akikan 40. Tanuki. 228-237

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 228 Unfathomable | akikan40 on Patreon

20 years.

Boros gazed over the boundless space filled with bright, beautiful stars, giving a mystery yet indescribable feeling to anyone who saw them. Yet, for him, who had spent his 20 years on this journey, he felt nothing.

In the past 20 years of the journey, what he sought was defeat.

Yes, a defeat.

This wish might be stupid, and many might think of him as stupid, but for him, who was known as the strongest in his universe, this wish of his was precious.

He wished to have an exciting battle where he could feel his barren heart filled with flood-like excitement.

He wished for a battle where his blood was burning in the heat that was comparable to the star.

That was his only wish, for him, who was known as the strongest.

Yet, such a wish was a luxury for him, who was known as the strongest, so he could only live a boring day like the king of his universe.

However, one day, an alien seer told him his prediction.

"On a faraway planet known as Earth, you might be able to find an opponent that can give you a hearty and intoxicating battle."

Knowing that Boros didn't hesitate and set out his fleet toward the faraway planet known as the Earth.

Naturally, this journey wasn't easy since his universe was rather far from Earth, and he was also unfamiliar with this planet, so his subordinates mistook some planets as Earth and destroyed them by mistake.


If Boros was a cute character, he might say something like that. Unfortunately, he wasn't. His character was callous, almost cold, since he was interested in nothing but fighting someone powerful.

In other words, he was a battle maniac.

As for his subordinates, they didn't care much, or rather they were more than happy to follow him. After all, 20 years were nothing to them, and the happiness that came from conquering and trampling those who were weaker than them was sweeter than any honey.

Unlike Boros, who wished to fight the strongest, his subordinates weren't the strongest, so bullying the weak was their hobby.

Still, they also knew what was the wish of their boss and knew that he wished to enter the Earth.

Then, in these 20 years' worth of journey, suddenly, someone exclaimed.

"We have entered a new universe!"

"What are you being surprised for?"

"Isn't it normal for us to enter one or two universes?"

It wasn't their first time entering new universes, so none of them showed much change in their expression.

"No, that's not it!" One of the aliens exclaimed, quickly calming himself as he looked at his comrades. "Earth! Earth is here! Earth is in this universe! Tell Boros-sama!"

Hearing those words, everyone was excited, but before they told Boros, they quickly tried to get all the information they could from the Earth.

As for how they could get that information, let's say that it is the power of the plot.

However, when they got the information on Earth, they couldn't help but frown.

Still, the others had already told Boros that they had come to the Solar System, and the Earth was in front of their eyes.

"Oh? We're about to arrive soon?"

Boros grinned as his body exuded an intense aura that could destroy a country or two. His three generals, the trusted people who were the strongest under him, also stayed by his side, waiting for their subordinates to give them the report about the Earth.

After they waited for a while, the aliens that were in charge of information quickly entered the hall inside the spaceship, where Boros resided with a respectful attitude before they bowed their heads.


On the biggest throne, Boros sat there with three generals standing by his side with a solemn attitude since they knew they were about to face another battle.

"Get up."

"Thank you."

Then all the information-gatherer aliens stood up before the leader of this group stepped up.

"Boros-sama, we have gathered all their information about Earth."

"Oh? Tell me."

Yet, the expressions of the group were rather weird and awkward.

"What's wrong? Is our opponent strong?"

Boros was excited when he saw their expressions.

"What are you scared for?"

"We have countless, so many battles."

"Don't act like a child."

The three generals also thought so, and because of this, they were dissatisfied with the hesitation of the informants. They thought that this group of aliens was scared and didn't dare to fight the battle on Earth.

"No, no! We-We're not afraid, but..."


"Our opponents are too weak."

Yes, too weak.

Those informants who got the information about the Earth were dumbfounded and couldn't even believe it since the creatures that resided on Earth were too weak!

For all of them in this spaceship, who had been living on their planet, they had naturally become strong since their planet had a harsh climate. Moreover, because of this, their regenerative power was stronger than anyone. It was also the reason why they could face various fierce battles in various universes without even a single scar. They didn't fear any battle since they believed it was impossible for them to die.

So, when they thought about Boros's purpose, planet Earth, they were also ready for a battle, yet when they found out the information about this planet, they were dumbfounded since all the creatures that were living on that planet were too weak!

"...too weak?"

Not only Boros but the rest of the generals were surprised.


The leader of the information-gatherer aliens nodded. "Most of the creatures that live on that planet are carbon-based creatures known as humans. There are also other creatures, but all of them are weak. Too weak even for us to treat them as an opponent."


Boros took a deep breath before he closed his eyes.

Was he going to spend another boring day?

Was this journey pointless?

He couldn't help but doubt his decision to come to this planet.

Everyone closed their mouths and didn't dare to say a single word since Boros emitted a gloomy aura.

Then, after a while, Boros said, "Let's go to Earth and destroy it since it is worthless."


No one dared to question him, and all of them exuded his order with all of their might.

Still, Boros was disappointed, and because he was disappointed, he was going to destroy Earth.

However, suddenly...

[Danger! Danger! Danger!]

"Huh? What's happening?"

Everyone was confused since an alarm suddenly sounded and caused everyone to feel startled since it was their first time to meet something like this.

However, soon, they got their answer.

In front of the monitor, they saw a figure standing in front of their spaceship.

While this figure might not be as huge as their spaceship, this figure was still massive when it was compared to their sizes.

It was hard to tell what it was, but for one thing, they had never seen such a beautiful creature before.

Standing at four, with the most beautiful white fur that they have ever seen in their lives.

The white color gave a sacred and divine aura, making all of them unable to say a single noise.

Yet, Boros stood up from his throne as he watched this creature in happiness.

"So, this is it!"

This was the opponent that he had sought after!

Yet, this creature had never thought of him as an opponent.

It opened its mouth then a hell-like scene happened.

Everyone was filled with horror,, and no one could stop it.


"Help us!"


The creature opened its mouth and devoured a spaceship along with all the beings inside without leaving anything behind.

Then, the alien group known as Dark Matter Thieves, led by Boros, quietly disappeared.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 229 Tamazuki isn't so lucky | akikan40 on Patreon

Yes, who could do all of that?

The answer was obvious.


Yes, he was the one who devoted the spaceship along with all the aliens inside.

When this group of aliens came near Mars, he started his move and devoured all of them.

Nevertheless, he had to say the size of the spaceship was massive.

His body was massive, but it was nothing when it was compared to the spaceship.

According to Ava, the size of the spaceship was 9,230m x 15,024m.

Even the biggest ship, known as Seawise Giant in his previous world, was only 458 m, and this spaceship had twenty times bigger in width and thirty times more times on length.

[Tamazuki-sama, do you want to see the information about their planet?]


Then, Ava presented him with various information about the planet where this group of aliens resided.

Unlike the Earth, their planet was like hell, full of harsh climates, and it was almost impossible for a living being to live there, but because of this, their bodies were tougher than anyone, especially in terms of regenerative.

He loved their regenerative, and it was even stronger than his regenerative since even if he lost his limbs or even his body, he could recover.

As long as he was alive, he could regenerate his body no matter how dangerous the injuries on his body were.

However, the knowledge of their planet and the spaceship was the one that he loved the most.

Their planet might have a harsh climate, and it was almost impossible for a living to live there. Moreover, the foods were almost nonexistent as nothing could grow in that place, but it had many rare resources, especially minerals, and metals.

Lastly, the technology on that planet was more advanced than those on Earth.

Even the level of the civilization of the world of Gakusen, known for its advanced technology, was much lower than this alien planet.

The only problem was the distance since it took 20 years for this group of aliens to arrive in the Solar System from their planet.

Though, for him, it should take a while, right?

After all, he had Shukuchi, along with the memories of those aliens; he should be able to arrive on that planet instantly. Even the energy matter was solved since he had a "Hole."

Frankly, he felt at this moment, since he could walk around space and even go to other galaxies so easily, like he was going to another city. It was like taking a trip, so everything was so unbelievable.

Nevertheless, this feeling shouldn't be felt by him. After all, he had traveled to various different worlds.

However, the feeling of going to another world by using the "door" and walking by himself was different.

[Master, should you take down Boros first?]

When Ava reminded him, he quickly looked over and saw Boros was there.

Unlike the rest that was devoured by him by using [Balaam], Boros quickly escaped from the spaceship and quickly used all of his power.

"Meteoric Burst!"

Boros didn't hesitate and used his everything in this battle since he knew Tamazuki wasn't an opponent that he could take on lightly. Moreover, in that instant, all of his subordinates had fallen without even being able to do anything. Everything was meaningless. All the resistance was worthless.

Yet, for Boros, who sought after a strong opponent to defeat him, how could he give up so easily?

His body suddenly emitted powerful energy, and he was like a star.

The "Energy Boost" was a trump card, and it was a technique that used his latent energy to boost his body to speed and power beyond normal limits, at the cost of putting an immense burden on his body and thus shortening his lifespan.

Unlike before, his appearance was much different.

He looked like a cyclops-like alien with light pink, spiky hair and bangs that fell over his face, but now, his hair grew, reaching his back, his eye became completely white, and his body got engulfed in white energy.

Yet, even so, Boros felt that his entire body was cold.

This feeling... this wasn't the exciting battle that he sought. Instead, it was complete domination where he would lose without any resistance.

He felt terror!

It was like how a herbivore met a hungry, fierce predator!

Yet... yet...

"How could I give up?!"

Boros roared. "Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon!"

He opened his mouth and gathered all of his energy in his mouth, creating a blue with golden tones energy, causing the space to tremble and throwing all the meteorites in the surroundings to the distance.

"Be destroyed and die!"

Yet, Tamazuki was calm and could even talk with Ava relaxed.


It was all because of [Thought Procession], which was part of Ultimate Skill [Minerva].

Because of this skill, his thought could move faster, even a million times. So, even if Boros was fast, in his eyes, he was slow.

Then, at that moment, Boros released the energy beam into his mouth.


[Master, this beam has enough power to destroy a small planet]


With the reminder of Ava, Tamazuki felt helpless.

Somehow, he couldn't help but think whether Nura Rikuo or Amagiri Ayato was cute. Suddenly, he missed the day when he could bully the weak and didn't need to be wary of anything.

Yet, now, it is different.

His opponent was much stronger.

This Boros, who was just the villain that appeared in the beginning, had enough power to destroy a small planet.

Frankly, if Tamazuki didn't train with Saitama and became "Heavenly Dog," then he might disappear and become dust.

Still facing this energy beam, Tamazuki suddenly transformed into his hybrid form and held a katana.

His change was seen by Boros, and he could see that Tamazuki was much smaller. Even when they stood next to each other, the difference in their height wasn't much different, yet... yet... this form was dangerous!

Boros felt an urge to run away. It was his first time to feel like this.

Was this the feeling of those beings that were killed by him?

Probably, but Boros knew this feeling was horrible.

Tamazuki just stood and raised his blade, but the energy beam was cut in half.

Watching this, Boros knew that everything was over, and along with this, he could feel that he had died. His body was cut in half before eternal darkness was the only thing he could see, and like others, he was devoured by him.

That's it.

That's his end.

As predicted by the Alien Seer, Boros lost.

Yet, this loss was more horrible than the one received by Saitama since he couldn't feel the exciting battle that he sought, only despair and horror.

Tamazuki, who had devoured Boros, also received the strongest regenerative power. Even if he lost his entire body, he felt he believed he could recover.

'Now it's time to go home.'

He didn't intend to go to a new world but to go back to his original world since he wanted to devour Nurarihyon and also take down all the heroines that he hadn't taken.


[Master, run away! Quick! Use the door to run away to another world!]

Tamazuki felt that all of his hair stood at its end, and he knew that everything was too late.

He saw a massive figure standing in front of him, and he knew he was facing a God.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 230 God | akikan40 on Patreon

When Tamazuki saw this figure, he knew that he was facing a God.


The God of this world.

Naturally, when he saw him like this, his mind was corroded with various negative thoughts, and he was attacked instantly.

No, it should be a natural reaction when one is staring at a higher being.

It was like an alert for those mortals not to put their dirty eyes on the holy-like body of God.

His mind was like being pickled by thousands of nails, and it was also constantly eroded, but all of them quickly disappeared, and his mind became clear since his [Immunity] quickly made him immune to this mind invasion ability.

His [Lord of Creation, Brahma] and [Lord of Guardian, Mars] quickly worked, trying to erase the effect of God on his mind.

Still, at this moment, he wanted to say something, could he?


He wanted to curse someone at this moment since he didn't expect that he would meet the last antagonist of this world.

He felt so surreal and terrorous from the bottom of his heart.

He was sure that if he didn't learn Saitama's ability to break his limit, even if he had [Brahma] and [Mars], his mind would be corroded by God, and he would be lowered into nothing but a home pet.

Still, even if he felt terror, he was also curious and observed God.


This single word was spoken by many people from the beginning of the world until now, yet none of them could even imagine the appearance of God.

Was God beautiful?

Was God divine?

Was God amazing?

Yet, when Tamazuki saw God for the first time, he could see no positive traits present in God.

All he could see was boundless terror.

It was like the lump of all the negative traits that had ever existed in this world from the beginning to the end were gathered and formed into a being in front of him.

Moreover, the appearance of God also made him feel terrible.

God had the appearance of a giant humanoid figure made entirely out of flesh and bones with no face.

The surface of God's body also reminded him of Jupiter's surface, with countless spiraling spots overlapping over one another.

Hopeless. Despair. Terror.

Tamazuki continued to feel all of those negative feelings, and his [Mars] continued to make an immune to ease his mind.

Nevertheless, Ava continued to tell him to leave, but he couldn't do so since he didn't want to bring this dangerous being into another world.

If he brought this existence to another world, what would happen?

He couldn't imagine it, and he had to keep this dangerous being in this world.

Frankly, he wasn't even sure whether this existed or not.

Or was this just being projected in his image onto his mind?

And the real existence was in another dimension?

Tamazuki didn't know, and his mind continued being ravaged.

If Ava wasn't here, he was sure that he would fall already.

"Interesting being."

Suddenly, he heard a voice. He was sure that it was a voice from this being. It was neither male nor female. It was hard to tell, but this voice greatly impacted his mind, and Ava begged him to leave.

Tamazuki knew that this was dangerous and facing this being any longer was like seeking death.

Yet, at the same time, he could tell that this being didn't seem like trying to harm him.

Instead... it might be hard to describe, but a curiosity?

Yes, this is what he felt from God.

Tamazuki felt that this being was curious about him.

Yet, this being wasn't the only one that was curious since he was curious about this being.

While his [Mars] continued to make an immune, his [Brahma] tried to learn everything about this being.

Yes, he was going to learn this being!

"You are a dog, right?"


Tamazuki tried to endure his nerve. His race might be a dog, but being called a dog by someone else definitely wasn't something pleasant.

Then, suddenly, his body was transformed into his monster form.

His figure as a "Heavenly Dog" was present once again in front of this being.


However, Tamazuki was confused since he didn't turn himself into his beast form.

[Master, it is all this being's fault. The [Mars] has made an immune system for this ability, but even if [Mars] can continue to create immunity for this ability, this being can use various different types of mind control abilities]

While he was angry, he also understood everything.

Even if he kept creating immunity for this being's ability, this being had various other similar abilities, so even if the immunity had been created by [Mars], it was impossible to stop.

If he gave an example, it would be like the flu.

Flu is a disease, but there are many types of it.

Even if one had been caught by one and their body had created immunity for it, they still had a chance to get this disease once again as it had many types.

It was different from others, whose minds' abilities were only one type.

Yet, at the same time, he wondered what this was being planned to do.

What was it planned to do by forcing him into a beast form?

He didn't understand.

He was completely clueless.

However, for one thing, he didn't feel this being was looking at him with hostility.

Or rather, he felt that this being was looking at him with curiosity and... a smile?

This dumbfounded and stupefied him.

Because of this, he was confused.

Moreover, when he was in this form, he could tell that this being stared at him with an even kinder gaze.

Even if this being didn't have eyes, he could tell that.

It was like a feeling was transmitted into his body, yet even so, the inner of this being was a terror, so even if this being transmitted a feeling of kindness toward him, he still felt a terror since no matter how many times he created immunity for the power of this being, this being could crack his body and continued to invade his mind.


He was frustrated and at the same time, he continued to break his limit, so he could become even more powerful.

Yet, when another words were heard on his mind, he fell in silence.

'Do you want to become my pet?'

When God was looking at Tamazuki, he thought that it might be good to have him as a pet.

Yes, a pet.

It was like how a human had a dog as their pet.

The being thought to have Tamazuki as a pet.

With Tamazuki's visage, this being thought that he was fit to become a pet.

After all, while it loved to toy with a human, it was a different case with another being.

This being could tell that Tamazuki wasn't a human, so this being was fond of Tamazuki.

Then, like how a human pets a dog.

This being also stretched its massive hand, trying to pet Tamazuki, ignoring the fact that its hand might crush him into pieces, yet suddenly... its finger was cut.

Yes, a cut.

"Fuck you!"

Tamazuki looked at this being with disdain and devoured part of God's body that was cut by him before running away!

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 231 Flea | akikan40 on Patreon

Tamazuki's reaction was outside this being's thought.

This being didn't expect there to be an existence that could even rebel or show a fighting spirit when facing it.

Whenever anyone saw it, all they could feel was hopelessness.

They could only give up and showed their alliance with their utmost loyalty to serve this being.

Yet... yet.. this mongrel dared to hurt it?!

It was filled with rage as part of its body was cut by Tamazuki.

Then, without hesitation, this being used its hand to catch him.

Tamazuki knew that he would be caught if he didn't do something, as the hand of this being was so massive.

This hand was as huge as the several Suns were combined together.

Everything was covered by this hand.

In front of this hand, Tamazuki felt like he was nothing but a flea or, even worse, one biological cell creature!

Moreover, it was also impossible to run away as it also had a gravity that attracted his body, like a black hole.

Erasing the fear in his heart, Tamazuki didn't give up and turned his body into the wind!

As his body continued to break the limit, he became the wind and ran away!


This was the reward that he had gained from Tatsumaki before.

Like the "Fire" that he got from Julis in the world of Gakusen, the "Wind" had a similar effect, but he became the wind.

Unlike a fire, the wind was free, and it was fast.

His body was scattered in all directions as it became the wind, and his speed was about five percent of the speed of light.

His speed might not be as fast as the light, but it was still fast.

Yet, this was far from enough, so he continued to break his limit.

This being was also surprised by Tamazuki's persistence, yet it didn't show any gloom or depression. Instead, it showed a smile on its creepy face.

This being was having fun.

It was like how a hunter played with their target.

Like a cat playing with a mouse instead of giving it a decisive blow.

Watching Tamazuki run away scared was something fun for this being.

This being had been living for so long that it existed before everything even started, so it also decided to play along.

Strangely, Tamazuki didn't feel that his mind was corroded or being invaded again, but he was still being chased around.

What was this thought?

Was this playing with him?

While he was speechless, Tamazuki could imagine that this being thought so and played with him since, in this being's mind, he was nothing but an ant.

At worst, he was a pet dog that could be killed anytime.

While he was furious and wanted to devour this being, he also knew his limitations.

Even if he had Saitama's ability, it was impossible for him to get stronger so fast enough to react to this being's power.

What he needed to do was to run away.

Run away! Run away! Run away!

Using his Shukichi, his surroundings quickly changed before he was inside the core of the Sun.

He didn't care about the heat and stayed there, thinking of escaping, but suddenly the world stopped.

The time had stopped.

Everything was stopped.

'Time manipulation?!'

Tamazuki, whose mind was working so fast that it was moving millions of times faster, could feel the world stopped moving. Soon, a circle-like portal appeared on top of him, and a hand emerged from that circle, trying to catch him.


He wanted to curse once again, and he realized that this was the greatest danger that he had ever felt in his life.

Even if he faced the protagonist's halo, the power of the plot, and everything, he wouldn't be so helpless. Instead, he didn't give up and continued to fight, yet this... this... was different!

This was on an entirely different dimension!

In front of absolute power, everything was meaningless.

Even if he had the systems, knowledge, and everything, it was all worthless.

Everything was useless.

Tamazuki understood the fear, and he also understood that he would die.

Even worse, even if he died, his soul might be kept, imprisoned, and tortured for eternity!


Tamazuki roared and broke the limit once again, creating immunity for this time-stop ability before he used his Shukuchi once again, running away without hesitation.

The hand of the being that was about to catch Tamazuki missed him.

This being couldn't help but frown upon and didn't expect that Tamazuki would move so fast, but even so, so what?

Once again, this being tried to search for Tamazuki, yet, this being didn't expect that Tamazuki would run away in such a complicated place.


Tamazuki appeared once again and saw blazing magma in his surroundings, burning the earth and everything.

However, unlike before, the magma was moving and wasn't affected by the time-stop ability of that being.

Even so, he ignored all of this phenomenon and quickly opened the door and vanished from this world.

Then, soon, a hand appeared once again and stared at the planet where Tamazuki disappeared for a moment, trying to search for him, including everything in the universe as it continued to stop time, yet everything was futile.

Tamazuki had disappeared as if he didn't exist in this universe.

Moreover, the mark on Tamazuki's body was also nullified, and it was impossible to track him.

This being tried to put a mark once again, but it was impossible, and he had lost him.

The being was curious and continued to search for him for thousands, tens of thousands, millions, billions of years, patiently from one corner to another, peering at every corner without missing anything before it gave up and stopped the time-stop ability and let time flow like before while thinking about where Tamazuki had disappeared.

Yet, at this moment, everyone that was living in the universe didn't realize anything. They continued with their lives without realizing anything. Even if time had been stopped for billions of years, no one felt a change in them, and they felt that everything was the same as the time had never stopped, to begin with.

However, in the ghost town of Z-City.

"Sensei, what's wrong?" Genos asked

Saitama looked at the sky in silence and moved his body slightly since he felt slightly stiff for some reason.

"Sensei?" Genos even became confused since Saitama had been silent for a few minutes.

Still, Saitama scratched his bald head, then sighed. "I want to eat Tamazuki's food."

"Let me cook for you!"

"No, you can't match his cooking skill."


This time, Genos didn't say anything.

It was like how Genos didn't think that he could match Saitama's power; he knew that he couldn't match Tamazuki's cooking skills.

"Though, I wonder where he is."

"It seems that he is living with his girlfriends currently."

"Really? That bastard! I hope he receives a punishment!"

Yet, what Saitama didn't know, Tamazuki had received his punishment, and this punishment almost made him die.


Then, a door suddenly opened, and Tamazuki fell directly into his human form, rolling into the ground, closing it instantly, and making it disappear before he gasped in the air when he knew that everything was alright.

"Ha... Ha... Ha..."

His heart was full of hatred at that moment, and he swore for his revenge, but he knew that he was still weak currently.

He didn't care where he was now and just thought to sleep since he was so exhausted, yet what he didn't know, two figures found him and looked at him worriedly since his appearance was so miserable.

"Mom, let's help him!"

Looking at her daughter, she hesitated, but when she looked at the young man, she nodded.


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 232 My targets are married women | akikan40 on Patreon

"...where is this?"

Tamazuki opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. He was inside a room that he had never been to before.

The room was like one that could be found in a vintage European house.


[Master, you are in the new world]

As expected...

Tamazuki realized that he was in a new world since the scent of this world was different from the one that he had been in.

As for what kind of world this place was, he wasn't sure, but frankly, he didn't care much since when it was compared to the danger that he had encountered before, this world should be nothing, right?

[Master, I am sorry]

Suddenly, Ava apologized with a depressed tone.

'Why did you apologize?'

[Because... Because I almost made a mistake in my judgment...]

Yes, Ava made the wrong decision when he met that being in the world of One Punch Man.

When he met God for the first time, Ava told him to run away to another world quickly, but if he really ran away to another world directly, what would happen?

It was impossible for him to run away, and God would gain the power to go to another world, and even rampage on various worlds that he had ever been, playing with him, torturing him, and even worse, killing all that he cared about.

That being was having fun.

That being was also cruel.

Tamazuki didn't doubt it since that being was like the incarnation of a terror.

It was like a collection of everything in the world.

Moreover, unlike Saitama, that could grow stronger without limit, this being... while it was hard to describe, Tamazuki felt that this being's power was unfathomable. It was impossible to guess. It was infinite.

That being... wasn't something with his current could do anything.

Or rather, was it even possible to defeat it?

No, he should!

When he thought about the humiliation he received, he knew that he had to do his revenge, devour it, and make it into his power.

'It's okay, Ava. Let that be a lesson for us since I also underestimate that world. I thought that with my power, I could live freely...'

With the power of Saitama, Tamazuki knew that he had gotten arrogant, but how could he not be?

The power he gained from learning Saitama's ability wasn't something that could be thought of by anyone.

If he wanted to, he could destroy a planet now.

'Next time. Let's go to that world again and devour it, Ava. Be my support and help me with my ambition.'


At that moment, something changed inside Ava.

At that moment, Ava really had become alive, and it knew what it wanted to do.

Helping him, being his support, and giving her everything to him.

For him, it would do anything.

It would no longer be a burden, especially when he trusted it, even if it had failed him before.

The frustration of its failure and happiness from his trust made it become even stronger.

[Yes, Master!]

[Ava will do my best to help you]

[Ava will help you devour that being and become God!]


He sighed in relief and thought about what he should do now.

As of now, he was lying on the bed, and he could smell the lingering scent of a female.

'One is older, and the other one is a little girl?'

As a dog, his nose was his best trait, and he could tell various information with just a mere scent.

From gender, diet, health, and many others, he could tell all of that through a scent.

Yet, he didn't care about that now since his mind still thought about the previous terror that he felt. He was sure lucky that he could run away before, but he knew that unless he gained a power similar to or a little weaker than that being, he definitely wouldn't return to that world.

The danger of that world was dangerous, and he knew the moment he returned, he would be caught instantly, and the existence of another world would be found out by that being.

He definitely couldn't return.

Nevertheless, many might be curious about how he could run away.

Still, even if he evolved into "Heavenly Dog," he was a "Tanuki before."

Trickery is his best skill.

Still, he underestimated that being and thought that he could buy time when he entered the core of the sun, but he underestimated it, so he quickly ran into the core of Earth before changing his race into a human.

While he wasn't sure, the Earth was a special place.

Humans might be weak, but they have the most potential among all the races in the universe.

Still, because of this, that being had a hard time finding him since he had become a human.

Even if that being was omnipotent, it still needed time to find him among billions of humans.

Nevertheless, the real reason why he could run away was because of the memory of Boros and all of his subordinates.

It was impossible for him to run away if he stayed on Earth, so he ran away to Boros's planet.

Fortunately, his bet was correct.

That only stopped the time in the Solar System, but the other galaxies continued to move.

In the galaxy where Boros's planet existed, everything was okay, so he directly used his ability to run away to a new universe that he had never entered.

Nevertheless, he was sure that with that being's ability, that being would find him right away and, even worse, stop the entire time of the universe, playing hide and seek on a level that was impossible to be mimicked by others.

[Master, you have worked really hard]

'Thank you, Ava.'

He had the urge to cry at this moment since he really worked hard to stay sane while being chased by that being.

No, he was already crying.

The feeling of being alive was wonderful, and he was so glad that he could be alive.

Maybe because of this, many might think of him as a crybaby, but... but this feeling... the feeling of being chased by the creator of the universe wasn't something that could be described in words.

Or rather, it was impossible to describe, to begin with!

Moreover, if he didn't have eternal life because of his transformation as a Demon Lord, he knew that his being would perish the moment he ran away to another galaxy.

Yet, probably because of this that it was impossible for anything to scare him anymore.

Lastly, he got a good thing from that being, and right now, his body tried to devour it.

'If I can devour it, then I can...'

He didn't finish his words since he was sure that his goal would take a long journey.

It might even reach an eternity, but it was okay since his life was eternal.

Moreover, because of being chased by that being, time no longer moved.

Yes, when he was in another world, the time in his original world and all the worlds that he had been into would stop.

The time only moved when he existed there.

It was no longer ten days in another world; it was one day in his original world.

After all, the concept of time in different universes couldn't be just counted with such simple mathematics.

It was already in the realm that a mere mortal would pass away the moment they decided to learn it.

Still, he shook his head and thought that he might as well focus on this world, too, wondering whether his opponents would be a cute one like Nura Rikuo and Ayato Amagiri.

Hopefully, so...

Then, a picture of everything on this planet was shown in his eyes before he became confused about the city where he lived.

His expression suddenly became weird before suddenly the door of his room was opened.

"Onii-san? Have you woken up?"

He turned his head and saw a cute little girl with a twin-tail hairstyle dressed in a white shirt, red skirt, black knee-length socks, and a red bow tie.

Somehow, he felt that this little girl was familiar.

"Rin? Has he woken up?"

Then, he saw a woman in her late 20s, who seemed to be the mother of this little girl, seemingly looking at him in concern and also a little caution.

Yet, Tamazuki felt speechless since somehow, the two of them seemed quite familiar to him, and this also made him feel weird.

[Master, you are in the world of Fate/Zero]

Ava reminded him.


Tamazuki took a deep breath and felt helpless since he knew that his target would be a group of married women.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 233 I am waiting for her to become a widow (Fate/Zero) | akikan40 on Patreon


Tamazuki was familiar with this work, and because of this, he felt a little helpless.

Without a doubt, Fate/Zero was a famous work that he had ever watched in his previous life.

It was also one of the most famous parts of the media franchise known as Type-Moon.

It was also quite old, but nevertheless, it was the most famous since, unlike the others, this one didn't give hope or a stereotypical story where everything ended with a happy ending.

Instead, this story gave off a feeling of nihilism, where everything ended with despair.

Moreover, the unique part of this story was that no one was the protagonist.

Everyone in this story is the protagonist.

However, even if this story was good, there was one big problem.

Yes, a big problem.

While everyone might be familiar with the setting, he needed to explain that if he wanted to go to another world and open the door to a new world, he had to get at least one heroine.

This wasn't a problem for him.

Or rather, it was something easy.

Moreover, he had a lot of experience in this area since it wasn't his first time going to a new world.

Nevertheless, there was one big problem in this world.

All the heroines in this world were married women.

Yes, a married woman.

Even if there was another heroine, such as Rin or Sakura, they were just little girls, and he wouldn't touch them.

However, the others were married women.

So, should he attack married women?


If the married women were naughty or little slut, then it might be possible, but all of the married women in this work were full of loyalty and loved their husbands dearly.

Could he become a devil and destroy their marriage?

In the East, there was a saying, "I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy a marriage."

It showed that destroying someone's marriage was something unforgivable.

What about Isabella Enfield in the world of Gakusen?

That woman couldn't be counted as a married woman since when she became an executive, the feelings were erased, and it was impossible for her to hold an affection for her husband with the adjustment she received.

The only feeling she had was only to give more profit to the company where she worked.

However, the married women in this world were different.

They would give their everything to their husbands and families even if that was their lives.


His lips twitched.

Not because of Ava but because of the system since it was as abominable as ever.

Still, many might be confused as to why he could be so familiar with this work in such a detailed way.

However, if he had to give an answer, it was all because of Ava.

Yes, Ava.

Because of Ava, he was able to get all the information that he needed to know and rugged out all the memories that he had almost forgotten.

With Ava, it was impossible for him to forget anything.

Nevertheless, he needed to face the problems that he needed to face.

Could he attack a married woman?

When he looked at the young mother in front of him, he knew that it was possible.

In this house, there was only a daughter and a mother.

The husband of this mother wasn't in this house.

In other words, he could do whatever he wanted with this young mother.

Yet, could he?


No, he couldn't do it.

'Calm down. Calm down.'

He took a deep breath, trying to calm down his mind, trying to think of a countermeasure.

Even if he couldn't attack the married women, he should be able to take their lips.

Yes, only a kiss.

A kiss wouldn't hurt, right?

[Master, if you have a problem attacking a married woman, you can summon a female "Servant"]


Yes, that was also such an answer!

Yet, why... why did he feel a little disappointed that he couldn't attack a married woman?

No! No! No!

Everything was the fault of the system!

If the system didn't tell him to attack a married woman, then he wouldn't think such a thing!

Instead, Ava was correct.

He should summon a female "Servant," a unique existence that only existed in this world, to become his woman, so it would open a door for him to go to a new world.

Still, because of this, he knew what he should do in this world and quickly made several goals before he returned to his original world.

He had stayed quite long in another world, and now, he is in a new world once again.

Tamazuki wanted to rest, especially after his previous horrible experience, so he thought about returning to his original world to rest.

At least, he wanted to enjoy some of his high school life and also took several rewards from the heroines from his original world, especially the "Enhanced Learning" since it was still in an incomplete state.

'When it's complete, what will happen?'

Could he learn "Intrinsic Skills" or special race skills when "Enhanced Learning" had become complete?

He wasn't sure, but the only way for him to test it was to go back to the original world.

He took a breath once again inwardly and made up everything before he faced the two figures in front of him.

"... you two are...? What's happening to me?"

Unlike the mother, the little girl was quite active and approached him without fear.

"We found you near our house. Moreover, what happened to you? Why were you beaten up?"

The little girl didn't understand why such a young man could be so badly beaten.

"Rin, don't be so rude!"

The mother chided her daughter lightly, then looked at him in an apologetic way. "I am sorry that my daughter was being so rude."

"It's okay, and I am sorry for troubling you two." Tamazuki bowed his head, then said, "Thank you for helping me, but I think that I should leave now."

"Eh?" 2x

His sentence was unexpected.

"Why should you go? You should rest a bit!"

"I think you should rest for a bit."

To be honest, the mother was a little wary of Tamazuki at first, especially when she knew that it was a critical moment for her husband, but her daughter made her helpless since her daughter wished to help him.

Yet, this was a normal reaction since she was facing a stranger and she might bring danger to her family, so she needed to be careful.

However, Tamazuki's words told them that he was going to leave right away, making her erase her doubt since she could tell that he didn't want to trouble them.

If Tamazuki had told her that he was going to stay, then she might have given a different answer.

Still, Tamazuki felt a little speechless when they were eager for him to stay.

He touched his face and rubbed his dirty cheek, thinking that being handsome really gave him a lot of advantages.

Being forced to stay by the daughter, while Tamazuki thought of leaving since he didn't want to have anything to do with a married woman, he could helplessly stay since he knew even if he tried to hide it well, he was interested in the mother of this little daughter, especially when he knew this beautiful mother would become a widow sooner or later.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 234 I am a martial artist | akikan40 on Patreon

"It seems my husband's clothes aren't big enough for you, Inugami-kun."

Aoi Tohsaka, the mother of the daughter who had helped him, felt her face was hot and blushed when she saw Tamazuki wearing her husband's clothes. Her husband's clothes were a little too small for him, so they showed his perfect body, causing her to show such a cute reaction.


Tamazuki could only apologize awkwardly, wondering why fate wanted to push him into the abyss.

Frankly, for him, who had always played with danger, this shouldn't affect him, yet he felt that this was a little bit too much!

Was this the effect of [Jupiter]?

How wonderful... wait! He meant, how outrageous!

Yet, he had to say the appearance of this young married woman eased him.

Tohsaka Aoi is a beautiful woman.

She has long, dark green hair and eyes of the same color.

She has this quiet and ideal version of a wife and a mother.

If he gave a comparison, she was like a white tulip.

While compared to others, the color of this flower lacked an impact, it was quietly beautiful.

Nevertheless, it was such a shame that she had a husband.

Even more unfortunate, she married the "Magician" and became part of a "Magician" family.

A magician in this world is different from all the worlds that he had ever been.

In these words, the existence of the "Mage" was cruel.

The majority of them were the lowest kind of human, or rather, they couldn't be called a human anymore.

It might not be wrong to say that they had become a different race.

For their goals, they could do anything, even if they had to sacrifice their families.

For her, who was married in such a family, it was nothing but a misfortune.

Yet, for now, she didn't realize that, and she also didn't realize what kind of brutality that her family was about to face.

However, Aoi, who was still oblivious to everything, felt embarrassed and ashamed of her thoughts when she saw this young man. She was a wife and a mother of a daughter, yet how could she act like a shameful lady like this?

"Inugami-nii, are you a martial artist or something?"

Rin Tohsaka, who stood by her mother's side, looked at Tamazuki's body curiously. She thought that for someone like him, whose body was sculpted like a Greek God. No, even better. She felt that he could only be a martial artist.

'Martial artist...'

Tamazuki felt that this identity was suitable.

Still, it was impossible for him to say that directly, so he only showed an awkward expression.

Aoi could see the awkwardness on his face, so she quickly stopped her daughter from asking anymore. "Rin, you can't be so rude, okay?"

Rin stuck out her tongue with a cute expression, but she wasn't a naughty child, so she understood that her question might trouble Tamazuki.

"No, it's okay. She is correct. I am a martial artist."

Tamazuki gently patted Rin's head with a kind expression.

"Huh? Really? Then, are you in the middle of family feuds or being attacked by an enemy school or something? Or were you part of an underground fighter or something? Is there a king of fighters?"

Her eyes shone brightly as she thought about the world of martial artists that was filled with blood and hard work.

Tamazuki's expression became even more awkward while wondering why this little girl loved a martial artist so much.


Aoi looked at her daughter helplessly, but she would be lying if she wasn't curious.

Nevertheless, the two of them were from a "Mage" family, so they wouldn't be surprised if a family of martial artists existed, but it was their first time seeing one.

"It's okay, Tohkasa-san."

Tamazuki didn't smile, but his expression was gentle. "My war is already over, and I am just wondering what I should do..." His expression was of those forlorn as he was looking into the distance.

A daughter and a mother stared at him in a daze, and they had the urge to hug him since his expression was so sad, and they could tell that he was just facing something sorrowful.


Rin was on the verge of crying and hugged his leg tightly, watching his sad expression.

"Though I am still alive now, so maybe, there is still a meaning in this world, and I am searching for that."

He patted Rin's head and thought that it might be good to get Aoi as he could get an extra cute daughter.

Currently, he might be a high school student, but for him, who had been chased by that being and ran away to a planet in a different galaxy, age wasn't something that he cared about anymore.

So, even if he might be young, he didn't mind having a child.

Nevertheless, it might be hard for him to have children as he had become a higher being.

Unless he gets a new reward from the system.

"How... how about you stay here?"

Aoi suddenly said those words on impulse.

Yet, Tamazuki shook his head calmly. "Sorry, we just met, and I can't trouble you like this."

Aoi didn't expect Tamazuki would reject him so decisively, so she apologized. "No, it's okay... I am sorry for being abrupt."

"No, I am happy about your offer and..." He appeared a little embarrassed, but then his expression was full of sincerity. "It's my first time for someone to be so kind to me, but I might need a little more time to accept others' kindness. At least for now."

Rin and Aoi stared at him and thought that this young man was honest and kind.

"Is that so? Then, do you have a plan here?"

"Well, I might search for work."

"Should I get my husband's acquaintance to let you work in this city?" Aoi asked.

"Really... it's okay. You don't need to trouble me since I will be alright."

Yet, somehow, Rin and Aoi couldn't help but feel worried.

"But at least, how about you stay first, Tamazuki-nii?"


"Yes, at least you should stay for a few days until you find a job."

Tamazuki wanted to refuse, but Aoi quickly stopped him. "Don't refuse me, okay?"

"But... I am not sure how to repay you." Tamazuki showed an awkward expression.

Aoi showed a gentle and kind expression. "It's okay. Just let yourself be pampered for a moment, okay?" She tenderly rubbed his cheeks, then patted his head with her soft and white hands.

Tamazuki knew that his acting was good, but he didn't expect that it would be so good.

Yet, somehow, he didn't feel surprised since his appearance was like a wounded animal, and because of that, they cared about him so much. Moreover, he was handsome.

There is a saying, "Being attractive is justice."

"Yes, yes. Stay for a few days, Tamazuki-nii!" Rin nodded in agreement with her mother's statement.

Tamazuki was quite awkward, but then a loud growling sound was heard.

Aoi and Rin looked at Tamazuki's stomach and laughed.

Tamazuki showed an innocent blush.

"That's right! Since you have taken a bath, how about we have dinner now? I have prepared dinner."

Tamazuki looked at Aoi, who gave him such a kind offer, and suddenly felt an impulse.

What should he do?

He thought that having a married woman wasn't bad at all.

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 235 I am a teacher | akikan40 on Patreon

Aoi wasn't sure how long it had been since the warmth in her house disappeared.

Yet, after her second daughter was adopted into a different family and her husband needed to face something dangerous, her mind was constantly challenged.

Her days were filled with loneliness and sadness.

Yet, for her husband, her only daughter, and for her family, she had to appear strong and wait.

However, when he was here, she felt that warm return, and she couldn't help but laugh at the conversation she had had with him.

The three of them had dinner together, and this dinner was filled with the warmth that she sought.

Tamazuki didn't know that since he had been entangled by Rin, who kept asking him a question.

"Tamazuki-nii, what kind of martial art did you master?"


Aoi couldn't help but chide her daughter again since she felt her daughter's question was rude. While she wasn't sure about the rules of the martial artist family, she thought that it might be quite similar to the family of "Mage," and of course, they kept the technique of their family a secret, especially from the outsider.

"I am sorry, Tamazuki-nii."

This time, Rin apologized since she knew that she might be too excited. His appearance made her forget all the unpleasant things that happened in her life, whether it was her little sister, who had gone and forgotten from her family, or even her father, who was about to face a dangerous battle.

All of that was too much for a little girl like her.

Yet, Rin, who was born into the Tohsaka family and chosen as the heir, understood the responsibility that she had to face. She couldn't act like a spoiled girl and needed to act like the heir of the Tohsaka family.

Nevertheless, before she was an heir, she was a little girl.

Tamazuki's appearance broke her defense, and she had fun having him by her side. She was even thinking of asking her family to hire him as a butler or something since it should be okay, right?

Yet, when her mother reminded her, she also understood her mistake, so she apologized, but her heart definitely wasn't in a good mood, and she also thought that she had made a big mistake.

"It's okay, Tohsaka-san. I can answer Rin-chan's question."

However, he didn't get angry and patted her head gently like before.

Rin loved this head pat, and because of this, she knew that he didn't feel angry.


"For others, this might be a secret, but currently, I am the only inheritor of this art, so I can make the decision whether I want to tell someone or not." Tamazuki, once again, thought that Aoi was a wonderful woman, and it was unfortunate that she had married.

"So, what kind of martial art did you practice, Tamazuki-nii?" Rin asked curiously, but her question was rather quick as she was afraid that she might remind him of a sad memory.

Tamazuki thought that Rin was such a cute and sensible child.

Nevertheless, Aoi didn't say anything when Tamazuki said that he was okay to tell them about his art. However, inwardly, she sighed and thought that this young man had faced a lot of things that made her quite distressed.

'Though, I need to wait at least ten years. No, eight years?'

Yet, in reality, what would their reaction be if they knew what he was thinking?

"The name of my art is "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist."

He answered Rin's question without a blush or shame on his face.

"Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist?" 2x

Still, whether Aoi and Rin were unfamiliar with this art, yet, from the name alone, they could tell that it was powerful.

Or rather, the atmosphere, aura, and everything about him when he told this art was so convincing that they would believe him without hesitation.

It might not be wrong to say that he had become a master con man.

"While it might sound exaggerated, my teacher has always said, "the ultimate art for redirecting force. Before it, your fists are like tree leaves in a raging river."

If Bang heard what Tamazuki said at that moment, he would be crying like a river, moved by the fact that he had a good disciple.

Still, it might not be wrong to say Bang was his teacher since he learned this art.

"Ultimate art for the redirecting force... before it, your fists are like tree leaves in a raging river..."

Rin murmured with a flush of excitement on her face, thinking that those words were so cool!

Similar to Rin, Aoi would be lying if she wasn't curious.

"Do you want to see some demonstrations?"

"Is that okay?" Rin, who had been scolded by her mother several times, knew that it was a rude request, so she didn't ask it, but if he was the one who offered it, then it was different, right?

"You have helped me during my most perilous time. I will be small-minded if I refuse such a small request from my saviors."

Frankly, even if they had seen his demonstration, it was impossible for them to learn it immediately.

Yet, this was normal since even among Bang's students, the one that could utilize this martial art better than Bang was only Garou.

As for the rest? They were disappointing.

Still, when Aoi wanted to ask whether it was really alright, Tamazuki said, "This martial art isn't used for killing during the war, but it is to protect as it is the ultimate defense art."

Aoi looked at him helplessly, but she was curious. "Then, can you show it to us?"


Tamazuki nodded. "Can I show it on the outside? I might dirty your house if I do it inside."

The two agreed and went to the yard to see his demonstration.

Tamazuki also didn't disappoint them and showed the ultimate defense art, Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist.

At that moment, a blue aura that resembled the flow of water glowed in his extremities.

Then, when he started to move.

When he moved, the pair of a daughter and a mother showed a surprise.

"This... is this a martial art?"

"Is it this strong?"

His movement was as graceful as flowing water yet as deadly as the raging river.

He could be harmless and protect the people he cared for, yet at the same time, give a killing blow to his enemies without any mercy.

"Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist..."

The two couldn't help but mutter the name of this secret martial art once again.

Yet, if Tamazuki knew what they were thinking, he thought that they were exaggerating since, in his previous world, it was a public martial art that could be learned by anyone.

However, because of this, in this world, the value of this martial art was priceless as no one could teach this ultimate defense martial art in this world other than him.

Still, he only showed this art for a few minutes, but he felt the reaction of Aoi and Rin was too exaggerated.

However, Rin suddenly surprised everyone.

"Tamazuki-nii... No, Sensei! Can I learn under you? Please!"

Rin bowed her head as she made a fist and palm salute.

"....." Tamazuki.


Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 236 First step | akikan40 on Patreon

Tamazuki knew that he should agree, especially when he knew Tohsaka Rin was a future heroine...

Tamazuki decided to ignore the system since he didn't plan to do anything to Rin. He patted her head and said, "Maybe, if you are a little older right now, you are too young. If you learn too early, you might damage your growth."


Rin was disappointed.

"Rin, you can't be selfish, okay?" Aoi quickly stopped her daughter since she knew that Tamazuki rejected Rin softly. Nevertheless, wasn't it normal? She knew that he had faced many things, and for now, he wasn't ready to open his heart to anyone. Maybe a few years later, but for now, he needs time.

Still, if Rin could become his student, Aoi didn't really mind since, unlike a "Mage," she could tell that this martial art was for those with a sincere heart and kindness.

If Tamazuki knew what Aoi was thinking, he wouldn't deny her since she was correct. While he knew that he was a bastard, he knew that Bang created this "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist" due to his will, who wanted to walk on the path of kindness once again.

"Though, I can teach you a breathing method and also a physical training routine for a basic before you learn the real thing."

"Eh? Really? Is that okay?"

"Yes, but this isn't easy, and it might be boring, you know?"

"I don't mind!"

While Rin was from a "Mage" family, she didn't mind walking on the path of martial arts.

Fighting the bad and protecting the weak!

She wished to become such a martial artist!

Her eyes shone as she thought of such a future.

"Tamazuki-kun, is that really okay?" Aoi looked at her daughter helplessly and looked at Tamazuki with an apologetic expression.

"It's something that can be learned by anyone, and it isn't like it is a secret, Tohsaka-san."

While Tamazuki realized Aoi had called him for the first time, he still used to call her by family name.

"Sensei, you should call Mom by her name instead of her family name!" Rin quickly said.

Tamazuki's lips twitched, wondering whether this daughter of Aoi wished him to take down her mother. "But I am not your Sensei yet, Rin-chan."

Rin stuck out her tongue and knew that it was only a time before she would become his disciple, so she wanted him to have a good relationship with her mother.

"Yes, I don't mind if you call me that." Aoi smiled and agreed to her daughter's request.


Tamazuki thought that [Jupiter] was really a bug-like skill, yet when he thought that it was an Ultimate Skill, he felt that it was quite normal.

By using this skill, he could amplify the good feeling of someone without them noticing it.

It was also the reason why he was easily likable by anyone.

Yet, it also wasn't so omnipotent that he could be easily liked by Aoi's husband since his presence would definitely bring harm to their marriage.

Though, why did he feel excited for some reason?

He could imagine how Aoi would feel guilty as she drowned in pleasure by him.

He shuddered and quickly shook his head.

Was it the effect of devouring that being?

Had he become evil because of that being?

Probably not.

After all, he was a villain, so wasn't it normal for him to do a bad thing?

Still, this was too early.

He couldn't show his fangs yet. He needed to appear weak, making his prey lower their guards until they showed their everything to him and even presented him with their beautiful and plump bodies into him without hesitation.

"It's already night. How about you sleep first?"

"Eh? But what about my first lesson, Sensei?" Rin pouted.

He showed helplessness. "How about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Really?"


"Will you promise me?"

"I promise."

"If you break a promise, what will you do, Sensei?" Rin asked.

Tamazuki thought that this little girl was so crafty. "Rin, I will tell you a secret."

"What?" Rin looked at her teacher curiously.

"A smart girl isn't popular."

"....." Rin.

Aoi couldn't help but chuckle hearing Tamazuki's words.

"Mom! Why are you laughing?! Sensei, what do you mean by that?!" Rin looked angrily at her mother before she looked at Tamazuki begrudgingly. Still, who cares about the boys? The boys in her class were so stupid, and she didn't care about them!

"You are still young, Rin. Maybe, when you are in your 20s that you will understand this sentence."

"That's too long!"

"Not really. It will pass without you even realizing it."

Rin looked at Tamazuki with an unconvinced expression, yet it was normal since she was still young, and she felt that such a time was a long time.

However, Aoi understood that when one became an adult, everything moved even faster, especially in the 21st century when technology had become so advanced.

Though the timeline in this world was still in the 20th century.

Nevertheless, those words made Tamazuki appear deeper in their eyes.

Yet, this was normal.

For him, this world was easy.

In this world, nothing could harm him, especially after his experience of being chased by that being.

Was there a stronger being than God in the world where he was before in this world?

He wasn't sure, but for now, he was okay, and because of that, he didn't want to endanger the two of them.

They talked for a while before it was time to sleep.

Rin was an elementary school student, and she was also a little girl, so she needed to sleep early. Even if she didn't want to, her mother wouldn't allow her to sleep late.

Gaining their trust, Aoi also prepared a room for him in the guest room to sleep. However, he didn't intend to stay since the war was about to start, and he could tell that he wasn't chosen, especially when he didn't find the sign that he was chosen on his left hand.

Even so, it didn't mean that he had fallen into despair.

Instead, he had an idea of how to get a qualification to enter this war, but before that, he had to leave this house first. After all, if he stayed in this house, many things would be quite hard to achieve. Moreover, the husband of Aoi and the father of Rin were his competitors.

Though, toward this person, he didn't need to do anything since someone would deal with that person.

Still, when he was about to leave, someone stood at the entrance of his room.


The two were startled.


"Tamazuki-kun? Are you going to leave?"

Aoi stood there in her green colored dress and shawl to give her warmth on this night.


Tamazuki nodded and didn't hide his intention.

"I see..."

The sound of disappointment in her voice couldn't be hidden, but she knew that she couldn't stop him.

Still, once again, it might be an impulse, especially when many things happen in her life, so she said, "But before you leave, can you accompany me to drink for a while?"

Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan Chapter 237 The fault is within Tamazuki | akikan40 on Patreon

"Are you okay with wine, Tamazuki-kun?"

"I don't mind."

Tamazuki, who sat on the sofa, watched Aoi pour red wine into a clear crystal glass on the table.

Maybe because of his height, along with how he carried himself that he appeared older than he was, so Aoi had never thought that he was still in high school. Still, he didn't reject her offer and even accepted it.

As of now, they were in the study room inside the house that was located on the first floor near the guest room where he stayed.

Meanwhile, her daughter's room was on the second floor, and she had already fallen asleep.

Only the two of them were inside this room.

There were no other people, including her husband.

Yet, Aoi had never thought about how dangerous and subtle her situation was. She only thought that she might not meet him again, and... she just wanted someone to talk to.

In the past year, her belief and love had been constantly tested.

Whether it was the matter of her second daughter or her husband who had to enter a dangerous war.

In the beginning, she thought that she had prepared herself to marry a "Mage" family.

After all, she was also a part of the "Mage" family, even though currently, her family lost the qualification to become one in this modern world.

Nevertheless, the pedigree inside her blood still existed, and it was why she became the wife of Tohsaka Tokiomi.

When she married him, everything was good. She loved her husband dearly, and she had two cute daughters. She spent all of her time on her family, wanting this happiness to continue forever, yet her husband didn't think so.

Her second daughter was sent and adopted into Matou's family under the arrangement of her husband.

Then, later, her husband needed to enter a dangerous war in this city, known as the Holy Grail.

As a woman that married into a "Mage" family, she should be ready, yet she realized that she wasn't.

Her husband told her that she should forget about her second daughter, yet how could she be?

Tohsaka Sakura, who is now known as Matou Sakura, was her daughter.

She was born from her, and she had her blood.

They should be a family, yet her husband callously told her that she should forget about Sakura.

Yet, it was her husband's wish.

She endured and continued to become a loving mother who cared for her family.

She might have lost Sakura, but she still had Rin and her husband, so she wanted to take care of them dearly since they were her precious treasure, yet once again, she might lose that treasure.

Her husband needed to join a dangerous war known as the Holy Grail.

Even if her husband was confident, she couldn't erase the worry in her heart since she knew that her husband could die. Her husband could lose her life.

In this battle, everything was possible.

Yet, once again, she endured.

She endured it since she knew it was the price of becoming a wife of a "Mage."

Moreover, she still needed to take care of Rin.

If she couldn't be strong, who could take care of Rin?

Similar to her, Rin should have been worried, yet she didn't show it.

Aoi knew that, and she couldn't help but feel ashamed since, as a mother, she felt she was a failure, so she forced herself to become a qualified mother. Becoming a suitable wife of a "Mage," taking care of her family and house when her husband wasn't by her side.

Yet... yet... could she do it?

Sometimes, at night, she couldn't fall asleep and just stared out the window in a daze or took a stroll at night around her neighborhood to ease the worry inside her heart.

Every night she wondered whether Sakura was alright.

Every night she wondered whether her husband was okay.

Every night she wondered whether she could take care of this family.

She was worried, and at the same time, she knew she was weak.

She needed someone by her side, and probably, Rin also realized that since she knew how smart her daughter was.

Probably that was also the reason why Rin told her to save Tamazuki when they saw him fall on the street and pass out.

Frankly, she didn't dare to do anything and just thought of leaving him, but Rin told her to save him, so she decided to agree, but unexpectedly, his presence had grown into something that eased her worry.

The two chatted together while drinking a glass of wine.

"Tamazuki-kun, you have said that you were the only inheritor of "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist"?"


In this world, he was the only one.

"Then, what about your teacher?"

He showed a lonely smile toward the window. "...he passed away."

"Sorry." Aoi quickly apologized.

"It's okay. It is sad since he is my only family, but it can't be helped."

It can't be helped...

It was like her case.

Similarly, she was also powerless since she knew she was unable to do anything to change the decision of her husband and to protect her family. While she didn't have a hobby of drinking alcohol, she wanted to numb her mind for now.

"Aoi-san, you shouldn't drink too much."

"It's okay. You will leave here after this, right? It is a rare moment."


"How about you drink more."

He sighed helplessly but still accepted.

Still, because of their conversation, they were quiet and only sipped their wine in silence.

"Um... how do you deal with it?"

"How do you deal?"

"I mean... how do you deal with the loss of someone you care about?"

They were the same, and that was why she wanted to know how to deal with the problem where one lost someone important.

Tamazuki didn't answer this question immediately. He gently swirled the wine glass, watching the red liquid dance in the glass.

"I don't. Even if I don't want to and try my best to forget it, I can't do it since he often appears on my mind every time I close my eyes since I know that I can't meet him anymore. Those days in the past can't be repeated once again. Everything has disappeared.

"If you don't help me back then, it might not be bad to pass away to follow since I can't seem to find a reason to continue.

"However, I am still alive. There must be a meaning behind it. It might be nice if I could change my past, but I can't change it, so I will remember it for the rest of my life. It will become a lesson for me so it won't happen again in the future, and I won't have a similar regret."

He then laughed and apologized. "I'm sorry. My words might be strange and sound quite high and mighty."

"No... it's okay since I understand."

She understood him well.

It would be nice if the past could change. Unfortunately... it wouldn't.

In the end, she could only do her best, so the same mistake wouldn't be repeated once again.

This time, she was going to protect her daughter.

The two then continued to drink quietly before it was time for him to say goodbye.

"Let me send you to the entrance."

Her face flushed red, and she stood up, but she staggered and almost fell.

"Are you okay?"

He quickly caught her, so she wouldn't fall.

However, because of this, they were so close at this moment. Their bodies heat, breathe, and everything becomes ambitious.

Their eyes were locked into each other.

As a married woman, it was impossible for Aoi to do something so dirty and treacherous, so everything was his fault.

Tamazuki was the beast.

In front of such a charming married woman, he was unable to control his will.

Yet, Aoi couldn't refuse him, or did she not refuse him?

Nevertheless, his lips touched her lips before the two fell on the soft sofa in the study room, doing something that shouldn't be done when her daughter was sleeping.