Akikan40. Phoenix. 102-111

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 102 Let's

When Riser went to visit Ni, Li, and Magari, something big was happening in Kuoh Town.

The first was that they had met the people who had stolen the Excalibur.

Those people were those who had been exiled from the church, such as the crazy priest, Freed Sellzen, and the leader of the Holy Sword Project, Valper Galilei.

Valper aside, since he was just a scientist or just a researcher type of person, Freed was a priest that Issei and the others had met a long time ago.

Freed was a cruel priest who followed the Grigori, killing many people, including torturing Asia when she was just being banished from the church due to a certain incident.

Naturally, their meeting caused a fight between all of them.

Facing the devil group, Freed showed no fear.

—or rather, he was excited?

Freed stuck out his tongue like a dog, wishing to kill all of them.

After all, unlike before, he held several Excalibur swords in his hands.

Yes, several of them.

As Rias explained in the previous chapters, the original Excalibur was broken into pieces due to the Great War previously, but the church didn't give up and used alchemy and magic to create seven swords from the broken Excalibur.

Either Irina or Xenovia, who was known as the ace exorcist, each of them held one.

However, Freed held the three of them!

Nevertheless, there was no way for Freed to handle the combination of Xenovia, Irina, and two ace exorcists of the church, along with the combination of the devil group.

However, the three Excaliburs, which were held by Freed, were rather special, and they supported him well in this battle.

While Xenovia held the Excalibur Destruction, and Irina held the Excalibur Mimic, Freed held the Excalibur Rapidly, the Excalibur Nightmare, and the Excalibur Transparency.

The Excalibur Destruction and the Excalibur Mimic might be powerful, but each of them had only the ability to cause powerful damage, and the other had the ability to transform itself into any shape its wielder desired.

However, Excalibur Rapidly, Excalibur Nightmare, and Excalibur Transparency were different.

One had the ability to increase the wielder's speed, the second had the ability to cast illusions and manipulate dreams, and the last one had the ability to allow the blade and its wielder to become invisible.

Even if Xenovia and Irina were powerful, if Freed wanted to run away, no one could stop him since the combination of those three Excalibur swords was enough to give anyone a headache.

So, in the end, even if they could surround Freed, they couldn't stop him from escaping.

Then, with the disappearance of Freed and Valper, their plan ended in failure.

If they had someone whose ability could see the invisible person, then they might have a chance.

Unfortunately, there was no such a person among them.

No, Koneko, who was Rias' rook, should be able to detect Freed's existence if she could learn Youjutsu.

Unfortunately, in her eyes, the Youjutsu was an evil thing, and it was a technique that would bring ruin to the user.

Nevertheless, with the failure of their mission, no one stayed any longer, and they continued to search for the two criminals who had caused them so much trouble.

Yet, the bigger trouble came toward them.


The legendary fallen angel that appeared in history also participated in the great war between angel, fallen angel, and devil.

His ten fallen angel wings spread proudly as he looked at them with a condescending gaze.

Yet, even if his existence caused them to feel the sheer terror of the legendary figure that appeared in the bible and book, their expression couldn't help but change when they saw a wounded figure, which he held like trash in his hand.


Issei couldn't control his emotions.

"You can have her back."

Kokabiel threw Irina away to the ground.


Issei quickly reminded Asia to heal Irine as he looked at Kokabiel with anger.

Irina was his childhood friend, and watching her being beaten like this, how could he stay calm?

"This is our first time meeting, daughter of the house of Gremory. The crimson hair is beautiful. It reminds me of your brother that I hate him enough to make me want to vomit."

"Nice to meet you, one of the leaders of the Fallen Angels, Kokabiel. My name is Rias Gremory. I will also add one more thing. We and the house of the Gemoeny are a being who is close to the Maou and also further from it. If you are here to discuss politics with me, then it's no use."

Rias narrowed her eyes, then asked, "What did you do to her?" Even if she didn't care about Irina that much, she still needed to ask as she needed to know Kokabiel's purpose.

"She just visited our base. This is your gift for our meeting. Nevertheless, I wouldn't do something as stupid as talking with a Maou. Well, if I rape and kill his little sister, then Sirzech's anger will be pointed at me. That won't be bad."

"Then, what's your purpose for contacting me?"

"I will be rampaging this town using your base, Kuoh Academy, as the starting point. Then Sirzech will also appear, right?"

Everyone was shocked by Kokabiel's words.

"If you do something like that, the War between God, Fallen Angel, and the Devils will begin again, you know?"

"That's what I'm wishing for. I thought that Michael would start a war if I stole Excalibur. But what he sent was a grunt. Excosits and two holy sword wielders. It's boring. I'm really bored indeed! That's why I'm going to rampage at Sirzech's sister's base. See? It looks fun, right?"

"...you crazy."

Rias made a clicking sound with her tongue, feeling extremely pissed.

"Yeah, that's it! I was bored and bored after the war between the three sides! Azazel and Shamza weren't that keen on the next wary. They then started to collect something boring like Sacred Gear and started to do some weird research. Something useless like that won't be of any use to us! Well, it's a different story if it's a "Boosted Gear" like the one the brat over there has. But it's not something you can find so easily."

"Are you guys also after my Sacred Gear?" Issei asked with a complicated gaze, wondering why he had always been caught in such trouble.

"At least, I'm not interested in it. But Azazel might be. His collection hobby is crazy. Either way, I'm going to be starting a battle involving the holy swords, Rias Gremory. To start a war! A school where both little sisters of Sirzech's and Levithan's go. It must be filled with Demonic Power so that I can enjoy the chaos! It's also the best place to release the real power of Excaliburs! It's a good place for the battlefield!"

Kokabiel's expression was that of bliss and excitement, thinking of the bloodbath that would happen soon.

"Hyahahaha! Isn't my boss the best? His craziness is the best! So I'm also eager to do it. He even gives me treats like this."

Freed, who was by Kokabiel's side, took out four Excaliburs!

"The one on the right is "Excalibur Rapidly." The one on the left is "Excalibur Nightmare." The one on my hip is "Excalibur Transparent." I also received "Excalibur Mimic" from the girl over there! I also feel like getting "Excalibur Destruction" that the other girl has. Hyaa! Am I the first person in the world to be in possession of his many Excaliburs? I also received an element from the Geezer Valper that allows me to wield holy swords. Right now, I'm in a hyper mode that allows me to wield all of them, you know? I'm invincible! It's wonderful! I'm the strongest! Hyahahahahaha!"

Freed laughed as if he found it really funny.

"Valper's holy-sword research. It's the real deal if it shows this much result. To the truth, it seemed suspicious when he joined my plan."

Those words made Kokabiel and Valper laugh together.

"What are you planning to do with the Excaliburs?!" Rias asked with a frown.

"Hahaha! Let's have a war! The little sister of Sirzech Lucifer, Rias Gremory!"

Then, a blinding light illuminated the surroundings, blinding them for a moment, and when their sight recovered, Kokabiel, Valper, and Freed had already disappeared.

"We have to go to school!"


They knew after this, they would face a battle against the leader of the Fallen Angel.

Yet, what they didn't know when this war happened was that a more serious problem might appear, and it might involve one that didn't want to be involved.


Riser was watching and listening to the training made by Magari to Ni and Li, but then, he couldn't help but raise his brows.

After all, had someone tried to summon him?

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 103 We can do it! | Patreon

When Rias and her peerage members came to the school, Sona and her peerage also came.

The two of them gathered together to discuss the war they were about to have with one of the leaders of the Fallen Angel, Kokabiel.

"What about Irina?" Issei asked Sona.

While Asia had tried her best to heal Irina, she couldn't fully heal Irina. While her Sacred Gear, Twilight Healing, was a powerful healing type of Sacred Gear, it definitely wasn't perfect.

In the end, Rias decided to ask Sona to see whether there was something that could help Irina.

Because of this, Issei couldn't help but ask Sona when all of them gathered at the school to face Kokabiel.

Yet, Sona didn't say anything and shut her mouth as if she didn't notice Issei's presence.

"..." Issei.

Rias sighed, then asked, "Sona, what about that exorcist?"

"I have placed her at my house." This time, Sona talked. "You are lucky that my husband has given me a share of "Phenex Tears." If not..."

If not, then Irina might cripple or, even worse, die.

Riser had been living at Sona's house for several days, and naturally, it was impossible for him not to make "Phenex Tears" for his wife. Anyway, it was easy for him to make them, so he made a bulk for her in case of a crisis.

This time, for this battle, Sona also bought a crate filled with "Phenex Tears," which was made by Riser.

"Just in case, you should each bring two."

"Thank you." Rias was grateful for Sona and Riser since she knew how important the "Phenex Tears" was.

Even though Issei was a bit dissatisfied, he didn't say anything this time.

While it was true that Issei hated Riser, he also knew how amazing the "Phenex Tears" was. After all, he also had consumed it in the past. While he felt that Riser might have ripped him off, there was no doubt the effect was amazing.

Asia's Twilight Healing was good, but Asia wasn't omnipotent.

In case an emergency situation happens, they could heal themselves by drinking the "Phenex Tears."

"By the way, have you called your brother?" Sona suddenly asked.

"...you want me to call my brother?" Rias felt reluctant. Even though she was about to face a legendary figure that appeared in the bible and the book, she felt that there was no need for her to call her older brother.

While it was true that Kokabiel was strong, she didn't think that they would lose, especially when she was quite strong, and the strength of her peerage couldn't be underestimated.

"I have called the Underworld. It should be an hour before they arrive."

Akeno was the one who answered Sona's question.


"Rias." Akeno looked at Rias with a solemn expression. "We are about to face a dangerous enemy."

"I know..." While Rias felt quite unacceptable to rely on her older brother since it had happened, then that was it. "How about you, Sona? Have you called your older sister?"

"I do. She should be with your brother, ready to go to the human world."

"Is-Is that so?"

Rias was surprised by Sona's willingness to ask for help from her older sister.

After all, similar to her, Sona also didn't wish to rely on the strength of her family and wanted to be seen as an individual instead of the heir of the Sitri House and the little sister of Serafall Leviathan.

Yet, had Sona changed?

The answer was yes.

Due to her relationship with Riser, Sona had changed, and she knew that she needed to see the big picture instead of focusing on her ego.

If her ego might cause the death of many, then she might as well erase that ego.

"How about Riser? Have you called him? Is he still at that mountain?"

Naturally, Rias knew that Riser had gone once again to visit his peerage members, who were in the middle of training.

"I was about to call him."

If Riser was around, then they would feel at ease since they had seen how strong he was.

Kokabiel might be powerful, but could he face Riser's blue fire?

However, when Sona was about to call him, Issei suddenly said, "Wait!"

Sona frowned, hearing Issei's words, but she didn't say anything and just looked at Rias with an expression, "Look how lawless your slave is."

"What's wrong, Issei?" While Rias was a bit exhausted by Issei's antics, she was still calm and willing to listen to him. After all, Issei's potential was there. As the holder of the "Boosted Gear," even if he was a pervert, he could become strong.

Moreover, Issei was her peerage member and liked how she was educated as the heir of the Gremory House; she would think of her members as her family.

"Do we need to rely on him, Buchou? Don't you think that we're strong enough to handle this fallen angel by ourselves?" Issei suddenly said.

"...are you serious about what you are talking about, Issei?" Rias narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, Buchou!" Issei nodded without hesitation. "I have trained myself hard! I have become stronger! I am not like before! Moreover, I am not alone! I have you, Asia-chan, Akeno-san, Koneko-chan, and also Kiba! We are not alone! We can do this together, Buchou! We can defeat Kokabiel by ourselves!"

There was no way for Issei to let this chance go!

Issei had been showing many embarrassing moments, and this time, he was going to show everyone that he wasn't useless!

He is the holder of the legendary Boosted Gear!

He was going to become Buchou's strongest pawn!

Then, when they received their victory—

'Hehehe... Buchou's boobs~!'

As long as he won this battle, there was no doubt that Buchou was going to spoil him a lot like before, pressing her boobs against his face and letting him touch those beautiful boobs!

Right now, he believed that he could even defeat a God!

Yet, while Issei was excited and full of confidence, the others weren't that confident, especially Sona and her peerage members.

Even Koneko, Asia, and Akeno couldn't have that confidence.


"Buchou, let us do this by ourselves!"

"Kiba?" Rias looked at Kiba in surprise.

Out of all her peerage members, there was no doubt that Kiba was the calmest among everyone.

Kiba was also reliable, so it was also due to this that Rias was surprised by Kiba's support toward Issei's decision to handle this battle by themselves.

"Yes, I believe that we can do this, Buchou."

Kiba supported Issei's decision since he was afraid if Riser came, then his chance to have revenge might disappear. There was an enemy that he had to defeat no matter what, so if that enemy was defeated by Riser first, then how could he accept it?

Moreover, Kiba also didn't think that he would lose.

Rias didn't say anything and fell into silence.

"Buchou! We can do this! We even have "Phenex Tears" with us!" Issei grabbed Kiba's arm happily, showing how happy he was with Kiba's support.



The one who chided Rias wasn't Sona but Akeno.

Akeno looked at Rias in disbelief since she didn't expect that Rias would follow the stupid decision made by Kiba and Issei.

"Akeno, don't stop me. I also believe that we can stop this difficulty with all of us." Rias was also confident. No, she thought that it was a good chance to show her power so that Riser would be impressed by her might.

"Are you sure about this, Rias?" Sona asked with a frown.

"Yes, Sona. I have made my decision." Rias nodded. "I will be the one who faces Kokabiel and the rest. Please help manage the barrier in case the damage caused by our fight won't spread to the surrounding area."

Nevertheless, Sona hesitated, but Rias pressed her even further. "Believe me, Sona. I can do it. No, me and my servants can do it."

Unlike Issei, Rias had a certain charisma due to her pure devil heritage.

"You should know everything might be too late if I don't call him now, right?"

Even though a devil could teleport from one place to another due to the teleportation circle, it didn't mean that they could teleport as much as they wished.

Riser was in a far-away place, on the mountain, so if he wanted to use the teleportation circle, he needed to go to the place where it was connected or marked to the teleportation circle or be summoned.

Unfortunately, he didn't make a summoning scroll, so in the end, he could only go to the place that was connected to the teleportation circle.

If Sona called him now, then Riser could come after a while, but if she didn't call him, then—

"There is Serafall-sama and Sirzech-sama who will come to us in an hour. No need to worry, Sona."

As expected, when Serafall and Sirzech were mentioned, Sona's expression was quite at ease since as long as the two came out, their safety was guaranteed.

"...I will believe in you then."

"That's right. Believe in me."

Rias smiled and then looked at her peerage members. "Since we have decided to fight Kokabiel, then we have to win. Let's show them the power of the Gremory House!"

"Yes, Buchou!"

All of them answered with a high spirit and thought that they could do this battle.

Then, as they finished their preparation, their battle started!


The fight will be intense as Riser will face so many enemies at once. 

Be prepared! 


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 104 Dawn, after the night | Patreon

They couldn't do it.

Yes, their battle ended with a failure.

In the beginning, it was a great success.

Facing Freed, who had received a combination of four Excaliburs made by Valper, while it was hard at first, Rias, Issei, and everyone, including Xenovia, who had come to help, could defeat him.

Kiba also gained the power of his dying friends and was able to move on as he gained the power of the Balance Breaker of his Sacred Gear, Sword Birth.

The Balance Breaker, also known as the Forbidden Move, is the evolved form of Sacred Gears in which their full powers can be released.

It was the strongest state of the Sacred Gear and only a few or even almost none of the Sacred Gear holders were able to achieve this state.

However, Kiba was able to achieve it, giving him the power of a holy-demonic sword and destroying the Excalibur sword that had brought him terror and hatred.

Naturally, Kiba wasn't alone as his power was enhanced by Issei's "Boosted Gear" and Xenovia, who had held a holy sword, Durandal.

Yes, Durandal.

Even though Xenovia was the holder of the Excalibur Destruction, the truth was she was the holder of the holy sword Durandal.

Unlike the Excalibur Destruction, the power of the Durandal was on a different level as it was a complete single sword instead of a broken piece crafted into a different sword.

In other words, a Durandal was a perfect sword.

So, in front of Kiba, who had gained the power of his dear deceased friends, giving him the power of Balance Breaker of his Sacred Gear, the Sword of Betrayer, and Xenovia, who held the power of Durandal along with Issei, who had doubled their power with the Boosted Gear, even if Freed held the combination of four Excaliburs, there was no way that Freed was able to defeat them.

Moreover, this Excalibur was also broken into pieces, giving Kiba salvation.

Moreover, they also defeated Cerberus, the legendary dog that was owned by Kokabiel, giving them greater confidence to win this battle.




Kiba and Issei, who had thought of their victory, had their guts suddenly pierced by a spear of light.

"Kiba-san! Issei-san!"

Everyone was panicked, and Asia quickly tried to heal them with her Twilight Healing.

Koneko also moved fast by their sides and forced them to drink the "Phenex Tears" as soon as possible.

As soon as the two were healed, Kiba and Issei sighed in relief, but the pain in their guts still remained as it felt like they were burnt.

As a devil, a light was their weakness.

Especially the light of an angel and fallen angel.


Kokabiel looked at the two with disdain as if he were looking at the trash.

"Hahaha... did you see that? You are not our opponent!"

Valper, who was depressed due to his sword being broken into pieces, felt happy when they were all defeated by Kokabiel. It was like a baby facing an adult. There was no way for them to be Kokabiel's opponent.

"You, too, are trash."

Valper widened his eyes as he looked at his bloody body and realized that he had been killed by Kokabiel. However, before he even asked a question, his body had already fallen to the ground and died.

"What trash. I thought the Excalibur would be a strong weapon, but it could be destroyed by a group of trash. What is the use of such a sword?"

Kokabiel thought the Excalibur created by Valper could bring him a surprise and a secret weapon to fight the devil and the angel, but if it was so weak that it could be destroyed by Kiba, Xenovia, and Issei, what was the use of it?

Nevertheless, the sudden show of power by Kokabiel made everyone tense. They realized the difference in power between them, and it made them understand why Kokabiel was one of the cadres on the Grigori.

"Phenex Tears, huh? Are you the little sister of Sirzech Lucifer lucky to have a rich family?"

When Kokabiel saw them drinking the Phenex Tears, he couldn't help but sigh at how extravagant Rias was that she could even let her servants drink it.

Still, after all of them recovered, it was impossible for them to give up, and they quickly fought once again. Unfortunately, facing a being that had overwhelming power over them, even if Rias showed the might of the power of Destruction and Akeno also showed her thunder power that she inherited from her father, all of those attacks could do nothing.

Their strength couldn't even put a single scratch on Kokabiel!

A despair started to surround them as they realized that they weren't even his opponents.

Moreover, the "Phenex Tears" given by Sona were almost gone due to their extreme consumption during this fight.

Kokabiel also wasn't in a hurry to kill them as he wanted to wait for Serafall and Sirzech to come. When they came, it wouldn't be too late to kill all of them since that way, wouldn't everything become what he wished for?

So before that, he was going to cruelly tell them about the truth of this world.

"But. Seeing that even after losing the masters you serve, you devils and followers of God can still fight, huh?"

"...what do you mean?" Rias asked with a doubt.

Kokabiel started to laugh aloud as if he found it extremely amusing.

"Fuhahaha, fuhahahahaha! That's right! I totally forgot! The truth wasn't revealed to you lower guys! I will let you know. In the war between the three sides, not only the Yondai-Maou but also God died."


Everyone was shocked and looked at Kokabiel in disbelief.

"It's normal for you guys to not know about it. Who can say that God has died? Humans are an incomplete bunch. Without God, they cannot control their hearts and obey the laws, you know? Even we, the fallen angels and devils, couldn't tell this to those below us. You won't know where the information about God will be leaked from. Even among the three powers, only the people at the top and certain people know about it. Though it seems Velpar noticed it earlier."

Watching the shock, despair, and various emotions on their faces, Kokabiel continued to talk as if he had fun with their reactions.

"After the War, what was left were the angels who had lost their God, the devils that lost their Maou and the majority of high-class devils, and the fallen angels who lost most of the fallen angels apart from the leaders. So it wasn't merely an exhausted state. All of the factions fell so low that they had to rely on humans to continue their generations. Especially the angels and fallen angels that could only continue their generation by mating with humans. Fallen angels can increase their number if the angel falls. But pure angels can't increase their numbers after losing God. Even pure devils are rare, right?"

"...lies... It's a lie..."

Xenovia felt like her entire world was crumbling, and the world was spinning.

"The truth is that another big war wouldn't happen unless you do it on purpose. It means that all three sides went through hell in the past war. Everyone decided that it was meaningless to continue having a war if the start of it all, God and the Maou, were dead. Even that bastard Azazel declared that "there is no second war" after losing the majority of his men in the war! It's hard to bear! It truly is hard to bear! To lower your gun once you already shot it!? Don't fuck around. Don't fuck around! If we continued on from there, we could have won! Even so, he...!" Is there any value in fallen angels who can only live by inviting humans who possess Sacred Gears!?"

"God doesn't exist? God... is dead? Then the love was given by him is..."

Asia was still unable to believe Kokabiel's words.

"That's right. It's normal that there is no love from God and no divine protection from him. God is gone already. Michael is certainly doing well. He's taking the place of God and is taking care of the angels and humans. Well, if the "system" caused by God is operating, then the prayer to God, the blessing of God, and exorcism would function. But if you compare it to the time God was present, the number of believers decreased. That holy-demonic sword brat over there was able to create the holy demonic sword because the balance between God and the Maou broke. In reality, holy and demonic power can't merge. If the ones who rule the power of holy and demonic powers, God and the Maou, disappear, then lots of unique phenomenons occur."

Kokabiel's expression then became fierce as he was filled with crazy obsession.

"From here on out, I will start a war! I will take your heads as a gift! Even if it's only me, I will continue from where we left off! I'm going to show Sirzch and Michael that we, the fallen-angels, are the ultimate beings!"

With those words, it brought despair to everyone.

Especially Rias.

Rias couldn't help but wish to slap her past self.

Why was she so arrogant?

Why did she not call Riser at that time?

If Riser came, then would this happen?

Even worse, she couldn't even protect life and the others by her side.

She knew that even if Sirzech and Serafall came, their chance to live would be hard!

Yet, her despair was low compared to Xenovia.

As the servant of God who gave her everything in the service, Xenovia realized that she had been deceived. Everything was nothing but a deception. She was being played like a blind loyal dog, so she would still follow the religion like the most loyal servant.

Yet... yet.. the truth?

What was this truth?!

At this moment, she was completely in despair, especially when she knew she might die.

Yet, after knowing how God had died, how could she let herself die in this place?!

There was no way that she was going to die in this place!

Yet, facing Kokabiel, what could she do?

In that moment of utter hopelessness, a certain figure emerged within her mind.

His words suddenly sounded within her mind.

'I just want to help those who are deceived.'

Then, in that moment, suddenly a blazing flame emerged in the middle of the field.

A familiar crest appeared before everyone.

Then, Xenovia widened her eyes as she looked at the figure which she thought was within her mind.

It was like dawn after the night.

All of their nightmares were like a dream when he appeared.

"Did you call me?"

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 105 Make it fun, okay? | Patreon

When Riser appeared, they felt a surge of excitement and hope.

When he appeared, everything would be alright

This was what they believed, especially when they thought of their powers.

However, Kokabiel couldn't help but frown when he saw the red glowing paper on Xenovia's hand.

"Summoning scroll?"

Kokabiel then laughed. "For the servant of God to summon a devil, have you fallen so much after hearing the truth? However, what's the use of summoning him?" If it was a famous figure such as Sirzech, Serafall, Ajuka, or Falbium, they might be able to give him trouble, but who was this?

Still, as a fallen angel who had been living from the beginning of the world, he knew that this should be someone from the Phenex House.

The famous house was known for its immorality.

"Even if you are an immortal, so what? In front of the light, you, a devil, can only cower in fear!"

Kokabiel created a spear of light and threw it to Riser!

"Watch out!"

Everyone was startled by Kokabiel's sudden attack as they cursed him for being despicable to attack when Riser had just arrived on the battlefield.


Xenovia, who had summoned him, was the one who had the greatest fear as she thought that she would be the one who had caused this tragedy.

Yet, the spear of light couldn't be stopped.

It was coming at a speed that was impossible to dodge, and as expected, it pierced Riser's body!


Rias and Akeno had the strongest reaction as they saw his guts being pierced by the spear of light.

However, whether it was Kiba, Asia, Koneko, or even Issei, they widened their eyes.

Yet, among all of them, Xenovia had the most hysterical reaction as she was unable to say a single word, and she only stared at him in disbelief.

If she didn't summon him... if she didn't wish for him to come... if he didn't protect her...

Yet, frankly, it was fortunate that Sona was outside maintaining the barrier, or else her reaction was probably the strongest.

Still, Kokabiel laughed.

"Fuhahaha... is this the help that you have asked for? How... weak?"

Yet, to his surprise, everyone fell into silence, and the atmosphere turned weird.

Kokabiel... no, everyone also noticed something strange since Riser had just stood there without moving as if... as if nothing had happened to him?



Kokabiel realized that nothing had happened to Riser.

Riser's guts, which were pierced by the lance of light, were unscathed.

Kokabiel couldn't believe it, and he threw several spears made of light at Riser once again!

"Let's see how long you can pretend with all of this."


Rias, Xenovia, and Akeno called his name in grief.

The others couldn't bear to look into this and closed their eyes subconsciously.

Meanwhile, Riser was just checking his quest since it was his first time seeing this type of quest.

[War? With your punny power? How laughable!]

[Beat the shit out of the legendary cadre of the fallen Angel, Kokabiel.]

[Reward: Trick Star.]

It was his first time to know that the system could give such a reward.

Trick Star.

It was quite a strange ability as it allowed the user to switch two objects with each other.

In other words, it was like a space manipulation, where he could change the position of two people or things.

If he gave an example, he, who was standing on the ground, could change position with Kokabiel, who was flying in the sky.

Still, the reward aside, what about Kokabiel's attack?

Similar to what the system said, with Kokabiel's punny power, how could Kokabiel possess the power to threaten him?

As the spear of lights rained him down, Riser did nothing and just stood in a place while taking off his jacket, letting all the attacks hit him.

However, everyone could see clearly how the spear of lights seemed to vanish like it was being boiled off and turned into vapor.

"Stay there."

He put his jacket on Xenovia before he turned at Kokabiel for the first time. Frankly, it was his first time seeing the fallen angel, yet why was Kokabiel so ugly?

The ten crow-like wings on his back aside, why was Kokabiel's appearance like a monster?

After all, shouldn't a fallen angel appear handsome or beautiful as to seduce a human or the other angel?

"Are you Kokabiel?" Riser asked this question in doubt.

"Of course, I am Kokabiel. The legendary cadre of the fallen angel that often appears in the bible and books."

His words were full of arrogance, as if asking Riser to awe him.


Riser frowned and asked, "Why are you so weak?"


The space was filled with silence as they looked at him in disbelief, but then again, watching him able to take on all of those spears of lights without even flinching as if he was walking in the park... somehow the words of weak seemed suitable for Kokabiel when it came from Riser's mouth.

Yet, as a fallen angel who had been fighting in the beginning against the angel and the devil, how could Kokabiel accept such an insult?!


At that moment, Kokabiel realized all of his power without holding back.

Still, Riser was speechless for being called a brat as he wasn't a bra, but then again, when he compared his age to Kokabiel, it wasn't wrong for Kokabiel to call him a brat.

The spear of light started to condense above him, and the size grew bigger and bigger as it became even bigger than the Kuoh Academy.

Watching this, Rias panicked. "Stop him! If we let him drop that attack, then this whole city will be destroyed!"

As the panic grew, Kokabiel grew excited. "Fuhahahaha... It's too late! I will kill all of you! Destroy this town! Then, I will—"

"You talk too much."

Suddenly, Riser appeared in front of Kokabiel and slammed his fist!


Kokabiel's nose and jaw were broken at that moment, and he was smashed into the ground.

The impact blew everyone off, and there was a huge crater on the ground as Kokabiel moaned in pain due to his injuries.

Yet, facing such a pitiful Kokabiel, Riser didn't show mercy.

His hands seemed to glow in black flash as he plucked Kokabiel's wings one by one.

The sound of tearing flesh seemed to be heard as the sound of the painful scream of Kokabiel.

Kokabiel's condition was hideous, and he kept screaming as he threatened Riser with hs broken jaw.

How dare you! How dare you! How dare you!

"I will kill you, brat!"

Even though it was hard for him to talk due to his broken jaw, Kokabiel was screaming and stared at Riser in hatred, especially when all of his beautiful wings were plucked out like a chicken.

Yet, Riser didn't stop and started to cut his limbs with a blade made of blue flame.

Due to that, the cut limbs burnt into ashes, and it was impossible to grow them.

"Listen, clown. You want a war, right? So make it fun, okay? Don't make me bored, okay?"

Riser was smiling as he looked at Kokabiel.



It was probably the feeling Kokabiel felt.

Kokabiel might wish for a war, but he didn't wish for one side of slaughter, where he would die!

He wished to win!

Yet, such a wish was impossible, especially when he was about to die by Riser's flame.

Don't make Phenex angry.

Probably, this was the most famous quote that came in the future as he was immortal, and it was impossible for him to die.

"Help... help... Azazel! Shemhazai! Armaros! Sahariel! Tamiel! Penemue!"

Riser might have burnt Kokabiel's lower limbs, but Kokabiel still had his upper limbs, so he tried his best to run away with his remaining limps by crawling like a worm.

It was ugly, but so what?

Kokabiel only wished to run away!

Yet, how could Riser let him do that?

Riser was about to swing his blade of flame, but suddenly, the barrier cracked like a mirror.

At that moment, a powerful aura swept over everyone, causing them to shudder.

This person was much more powerful than Kokabiel, they thought within their minds.

With beautiful silver armor, a figure floated in the sky as he looked at all of them condescendingly.

It was impossible to see his visage due to the silver armor that covered his body, yet everyone could tell that he was strong.

"Vali! Is that you? Hurry up and help me! Save me out of here!" Kokabiel screamed as he asked for the help of this mysterious figure.

"How pathetic, Kokabiel."

The mysterious figure then looked at Riser, who was ready to kill Kokabiel while frowning.

"You have done enough. Give him to me."

His voice was full of coldness as if a superior who gave an order to the underling.

Riser only stared blankly at this figure.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 106 My name is Riser Phenex | Patreon

"Wh-What is this feeling?"

Issei felt his blood boiling when he saw the mysterious figure with the silver armor.

It was as if... it was as if... that their meeting was destiny.

"Dd-Ddraig, what's happening?"

"That's supposed to be your so-called rival. The owner of the Divine Dividing, the Longinus, hosts the White Dragon Emperor, Albion. My rival."


"Yes, the two of you are fated to fight each other."


"Though, with your current power, you will be dead to face him, so give it up."

"...." Issei.

Nevertheless, the conversation between Issei and Ddraig didn't attract everyone's attention or even ignored as all of them stared at Riser and the mysterious figure.

Meanwhile, Kokabiel saw hope.

He knew that with the appearance of the owner of the Divine Dividing, Vali Lucifer, his life would be saved.

He will be okay.

"Vali, save me from this bastard! Kill him for me too!"

While he hated and looked down on those Sacred Users, Vali was different as he was the owner of Longinus, the special Sacred Gear that was able to kill God.

With such a power, it should be easy for Vali to save him and kill Riser, right?

Let me show you the price of making me like this, Riser!

Still, by now, Kokabiel was glad that Azazel, his leader, had collected so many Sacred Gear users that way; they had many tools that they could use for their future war with the devil!

Nevertheless, Riser and Vali ignored Kokabiel, and neither of them talked, even if Kokabiel screamed like an idiot.

In their eyes, Kokabiel was an idiot.

Still, Vali couldn't let Kokabiel die. After all, even if Kokabiel was an idiot, he was still a friend of the figure who he had helped him so much, so—

"Did you not hear me? Let him go. If so, then I won't kill you."

Unlike Kokabiel, Vali didn't think that he would lose to Riser. Instead, he felt that he might kill Riser as he felt that this guy was just a weakling.

Kokabiel's strength might be okay, but compared to him, Kokabiel was nothing.

Even if Riser could defeat Kokabiel with ease, Vali believed that he could do better.

However, Riser ignored Vali and stomped hard on Kokabiel's body, causing several of his ribs to break and causing those broken bones to pierce his lungs.

Due to this, Kokabiel was unable to talk and could only moan painfully.

Vali frowned and said, "Let me give you three seconds to let him go, or else I won't give you mercy."

Still, Riser ignored Vali and accepted the reward he got from the system.

Trick Star.

It had the ability to switch the position of two objects with each other.

Naturally, he had only received this ability lately; he could only switch the positions of two objects that were relatively the same size. Due to this, he looked at Vali, then looked at Kokabiel, who was lying under his feet like a dead bug.


Yet, Vali, who was being ignored, was unable to hold his temper and started to count.

He also started to grow his aura stronger and stronger.

Due to this aura, everyone became tense again as they could feel the boundless demonic power emitted from Vali.

"He-Hey, hurry up and let him go! He is dying anyway!"

Issei couldn't control his fear and quickly screamed at Riser.

In his mind, the fight was already over, so that's it.

Kokabiel was defeated, so there was no need to make the situation bigger, right?

Let's just go home and sleep!

Issei didn't want to be involved in this fight anymore!

He just wanted to become a harem king!

Yet, why did he have to be involved in this trouble?

As his scream fell, the others reacted with a different attitude, yet they also supported Issei even though they didn't say anything.

After all, no one loved to fight, and if possible, they wanted to end everything like this.

They had enough of fighting, yet due to their status, they knew they couldn't say it and only kept silent as every decision was on Riser.

Only Rias didn't think so and frowned at Vali.

After all, Vali's act was too arrogant, as if he was above all of them.

As the heir of the Gremory, how could she accept being treated like that?

Nevertheless, she was also realistic, and she could feel how powerful Vali was.

The reason why a devil could be so powerful was due to their Demonic Power.

The higher the amount of their Demonic Power was, the stronger they were.

Vali was strong, and she acknowledged that.

Moreover, everyone was exhausted from their previous battle.

Rias understood all of this, yet... yet... she still had a hard time.


However, Riser hadn't said anything from the beginning to the end, causing Vali to continue his count.


Issei kept screaming, and the others also became more anxious.

Still, suddenly, Riser let out a helpless sigh.

Yet, it didn't stop Vali from counting.


Vali's words were cold when he finished counting, as if he had never had any intention to stop his counting or not fighting to begin with.

Yes, Vali wanted to fight Riser!

Even if Kokabiel was weak, it was still amazing that Riser could handle Kokabiel, but more importantly, Vali felt that he needed to teach this little bird how to treat him in the future so as not to be impolite in front of him again, yet—


Vali widened his eyes as the armor on his chest was broken, and his entire body was hit by tremendous pressure. His ribs were also broken due to the impact, causing them to pierce his lungs, giving him a hard time breathing and making his situation a similar situation to Kokabiel.

Meanwhile, Kokabiel, whose body wasn't stomped by Riser anymore, felt his chest was free, and he felt relief, thinking that he had been saved, yet why did he suddenly appear in the sky?

Kokabiel, who had lost his wings, was unable to fly and with only remaining limps as if trying to grasp something.

Yet, it was impossible, and as he was in the sky, he could only drop to the ground due to gravity.

Similar to Kokabiel, Vali was still unable to comprehend what was happening.

What had happened?

Why did I suddenly appear here?

Why was I hurt?

Many questions appeared in his mind instantly, but it burst like a bubble when an intense heat scorched his chest.


Without the protection of his armor, the heat instantly hit his skin, burning his chest and even almost melting it.

Naturally, due to his talent, he was able to react, trying to protect his chest subconsciously with a huge amount of demonic power, yet facing this heat, that protection was meaningless.

Moreover, his position was at a disadvantage as Riser's feet pressed against his chest like a mountain, making him unable to move.

He was like a fish that was out of water.

He could only flap his body helplessly as if hoping that he could return to the water once again, yet—

"My name is Riser Phenex. My house is in the Phenex Domain in the Underworld. I live in a beautiful castle and one of the best places in that domain. Oh, right, I am married, so I also live in the Sitri domain in my wife's family house."


Vali was confused as he was filled with dread, watching Riser's eyes grow darker, darker like a pitch of darkness.

"I have several businesses and always work diligently from Monday to Friday and nine to five. Each evening, I return home no later than 6 p.m. I smoke, and I drink occasionally. I go to bed quite late, but I will always get 8 hours of sleep."


Vali became even more confused as he groaned as the pain in his body grew stronger and stronger.

"Before I lie down, I drink a cup of warm milk and do 20 minutes of stretching to relax my body."


"With that routine, I find that I sleep soundly all the way until morning. Like a baby, I wake up with no fatigue or stress. And at my last checkup, I was given a clean bill of health..."

"Wh-What are you talking about?!"

Even if there was an intense pain in his body, Vali responded to Riser as he felt this guy was creepy.

"I'm explaining so that you'll understand that I'm a person who wants to live his life feeling at peace. I refuse to create dilemmas—or enemies—that will disturb my thoughts and keep me up at night worrying if I'll win or lose... And by maintaining that approach toward society, I have found that I can attain happiness."

Riser made his blade grow hotter and sharper.

"Of course, if I were to fight someone, I would never lose."

Riser then smiled confidently and said, "Basically, Whatever-kun, you are a troublesome thing that would hinder my sleep and, therefore, my enemy."


"So, I am going to eliminate you now before you have a chance to trouble me, so I can sleep soundly again tonight."

Riser swung down his blade, ready to kill the source of his trouble.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 107 The Heat | Patreon


Vali screamed all of his might as he created a White Dragon Armor with blue jewels that covered his body.

Yet, even facing this armor, the temperature on Riser's feet easily melted his armor and made another impact on his body, causing him to cough blood.

However, this wasn't the end, as Riser was crueler than he had imagined.

The blue blade of flame swung on the side, cutting his arm, and was about to cut Vali's body into half, but—


At that moment, Riser felt that the power in his body was absorbed and was turned into half. Still, he only frowned as he used his Demonic Power to push this power away.

Nevertheless, Vali coughed blood as his entire body was bleeding due to the huge amount of energy that entered his body. Yet, due to this, he could quickly run away by releasing those crazy amounts of energy, which he absorbed from Riser, letting his body be dragged forward by the wing boosters on his back.

Even if Vali appeared ugly, he was no longer under the control of Riser, and he could be set free from Riser's stomping, yet even so, he was unable to escape from injuries as his chest, bones, and all the parts of his body were burnt.

Even his beautiful Dragon's white armor melted like a liquid and stuck onto his skin and burnt meat.

His appearance was no longer of that arrogant and powerful dragon. Instead, he was like a beggar who was just like a beggar, or even worse, as his injuries were horrible.

Vali's body was hurt, and his entire being was shaken by the sheer horror of his opponent.

Yet, could he be blamed?

Vali was the descendant of the real Maou Lucifer. He had the talent and a crazy amount of Demonic Power. Moreover, he was the holder of the Divine Dividing.

With those combinations, who could defeat him?

All of his opponents were ruthlessly beaten as they were told that they were just a bug or worms in his eyes.

Yet... yet... Riser was different.

Vali looked at his chopped arm and knew that he was disabled from now on, especially when there was no way for him to recover that arm since Riser burnt it into ash ruthlessly like it was trash incarnated on the waste combustion.

Nevertheless, Riser was still calm as he didn't think that Vali was an opponent.

[How dare you challenge me by relying on your weak power? A bug should know how to act like a bug.]

[Defeat Vali Lucifer.]

[Reward: Reflector.]

Yet, while he was calm, Riser couldn't help but sigh as he thought that being in the human world was so troublesome.

How many times was this?

How many times was he caught in such trouble when he was in the human world?

Still, not only did he make the enemy of the holder of the "Boosted Gear," he also made an enemy of the holder of the "Divine Dividing."

Unlike "Boosted Gear," which gave the ability to double their power every ten seconds, the "Divine Dividing" was capable of half the power of the opponent's power and used it for themselves every ten seconds.

Due to that nature and the origin of the Sacred Gear, the holders of the two Longinus types of Sacred Gear had always been in a fate to fight each other and a rival.

Yet, unlike Issei, who was just a perverted normal boy, Vali was talented. Frankly, even without the "Divine Dividing, he was powerful, especially when he was the descendant of the true Maou, yet adding to the power of the legendary Longinus, his power increased dramatically.

However, facing Riser?

Vali was nothing but a beaten dog.

Also, what time was this?

This should be his resting time, so the effect of "Overtime" was working on him.

Because of that, whether it was his physical ability or demonic power, everything was doubled.

Frankly, Riser had to say he felt invincible at that moment.

Moreover, his newfound ability, "Trick Star," was quite an interesting ability, and it was a good ability to be used for a surprise attack.

Nevertheless, the weakness of this ability was obvious as he was unable to use it when he faced a single thing. The reason why Vali was easily beaten was because he had Kokabiel under his foot previously.

Yet, there was no Kokabiel anymore, so such a method couldn't be used once again.

So, it made him wonder whether he should prepare a doll of a normal size so that he could use it to trap his enemy and beat him to death when they weren't prepared.

However, even without such a method, he had thought of several methods on how to use his new ability.

Nevertheless, Vali remained vigilant as he was still unable to comprehend what was happening.

Still, due to the broken barrier, Sona and her peerage members quickly came to Rias and the others.

"Rias! What's happening?"

While Sona was confused, she could feel the familiar heat, then she was surprised. "Huh? Husband?" While she wondered how her husband could appear in this place, she felt relief when he appeared like the wind that swept away all of the dark clouds on her mind. His existence had such a meaning in her heart.

Yet, Rias, who saw Sona, felt a tight grip on her heart.

Watching Riser, who defeated Vali at ease with a method that she couldn't understand, made her heart tingle with excitement.

When Vali was about to be killed by Riser, Rias was even more excited.


It was because that power made her lustful.

When everyone had given up as they saw the power of the White Dragon Emperor, Riser calmly faced him like another bug on the street.

His valor... his strength... his decisiveness.

I want him! I want him! I want him!

She wanted to be impregnated by him.

Those thoughts occupied her mind, showing how obsessed she was with him.

Yet... yet.. why couldn't she be the one who was by his side?

Rias felt a burst of regret deep within her chest.

Yet, at the same time, she also felt envy and hatred, especially toward the person who had stolen him from her.

"Rias? What's wrong? Why did my husband fight with someone? Who is that? Also, is that unrecognizable, Kokabiel? Did my husband beat him up?"

Sona didn't see Rias' strangeness as she was cornered by her husband's well-being. Yet, she wasn't stupid enough to call Riser abruptly in case she might give him trouble, especially when she could see how tense the situation between Riser and the figure in white armor was.

While the figure in the white armor had lost one of his arms, the aura emitted from his body was still intense and powerful, yet her husband calmly faced this figure.

"Sona-sama!" 2x

"Ni! Li!

It seemed Sona didn't need Rias' help that much.

Nevertheless, the most complicated would be Issei and Ddraig.

As the White Dragon Emperor, Vali Lucifer, was supposed to be their rival, they knew how powerful Vali was supposed to be, especially when Dradig had told him how powerful and talented Vali was.

Compared to him, Issei knew that Vali was thousands of times better!

It was also due to this that he asked Riser to give up on Kokabiel.

Anyway, Kokabiel had been defeated, so even if Vali took Kokabiel away, it didn't matter.

Yet, Riser did something outrageous, stomping Vali on the ground like a dead dog, then cut off his left arm.

This should be a good thing as Vali would no longer be a threat to him, yet... yet... why did he feel disappointed?

Moreover, why did he want to cheer on Vali?

Yet, those thoughts couldn't be voiced out, and he just clenched his fists in frustration as he could only cry due to his weakness.

For Vali, though, the thought of the weakling didn't matter to him. Instead, all of his focus was on Riser once again.

He had worn his "Balance Breaker," the strongest state of in the Sacred Gear.

By now, he should be invincible, but—

'What was that technique?'

Vali was still wary of Riser, and due to that, he no longer underestimated Riser. He knew that Riser was a fearsome opponent, especially when the price of underestimating him was the loss of his arm.

Yet, to everyone's surprise, Riser only raised one finger, and in that moment, his finger turned a dazzling white in color.



A concentrated beam of fire was shot through his finger.



Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 108 Juggernaut Drive | Patreon

The concentrated beam of fire was moving at a speed that was impossible to follow.

Vali could only let it hit his body, causing him to be in intense pain due to being burnt.



Albion, the soul of the White Dragon Emperor, resided on the "Divine Dividing," screaming as it thought about his host's pain.

Yet, even worse, even with the white dragon armor, it was unable to stop the heat of this huge concentrated beam of fire.

Vali's entire body was swallowed by the flame as his body was burnt and grilled under his armor, and he could only scream while using his Demonic Power to protect his body.

Kokabiel, who saw Vali easily defeated by Riser, was in despair, yet at the same time, he was begging Riser to stop since even if the fire was quite far from him, the intense heat was too much for him to handle!

Meanwhile, the others had already used a barrier to protect themselves, yet watching how his fire easily burnt the White Dragon Emperor and created lava as it touched the ground, they could only gulp.

By now, they wondered if his fire was even stronger than the Red Dragon Emperor.


Albion kept screaming Vali's name so Vali wouldn't lose consciousness. Even it had to admit that Riser's flame was scary, and probably, it was even stronger than its rival, yet how could it wish for Vali's defeat?

"Did you forget what you want to achieve? Are you going to fall into this place? Wake up, Vali!"

At that moment, it was like something was broken within Vali.

The injustice he faced... his ambition... and all the things that he wished to accomplish as the descendant of the true maou and the host of the white dragon emperor.

Yet, how could he lose like this?!

Vai had a lot of things to achieve, and there was no way for him to lose to a no-name like Riser!

[Divide! Divide! Divide!]

"Divine Dividing" in the Balance Breaker state gave him the ability to divide the power of his opponent continuously without waiting for ten seconds.

Due to that power, the power of the beam of fire was continuously halved, making its power weaker and weaker, yet at that moment, the dazzling white flame grew even more dazzling and stronger.


As Vali was concentrating on erasing the power of this attack, the sudden increase of power startled him and made him unable to react.

Even worse, the dazzling white color of the flame started to change, and slowly, it turned into a blue color.

At that moment, all of Vali's resistance was meaningless.

His armor melted like hot chocolate, and as the armor was made of metal, it grilled his body from inside.

Nevertheless, Vali still resisted.

Yet, how long could he do it?

There was no doubt that Riser had a full intention to kill him.

There was no mercy.

Everything was done smoothly without any hints of hesitation.

His power aside, his mindset was one that made him different from others.

Yet, Riser just wished for a peaceful life, and he was going to end everyone who had caused him trouble.

Nevertheless, he thought that it was only a time before he got his reward.


As expected, it was also an ability.

The ability was quite good as it allowed him to store and reflect back on any attack that the opponent landed on him.

If there was a drawback, he was required to take damage.

Yet, who was he?

He was Riser the Phenex.

The damage was nothing to his immortal body.

Moreover, he also gained a "Crisis," an ability to make him stronger as he was beaten.

Nevertheless, everyone in this place could tell who was the victor of this battle.

There was no need to guess anymore as everything was clear in their eyes.

Yet, at the same time, it also brought them a clear understanding of Riser's power.

Facing Kokabiel, the legendary figure of the fallen angel, and Vali Lucifer, the host of the White Dragon Emperor, Riser could defeat them with ease. Even now, they couldn't even see him break a single sweat, even though this heat was so unbearable.

Yet, at the same time, by his side also brought them an ease and peace as his existence was so dazzling and reliable.

Nevertheless, everyone could only look at Sona's jealousy as they knew no matter how much they tried, it was impossible for them to own him as he was owned by her.

Still, many of his lovers accepted it as they came into this relationship, knowing the hardship behind it.

Yet, Rias was still unable to bear it as everything was supposed to be hers!

However, while everyone thought he was already determined to his victory, Vali, who was about to face death, realized all of that. When he was about to die, he felt the world was moving so slowly that he could capture everyone's expression at that moment.

Their confidence in Riser, their confidence in his defeat, and some of their gloats.

Vali could see all of that, yet the one that attracted him the most was Riser's indifference, as if he was sure of his victory.

It was as if... he was nothing.

He was just a bug that was on the side of the street.

When he died, he would be forgotten like any others who left the world without leaving anything.

At that moment, he realized that he was about to die.

'Ah... I'm going to die, huh?'



At that moment, the power within his body burst out as it tried to push away the concentrated blue flame.

Even if his body was scorched like coal, he didn't give up and continued to fight, yet facing Riser, whose demonic power had increased dramatically with the "Overtime," all the resistance was meaningless unless—

"Albion, can you stay with me."

"Yes, Vali."

Albion knew what Vali was planning to do.

Frankly, what Vali was about to do was nothing but commit suicide.

Yet Albion knew that Vali had no choice.

If Vali died, then that was it.

However, as a proud dragon, how could it die meaninglessly?

As the host of the White Dragon Emperor, how could Vali accept such a death?

If he died, then he would bring Riser with him, making all the people in the world know what the horror of the White Dragon Emperor was!

As for his fateful duel with the Red Dragon Emperor?

Vali didn't care about any of that!

What he wanted to do was to beat the shit of Riser!

Vali's resistance was about to be broken, and the blue concentrated fire bream was about to swallow him once again, but then—

I, who am about to awaken,

A song echoed through space.

Am the Heavenly Dragon who lost all to the principles of supremacy

The powerful aura swept over everyone.

I envy the "infinite," and I pursue the "dream."

The blue fire-concentrated beam was blocked by Vali's aura at that moment.

I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy

''And I shall take you to the limits of innocence.''

Vali and Albion's voices were heard in tandem.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 109 Being a good person is hard | Patreon

Vali's dazzling appearance stunned everyone once again.

Kokabiel, who had lost hope, saw the light of the dawn once again.

Juggernaut Drive.

Vali used a technique that could kill him.

Yet, did he have a choice?

He was in a do-or-die situation, so instead of dying meaninglessly, he might as well throw himself into the abyss as he dragged Riser down with him.

Unlike the "Balance Breaker," which he could control, the "Juggernaut Drive" was something on another level.

—or rather, it was a special ability of those Sacred Gears that sealed a certain creature inside.

This technique temporarily removed the seal placed on the Albion, the White Dragon Emperor within the Divine Dividing, but the price of this technique would make Vali, the user, lose his sanity while his life was devoured by the power.

Even now, his life was shaven at a fast speed due to the power.

The only fortunate thing was that Vali was half devil, so his life was much more than a human that could only die after they used this forbidden technique.

Nevertheless, it didn't change the fact that Vali had become so strong that his power matched those of God or Satan.

"Fuhahaha! You are all going to die! Die all of you!"

Kokabiel was full of excitement as he watched Vali's current state. As the fallen angel, who had been living so long, naturally, he had mastered magic, and as he was an angel previously, he was quite good at healing.

While it was impossible to heal his burnt limbs, he could still heal his broken jaw, so he could talk.

As he talked, all the attention was on him, so he became more excited, telling them the despair that they were about to face.

"Juggernaut Drive! Have you heard of it? In that state, Vali has released the seal of the White Dragon Emperor inside him! In other words, he has the power of the White Dragon Emperor, Albion! His might is a rival to those of Satan and God! With this power, he can even destroy mountains and islands! You are all dead now—"

Kokabiel, who had been talking, suddenly turned into a mush of meat as he was being smashed by Vali, who was in the state of Juggernaut Drive.

After killing Kokabiel, Vali, whose mind was corroded by the power, was staring in their direction, causing their bodies to be filled with cold sweats and fear.

All of them could smell the scent of death was near, and they knew facing current Vali, all of their resistance was meaningless.

All of them were going to die!

"You bastard! Why did you have to provoke him?!"

Issei couldn't help but scold Riser for making Vali so angry. If Riser didn't cause a mess and beat Vali, then would something like this happen?

His dream was to become the harem king!

Yet, why was it so hard?

Hearing Issei's words, everyone couldn't help but smile wryly.

Even Asia could only show an awkward expression at Issei's attitude.

Was Riser to blame?

No way.

They couldn't blame him as everything was initiated by Vali.

Moreover, instead of blaming Riser, they knew they needed to think about how to solve this problem.


As Issei continued to babble, blaming Riser, Rias couldn't control her emotion and scolded Issei.

"Bu-Buchou...?" Issei looked at Rias in shock.

"If you have time to complain, you might as well think about how to solve this situation. Not only are we all going to die if we let this person go on a rampage. Even this city and all the people in this city will be killed, including your parents!"


Issei only realized the seriousness of the problem.

His life aside, how could he let his parents die?

Still, this also made him more dissatisfied with Riser since if Riser didn't provoke Vali, then would this happen?

"Husband, we're going to support you!" Sona shouted as she was ready to support Riser with her peerages.

Hearing Sona's words, everyone was also prepared since they were in the situation of do or die.

Instead of waiting to die, then they might as well fight.

"Step down. I will handle this myself."


"Listen to me. You all will be a burden for me."

"....." Everyone.

His words might have been harsh, but this was the truth.

What could they do facing Vali, who was in the Juggernaut Drive state?

Instead, they might become a burden for him, causing a misjudgment as he needed to protect them in case something happened.


"This guy also has been looking at me. I will handle this alone."

Riser put a boxing stance as he could see Vali, whose mind had been corroded by the power, kept staring at him.

Riser's judgment was correct.

Even though Vali's mind was corroded by the power and the previous hosts of the "Divine Divider," his obsession with defeating Riser and bringing Riser down with him to the abyss was the reason why he reached this state.

Even if the payment was his life, he was going to pull Riser down with him to the abyss!

Everyone who heard his words could only feel a sense of helplessness.

Yet, no matter what, they couldn't do anything, especially when Vali's speed had reached the level where they could only stare blankly.

Vali suddenly appeared in front of Riser and was about to smash his head into mush like what he did to Kokabiel.


Everything was too late.

They saw Vali's fist was about to break Riser's head apart.


It was like a flash of thunder, a mix of blue and black sparks, flashed before them.

Yet, in this confrontation, the one who was defeated wasn't Riser but Vali.

Facing Vali's brutal charge, Riser calmly dodged the hairbreadth, then sent a counter jab into Vali's jaw, breaking it instantly.

With the combination of force and Vali's charging speed added to Riser's punch, "Black Flash," and the combination of his fire magic, this counter-jab brought so much impact to Vali's body.

"You have become weaker, you know?"

Leaving those words, Riser didn't give Vali a chance to react and rained him down with a flurry of brutal punches.

"Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!"

Everyone could only stare in disbelief as Vali, who had reached the state of Juggernaut Drive, was beaten one-sidedly by Riser.

Riser's movement was fluid and unstoppable.

Nothing could stop him as he kept smashing his punches into various parts of Vali's body.

Moreover, each of his punches carried so much heat that it melted the white dragon's armor.

Still, at that moment, Vali's consciousness had been corroded by the previous hosts of the "Divine Divider" and power.

With his remaining power, Vali, who was about to be beaten, released his ultimate technique.


With that last roar, Vali poured all of his energy into destroying his opponent!

Riser, who had gained the upper hand, once again fell into crisis.

"Compression Divider. It is a technique that halves the size of objects and living beings around the user continuously until they vanish from existence."

Vali explained his technique as he saw Riser was being compressed and crushed.

"I have to thank you for waking me up, so that's why allow me to use my everything to defeat you!"



Everyone could see the space around Riser was compressed, crushed, and forced into smaller.

Riser could feel his power was continuously absorbed as his body was crushed by the space around him.

His bones were broken apart, and he knew that this move was enough to kill him, yet why?

Why did he feel that he had become more powerful?

Naturally, he thought of the ability he gained from Akeno.


The ability allows the user's power to constantly increase while taking damage.

So, the more he dies, the more his power is enhanced.

Frankly, this was a crazy power, yet it was so much fun!

"See you in the afterlife."

Vali knew that Riser was going to die, but it didn't matter as he was going to remember him as the most powerful opponent that he had faced, yet—


Vali, once again, switched his position inexplicably, and now, he was the one who was crushed by his own power.

The Compression Divider that was used to crush Riser was trying to crush his body!

Meanwhile, Riser was still in his bloody state, looking at Vali, who was constantly crushed by his own power.

As expected, the "Trick Star" was a strange yet useful power.

Having been crushed by his own technique, Vali quickly stopped his own power, but his body was already constantly beaten and wounded. He was so badly injured that it wouldn't be weird of him to die now, but the real problem wasn't his injured body, but—


A single punch was enough to make his body fall.

Vali was unable to move a single muscle on his body as he watched Riser once again stomp his body in a familiar fashion.

'Ah, I am going to die...'

Vali knew that there was no escape anymore.

It was impossible to defeat him.

Riser created a blade made of blue flame once again.

There were no words from his mouth as he swung his blade as if he was just slaughtering a chicken for consumption.

As the blade was about to fall into his body, Vali recalled many things that had happened in his life.

At that moment, a burst of unwillingness burst within his heart.

I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!

Anyone! Help me!

Like a child who had lost, Vali screamed for someone to help him!

"Help me!"

The last burst of his energy was used to scream for help.

Yet, everything was meaningless.

Riser was about to cut him down like a vegetable, but before his blade was about to cut Vali down, his hand was blasted by something, causing his hand to be burnt and his blade thrown.


Riser took a deep breath, then looked up.

As expected, a single figure was there.

Similar to Kokabiel, this figure was a fallen angel, but unlike Kokabiel, who only had ten wings, he had twelve wings and carried himself in the laid-back atmosphere.

"Hey, can you give me enough face to let him go?"

"..." Riser.


Cough! Don't blame me, okay?


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 110 I hate when someone orders me the most | Patreon

Another enemy appeared once again, and this time, the pressure emitted from this opponent was strong.

While this person's pressure might not be as strong as Vali's in his Juggernaut Drive, this person was still strong, and his immense pressure startled them.

Yet, the identity of this person was the one that caused them to feel even more tense and frightened.

"The governor of the Grigori... Azazel."

Unlike Kokabeil, who was a mere cadre, Azazel was the real leader of the Grigori.

The proof?

Naturally, it was the twelve black wings on his back.

It might be something to be born with or the setting, but 12 wings were the symbol of all the leaders within the three sides.

Not only fallen angels but the real leaders of the angel and devil also had 12 wings.

However, it was because of this that everyone was tense.

Not only did they face the cadre of the Grigori, they were forced to face the White Dragon Emperor, and lastly, they were going to face the leader of the Grigori.

Everyone was at a loss, and they were too exhausted to show a reaction.

What happened tonight brought them to the utmost level of exhaustion.

Frankly, all of them just wished that everything was a dream.

The one who fought might be Riser, but even if they were just an audience, they felt worn out due to facing one powerful foe after another.


Many had their tears as they watched Riser's lone figure, which was filled with many wounds and bleeding all over his body. Frankly, they wished to help him and asked him to rest, yet with their power?

What could they do?

Facing Azazel, they were nothing but a worm.


Vali felt like a ray of hope fell upon him.

"Vali, you seem so ugly now." Azazel mocked Vali with a smile.


If it was before, Vali might try to say something in the comeback, but watching Azazel, who came to help him when he was about to die, he couldn't help but feel moved and cry.

"Don't cry, you child."

Azazel sighed helplessly as he thought that Vali must be under constant terror when Vali could cry like that.

After all, even when Vali was tortured by his father and grandfather, he never cried and stayed strong, yet now, he was crying like a child.

Watching this, Azazel's heart slightly ached.

Still, Azazel couldn't help but look at Riser with a complicated gaze as he didn't expect such a powerful, pure-blooded devil to be born.

Frankly, he had been watching the battle, and he saw how Vali entered the Juggernaut State, killing Kokabiel and even ready to destroy the town.

However, even if he was the governor of the Grigori, it didn't mean that he was good at fighting.

—or rather, among the leaders, he was rather the weak one.

Yet, his advantage wasn't on the strength.

Still, even so, he was the leader of the Grigori, and his strength definitely wasn't something that could be underestimated.

Nevertheless, it still ached his heart when he saw Kokabiel dead, but facing Vali, who had gone on a rampage, he could do nothing, yet who would have thought that Riser was able to stop Vali?

In the end, when Riser is about to kill Vali, Azazel decides to step in.

Azazel knew that he might be sneaky as he didn't stop Vali when Vali was on a rampage, but when Vali was on a rampage, he didn't think that Vali could continue to live as he knew the price of the Juggernaut Drive, and he could only sigh, thinking that Vali was going to die.

However, Vali was alive, and he screamed for someone to help him.

Azazel's relationship with Vali had been quite long. They knew each other when Vali left his father after his grandfather killed his own father.

Being on the journey to search for power, Vali met Azazel, and their relationship became so close that they were like a father and a son.

Watching Vali desperately, asking for help, how could Azazel stay indifferent?

For Kokabeil, it was something inevitable.

As it was Kokabiel who was asking for death by himself.

"How about we have a truce? Can you let him go? Naturally, I will explain everything to Sirzech and everyone about what has happened today. What do you think? It isn't a bad deal, right?"


Everyone fell into silence and didn't believe what they had heard.

They thought that Azazel was going to attack them, but it seemed that... wasn't the case.

Nevertheless, they were still wary of Azazel as he was part of the fallen angel, the leader of Kokabiel, who had attacked them.

"Geez, you don't need to be so tense. I swear here that we, the fallen angel, won't attack you once again. Naturally, I know that you are hurt and traumatized by all of their actions, so I will also compensate all of you.

"That's why, can you let him go? I beg you."

His tone was polite and full of helplessness.

Azazel was different from Vali, who was full of pride and looked down on everyone arrogantly. He was a fallen angel, a creature that tempt an angel and the like to fall into the beauty of sin.

His words, voice, and everything about him made people believe that he would do nothing and just wanted everything to end.

Moreover, everyone also wished everything to stop since they were all too tired.

Fighting more than this was meaningless.

"That boy from the Phenex House. Can you let Vali go? He has almost stopped breathing due to being stomped by you."

Azazel asked helplessly.

The rest aside, as they seemed tempted by his words, Azazel could see the indifference from Riser, yet could he be blamed?

Everything came to kill him.

Whether it was Kokabiel or Vali.

Yet, it was a miracle that Riser could live and fight all of them and win.

Even if Riser was bleeding all over and was wounded, he was the last one standing among them.

"Hey, grilled chicken! Hurry up and let him go!"

Out of nowhere, Issei, who had been scared, gained his courage once again, telling Riser to stop.

While everyone was speechless, they also understood Issei's feelings as they only wished everything to stop.

Moreover, Rias and Sona also supported this idea.

It wasn't that they agreed with Issei's point of view or were tempted by Azazel's words. Instead, they were just worried about Riser.

Riser's injuries were so bad that it was amazing that he could stand up.

They didn't want anything to happen to him, so they wished for everything to be over so they could tend his wounds as soon as possible.

At this moment, everyone wished this to stop.

"Riser... can you let him go?"

"Let's just end everything here."

Issei's words might not be effective, but what about Sona and Rias?

Azazel sighed in relief.

Vali also sighed in relief since he knew that he didn't need to die.

"Husband, it's over, okay? We don't need to fight anymore."

"Yes, let's just rest."

With the voices that came from Sona and Rias, the rest also gained the courage to talk to Riser, hoping he would let go of Vali so everything would be over, but—


Riser's voice echoed through the space as he scolded them.

"You are so damn annoying, you bitch!"


Everyone fell into silence instantly as they were in a daze.

"Oi, oi. How can you scold a woman like that?" Azazel looked at Riser helplessly. "You should treat them gently, you know?"

The rest wasn't much better, especially Sona, since she was in tears as she was scolded by her husband for the first time.

Nevertheless, Rias was strangely excited for some reason.

Yet, Riser was too lazy to talk to all of them and instantly used his "Trick Star."

"Eh?" 2x

Not only Vali but Azazel was confused.

Vali, who was beaten and lost one of his arms, suddenly fell from the sky, but Azazel, who was flying in the sky, was suddenly lying on the dirty ground as his chest was stomped by Riser.


Azazel coughed up blood as his lungs ruptured after they were pierced by his broken ribs like Vali and Kokabiel.


Vali, who fell from the sky, knew what had happened to Azazel and couldn't help but scream in horror. Frankly, his situation wasn't much better, but how could he watch his father-like figure fall into the same situation as him?

Yet, Azazel couldn't hear Vali's reminder as his chest was burnt, causing him to scream in pain.

"Listen, what I hate the most is when someone orders me around, so die."

Riser swung his blade made of concentrated blue flame, intending to kill the leader of Grigori without mercy.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 111 Wrath! | Patreon

Like before, there was no hesitation on Riser's blade.

He cut down Azazel's arm smoothly and was about to cut Azazel's body in half.

This sudden reversal left all of them stunned and unable to react.


Frankly, Azazel wasn't good at fighting. Fighting wasn't his forte, after all, but it didn't mean he was weak. Due to Vali's reminder, he quickly used all of his power to emit a holy light within his body to deter Riser, giving him a chance to escape and walk out from this favorable position.

Devils had a light as their weakness.

It was impossible for them to be immune to it as they were born that way.

It was the same case with Riser.

Still, he had a "Holy Resistance" and a "Light Resistance," which he received from Akeno previously. Nevertheless, it didn't mean he was completely immune, as the holy light that came from Azazel couldn't be compared to those low fries of fallen angels.

Yet, Riser had a "Crisis."

The more injuries he received, the stronger he was.

Even if his body was battered, full of injuries from head to toe, and many parts of his bones were broken, his aura was blazing.

Riser was like a great comet.

Even if his shine was only momentary, his figure was exceptionally bright tonight.

Facing the bright light that came from Azazel, Riser didn't move and kept hold of Azazel in place with his feet as his body was burnt due to the holy light.


However, the brighter Riser was, the more panicked Azazel was. He didn't have a fighting talent like Vali, and he just wanted to spend his days researching, doing something fun, and flirting with a woman!

How could he die in this place!

Then, in that moment—

"Down Fall Dragon Another Armor!"

Azazel took out a short golden spear from his pocket, and his body shone brightly. At that moment, his figure changed. He equipped himself with a handsome Golden Dragon Armor, fully covering his entire body from head to toe.

Still, if someone looked closely at his armor, they would see a resemblance of this armor with Vali's Scale Mail.

Yes, this was Artificial Sacred Gear that Azazel created based on Vali's Sacred Gear.

Naturally, it wasn't as powerful as Vali's Divine Dividing as Azazel wasn't a God, and it was impossible for him to create a Sacred Gear, considering God died and never disclosed the method to create the Sacred Gear.

Nevertheless, with Azazel's intellect, he was able to create Artificial Sacred Gear, which was capable of increasing his offensive and defensive capabilities.

Moreover, it also allowed him to summon a two-pronged Spear of Light.

At that moment, he didn't hesitate to stab this spear of light at Riser, hoping that he could push him away, giving him a moment of an escape.

Frankly, Azazel only hoped to scare Riser as he didn't want to kill Riser. After all, unlike Kokabiel or Vali, he was up-to-date with the news on the Underworld, including the devil society.

Azazel knew that Riser was Serafall's brother-in-law; killing him was definitely a problem.

—or rather, he didn't have the confidence to kill him!

Even Vali, who had reached the "Juggernaut Drive," was unable to do anything and was almost killed by Riser.

What about him?

Azazel wanted to cry at this moment, but then his eyes widened when he saw Riser grab his two-pronged Spear of Light with his left hand.

As this spear was made of light, naturally, it burnt Riser's hand.

There was no remaining of his skin, and what was left was the meat of his hand.

Azazel could even see the bones on the hand that grabbed his spear.

Those who saw it almost couldn't open their eyes since they could feel how painful it was just by looking at Riser's injured hand.

Yet... yet... Riser had never let that go.

His hand was like a vise, and Azazel was unable to do anything before his face was smashed by Riser's fist.


When Riser beat Azazel up, raining down his right fist cruelly at various parts of Azazel's body, he also activated the "Reflector" that he received from Vali.

As he had defeated Vali until he was crying, he also received his new reward.


It is an ability that allows the user to store and reflect back on any attack that the opponent landed on the user. The drawback is that the user is required to take damage.

As Riser received the damage from holding the spear of light and the light emitted from Azazel's body, he stored them and reflected all of them onto Azazel.

At that moment, the proud Artificial Sacred Gear was ruined into a mere wreck.

The handsome appearance of the golden dragon armor was no longer there.

What was left was Azazel's body, which was battered with various degrees of injuries.

[How dare you, a mere fallen angel, order me? Who do you think you are? I am above everyone!]

[Beat the hell of shit of Azazel]

[Reward: Researcher]

As expected, the more trouble he encountered, the more he got a reward.

Even though Riser was exhausted, he still worked hard as he still didn't know much in this world.

Nevertheless, the truth of this world was simple.

The stronger you are, the more respected you are.

So, there was no need for him to listen to the persuasion of his wife, Rias, and the others.

Riser was going to walk on his own path!

Yet, he had to say he was quite disappointed with his wife, who didn't believe in him.

Still, as Riser beat up Azazel so one-sidedly and said that Azazel was unable to do anything, the others could only stare in a daze. Previously, they had hoped for him to stop so they could tend to his injuries as soon as possible. Moreover, after facing so many strong enemies, they were going to face the governor of the fallen angel; how could they not be nervous?

Yet, Riser still charged forward and won.

Yes, he won.

To their surprise, even if his body was battered and full of injuries, he never stopped and kept fighting.

This time, all of them were quiet.

No one talked.

Even Issei, who had been annoyed, could only shudder at Riser's brutality, making him recall the horror he encountered that day.

"Azazel! Azazel! Azazel!"

Meanwhile, Vali kept crying, calling the name of his father-like figure, who was beaten up by Riser.

If he was the one who caused Azazel to die, then—

As he cried, his eyes burnt the image of Riser in his mind as he was definitely going to have his revenge. He definitely wouldn't let Riser go, especially if Riser really killed Azazel.

Nevertheless, Azazel was already in the realm between conscious and unconscious. He was beaten so hard that he couldn't determine the reality and dream. It wasn't until Riser stopped that he looked at Riser with one of his eyes.

As for his other eye? Azazel was unable to open it and was beaten by him.

His consciousness was hazy, but he knew that he was about to die.

Yet, he still burnt Riser's visage that held him in a place with his foot.

His indifferent eyes look at him like a bug.

His callousness that thought that killing him was nothing but killing a small fry.

Azazel sighed helplessly, wondering why he provoked him.

He was wondering why he couldn't appear so polite when he asked before.

Yet, there was no medicine for regret.

Everything was too late.

"Frankly, I don't want to fight, but why do you force me to fight?"

For the first time, Azazel heard Riser's voice.

"Your first subordinate came to my wife and her friends. Your second subordinate came with the intention to kill me; then you came here ready to kill me, too. Do you want to mess with my life that much?"

His voice was low and cold, yet blazing like the fire on purgatory.

Azazel knew that he had provoked that he shouldn't, and he knew that he was about to die.

If there was something that he was sad about, it was probably Vali, as he knew he couldn't protect Vali's life.

Riser created another blade of concentrated fire and swung it at Azazel's neck without hesitation.


Vali screamed that name as he was in tears, feeling extremely regretful for causing so much trouble for Azazel.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Vali kept screaming as he was filled with a sense of powerlessness.

While he could hear Vali's scream, Azazel could only smile wrily as he couldn't even give a response since he was about to die, yet—


At that moment, a powerful unholy filled with dread of aura spread over his direction, stopping his movement.

Riser grabbed the handle of his sword tightly, trying to endure his irritation and wrath since he knew the annoyance had come once again.


I am sorry, but it will be over soon. 
