Akikan40. Phoenix. 148-158

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 148 Unchained | Pn


Everyone had to say their stay at his hotel was great.

If they didn't have a job, they would stay a long time, but they had many things they had to do, especially when their jobs had piled up, so in the end, they left.

Nevertheless, the girls stayed.

Lady Phenex and Lady Sitri also stayed as they also wanted to continue to talk with Misla.  It might be strange why they appeared so close, but previously, they were classmates, and it had been a while since they talked to each other, especially after Misla was sent to the countryside by her husband and slept due to her "Sleeping Disease."

It was also due to this that there were many things that they wanted to talk about.

Hearing that, their husbands didn't say much and let them stay.

However, the real reason was probably due to the fact that their skin and bodies got better due to the hot springs in this place.

With such a benefit, how could they get back immediately?

Moreover, how could Riser and the others monopolize this place by themselves?

Even if they had already become a mother, they still wanted to appear beautiful, okay?

Especially when they saw how Misla became so beautiful for some reason, which made them quite jealous.

Still being asked why she became even more beautiful, Misla could only let out a dry laugh, wondering what their expressions were when the cause of everything was their son.

Nevertheless, not only Misla but Riser was also helpless; he didn't say anything, but he knew it was hard to visit Misla due to the appearance of his two mothers.

Yet his two mothers weren't the only obstacles, as Serafall also stayed.

"You are not going back?"

He wanted to train his new power, but it seemed it might be hard to do it.

"Riser-chan is so cruel~! You want to "shoo shoo" me away, right~! Riser-chan no longer loves me! Uwaaa~!" Serafall cried.


Riser decided to ignore Serafall.

"Don't ignore me~!"

Riser wanted to say something, but he noticed Sona brought Xenovia away with her. He knew that Sona planned to invite Xenovia to her peerage members, and it was also the reason why his mother stayed.

"Is Sona-chan going to invite Xenova-chan into her peerage?" Serafall suddenly asked.

"She did. Last night, she told me."

"That's great~! Having the user of Durandal as her peerage member will make her peerage member stronger~!"

"Is that okay?"

"What do you mean~?"

"I mean, Durandal. Is it okay for us to keep it?"

This had always been a question on his mind as Durandal was owned by the church, so was it okay for them to keep it?

Frankly, the fact that Xenovia could use Durandal even though she was a devil still surprised him, but then again, as God had died, many things that should be impossible to happen in the past could happen.

"Geez~! You are so kind~!"

Serafall hugged him again, but Riser only rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes. So, can you answer me?"

"Hmm... It's okay, isn't it? After all, if the angel and the church want to retrieve Durandal, they will have to go to the Underworld. Still, as God died, it is impossible for them to be so reckless again as they can't be like us, who can mate to increase our number or use "Evil Pieces" to create a reincarnated devil since they don't have such a technology."

Serafall smiled at him, then said, "Frankly, we are the strongest faction among the third faction from the bible, you know~? Especially with you here.

"So, there is no need to worry about the matter of Durandal, but I have to say, it feels weird when a devil can wield it."

"As expected, it was impossible in the past, right?" Riser asked.

"Of course~! The devil will definitely get burnt the moment they try to touch it~!"

Frankly, Riser also felt it weird when Xenovia could wield Durandal and Excalibur Destruction even though she had become a devil. However, Xenovia wasn't the only one, as Kiba Yuuto, Rias' knight, could also create a holy sword with his Sacred Gear.

If a God didn't die, then how could such a thing happen?

—or rather, would God allow a devil to create a reincarnated devil?

Probably not, as it would allow the devil to have an advantage among the three factions.

It was also the case with fallen angels who kept collecting the owners of the Sacred Gear, including the Longinus.

Yet, while fallen angels and devils did their best to change, the angel maintained their status quo without doing anything.

If in the future heaven fell, then he wouldn't be surprised.

Still, Riser hadn't seen the angel and the heaven, so it was hard for him to make a judgment as he didn't know them, so should he visit them in the future?

"Say, Riser-chan... It's just an example, so you don't need to think about it seriously, but what do you think if three factions, angel, fallen angel, and the devil, make peace with each other?"

"Even though you told me not to think about it seriously, why did you sound so serious?" Riser was speechless.

"Anyway, what do you think~?" Serafall asked as she stared at Riser.

"Well, why not?"


"Why did you sound so surprised? Weren't you the one who initiated this question?"

"No, I thought that you would say that you wouldn't accept such a thing and charge forward to Grigori headquarters or even heaven by yourselves!"

"...what do you think I am?" Riser was speechless. "If someone won't trouble me, will I even be troubled to cause trouble? No. Think carefully, Aneki. Have all the troubles that I encountered been all caused by me?"


Serafall opened her mouth, then closed them.


It seems that was the case.

All the troubles that happened to him, no matter how big or small, were caused by others.

All he did was just fight back.

Was it wrong for him to fight back?

So, did the others expect that he would just accept their provocation and be beaten up?

How could others be unreasonable?


Nevertheless, she wouldn't change her thoughts to stop him from fighting against Sirzech.

"It's okay. You have your own considerations. Our in-laws' relationship is nothing compared to the long-lasting friendship you have with Sirzech."

He sounded so lonely when he said those words.

"No! I... I..."

Serafall's character broke down for the first time. She was no longer the bubbly woman who appeared happy all the time as he said those words.

"Let's not mention this. You want to talk about the peace of the three factions, right?"


Serafall didn't want this conversation to change so suddenly, yet what could she say?

The fact was laid before them.

During the Kuoh Academy or the press conference, she told him that she would stop him no matter what. It was as if she explicitly told him that her relationship with Sirzech was more important, yet was that the truth? No way.

While it was true that her relationship with Sirzech was good, was it more important than her relationship with Riser?

He was dizzy, and she didn't know how to answer him.

Yet, Riser ignored her and continued to talk about her previous question.

"With the truth about God having fallen out of the box, there is no doubt the other myths are going to aim for us. No, it should be aimed at heaven as we, the devil, are strong even without God.

"Still, there might be some stupid gods who think they can fight us, so they will attack us, with three factions allying with each other; there is no doubt that we can become the strongest faction once again, deterring all the animosity that is aimed toward us.

"However, this isn't without a problem."


"The first is a fallen angel. That Azazel hasn't even given me compensation for what he and his subordinates were doing. Could you trust such a person?"


Serafall fell in silence after Azazel promised to give Riser anything Riser wanted, but did Azazel uphold his promise?

"The fallen angel aside, the heaven is more serious. As a symbol of holiness and sacredness, it left an atrocity known as the Holy Sword Project to happen. Nevertheless, even if such a problem occurs, there shouldn't be any angels who have fallen. With the loss of God, I believe that the angels in heaven have modified the system of their races, so even if they did something wrong, they wouldn't fall.

"Probably, the heavens have done something more without our knowledge."

Riser then looked at Serafall with ease and asked, "With those problems, can we really achieve peace?"


Serafall couldn't answer him.

Could peace really be achieved with many problems occurring in reality?

"Onii-sama, can you help me here?" Ravel suddenly called.

"Wait a moment, Ravel."

Riser didn't wait for Serafall's answer and just left.

Serafall wished to stop him, but her hand stopped before it could reach him, and she was unable to stop him.

After all, with what she did, was it worthy of her to stop him?

Was the only way to stop him was to let Rias seduce him?

While she was unwilling, Serafall could only sigh, wondering what she should do as, from now on, she knew no one could stop him.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 149 There is no need to hide anymore | Patreon


"So, you have decided to follow, Sona?"


Xenovia nodded at Riser's question.

"...how did you make her follow you?" Riser looked at his wife in surprise. He knew that Sona invited Xenovia to talk, but he was stopped by Serafall, so he wasn't sure what kind of conversation they had.

"Well..." Sona hesitated, but Xenovia said, "Kaichou promised to let me become your lover and have your children."

As Sona told her to call her Kaichou, Xenovia followed her wish, and she would be lying if she didn't feel excited when she was going to school. Moreover, she knew with Sona's permission, she could become Riser's lover without hiding!

Even if they had children, there was no need to worry that Sona might ask her to have an abortion!

As expected, being a devil was great!

Xenovia thought at that moment.

"..." Everyone.

"...Xenovia, next time, I will teach you about manners." Sona sighed helplessly.

"Yes, Kaichou!" Xenovia nodded eagerly.

"..." Sona.

The fortunate thing was that all of them were insiders, and they were all either of his or her peerage members along with their mothers, so everything was okay.

Still, his peerage members aside, who were happy due to Sona's confirmation that their relationship with Riser would be okay, Sona's peerage members were in shock when they heard those words.

Especially Saji, who couldn't believe what he had heard.

What kind of man didn't want to have a harem?

After all, they knew how strict Sona was, so it surprised them when Sona had accepted Xenovia as Riser's lover openly.

Yet, Saji wanted to say a word or two to Riser. After all, Riser was too lucky to have Sona, but Riser still had many other women. Moreover, Sona agreed with his relationship with others. However, as expected, he didn't dare to say anything. After all, he knew the consequences of saying something in this situation were definitely horrible, so he could only sigh helplessly.

However, before Riser could say anything, Lady Sitri asked with a frown, "Sona, are you sure?" She knew how bad a man was. If a woman didn't give the man a firm rein, then they might become crooked and do as they pleased.

"Yes." Sona nodded with a sigh. "I can't handle him alone. My back still hurts even now."

"....." Riser.

"....." Everyone.

"Moreover, I feel that I might get pregnant sooner or later, so I might not be able to help him in that area. Instead of letting him do it with a random woman, it is better to have someone who I can trust."

Xenovia was quite stupid, so Sona was quite relieved.

"Are you sure?"

While Riser had cheated on Sona, he did it secretly, and he played clean. He would never show all the ugly things he had done to her as she was his wife, so he needed to show her respect.

Frankly, Sona had agreed to his relationship with others, but unlike before, where he needed to do it discreetly, this time, she told him it was okay to do it openly, which surprised him.

"I owe you this much after all..."

When Sona thought about what she had done to him, she felt that she needed to give him this much. If not, she might not forgive herself.

When he needed someone the most, she wasn't by his side and just followed the others instead of trusting him.

With what she had done, she felt that she wasn't worthy of his wife, yet how could she give this place to anyone?

She loved him so much, and it was impossible for her to give up her position as a wife.

Anyway, they were just his lovers.

As for the wife's position, it could only be hers.

"What are you saying? You are my wife. No one owes anything."


Watching how close the two were, Lady Sitri could only sigh, but she knew that this was inevitable. If Riser was just a normal, powerful devil, then there might be a way to solve his, but with how powerful he was, it was impossible for him to settle with a single woman.

Sona's generosity was a good thing, especially when Lady Sitri knew there would be many women who would seduce him.

If Riser was like Bellial Diehauser, who didn't have an interest in a woman, then it might be different, but Riser wasn't the case.

Moreover, unlike Bellial, who was kind of poor for the champion, as a member of Phenex House, Riser was wealthy. Moreover, he was good at business, as she had seen how his energy drink was in rage on the Underworld.

Burst Energy Drink.

Even Lady Sitri had to admit that Riser was a genius.

If she wasn't married and still young, she might be tempted by Riser.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Lady Sitri suddenly realized that Serafall hadn't said anything from the beginning to the end. She knew how noisy her eldest daughter was, so it surprised her when Serafall was so silent.

"Hehehe~! Really~!"

"Yeah. It feels weird." Lady Sitri felt that Serafall was kind of strange.

"Geez, mom~! How could you say that~? Pun~! Pun~!"

Serafall puffed her cheeks, showing how angry she was at her mother's accusation.


Lady Sitri was wrong.

It seemed Serafal was the same as ever.

Nevertheless, with the matter of Xenovia being solved, Sona and her peerage members decided to return to the human world.

While Sona wanted to stay for a long time, it was impossible for her to ignore her work as a student council based on her personality.

"...you are not going to visit the human world again?" Sona asked.


Riser fell in silence.

When Sona was about to leave for the human world by train, she suddenly asked him this question.

Yet, would he really visit the human world?

He hesitated, especially when his memory of the human world wasn't that good.

Nevertheless, he knew that if he ran away, nothing would begin.

Everything would become stagnant, and he would lose his spirit, so he could only charge forward.

So, he knew even if he didn't really want to go to the human world, he had to visit it, especially when there were few things he needed to do.

Moreover, he also had left so suddenly without saying anything to the girls that he had made a relationship with.

Still, it felt strange if he did go there without a reason.

"You come to the Underworld every weekend, right? There is no need for me to go to the human world."

"...I see." Sona lowered her head, which made him sigh helplessly.

"Is there something special happening in the human world or your school?"

Riser recalled that Sona's school had just finished the ball event, so he wondered whether there was another event.

Still, at the previous ball event, he didn't come to visit as they were in an argument, and he was also busy preparing for his "Rating Game" with Tannin, so if there was an event, he wouldn't miss it.

"There is a class visit at my school."

"Class visit?"


Sona told him about the class observation event where the parents or family of the students came to visit the school to observe their family, who was a student at the Kuoh Academy.

"Okay, I will visit."

"That's great~!"

Sona smiled and kissed his lips.

Riser readily accepted this kiss.

Nevertheless, unlike before, there were no Rias, and nothing strange happened.

It would take a while for the observation event to happen, so there was no need for him to visit the human world so early.

Still, when he noticed Xenovia, who was looking at him, he suddenly said, "I will go to the toilet first."

"Kaichou, I need to go to the toilet!" Xenovia suddenly said but didn't go to the toilet. Instead, she went to chase after Riser.


Sona ignored Xenovia and sat next to Ravel. "Ravel, are you not interested in studying in the human world?"

"No, I am not, Sona-oneesama. Studying in the Underworld is much better. Moreover, since Onii-sama has decided to take the top, I want to help him."

"Your relationship is great." Sona thought that the relationship between Ravel and Riser was as close as a sibling.

Ravel only smiled and didn't say anything before she changed the topic of conversation to the human world, as she would be lying if she wasn't curious about what her older brother did in the human world.

Still, as they talked, half an hour later, Xenovia and Riser returned.

No one said anything about them.

Except Sona's peerage members were a little awkward when they left for the human world.

"Are you satisfied, Onii-sama?" Ravel suddenly asked with a smile.


"Not yet, right? Then, let Ravel help you."

Ravel held his hand and let him into the car.

As for where they were going, was there even a need to question that?

Once again, the scumbag Riser returned.


There will be five extra chapters, so a total of 30 advanced chapters. Probably around midnight or tomorrow, anyway; here you go. 

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 150 How did you come up with those names? | Patreon

22 hours ago

Even though Riser was invited to the Bael territory to meet Zekram Bael, it didn't mean that he had to come immediately, so instead of wasting his time waiting or preparing something, he decided to train his power and also gave a new weapon to his peerage members.

"What do you think, Karlamine? Siris?"

Frankly, he had to say, "Researcher," the ability he received when he defeated Azazel was extremely useful. By combining the knowledge he gained from analyzing the "Magic Spear: Ten Commandments" and engraving his magic into a weapon, he created a new type of weapon.

"It's great, Riser-sama!"

Karlamine was so happy when she got her new sword.

The durability and the sharpness of the sword were, without a doubt, but it also had two abilities.

One ability was from the "Magic Spear: Ten Commandments," which greatly enhanced her speed.

The second ability was from his "Kama Kama no Mi," which made her able to produce slicing air blades.

"Me too. This sword is amazing, Riser-sama." Siris was also happy with her new sword.

Unlike Karlamine's sword, while the first ability of Siris' sword was quite similar to Karlamine's, the second ability she got was from the "Area of Invisibility," which made her able to create a flawless stealth camouflage that completely isolated a person's senses.

"It's good that you like it."

Frankly, Riser didn't expect that he would become a master craftsman as it was a tough job, considering he had to stay in front of the flame all the time. Even if he was immune to a flame, there was no doubt that crafting was troublesome.

If possible, he wanted to lend his abilities to his peerage members as there was no need for him to create weapons.

If he could do that, then there was no doubt the power of his peerage members would increase.

Nevertheless, he didn't have such a power, so he could only do a troublesome thing by crafting a weapon to make them stronger.

"Isabella, don't hog Riser-sama's motorcycle!"

"Yeah! Yeah! We want to ride it too!"

Ile and Nel complained at Isabella, who had hogged Cavaliere all the time.

When this motorcycle was taken out by Riser, Isabella quickly took a liking for it and rode it all the time, causing a lot of dissatisfaction from everyone.

"Riser-sama, are those only the things you have crafted?" Mihae, his bishop, who had always worn traditional Japanese clothes, asked pitifully.

"Mihae, don't be greedy!" Yubelluna scolded Mihae. After all, she knew how her master had worked the best, yet she had to say she would be lying if she didn't feel jealous as she also wished to have a weapon to enhance her power. Still, unlike Mihae, she was quite patient, and she was more talented in magic compared to others, so Riser had given her many unique magics, which greatly relieved her.

However, not everyone could be like Yubelluna, as not all of them could be so talented at magic, so the only way for them to become stronger was from his weapon.

Moreover, they also knew their time to become stronger was limited.

Riser was planning to challenge the champion, and naturally, as their peerage members, they also wished to become his strength. They didn't want to become a burden and could do nothing when Tannin appeared before them.

"Sorry, I didn't have enough time, but I will make more later when I get inspiration."

As he patted Mihae's head, Riser thought that he might pay a visit to Azazel in the headquarters of the Grigori. That guy had promised to give him all the results of his research and many other things, including how the fallen angel would be in peace with the devil, yet until now, that guy said nothing.

There was also no news that the devil and the fallen angel would be in a truce.

It was as if what had happened before was just a lie.

Yet, Riser wasn't surprised and didn't really care as he could make Azazel pay whether Azazel wished for it or not.

Nevertheless, Riser was quite interested in Azazel's research in Sacred Gear, especially when Azazel was able to create an Artificial Sacred Gear. While the might of this Artificial Sacred Gear was so-so compared to the real one, he believed that he could create the real Sacred Gear as long as he could get enough data.

Riser knew the might of Sacred Gear.

If Issei didn't have his "Boosted Gear," what was he?

It was also the reason why he thought it might be necessary to get them.

"By the way, what's the name of this weapon, Riser-sama?" Karlamine suddenly asked.

Siris also looked at Riser, waiting for him to name her new weapon.

While it wasn't necessary, having a name would make those weapons more special.  As the creator of those weapons, they hoped Riser could name those weapons.


Frankly, Riser didn't have any idea what kind of name he should give to those weapons, so he just chose randomly. "The name of Karlamine's sword is "Nice Nature," and Siris' weapon is "Sunday Silence."

"....." Everyone.

"Come on. Stop gawking at me. Hurry up and practice!"

Hearing his urging, they hesitated before they sighed since his naming sense was just too... absurd.

"Nice Nature..." Karlime's lips twitched as she saw the deep cut on the earth, trees, and walls, showing how cruel this weapon was.

So, with all of those cruel cuts, which part of this weapon was nice?

"Sunday Silence..." While Siris understood where the word "Silence" came from, she wondered how the word "Sunday" came from her new sword.

Was it made on Sunday?

Siri was curious.

Still, neither continued to talk as they needed to practice with their new weapon, and while they practiced, he also practiced with his newfound ability, Kama Kama no Mi, on his training ground.

"Can you teach me this magic, Onii-sama?"

Naturally, he wasn't alone as Ravel also followed him, latching on his back, pressing her breasts, watching him curiously, moving his finger slightly, and creating a gigantic air blade.

The sharpness of the air blade was undoubted, as it could slash several thick trees and the earth, but more importantly, as it was created from the wind, it was invisible.

Moreover, he did all of this with minimal effort, showing his mastery over his new ability had reached a frightening level.

Yet, it was also due to his physical ability that supported him that he could easily create a gigantic air blade.

"Sorry, I am not that proficient in this technique. If it's a fire ability, I can teach you, but if it's a wind, it might be hard."

After all, this wasn't a wind manipulation ability, so while it was possible to produce the ability from "Kama Kama no Mi" with Phenex's wind manipulation ability, teaching them was a different thing.

While it might be strange, wind magic was the most unpopular magic after all; unless one was proficient with this magic, the wind magic hardly had any lethality.

Nevertheless, instead of creating an air blade or scythe, he felt that the power of Kama Kama no Mi was more into the concept of cutting.  There was no doubt as long as he could develop this ability further or to the limit, it would become a scary ability.

"It's okay, then. Ravel won't trouble you, especially when you need to get stronger."

Ravel knew what her older brother needed to face, and while she also wished to become stronger, she didn't want to deliberately trouble him.

"But you are going to meet Zekram Bael-sama, right, Onii-sama? Do you want me to come with you?"

"It's okay. I will go there myself."

"Well, Ravel will help you prepare then."

"Thanks." He kissed her cheek, causing her to smile, and hugged him tighter.

"But are you going to support the Great King Faction now, Onii-sama?"

Unlike Sona, who was still blind about many things, Ravel knew some of the things that her brother planned to do.

After all, there was no doubt among all the people around him Ravel was the one that he trusted the most.

"Hmm... using is a more appropriate word, though."

Ravel giggled. "You're so bad, Onii-sama."

"Do you hate it?"

"I love it~!"

Frankly, the more he stayed in this world, the more he realized many things.

While the Four Great Satans might appear amazing, that's it.

Their power might be above everyone, including Zekram Bael, but it was hard for him to become awe of them.

Instead, Riser felt that he might as well choose to lay under the umbrella of Zekram Beal.

While Zekram Bael might be helpless and less powerful, there was no doubt Zekram would be able to make him do his quest and do what he wanted to do smoothly.

Zekram might use him as his blade, but Riser was also going to use Zekram.

The two were going to use his others.

More importantly, while he might not be able to take down Sirzech and the others, he could take someone out, and he wasn't going to give this thing mercy.

Nevertheless, when he looked at Ravel, he wondered how he could focus on his training?

"What's wrong, Onii-sama?" Ravel blinked her eyes as she stared at him with a mischievous smile.

"...." Riser.

Riser thought that not only he needed to strengthen his physical ability, but it seemed he also needed to strengthen his will.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 151 Is he my ancestor? | Patreon

22 hours ago

"What do you think, Riser?"

"It's beautiful."

Riser said as he saw the apple orchard and beautiful purple flowers that could be seen everywhere through the window of the flying train. As Riser went to visit the Bael territory to visit Zekram Bael, Sairaorg was in charge of guiding him.

Unlike when he came to visit the East Youkai Faction, the treatment he received from Bael House was great as he had Sairaorg, who was the heir of the Bael House, be the one who received him.

However, they didn't visit a modern town or the main town within the Bael territory.

Instead, they went to visit the countryside, where the apples and purple flowers were grown.

Nevertheless, Riser wondered whether Sairaorg's position on the Bael House was as good as it seemed.

Yet, it didn't matter.

As long as the hospitality was good and he didn't need to go by himself like when he was going to the East Youkai Faction, Riser was satisfied.

"Our apple is great. You should try it."

Riser received a special apple of the Bael territory from Saioraorg and ate it without hesitation. The crunchy and juicy apple spread before his tongue. It was sweet like honey, yet also had some acidity, which balanced the overall taste.

"It's great."

Riser, who had an "Agriculture Mastery," was surprised by the taste of this apple. Yet, at the same time, he wondered whether he should also develop a special fruit like an orange or grapes.


Watching Riser, who praised the apple of Bael territory, Sairaorg laughed happily.

Still, Riser glanced at Sairaorg's peerage members, who also followed them on the trip. Unlike Sona's or Rias', his peerage members consisted of a devil. Even if some of them weren't full-blooded, they still had a half-blood.

Was it due to the fact that Sairaorg was from Bael House that he had no other race other than devils for his peerage members?

Still, he saw two cute women on Sairaorg's peerage members.

While one was still lowering her head respectfully, the other winked her eyes at him.

"..." Riser.

Still, his thought was suddenly interrupted when Sairaorg suddenly asked curiously, "By the way, why did you be summoned by my ancestor?"

"What? You don't know?" Riser looked at Sairaorg weirdly.

"No, I don't know." Sairaorg shook his head honestly, showing that he didn't know anything.

"...is it rare for you to meet your ancestor?" Riser asked while feeling unsure.

"It is." Sairaorg courageously nodded.


Riser didn't know what to say, but then again, on the devil, especially among the nobles, the heritage of the inherited power and the amount of Demonic Power were something important, so Sairaorg, who had none, was quite miserable.

Once again, when Riser thought that this guy lost against boobs, he could only feel sorry.

"My mother also told me to learn from you. After all, you are different from me. As the heir to the Bael House, I need to learn many things."

Riser was different from him.

Sairaorg knew that Riser was extremely talented, whether it was Riser's power, economy, business, or even trickery.

While Sairaorg lacked all of that, Riser was full of all of that.

Nevertheless, Sairaorg didn't feel jealous and truthfully willing to learn, especially when he could see the Phenex House and the Sitri House become prosperous under Riser's lead.

Moreover, that energy drink was amazing.

If possible, Sairaorg also wished to make such a business, yet he also knew he didn't have a talent in such an area.


Riser fell in silence.

If Sairaorg wasn't the heir of the Bael House and didn't have the ability to back his ambition, Riser would ignore him.

Nevertheless, it was different now as Riser had a relationship with Sairaorg's mother.

While it might seem strange, Riser knew that he was partly Sairaorg's stepfather.

At this moment, Sairaorg might not have a good talent, but he had a good mother and a good stepfather to be.

"To be honest, you don't need to change Sairaorg. You just need to be straightforward like you always are. After all, with your method, you can gather many people who are willing to support you, and you can also regain your position as the heir.

"Even if the people mock you, you still bravely charge forward.

"Your method is correct and working, so you don't need to follow my method since everyone has their own way in life.

"You have your own way. I have my own way. As for the correct way, the right away, and the only way, it doesn't exist.

"However, if you are still worried, you don't need to worry since I will help you."

Anyway, it wouldn't hurt to help Sairaorg as it would allow him to be trusted by the Great King Faction.


Sairaorg was crying at this moment, feeling moved by Riser's words as if someone had never said something like that to him. Even his own father never treated him this kindly. While it might be strange instead of a best friend, he felt Riser was like a father or an older brother figure.

Was it due to the similarity in the way of fighting?

Or was it due to Riser being older than him?

Nevertheless, Sairoarg was glad that he had met Riser.

"Okay, okay. You are a grown-up man. Don't cry or hug me so suddenly. It's disgusting."

Riser quickly stopped Sairaorg when he tried to hug him in disgust. After all, Sairaorg wasn't like Serafall, who was beautiful and had boobs.

"How cruel!"

Still, their exchange brought a smile to the mouths of Sairaorg's peerage members as they knew how hard their master had worked. Yet no one acknowledged him except for his mother and Riser.

It was also due to this that they were happy to see Riser.

"Still, with the two of them on your peerage members, your mother shouldn't be worried about you."

Riser nudged Sairaorg's side with a knowing smile.

"Ha? What do you mean?" Sairaorg was confused.

"Aren't those two your women?" Riser glanced at the two women on Sairaorg's peerage members.

"Of course not! How can I do that? They are my peerage members! Since they have trusted me to become their master, I can't betray their trust!"

Sairaorg's expression was serious, as if he wouldn't touch his two beautiful peerage members.


Riser fell in silence and glanced at Sairaorg's peerage members, who also showed a helpless expression.

Sairaorg, their master, was good and honest, but due to this, he was quite oblivious about the affection of one of his peerage members.

Yet, Riser could only shake his head and didn't bother to puncture this obliviousness in this place, as he was sure that Sairaorg's queen would be embarrassed if he did that.

As for doing it with Saioraorg's queen, such a thought never crossed his mind.

Riser was satisfied with Sairaorg's mother after all.

However, Riser was sure that Sairaorg would beat him if Sairaorg knew what he did with Misla.

Still, as they talked, they quickly arrived at a certain mansion.

In front of the mansion, there were several devils that were in charge of security, but when they saw Riser and Sairaorg, they quickly welcomed them, and a beautiful maid also came to greet them, but—

"Riser Phenex-sama, please follow me."

However, when she looked at Sairaorg, she bowed her head and apologized. "I am sorry Sairaorg-sama. Master had told me that you shouldn't follow and please wait in the next room until the meeting is over."

"I see..." Sairaorg clenched his fists, but he still showed a bright smile. "Then, I will do that." However, his shoulder was patted by Riser.

"Bear with it."

Riser wasn't surprised by Sairaorg's treatment, but as expected, if Sairaorg couldn't bear this, then it would be impossible for him to get the position of head of Bael House.


Sairaorg calmed himself as he heard those words and nodded with a genuine smile.

Everyone seemed surprised by the reaction of Sairaorg and then looked at Riser, who was the cause of this. It wasn't their first time seeing Riser, as they had seen his match against Tannin.

Unlike his brutal, rugged, and manly image, Riser appeared refined and elegant in his maroon suit, yet when he took off his suit, he became a beast, causing the maid, who was in charge to guide him, to blush. Still, she didn't forget about her job as she quickly bowed her head.

"Please follow me, Riser Phenex-sama."

"Thank you." Riser nodded and didn't smile, appearing cold, yet it made the maid unable to look away from him as he exuded an aura of mystery. "What's wrong?"


She quickly guided him inside the mansion.

As they walked, the maid didn't say anything and guided him professionally as he was observing the mansion; he was quite curious about the place where the ancestor of Bael House was living.

As expected, it was quite different from his parents' house, which smelled of luxury.

This mansion was quite low-key, but there was no doubt all the furniture inside was expensive, which suited Zekram Bael's status as the ancestor of the Bael House.

Frankly, compared to Zekram Bael, whether it was Sirzech, Lord Phenex, or the others.

Still, as the maid led him into the outdoor area, Riser smelled something sweet, like the smell of an apple and sugar. Then, when they reached the park, inside an intricate yet exquisite wooden gazebo, a single figure seemed to be preparing something on the table with a group of maids.

There, Riser saw a middle-aged-looking man with black hair and peaceful violet eyes, wearing a nobleman's attire. While this man appeared laid back, he could see that this man had an aura of strong dignity that exuded from him.

The man also seemed to notice Riser and smiled, gesturing to come closer.

"Riser-kun? Have you arrived? Have you eaten yet? How about you try an apple pie? I have just baked it before."


Riser wondered why it felt like he came to visit his grandfather's house.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 152 My ultimate goal | Patreon

22 hours ago

"Is it delicious?"

"Un, it's delicious."

"Haha... then, eat more."

Riser ate the apple pie baked by the ancestor of the Bael House, Zekram Bael. Frankly, he felt weird since it felt like Zekram was kinder and gentler at him instead of Sairaorg. It was as if Zekram was his ancestor instead of Sairaorg's.

Then, what about his ancestors?

Frankly, Riser wasn't sure, but his ancestor should still be living well, retiring, leaving the rest to the descendants of the Phenex House.

Nevertheless, the two of them talked about many things, from agriculture, architecture, the scenery of the city, and many others. They had never talked about their purpose to meet each other and just talked to each other like a kind elder met his grandson.

Still, Zekram had to say that he was surprised by Riser's knowledge, especially on various strange things such as agriculture, architecture, clothes, and many other things. After all, when he thought about Riser's image in his previous battle with Tannin, it was hard to imagine that Riser was such a cultured young man who learned much expertise.

Yet, this also made it harder for him to deduce what kind of a devil Riser Phenex was.

Riser was much more complex than Sirzech, who was simple, and Ajuka, who was just focused on his research.

Zekram felt that Riser's thought was much deeper, which made him confused yet also intriguing.

"You know what? You are like your ancestor?" Zekram suddenly said.

"I am like my ancestor? What do you mean?"

"It might be blunt, but you are kind of weird. In our time, your ancestors wished to return to heaven even though we all live well in the Underworld. You give me the same vibe." Zekram told the truth, but then he saw his expression was rather calm. "How about you give me some reaction?"

"Many have said that I was an evil, bad, or even scumbag, but it was my first time to be called weird."

"....." Zekram.

"Leaving my similarity with my ancestor aside, can you tell me why I am weird?"

"Hmm... how to say, you are just different from the common sense."

"Common sense?"

"The view of the devil, we see generally. Before we met each other, I tried to analyze your personality. When a devil seeks power, naturally, they have a purpose. It's like the descendants of the Old Satans who wish to restart the Great War like Kokabiel, who had attacked you, or it is like the current Four Great Satans, who seek peace, or it is like the champion of the Rating Game, Diehauser Bellial, who wishes to make his parents and everyone in his territory live well.

"However, it is hard for me to see a purpose in your action. Sometimes, you spend your day training. Sometimes, you spend your time with your women. Sometimes, you spend your time learning random knowledge.

"While it might be rude, I think that you just don't have a purpose in life and just blindly search for something, yet your fight with Kokabiel, the White Dragon Emperor, Azazel, Sirzech, and Tannin made me change your opinion about you.

"It seems that you have something that you want to achieve, a purpose in life that even me, who is your ancestor, can't see it."

As he said those words, Zekram tried to gauge Riser's feelings through a facial expression, gesture, or anything, but as expected, he couldn't see anything. The young man in front of him was like a bottomless abyss. Unless he jumped into the abyss and sought the monster hidden inside that abyss, he would be unable to tell what kind of person Riser was.

Nevertheless, facing such an individual, Zekram didn't feel scared. Instead, he was at ease since what he knew as an individual Riser Phenex wasn't bad.

While some might see him as extreme, Zekram didn't think so, as this was the supernatural world.

The one with the biggest first was the winner.

Moreover, Zekram also knew that Riser was the one who sought after him, and he also gave him a chance. The kindness he gave to Riser, especially when he had supported him by sending Roygun Belphegor and Bedeze Abaddon to hype his match with Tannin.

When many tried to bring him down, Zekram helped to raise Riser's status, and his bet was correct as Riser showed him the power that could match those of the Maous.

Nevertheless, while it was hard to see what kind of an individual Riser was, Zekram could tell that Riser's conduct was simple.

Riser believed in kindness, and when someone treated him with kindness, he would do the same.

Yet, when someone screws him, Riser screws them back twice... no, a hundredfold back!

The proof?

When his match and Tannin ended, Zekram was sure if Ajuka didn't stop Riser back then, Tannin would be dying.

For this type of individual, the best thing to do was to treat him sincerely.

This was what Zekram did, and he treated him politely and kindly, yet also friendly, like they weren't strangers and weren't divided by status.  As expected, Riser also gave him respect and gave him a pleasant conversation.

Facing Riser was as simple as that, yet many made it complicated, using trickery or whatever, messing up with him, causing a demise or destruction for themselves, for which Zekram could only say sorry and empathy as their end definitely wasn't good after being targeted by Riser.

After all, even if the Phenex appeared like how a devil normally did, showing their handsome or beautiful face, which caused many to forget that they were a fierce beast that could shred their bodies with their sharp talons.

Yet, among that fierce beast, Riser was, without a doubt, the fiercest.

Zekram believed that Riser was even more powerful than his ancestor.

"Do you want to dominate the Underworld? The world? Become the Maou? All the women in the Underworld? Or the life of your enemies?

Tell me your wish. Let me know."

With such mighty might, what did Riser seek?

What made him seek power so much that Riser didn't fear the face of death?

What did Riser seek when he pushed himself so hard?

Zekram wanted to know all of that.

He knew that he might seem like a pervert as he seemed like a boy who wanted to know everything about the girl he loved, yet, as he had lived so long, his entertainment was limited.


How many times has he done it?


How long had he been fighting?


What was the use of it when he had already stood above all the devils as the King?

If he didn't have a purpose in life to maintain the traditional Devil aristocracy, such as Devil blood purity and the continuation of the Devil noble society, then he might die of boredom.

Still, as expected, every half millennium, something interesting had always happened.

Now, the time is coming.

Riser, the young man in front of him, is one of the most important characters in this story.

As for whether he would become a protagonist or an antagonist, it would depend on Riser's answer, but—

"For me, it's not really about winning or losing. I just want to survive. I want to have a happy life. I want a peaceful life. Seeking peace of mind is my ultimate goal."

Riser answered calmly as he sipped his warm tea.

"..." Zekram.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 153 Everything is for peace of mind | Patreon

22 hours ago




"...peace of mind."

Zekram murmured those words, falling into deep thought.

If it was world domination, became a Maou, or something like that, Zekram wouldn't be surprised, but a peace of mind?

"...your wish is quite difficult to achieve."

Even Zekram, who was hailed as the Great King, the real leader among all the devils, was still unable to attain peace of mind, and he was sure that the Four Great Satans, those who were hailed as the strongest four among all the devils also felt similar.

"It's difficult, huh?"

"Of course. You should know the world is irrational. Sometimes, you are at the top, and sometimes, you are at the bottom. You will never know what is happening in life. Even our God, the mighty, the creator of the world, also has passed away. Moreover, in the world, without a God, you will never know what will happen in the future."

Hearing those words, Riser also fell into silence.

Riser knew that Zekram was correct.

It was also due to this it was also impossible for him to rely on others as even God, who was known as the mightiest among all, had passed away.

Yet, many beings were weak.

Without relying on others, their minds might not be able to support themselves.

They needed something that could support themselves.

Religion, marriage, parents, lovers, money, and many other things.

Depending on the identity of an individual, their peace of mind might be different from one to another.

Yet, compared to those things, if he wanted to achieve peace of mind, the price he had to pay was greater.

However, with the system, it should be possible for him to achieve his goal.

"I might not be able to give you peace of mind, but if it's your promotion to the "Ultimate-Class Devil," I can help you with that."

Frankly, even if Sirzech tried to trouble Riser and hindered Riser's promotion, it was impossible to stop Riser, especially after Riser had defeated many legendary beings.

"Thank you. However, if my feat isn't enough, I can go to the Grigori to destroy their headquarters."

"Haha..." Zekram thought that Riser was joking, but... that didn't seem to be the case. Yet, he didn't want to confirm it. Instead, he asked, "So, is there something that you want me to help you with?"

If it was the others, they might not get Zekram's help.

However, Riser was worthy of Zekram's investment.

Frankly, if possible, Zekram wanted to make Riser owe him something.

Nevertheless, helping him to promote him to the "Ultimate-Class Devil" definitely wasn't enough, as Zekram knew Riser didn't need his help to be promoted.

After all, like what Riser had said before, if his feat wasn't enough, then he would destroy the headquarters of the Grigori.

Still, by now, Zekram knew as long as Riser could live well without being bothered, everything would be okay. Nevertheless, he knew there were many stupid devils under him, so he needed to remind them and show his favoritism toward Riser so as not they be burnt by him.

"I have two wishes."

"Please say."

"First, I want you to help me make the "Rating Game" school for the low-class devil."

"...why do you want to make something like that?" Zekram frowned.

"Is it unacceptable?" Riser asked.

"No... I just didn't expect that you cared about those below you." Zekram thought that Riser wasn't someone who cared about those below him.

"It's my wife's wish. I want to help her."

"You should know how meaningless this school is, right?"

"I know." Riser nodded. "No matter how hard the commoner try to work hard, it is impossible for them to match us, the pure-blood." He didn't say much nonsense, as no matter how hard the commoners tried to catch the nobles, it was impossible, considering the nobles had a connection, resources, and many other things that the commoners didn't have.

If the commoner wanted to catch up with the nobles, they needed to have a mutation.

If Riser wanted to give an example, the best one would be Issei.

If Issei wasn't the holder of the "Boosted Gear," would he be able to catch up with him?

Vali was the same.

If Vali didn't have a Divine Dividing, his current power should be only so-so.

Nevertheless, even if this school was created, and many commoners entered this school, it would be impossible to catch up with those high-class devils who were given the best of the best the moment they were born.

"The best of them can only either get middle-low or low-high jobs. Moreover, it is impossible for the high-class devil to study in this school."

"Then, why? Is it because of your wife?"

"Yes. It's just because of that."


Zekram stared at Riser blankly but then sighed. "I really can't read you."

If there was another reason, it would be the reward Riser would get from the creation of this school would be amazing, but was there even a need for him to tell that reason to Zekram?

Riser didn't even tell his wife about his secret; why should he tell Zekram?

Nevertheless, Riser told Zekram about the advantages of making this "Rating Game" school.

The first was that they would gain the favorability of the commoners.

The Great King was, without a doubt, powerful, but their popularity wasn't as good as the Four Great Satans among the commoners.

While Zekram and the others might not care about the commoners' thoughts as they were as weak as ants, they had an advantage in number.

Moreover, as good leaders, they needed to give some sweetness to those below.

If it was before, the thought of commoners could be ignored, but with the appearance of "reincarnated devils" and the change that was caused by the Four Great Satans, the aristocracy, such as Devil blood purity and the continuation of the Devil noble society wasn't seen in a good light.

While the numbers of those people were small, this wasn't something that could be ignored as in the past, such a thing never happened.

As a noble, Riser also wanted to maintain pure-blood supremacy.

Nevertheless, the trend couldn't work that way, so instead of letting the others make that school, it was better for them to make that school that way; they could control the pipelines, controlling those commoners while making them think they were kind.

"Being kind isn't a good thing, you know?"

Instead of being seen as a kind, Zekram felt that being feared was better.

After all, wasn't that how the original Lucifer and the other original Satans controlled the devils?

While this method might seem like a tyrant, it was effective.

Zekram also controlled the Underworld like this. Still, he wasn't as extreme as those descendants of the original Satans.

Nevertheless, as Riser had said before, no matter how hard the commoners tried, it was impossible to watch the nobles unless the nobles were trash.

However, this might be a good thing as Zekram could use this chance to educate those sissy and trash nobles.

No matter what the era was, competition was necessary.

Without the competition, everyone would be stagnant, and there wouldn't be any improvement.

The peace sounded great and all, but it made people lazy and spoiled.

Nevertheless, Zekram knew that the reason why Riser did all of this was due to his wife.

If his wife didn't ask something like this, would Riser be bothered to make a "Rating Game" school for the commoners? No way.

Also, the only one that could get their hands on the "Evil Pieces" was the high-class devil, so wasn't it pointless to make the "Rating Game" school for the commoners when they couldn't even participate?

Nevertheless, Zekram agreed to this request as it was something easy, especially when his clan also gained a benefit from it through Sairaorg.

Now, with his first wish settled, Zekram asked, "What about your second wish?"

"When I am promoted to the "Ultimate-Class Devil," I want Tannin's territory."

If one was promoted to the "Ultimate-Class Devil," they would receive territory in the Underworld.

Zekram narrowed his eyes and asked, "Can you tell me your plan?"

Riser didn't hide anything and told him what kind of plan he had for Tannin.

Hearing his second wish and plan, unlike his first wish, Zekram smiled and was happy.

"Can you do it?"

"There is no way I will let go of my enemy for my peace of mind."

"That's great. I will leave the rest to you. I will prepare for your coronation as the "Ultimate-Class Devil as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

The two talked amiably like friends, and their tone was at ease and relaxed even though what their plan might cause many to die.

Yet, for their own ambitions, neither of them would hold back, and they had decided to work together.

[Congratulations, you have received "Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix" (Complete Version)."]

Riser smiled and thought that everything was moving in a good direction.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 154 Who can kill me? | Patreon

22 hours ago

The coronation of Riser Phenex from the high-class devil into the ultimate-class devil was announced.

When this news was announced, everyone was surprised, especially the one who would lead this coronation would be Zekram Bael.

While everyone knew the one who led the Great King Faction was Lord Bael, those who stood above knew the real leader of the Great King Faction, and the leader of the Bael House was Zekram Bael.

As for Lord Bael, he was nothing but a puppet who would listen to whatever his daddy said.

Many were happy due to his promotion, especially the Phenex House and the Sitri House.

Even though Riser's stance became quite sensitive as he had decided to follow the Great King Faction, as he was directly under Zekram Bael instead of other goons, they felt better.

As for the Four Great Satans, as they had the backing of Serafall Levithan, no one would bother them.

Under the umbrella of Zekram Bael and Serafall Leviathan, there was no doubt whether it was the Phenex House or the Sitri House; they were all smooth sailing.

While many were dissatisfied, as the position of the two houses was so enviable, they couldn't say anything since their power was so weak.

In the end, power determines everything.

If Riser Phenex hadn't been born, could the progress of the two houses be so smooth sailing?

It was also due to this that many could only sigh, feeling regret as they didn't have a good son like Lord Phenex did.

Nevertheless, their discussion meant nothing to Riser.

Still, with his hobby, it was impossible for him to be low-key, and there was also something to be announced so his coronation would be broadcast on television.

Naturally, many people would watch as many wanted to see Zekram Bael, the ancestor of the Bael House, and Riser Phenex, the beast of the Phenex House.

Due to that gimmick, once again, Riser became the center of everyone again.

Frankly, Riser had always been confused as the Four Great Satans were coming from a noble family, yet even though they enjoyed the privilege of being a member of a noble, they tried to destroy this privilege.

He wondered what was on the head of those Four Great Satans.

Many often said that they were amazing and all, but Riser just couldn't help but think that their heads turned into mush.

Nevertheless, he decided to ignore those problems and received congratulations from many.

Yet, when everyone was happy for him, he was rather flat about his promotion as it was something inevitable. With his achievement, it was only a time before he became the "Ultimate-Class Devil." Even if Sirzech could stop his promotion momentarily, it would have been impossible for him to do it forever.

Still, there was something that he wanted to do, so he wanted to become the "Ultimate-Class Devil" as soon as possible.

However, before his promotion, there was something that he needed to do.

He looked at the new Devil Fruit, which he had received before, and ate it without hesitation.

Unlike in the story, where it was impossible to eat two Devil Fruits, his version could eat more than one; because of this, he didn't hesitate and ate his new Devil Fruit.

Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix.

In that moment, he gained the ability to transform into a phoenix (and phoenix hybrid) at will.

Frankly, as a member of the Phenex House, he could also become a phoenix, but the phoenix transformation he gained from this Devil Fruit was different as it had a blue color and gave him various abilities.

Yet, there was no doubt the most noticeable improvement was in his physical ability.

He could feel that he had become stronger, and probably, he could even throw a mountain with pure physical ability.

If he added his Demonic Power and other abilities, he could become even stronger.

While he knew it might sound arrogant, he might have the strongest physical ability among all the devils or even mythical beings.

If someone could match him on the physical prowess, then it was only a dragon.

As for the rest?

They would hardly be able to damage him.

Nevertheless, while this Devil Fruit gave him an improvement in his physical ability, this wasn't the strongest point of this Devil Fruit. Instead, it was the improvement of speed and resilience.

Speed aside, his resilience was amazing.

He had tried it before, and even if his heart, liver, and many parts of his body were stabbed, he could stay alive without being hurt. Even though his midsection was run through by blades and parts of his head and neck blown off, he was okay and healed.

Frankly, while this troubled him slightly as "Crisis" wouldn't work when he was badly injured, his "Reflector" was working as all the accumulation of wounds and injuries would be stored and could be released anytime, even if those wounds and injuries had been healed due to his enormous resilience.

To be honest, he wondered whether there was anything that could kill him in this world.

When he thought of the combination of "Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix," "Crisis," "Orichalcos," and "Immorality of the Phenex House," were there true beings that could kill him?

Moreover, if he wanted to escape, he could use either "Trick Star" or the "Area of Invisibility."

By now, he knew that in this Underworld, his might was already comparable to Sirzech and Ajuka. Even though his Demonic Power was still lower than them, if they really fought each other, he didn't think he would lose.

Nevertheless, their battle would be an ugly battle.

Yet, except for his battle with Issei, almost all of his battles were quite ugly.

No, it should be brutal, as his fight had always been filled with blood.

However, it didn't matter.

"Onii-sama, you are so strong..."

"...." Riser.

Ravel rubbed his chest obsessively, lying on his chest as she was unable to wake up. Even after he took down all of his peerage members, who had celebrated his promotion to the "Ultimate-Class Devil," he was still able to take care of her.

Even more, Ravel lost.

Ravel had to admit that if she was alone, she knew even if she had an immortality trait, her body might be wrecked by him.

Yet, this physical prowess made all of them crazy for him.

By now, whether it was Ravel or the others, they couldn't be satisfied with anything other than him, and they were truly addicted to him.

Frankly, it might be wise of them to ask him to have more harem members, as it might be impossible for them to take care of him alone.

Still, the best part of his Devil Fruit was the new trait of his fire.

Suddenly, a blue fire covered Ravel, and she moaned in enjoyment as her body was healed.

Unlike before, where he needed to use healing magic to heal others, this time, a healing trait was added to his fire.

Flames of Regeneration.

Not only could it heal the wounds and injuries, it could also heal the diseases and many others.

Moreover, it seemed due to this trait, his "Phenex Tears" had become more potent, and he might be able to heal the Sleeping Disease with his "Phenex Tears."

Nevertheless, Riser felt that Ravel had changed so much. She had become so dirty and lewd, which made him helpless.

Still, he didn't hate it, though.

"Onii-sama, are you not going to sleep?"

Ravel covered her body with a blanket, ignoring her messy hair when she saw he had woken up.

"I am planning to go somewhere for a moment."

Riser felt that he needed to cool up his mind since he was afraid that he might really make Ravel pregnant first.

"Huh? Where? We're in the middle of the night, you know?" Ravel was speechless.

"Headquarters of Grigori."


Ravel was in shock, but her lips were kissed before she could even react.

"Just wait here. I will go home soon."

After he wore his clothes, he transformed into a phoenix before he soared into the sky at a fast speed.

Watching Riser, who had become a phoenix, Ravel became more obsessive that it was morbid-like as she knew that her older brother had become even stronger. Still, after a moment, she realized something.

"...headquarters of Grigori? There is no way, right?"


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 155 Invasion! | Patreon

2 days ago

Fallen angel.

It is an angel that has fallen from the grace of God due to having "impure thoughts" that divert them from the teachings of God in the Bible.

It was said that the leaders of the fallen angels were tempted by human women and had fallen after having sex with them.

Nevertheless, despite being cast out of Heaven, fallen angels and their subordinates have been known to occupy churches and use them as bases. However, they go out of their way to destroy all of the religious icons in these churches in the process out of spite of their former leader.

The fallen angels have an appearance similar to their Angel counterparts with their wings; however, their wings are colored black as opposed to the Angels' white wings. Also, because they have been cast out of Heaven by God, they also lack the halos above their heads. They are also often seen wearing dark-colored clothes, mainly pertaining to the colors black and violet.

Like their Angel counterparts, the rank of a fallen angel depends on how many wings they have. For example, Azazel, the leader of the Fallen Angels, has six pairs of wings (twelve altogether), which justify his position. The blackness of the wings of each Fallen Angel is also different. Azazel, for example, has jet-black wings with feathers that have the color of everlasting darkness.

Female fallen angels possess seductive bodies in order to seduce men.

This trait carries over to half-fallen angels, with Akeno's body considered particularly seductive.

Although they have been cast out of Heaven, fallen angels retain the ability to use Holy Power and create Light Weapons. This type of weaponry is extremely harmful and poisonous to devils.

Fallen angels have the ability to fly via their feathered wings; their wings have also been shown to retract into their backs as if they've completely disappeared. The Fallen Angels can use the feathers of their wings as projectiles to pierce their opponents, with the feathers being as hard as steel, and are also capable of using their wings for both offense and defense.

Unlike devils, who require the use of Evil Pieces to replenish their numbers, fallen angels can replenish their number of "pure" angels simply by tempting the remaining pure angels in Heaven to join them.

Moreover, the fallen angels are capable of interbreeding among themselves and even other species.

Nevertheless, during the Great War, similar to the devils and angels, the fallen angels lost a portion of their numbers, having the smallest numbers of the three factions.

Lastly, similar to the devils, they were living in the Underworld.

The portion of the Underworld belongs to the fallen angels after they fell from Heaven. Comparing the fallen angels' territory to the devils' territory, there are many free areas compared to the number of residents. The residents living on the fallen angels' side are the pure fallen angels, the races that have a relation to the fallen angels, and the half-fallen angels born between fallen angels and other races.

Even though they lived side by side with the devils, they could live peacefully for so long, yet at this moment, everyone on the fallen angels' side was in dispute. Many of them were in the middle of arguments, especially when they had heard their leader's selfish decision.

Yes, selfish.

At that moment, everyone felt that Azazel, the governor of the fallen angel, was extremely selfish.

With what happened and the promise that Azazel had made previously, it was impossible for him to break that promise, especially when he had that vow in front of Sirzech, Serafall, and also the most troublesome one, Riser Phenex.

Yet, how could others accept it?

Bowing their heads under the devils?

It was on their dead bodies!

They had been fighting for so long, yet suddenly, Azazel told them to hold a truce against that enemy.

How could they accept it?

Especially when they thought the source of this trouble was Vali.

Should they sacrifice themselves for Vali? No way!

Unlike Azazel, who was their leader, who was Vali?

Vali was just a half-breed devil!

Even if Azazel had thought of Vali as his son, the others couldn't think so.

While some of the leaders of the Grigori (fallen angel's organization) agreed with the truce due to their trust in Azazel, the others couldn't accept it easily, especially with what Vali had done.

Killing Kokabiel.

This was something unacceptable for them.

Even though Kokabiel was the cause of everything, there was no doubt that he was their dear comrade. They fought side by side, back to back, as long as they could remember, yet such a dear comrade was killed by Vali!

If Azazel didn't stop them, then they might kill Vali themselves!

It was also the reason why Azazel told Vali to leave Grigori since even if he was respected, there was something that he could do and couldn't do.

Frankly, while Kokabiel was dammed that it wouldn't be weird for him to be killed, it was impossible for one to ignore the feelings they had shared.

Kokabiel might be a bastard and evil in the eyes of other races, but there was no doubt he was a good leader among the fallen angels. Even now, there were many who respected and loved him.

If Kokabiel was jailed, it might be different, but he was killed!

Yet, the killer wasn't punished?

If Vali was Azazel's real child and a fallen angel, no one might say anything, but the difference in race definitely would cause a dispute among them.

Moreover, why should they rely on half-breed?

Even if Vali was the host of the White Dragon Emperor, didn't he lose to Riser Phenex?

Even though Riser Phenex was strong, facing against all the fallen angels, would he dare?

Yet, Azazel thought differently. He knew how frightening Riser was. After all, he was almost killed by Riser.

If Sirzech didn't come that day, Azazel knew that he would definitely pass away.


When Azazel thought about what had happened to his little Azazel, he could only sigh.

Still, as expected with the personality of Sirzech, Azazel knew that he could delay everything. As long as there was a time, everything could be solved. Moreover, he knew there was a hidden danger in this world, and with that crisis, he could use it as a glue to gather the three factions together, having the peace that he sought after.

As for Riser?

Azazel hoped Sirzech could stop Riser.

No, if possible, Azazel was hoping that Sirzech could stop Riser, especially after he saw Riser's fight against Tannin.

"Baraqiel, what do you think? Do you think you can win against him?"

As the number one combatant of the fallen angel, Azazel hoped that Baraqiel could do something.

Watching the recording of Riser's fight, Baraqiel frowned and asked, "Is it only me, or does he become stronger as his body is wounded?"

"While I have never confirmed it, that seems to be the case. Moreover, he also has the ability to switch positions."

"Switch position?"

"You mean... not only does he have a crazy fire manipulation technique, immortality, an ability to make him stronger as he is wounded, and also an ability to switch position?"

"Oh, don't forget about his wind manipulation, and his Demonic Power should be at the level of true Lucifer."

"....can anyone even defeat him?"

All the executives of the Grigori, who trusted Azazel, gathered together as they thought of a countermeasure against Riser Phenex. Even though Azazel had promised to have a truce, there was no way he could accept such an unfavorable condition, especially when the rest of his race relied on him.

Sirzech was a good boy, but Sirzech?

This guy was brutal.

"Just, what are you worried about, Azazel? He is alone." Penemue, the only female cadre of executives, couldn't help but ask.

"That's true, but I just can't help but shake this uneasy feeling, you know," Azazel sighed helplessly. "Frankly, I am not even surprised if he comes to our headquarters alone."

"Hmph! As long as he dares to come, then I will show him the power of GRIGORIIII!" Armaros, one of the cadres and the researcher of Anti-Magic shouted with all of his might.


"There is no way that he is so reckless to come to our headquarters, Azazel. You are thinking too much." Sahariel, one of the cadres and the researcher of the Moon shook his head, thinking that Azazel was thinking too much.

Whether it was the devil, angel, or fallen angels, they had fought so long, yet was there even a time that the Four Great Satans charged into their headquarters?

No, whether Sirzech, Ajuka, or even the descendants of the Old Maou who wished to resurrect the Great War, they weren't so stupid to charge into the headquarters of the Grigori alone.

Watching their reaction, Azazel sighed since they hadn't seen Riser for the first time. Even now, whenever he slept, he still had nightmares about Riser. Moreover, he had seen Riser dare to kill Sirzech at that time. If Serafall didn't stop Riser, he believed that Sirzech would lose his life.

That guy was crazy, especially when no one could kill him.

Riser's immortality was crazy.

Even though everyone in this place had to admit that Riser was strong, especially when they had watched how he had won against Tannin, they had only seen him on the recording, so they couldn't understand him yet—

Suddenly, a bright blue light blazed over the distance.

"What is that?"

The blue light was so bright that it was impossible for them to ignore it even though it was still in the distance.

They tried to narrow their eyes, but then their eyes widened as the blue light got closer and closer, and the temperature increased dramatically.

By then, they saw the real source of this blue light.

With a body spanned over tens of kilometers, a gigantic blue phoenix was like the bringer of doom.

At this moment, no one said a single voice as they could only stun still.

It wasn't until the blue phoenix hit the barrier that it involved the place where the fallen angels were living, yet it was meaningless.

Everything melted as this blue phoenix got closer.


His size was daunting, and they felt their bodies freeze as they saw his figure.

Yet, it was just the beginning of the real terror.


As his voice echoed, the space trembled and many passed out while the others plopped on the ground while pissing on their pants, yet no one laughed at them since they knew they were about to face a crisis that they had never encountered before.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 156 Meaningless | Patreon

2 days ago

As he had said before, Riser had come to the headquarters of Grigori.

Even though he didn't know where the location was, as long as he used his "Location" ability, he could tell where the destination was.

Then, everything was easy.

Frankly, while this ability didn't help much in the battle, there was no doubt that it was extremely useful.

Still, as expected, as he had decided to raze over Grigori, he wanted to win.

The first impression was the most important thing.

If he appeared unremarkable, playing the pig, eating the tiger, he would be at a disadvantage at first.

Nevertheless, due to that, he could imagine that he would be beaten, so it would increase his power dramatically due to the "Crisis."

Yet, Riser had enough of being beaten.

While being beaten made him stronger, he still felt pain.

Moreover, he wasn't a masochist!

—or should he train his body into a masochist body with the help of Akeno?

Nevertheless, like how he did in "Rating Game," he had to enter with a bang, so he  transformed into a phoenix and used his "Command T" to make his size bigger.

Grigori's cadres aside, could others even have the courage to face him?

[No matter how you struggle, everything is meaningless.]

[In front of an overwhelming power, your existence is just an ant.]

[Depending on what you will do to the fallen angels, you will get different rewards.]


It's strange.

[What's so strange?]

Are you going to teach me again?

[Maybe I am, or maybe I am not. But it doesn't feel bad to get more rewards, right?]

That's true.

[It's just...]

Is it just?

[Never mind, I know that you can do it. Do your best.]


How weird.

Yet, Riser knew that he needed to do his best, especially when he decided to charge forward to the Grigori.


Riser suddenly thought about what had happened in the East Youkai Faction and whether he should do something similar.

Still, as expected, after a momentary shock due to his words, everyone seemed to recover, yet it was impossible to fully erase their fear.



A man with a muscular physique and a wildish beard appeared as he spread his ten fallen angel's wings. He wore armor, a helm, an eye patch, and a cape, wielding a shield in his left hand and an axe in his right, with his helm and shield both having a motif of an eagle or a hawk.


"Stand up, everyone!"

"Protect Grigori!"

Due to the appearance of Armaros, everyone also regained their courage and started to attack Riser.



Azazel panicked when he saw Armaros had attacked Riser. He knew how bad it was to protect Riser, yet when he thought about Riser's words, how could he give up Vali?

Azazel had given his everything to protect Vali, so how could he give him up?

"He isn't stupid. He has the courage to protect everyone." Baraqiel looked at Azazel in disappointment. "Azazel, where is your courage? Everyone's life depends on us! If we don't show our courage now, how can we protect everyone? Do you want everyone to become the slaves of the Devil?"


When Azazel thought about the consequences if they really bowed their heads to the devil, his expression became ugly.

If all the devils had a personality like Sirzech, then the world would be peaceful as Sirzech's head was full of flowers garden, but Azazel knew that wasn't the case.

The reason why the devil is called a devil is due to their evil personality.

If they really gave up, then—

Yet, when Azazel thought about Riser's power, could they really defeat him?

When Azazel fell in silence, Baraqiel knew that he couldn't wait for Azazel. "Sahariel! Prepare for that!"

"Yes, Baraqiel!"

"Everyone, let's work together! Show him the power of the fallen angels!"


Due to Baraqiel's words, no one cowered in fear as the continuation of their race was decided in this battle.

No matter what, they had to win!

Whether it was for themselves, their comrades, family, descendants, or many others, in this battle, they had to give their everything!

As everyone soared to the sky, trying to fight Riser, Azazel couldn't stop them and fell into a dilemma as he wished them to win, yet he was also afraid of the consequences of angering Riser.


Watching all the fallen angels who had started to attack him, Riser fell in silence.




Riser watched all of them attack him at the same time, giving their everything. No one was holding back, and all of them tried to kill him.

Suddenly, he felt that he had become a monster on the Kaijuu monster or an Ultraman show. Nevertheless, the reality wasn't a movie. There wasn't a hero who would come out to save them when they were in crisis.

Still, he thought that the number of the fighters of the fallen angels was rather small.

Yet, he had to say, the appearance of many spears of lights shooting into him was amazing.

However, he didn't do anything.

He just accepted all of their attacks without doing anything, staring at them in silence.

He might not say anything, and when his size was tens of kilometers, it was extremely scary when he said nothing. Moreover, his gesture of accepting all of their attacks without blinking made them desperate.

"Keep attacking! Keep attacking!"

"Don't stop!"

"If we stop, then we will lose our family!"

All the cadres and all fallen angels gave their all until suddenly, a giant cannon emerged from the headquarters of the Grigori.

"Give way! Give way!"

Sahariel, the researcher on the moon, prepared the secret weapon that the Grigori had created.

Everyone quickly gave way to the cannon, and Sahariel didn't hesitate to shoot the cannon.



An enormous beam of light was shot and swallowed Riser.

Even though Riser's body was tens of kilometers in size, the beam of light had swallowed him whole.

Due to their limited numbers and their research hobby, Azazel and many others created many things, and their ideal was to combine the supernatural and technology.

The Moon Cannon was their creation.

By using all the energy within the city, the blast of the beam of light was shot.

Even Maou, the strongest being among the devil, might disappear without a trace as they were shot by this cannon.

Nevertheless, while this cannon was powerful, it had a lot of limitations.

At first, the size was too huge.

Second, it took too much energy, so it could only be shot once before it needed to be recharged.

Third, was there someone who would be stupid enough to receive this cannon without dodging it?

Moreover, with the small body of the Maou, how could they be hit?

This was also the reason why this cannon was only placed within the main city of the Grigori, and it wouldn't be used until it was a critical moment. After all, the aftermath of this weapon would definitely cause an ugly scene of it being shot within the city. Fortunately, Riser was flying, so everything should be okay, right?

They thought that everything was over.

Riser should have died due to that attack, yet—


An enormous Demonic Power swept over everyone like a typhoon.

Their bodies froze from fear as they saw Riser, who was still floating over the sky as he was overlooking them menacingly.

"I see... this is your answer, huh? Then, die."

Riser's body suddenly shone even brighter, like the blue star in the sky.

"Burst Regalia."

At that moment, they thought everything was over.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 157 Would you dare to try?

20 hours ago

While his voice was quite calm, Riser panicked inside as he knew he was almost dead before.

The might of the beam of light was more powerful than he had thought.

Riser might have "Light Resistance" and "Holy Resistance," but he wasn't completely immune. Moreover, as a devil, the light and holy were his greatest nemesis, so he was almost dead before.

Fortunately, he couldn't die, and most of the abilities he gained from the system focused on his survivability.

Still, it might seem stupid for him to accept such a dangerous attack, yet he decided to do it as he wished to become a Desperado.

As he had said before, inside his body, there was a new trait known as a Blazer.

When the Blazet hit their limit, they would be able to see the black chains of fate that tied their bodies tightly, but if they could break those chains, they wouldn't be tied down by fate, and by training, they could increase their Magic Power.

Still, in his case, it was a Demonic Power.

Being attacked by that enormous beam of light, Riser almost broke those chains.

Frankly, if he didn't have the "Light Resistance" and "Holy Resistance," he should be able to break those chains and become a Desperado.

However, while he hadn't become a Desperado, the door was right in front of him.

As long as he gave the light push, he would become a Desperado.

Yet, as expected, it was also the most difficult step.

Probably, he might need to embrace death if he really wished to become a Desperado.

Still, as he almost died, there was no way for him to let go of them so easily.

With his wounded, burnt, and injured body, the "Crisis" worked once again.

His Demonic Power increased dramatically as if he were a star.

No, he might be a start now.

Burst Regalia.

It was a technique where he transformed into a burning star that scorched everything in the radius.

Moreover, with his enormous body, the area that was affected by this technique increased dramatically, bringing deeper despair to everyone.

The heat wave depleted all the moisture in the area, causing the air and the water to dry up.

Their consciousness became hazy, and many of them crumbled one by one.

Nevertheless, they used their remaining power to protect the rest.

Yet, even so, it couldn't change their situation.

Their throats were parched, their skin crumbling, and just talking was hurt.

However, they still talked and tried to grasp the little change to stay alive.

"Bring Vali! Hurry up and bring Vali to him!"

"As long as we give Vali to him, everything will be okay!"

"Azazel-sama, please save us!"

While the rest of the fallen angels had given up, the cadres tried to struggle, but they couldn't. The light that came from Riser's body was so blind that it blinded them. They might be an angel, but it didn't mean they were immune to the light, as many of them were still killed by the angels during the Great War.

Nevertheless, the other cadres soon were unable to do anything, but Baraqiel had never given up.

"Stop! Stop! Baraqiel! Don't attack him anymore! If you attack him now, he will become even stronger!"

Shemhazai screamed with all of his might as he used his Angelic Energy to protect himself, yet he knew sooner or later he would be like others, crumbling as he waited for dead. He was crying, yet all of his tears quickly dried up.

"Stop... stop... please..."

Baraqiel, no, everyone was desperate.

What kind of opponent was this?

The harder, the stronger, and the crueler they attacked him, the stronger he became.

Was it even possible to defeat him?

Was their demise only a future for them?

Their lives aside, there were still many children in this place.

If they die due to this, then—

"Please forgive us!"

"We will do anything! Please don't kill everyone!"

"Bring Vali! Anyone, as long as we bring Vali, everything will be okay!"

Everyone kowtowed, hoping to appease his anger, while the others tried to search for Vali, trying to sacrifice him so Riser would stop.

Nevertheless, no one liked Vali at this moment.

Everyone hated Vali as Vali was the one who brought a disaster for them.

If they could stay alive after this, there was no doubt that they were going to kill Vali!

Yet, Riser closed his eyes as if he had heard nothing.

Still, as he saw the desperation and terror on their faces, he could only sigh, thinking that the world of the supernatural was like this.

The stronger got everything.

The weak would lose everything.

If he was weak, he would be like them, begging as they were unable to determine their lives.

Still, Riser knew that among all of them, there was someone smart enough to handle this situation.


Azazel, who didn't join the battle from the beginning to the end, shouted with all of his mouth.


"So... so, please stop..."

Azazel was desperate as he tried to save his races. In front of the death, what was the use of hesitation? They might become his slaves, dogs, or whatever they were, but as long as they had a life, everything was possible!

At this moment, no one said anything.

No one felt dissatisfied as a death was in front of them.

A single hesitation would lead to their death.

As long as they could save their lives, even if they became Riser's slaves, dogs, or whatever they were, it was okay.


At that moment, a cool breeze spread in every direction, and all the heat disappeared.

At that moment, everyone couldn't help but cry as they knew their lives were saved.


"Eh? My body is... healed?"

"What's happening?"

"It-It's him!"

Everyone looked up and saw Riser's visage for the first time.

His aura healed everyone at a speed that was visible to their eyes and recovered their condition.

At this moment, everyone was in a complicated mood, but at the same time, the grudge that they had felt before also appeared within their hearts. They felt that Riser was stupid for healing them, and as long as Riser gave them a chance, they would strike him down!

"...are you sure you want to heal us?" Nevertheless, Azazel asked as he saw Riser heal everyone. He knew that everyone had malice and hatred in their hearts, especially when Riser had almost killed them, so when Riser healed all of them, he was surprised.

Riser's condition was far from good.

After all, there was no way Riser would be okay after he received an attack from everyone, right?

Even if his healing power was amazing, there was no doubt his Demonic Power should be emptied at this moment.

So, as long as all of them attacked him, there was no way for Riser to be able to stay alive.

"It's okay. I just want to test."

Nevertheless, Riser was still as calm as ever.

"Test?" Azazel was confused.

"Yes. I have developed a technique where I will be reborn once I die. By then, I will recover my optimum condition, whether it is physical ability or Demonic Power, so that's why do your best to kill me, okay?"

Frankly, Riser wished for them to attack him as he wished to break the black chains on his body and become Desperado. He also wished to awaken his Devil Fruit, gaining tremendous power within their bodies.

Watching his calm yet excited eyes that waited for all of them to attack him, all the fallen angels who had heard his words fell in silence.


Would they dare to try?

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 158 Fallen angels are a master of seduction, too

20 hours ago

Even though Riser had eaten the Devil Fruit, it didn't mean he would master the ability he gained from the Devil Fruit immediately. Even if he had "High Intelligence," ability from the Devil Fruit was a matter of aptitude of the individual.

Mastering the ability of the "Kama Kama no Mi" and "Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix" wasn't as easy as it seemed.

Nevertheless, he knew that he needed to master them, as the pinnacle of these abilities would lead to an amazing improvement in power.


Riser knew that this was the stage where he should aim to master his Devil Fruits.

Still, it might take a while for him to master all of those abilities.

Nevertheless, he knew that he shouldn't be too hasty or impatient.

Moreover, as a devil, the only thing that he never lacked was time.

His life was almost immortal, yet even if he knew he had to be patient, he wanted to master those abilities as soon as possible.


It was all because he knew he would have a crisis that would endanger his life.

His appearance had caused a butterfly effect, and it was impossible for him to guess what would happen in the future.

He might be able to revive himself due to his "Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix," but if one asked whether he wished to die or not, the answer was obvious, right?

Still, the matter of the Devil Fruit aside, after his battle, he was received warmly.

—or rather, it seemed they decided to take him down with a honey trap as he was surrounded by three beautiful fallen angels.

Moreover, each of them had their own charms.

The first one was a mature beauty with a tall and buxom body. She also had brown eyes and long, navy blue hair that obscured her right eye.

The second one was a girl with blonde hair, which was styled into twin tails and blue eyes.

The third one was an attractive young woman with violet eyes and a curvaceous, slender body. She had long, silky black hair that reached down to her hips.

Frankly, while Riser forgot most of the stories and most of the unimportant characters, he felt that the three of the fallen angels that were tasked to take care of him were quite familiar somehow.

"Is there something wrong, Riser-sama?" The woman with long, silky black hair asked with a gentle smile as she leaned toward him as if trying to emphasize her breasts.

"...no, I just feel that the three of you are familiar somehow." He knew that they must have noticed that he was staring at them as a woman had this mysterious power where they sensed when a man was staring in their direction, so there was no need to hide anything. Still, it was impossible for him to tell the truth about the reason why he was looking at them.

"Really? Me too. It feels like it isn't my first time to see you, too, Riser-sama."

The woman with long, silky black hair emitted an aura of seduction as she gazed into him.

As for the other two, they were still a little awkward, as Riser had almost killed them. No, he had almost killed everyone, so they weren't sure how to interact with him. However, when they saw their friend, it seemed that it wasn't so difficult to communicate with him.

"Haha..." Azazel laughed. "What's wrong? Do you like them, Riser? If you want, you can bring the three of them home with you."

Still, Azazel's words made all of them tense as Azazel didn't add the "-sama" suffix when he called Riser, so they were afraid that Riser might get angry.

Riser's horror was still fresh in their minds, and they didn't want to feel that heat anymore.

"I have a wife." Riser stared at Azazel blankly. "Don't say something stupid?"

"Then, you don't need to tell your wife. You can just enjoy them here. Don't worry, no one will tell your wife." Azazel showed a lewd face as he nudged Riser's side.

"....." Everyone.

While the three female fallen angels were speechless by their leaders' words, they didn't really mind becoming Riser's women. After all, he was their leader, and they had seen his power. Even if they weren't his wife and only his lovers, they knew that their position in the organization would become great.

Nevertheless, everyone also understood that Riser didn't seem that hard to talk with. They thought that Riser would burn Azazel, but it seemed that wasn't the case. Still, with Riser's mild personality, it was quite hard to imagine that Riser was the gigantic disaster that brought them terror.

Yet, while the others sighed in relief and had their own thoughts about Riser, Azazel kept analyzing Riser's personality, conduct, and everything. His strength might not be that good, but there was a reason why he could become the governor of the Grigori.

Riser rolled his eyes and said, "It's just I had heard from my wife that Rias and her group seemed to kill four fallen angels previously. Their appearance seemed to fit the description of three female angels that they had killed."

"—?!" 3x

The three female fallen angels were tense.

After all, they almost died before, so were they going to die again?

This time, the three of them couldn't maintain their calm, but they didn't know what to do. After all, they had made a bad impression on Rias and the others.

Azazel fell in silence for a moment before he nodded. "You are right. They are the ones who have killed the holder of the Boosted Gear and the holder of the Twilight Healing previously.

"Do you want to kill them?"

"—?!" 3x

One of the male fallen angels was also tense.

However, the rest didn't say anything and could only lower their heads since if Riser really wished to kill them, nothing could they do. It was all their fault for making such a problem.

"Ri-Riser-sama... please don't kill me. I-I will do anything. I can do anything for you."

"Me-Me too! I can do anything for you!"


The three female fallen angels were desperate.

"Riser-sama, please save my life!"

Even the male fallen angel, who was involved in Issei, quickly kowtowed at Riser so he wouldn't be killed.

Nevertheless, no one said anything. Everything was in silence, waiting for his judgment.

"What do you think I am? Do you think I am someone who will kill anyone randomly?" However, Riser suddenly became curious and asked, "Still, who had killed the holder of Boosted Gear?"

Everyone was staring at the fallen angel with long, silky black hair that had been seducing Riser.

"I... I..."

"What's your name?"


"You did a good job." Riser praised Raynare as he patted her head with a gentle smile.

"....." Raynare.

"..." Everyone.

Nevertheless, Riser suddenly realized that he never killed anyone.

"The-Then, should I kill him again?" Raynare asked since she felt that it should be easy for her to kill Issei Hyoudou once again. After all, she wanted to appear better in the eyes of her new boss. Still, she had to say this head pat felt so good~!

"It's okay. You don't need to, but can you tell me how you were saved?"

They should be killed, right?

How could they still be alive?

Then, they told him how they were saved by Azazel, using an illusion type of Sacred Gear.

Riser then looked at Azazel.

Azazel laughed and said, "There is no way for me to let them be killed, right? We, the fallen angels, have the least numbers after all." With the death of God, there was no way for heaven to let the angels fall as their number was limited, and it was impossible for them to reproduce like the devils or fallen angels as they might fall due to lust.

Still, Azazel realized how bad Riser's relationship with Sirzech and the holder of the Boosted Gear was, which he made a note of.

"Yet, you let your friend be killed?"

"....." Azazel.

Everyone lowered their heads and felt hatred toward Vali once again since if Vali hadn't caused them such trouble, would they be in this situation?

"Anyway, just give me all the data about the Sacred Gears, artificial Sacred Gears, and every research that you have done, and then I will go home. It's quite late, after all."

Riser wasn't so hungry to eat the three female fallen angels, and he was more interested in all the data researched by the fallen angels. Still, as he was sitting on the sofa, watching the research facility and all the fallen angels who worked harder as they made a copy of all the research data so he could go home quickly, Raynare suddenly made a bold action by sitting on his lap.

"..." Riser.

Raynare sat intimately as she looked at him with moist eyes and leaned forward on his chest, trying to emphasize the size of her boobs.

Watching Raynare, who appeared so intimate with Riser, Kalawarna, and Mittelt, also decide to join in, as being his lover would definitely bring them peace of mind and safety.

Riser was speechless, but he didn't say anything and let her play the game.

Still, Azazel sighed, and he knew there was no way for Vali to return to the Grigori.

In other words, Vali didn't have a home anymore.

However, Azazel quickly changed his gear and said with a smile, "Still, you don't need to walk so far away here to get all the data as I am going to give those data during the meeting of the three factions." Frankly, he didn't have such an idea at all, but he needed to appear so, as he didn't want him to see him as a liar.

Riser rolled his eyes and ignored the lie of this fallen angel, but something attracted his attention.

"A meeting of three factions?"

"Er... you don't know?"