly regained his composure.

Kageyama Shigeo's mood was never easy to change.


Altair: "I care more about Kageyama Shigeo's strength!"

Altair: "As long as Kageyama Shigeo's mood changes, the more power can be exerted. If her emotional fluctuation is big enough, can she pose a threat to Saitama and even Saiki?"

Kirishima Touka: "I think in terms of strength, Shigeo should be much weaker than Saitama"

Kirishima Touka: "After all, even if Shigeo's power goes berserk, it only destroys the building"

Kirishima Touka: "Saitama uses one hit with all his might, and can destroy planets. Saiki is also not to be underestimated. Even if he is limited by a limiter, if he wants to, he can use three days to slaughter the humans on earth."

Ainz Ooal Gown, "However, it is also possible that Shigeo's rampage at that time was still not the limit!"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "I have always felt Shigeo's power to be very strong!"

Alucard: "Maybe so."

Esdeath: "If we really want to compare strengths and weaknesses, let Saitama and Shigeo fight!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Can come up with this method, sadistic queen, you are really smart"

Esdeath: "😐"

Esdeath: "Kosaka Kyosuke! Do you want to die under my ice?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "I'm not fighting with you, I'm a pacifist! Somehow you keep provoking me."

Esdeath: "😡😡😡"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Repeatedly raises women's emotions!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Momonga, it seems we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Ainz Ooal Gown: "It's okay, YGGDRASIL recently, has an unfinished game problem."

King: "Hearing this, I also suddenly realized…"

King: "Why hasn't the YGGDRASIL game server closed yet? This is taking too long!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "I have raised this matter, but no one in the guild paid any attention to me then!"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "Finally Momonga realized this problem"

Ainz Ooal Gown: "I don't know exactly what the problem is."

Accelerator: Isn't this bullshit?"

Accelerator knew that there was a problem behind this, the question was, what was the problem?

Father Shirohige: "Gurarara... Whether it's bullshit or not, Momonga knows there's a problem, and is currently looking for a solution, don't overdo it Accelerator."

Seeing this, Su Han looked at the mission column. However, he discovered that the main mission column had no new missions.

Su Xiaoxiao: "I've looked at the main mission column, but it doesn't show any new missions."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Momonga, by your side shouldn't be the work of the Abyss Reincarnator or Transmigator."

Ainz Ooal Gown: "Really?"


Momonga was relieved. If this was really a matter of the Abyss Reincarnator or the Transmigator, then he had to obediently hold the big leg of the big man in the guild.

In the guild, he was not a strong person, at least before YGGDRASIL became a reality. If he really did run into a powerful Transmigator or Abyss Reincarnator he would need to run as far as possible.

Otherwise, he might die inexplicably.


Kirishima Touka: "Cheer up, Momonga, everyone in the guild is cheering you on."

Nakiri Erina: "We are waiting for the YGGDRASIL game to become a reality."

Kasumi Utako: "Waiting for the YGGDRASIL game to come true to become the big boss."

Kageyama Shigeo: "😐"

Sakata Gintoki: "Earlier everyone was discussing the blood relationship between Shigeo and Saitama, why is it suddenly a power comparison? Why did the topic get this far?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Gintoki is really amazing! You really aren't afraid of being punched into a small pancake by Saitama?"

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute l: "Maybe for a long time, Gintoki really wants to taste Saitama's iron fist, Tch Tch..."