goyya 1177-1186

Chapter 1177 Urozakuro | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

AN: Hello everyone~! Thank you for waiting! I hope you enjoy this batch.

Getting straight to the point, I have a bit of announcement.

The next batch will be delayed. 1 day shortest and 3 days longest.

The reason is I'm studying Network+ and want to finish it this week so I can start with CCNA or Security+ and hope I can get a certification in either one of them by 3-5 months.

The reason why I'm "rushing" Network+ is because I've been at it for 2 months now and I just reached more than half of it. I got a few days off this week so I want to use this chance to get into studying rhythm since it has been a while since I studied for an exam.

TLDR: Next batch might be delayed by 3 days because I finally decided a direction in my life and wanted to study.

Thank you very much for your understanding.


At the same time that Kisuke intruded on the Zero Division's territory, Benihime teleported into a very dark place where there were only a few dim lights that could be seen in the distance.

"My, another new face." She was immediately greeted by a familiar voice on the side, "This place is supposed to be a punishment of solitude, but it's received quite a few visitors recently."

Benihime's long black hair swayed as she turned away from the man bound into the pillar, looking down at her, "I'm not here for you today, Sosuke Aizen." She's being careful not to look at him, 'It'll be a pain if I get caught in his hypnosis.'

"You know me, but I don't believe I know you. I'd really appreciate it if you introduce yourself." Intrigued, Aizen replied with interest. However, deep in his mind, he's thinking, 'What is this sense of familiarity?'

Ignoring him, Benihime looked around more and figured that she wouldn't be able to find her target if she were to just search blindly. And compared to Kisuke, her specs are very low since she's just using a body to move around and never intended to fight with it. As a result of that, her senses are also not that much greater than a normal person, especially in a place called Muken where everyone is forced into isolation and only those with exceptional abilities can feel their nearest neighbors.

Benihime isn't sure how much time she has before someone detects her intrusion so raising her right arm, a Magic Circle appeared in front of her hand. Just like how Kisuke and others do it, her hand went through the Magic Circle but it never came out the other side.

A second later, she started pulling out her hand, and along with it was a vaguely Human-shaped, man-sized white doll.

Aizen's eyes slightly widened at this display of strange ability. However, he's more interested in the things that Benihime brought out, "Tenshintai (Change God Body)? I see... You're trying to call her out."

And just as he finished speaking, the Tenshintai that Benihime took out immediately started contorting and soon took the form of a rather tall, busty female with long black hair fastened with a golden braid into a fan shape in the back, and two ponytails on either side. She had two straps covering both eyes, and wore a large lavender robe with very large sleeves, and black lining around the shoulders, exposing her cleavage.

"Kuhahaha~! Did you bring this out to play with me~!? Or were you expecting someone else to use this!? Too bad! I got in first so it's mine now!" The woman, as opposed to her elegant appearance, maniacally laughed as she threw back her head, "By the way, who are you and how did you do that!?"

"Tch." Benihime immediately clicked her tongue and crossed her arms, "And this is why I didn't want to do this. You're as noisy as ever."

The loud woman wanted to talk and tease Aizen but stopped when she heard Benihime's strange remarks, "Hmmm? Excuse me, but do I know you? I'm pretty sure that this is the first time we've met."

Benihime didn't say anything and released some Reiatsu of her own, which very closely resembled that of Kisuke and was only slightly different because she's a Zanpakuto Spirit.

At the release of her Reiatsu, both of the people present were surprised. But while Aizen still had no idea who she was , the loud woman could instantly guess it, "No way! Benihime-chan~! Is that really you!? How!?"

"I have no time to explain anything outside of my reason for trying to be in contact with you, Urozakuro."

The woman named Urozakuro smiled slyly and asked, "And that is~?"

"Ask your master to go to Hell."

"Hell no~!" Urozakuro's immediate and cheerful reply.

Nevertheless, Benihime was already expecting this and followed up, "You can torment your master in many more ways than before if you agree."

"I'm suddenly interested! When should we go?"

Benihime became briefly silent because she did not expect that to work well, "You're as nasty as I heard too."

"Please don't believe everything that Kisuke-chan or Yoruichi-chan said! I'm really a good girl!"

Benihime sighed and passed Urozakuro a map, "Go to this place within the designated time. You'll have the information that you'll need to be prepared on-site."

Urozakuro didn't even glance at the map and took it by hand before it disintegrated into nothing, "Got it~! However, there's a slight problem."

"And that is?"

"I don't think my master will agree. He's even ignoring me now even though he's under the influence of Mayuri-chan's drugs."

"Just show him what I did just now. If you tell him that it'll become a power that he'll be able to use to protect the Soul Society, you should know if that's going to be enough to convince him."

"..." For the first time, Urozakuro became quiet and contemplated. She knew that Benihime was a Zanpakuto Spirit that involves cuts and strings so what she had done to take out the doll earlier should have been an impossibility. And what's strange now is that she checked the entirety of Muken but didn't find Kisuke within it so it shouldn't even be possible for Benihime to use the doll to have a moving body.

After a few more seconds of silence, Urozakuro asked in an unusually serious voice, "Will that be included in the information we'll be receiving?"

"Of course. It's essential if you want a fighting chance on that side." Benihime knew that she was already done here and took a step back. A second later, a Magic Circle appeared underneath her feet, "It should be easy for your master to secretly leave this place." After saying that, Benihime disappeared from Muken.

"Spatial Manipulation... But not through spiritual means... How interesting." Urozakuro murmured to herself before turning to the bound man, "What about you, Aizen-chan? Want to leave with us?"

Aizen only smiled and said, "No."

"I see. That's a shame~" Urozakuro uttered before disappearing like dust.

Left alone, Aizen finally found peace and quiet. However, he'd be lying to himself if he was not interested in Urozakuro's offer, 'Not yet. I still don't know what Kisuke Urahara is trying to do. Even now, I don't know if he's trying to raise chaos within Hell or just trying to remove Azashiro from the Soul Society.'




Instead of returning to the Human World, Benihime reappeared on the outskirts of the Rukongai District, 'I need a solid backstory before I can enter that organization.'

Benihime started moving around the very poor district and it didn't take long before she found what she needed, a group of scumbags beating up a defenseless kid who was trying to defend another kid who's already a corpse, 'Killing a few thugs for 'revenge' sounds good.'


28th00: Ah, it's the fusion guy!

Chapter 1178 Infiltration Mission | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Benihime didn't immediately save the kid, instead, she first modified her clothing to match the district she was in before adding some dust and grease to her ripped clothing, skin, and hair, making her look like a mental asylum patient who hadn't bathed for weeks. Finally, Benihime slipped an ordinary-looking black bracelet onto her left arm which immediately masked her Magic Body and Reiatsu, making it look like she was an average random Soul to a Shinigami's senses.

She then looked around and picked up a piece of lumber, breaking it into two pieces and picking the one with a sharper end.

Benihime finished her preparation and started running towards the thugs beating up the child and aimed at the one furthest away from the group. Her hurried footsteps immediately caught the attention of several thugs and the one Benihime was aiming for looked annoyed, "Huh? Dirty bitch, this is no-"

However, before he could finish speaking, Benihime suddenly sped up, and with a swing of the broken lumber, she pierced through his throat, spraying blood on her face.

With a gurgling sound, the thug fell and struggled for a bit before the lights in his eyes disappeared.

Everyone was shocked and stunned into silence at this unexpectedly bloody scene. The thugs were only able to react when Benihime started running away.

"Y-you bitch!" One of them shouted at the top of his lungs and started chasing after her and was soon followed by the other thugs.

Benihime turned her head around and made sure that they were following her, 'Good.' She then turned a corner and thought to herself, 'They should be around here.'

Soon enough Benihime felt the presence of the nearby patrolling Shinigamis after running for a few minutes. Once she was sure that the noise they'd be creating would be enough for them to notice, Benihime stopped and faced her pursuers, resuming her attack.

The thugs were startled but didn't back down from the challenge, however, their bravery didn't last long as they started shouting in pain and horror.

As Benihime wanted, the two patrolling Shinigamis noticed the commotion and immediately began making their way through. But just as they were about to turn the corner where the blood-curdling screams were coming from, it all suddenly stopped.

Confused, the two Shinigami looked at each other before taking a peek at what was happening.

Upon seeing the scene, one of them wanted to throw up at the sight of the mutilated bodies and ripped-out guts and eyes. In the middle of this bloody mess is a single dirty and bloodied woman standing quietly while clutching a piece of wood thoroughly soaked in blood and gore.

The two Shinigami hurriedly pulled out their Zanpakutos, but thankfully, they didn't have to do anything as the woman let go of her 'weapon' and dropped to the ground, unconscious.

They cautiously approached the crime scene and one of them said to others, "Go around and look for witnesses. Figure out what happened here."

"Are you going to be fine on your own?"

"She's already unconscious. I'll tie her up and bring her in."

"Bring her in? Why? Isn't it too dangerous to keep her alive?"

"That's why I'm asking you to ask around. Depending on what they say, the Seireitei will have a use for her."

The other inexperienced Shinigami was still confused so he continued, "It takes a talent to slaughter men larger than her with a single piece of wood. The Seireitei will want to have a talent like that and they'll have a way to discipline her."

Hearing their words, Benihime knew that she succeeded in the first step, 'I knew there was a reason why Kisuke didn't want me to meet Soifon and allowed me to play around for an extended period, but to think he'd ask me to infiltrate Onmitsukidou...'




Kisuke made sure that his tracks were erased and returned to their base.

"Welcome home. How did it go?" Waiting for him was Serafall who intended to secure an escape route for Kisuke if things didn't go as planned.

"I'm home. Better than expected." Kisuke disabled his disguise and sat down beside her.

"Wouldn't they send down an advisory to the Seireitei? How are you going to deal with that?"

Kisuke stretched his limbs and Tiamat transformed back to her Humanoid form to get something to eat, "Chances are they wouldn't do that. Those guys are top prideful and wouldn't want to release the news that they were infiltrated and they let the infiltrator escape. Besides that, they don't want to give an idea to anyone that there's a hole in their security since it's not just me who wants to enter that place. At most, it's just going be the Captains and top noble houses who'll hear about this."

"And if the news spreads and we become enemies to them, that's fine too. The current Gotei 13 is too weak to do anything even against Claire, Kunou, and Tanis."

"...Are they really that weak?"

"Their strongest pillars are gone and they haven't recovered from war. It's sad but that's just the truth. And with the individuals from Hell breathing down their necks, they wouldn't be able to afford to make an enemy of us. This is the reason why I chose to do this now."

Serafall remained silent for a few moments before asking, "Isn't it about time you tell me what you intend to do?"

Kisuke also remained silent for a few seconds before he answered, "Not yet. I still need to investigate Hell to figure out the feasibility of what I want to do."

"And if it's not possible?"

"Then there's no point in staying here. We'll return."

Serafall sighed at his answer and changed the topic, "By the way, I enrolled Claire, Kunou, and Tanis in another school in London. It'll be our base of operations for now since there's really nothing to do on this side with you here taking care of everything."

"Good call since I'll also be diving deep into my research. I'll probably be going in the lab and not going out for a week or two each time."

"...That long?"

"Nothing I can do about it. I won't figure out anything if I don't put in the time."

Serafall started mulling over something with a complicated expression on her face, "Hmmmmm..... Yosh! I'll help you out! I can't help with Spiritual stuff but I can sure help out with the Magic side of things! Especially the pseudo-Demonic Power from Hell which I handle better than you!"

If Kisuke was going to lock himself up, then Serafall might not be able to close the distance between them as she wanted. More importantly, she was feeling some threat from the Shinigami known as Soifon and since she's going to be with Kisuke during his research time she doesn't want to be overtaken.

'I got my chance when I managed to go with them. I'm not letting that go!'


28th00: Ganbatte, Sera-chan~! She's damn well gonna abuse this time to try and stake her claim, dammit! She's been clam jammed so hard and consistently that even Soifon being a childhood friend who really isn't interested in him that way, is threatening to her! She's been malding since she caught Sona abusing his regeneration in bed during the desert training in Danmachi, hasn't she? Then Yoruichi had first claim and so much BS happened that she had no real chances to advance, huh? If she can't recreate an H-manga level scene while being locked alone with him for weeks at a time, she's more hopeless than Irina and Akeno.

Goyya: I'm giving Serafall and Kisuke some time alone, but I'm doing it "off-screen" since there are a lot of other developments that needed to happen and to be honest, I'm not very confident in my "writing romance" skill after trying it out a few times.

Chapter 1179 Names | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

One year went by after Kisuke decided to focus on his research and during that time, only a few notable things happened, surprisingly. Due to how explosive the inhabitants of Hell were when they attacked the Human World, Kisuke thought that they'd do more things. But contrary to those expectations, after the 'Nine Gates' incident, nothing else came up from their side and even after asking the [Unchained] what those who are [Chained] are up to, their area of activity was too far from them.

They tried using Yamamoto's aide, Choujirou Sasakibe to infiltrate their ranks but Szayelaporro Granz already discovered them secretly sneaking in the Human World without his knowledge and put a bounty on their heads.

Nevertheless, the attacks of the Beasts of Hell never stopped with a few Gates opening here and there throughout the whole world, making the Seireitei and even the Wing Bind busy with their random attacks.

Another thing to note is that the first Kenpachi, Unohana, and the former Captain of the 13th Division, Juushirou Ukitake, were still missing, and seemingly have disappeared from the world.

As for Yamamoto himself, he could maintain his current state even with the difficulties he was facing.

On the Eastern Soul Society's side, however, there was a big change as the Seireitei's personnel started training within the Human World a few months ago to learn more about Magic. Since Soul Society is technically devoid of any Magic Power and the Magic Power present in the Human World is brimming more than ever because each time the Gates open, a stream of it also rushes in.

Of course, the nobles of the Sereitei couldn't let their forces be left behind and coerced the Central 46 to allow their personnel to travel to the Human World.

As of this moment, most of the Shinigamis who came to train already knew how to detect Magic Power, but in terms of utilizing it even for a bit, only a very select few were capable of it.

"It became very busy around these parts, huh?" Serafall, in disguise, muttered while licking her ice cream and watching the Shinigamis running around in the sky.

"It can't be helped. They have to understand the power that Hell uses and discoveries are being made each passing day." Kisuke, also in disguise, replied while licking his ice cream.

Right now, they are in a park to rest after Serafall dragged Kisuke out to play around, "But a few of them aren't being careful. Many strange reports are coming out in the Human World, you know? Sooner or later, specially gifted Humans will be able to feel these fluctuations of Magic Power and some of them might even be able to use it instinctively."

Kisuke looked at Serafall in surprise and asked, "Is that how it goes?"

"Yes. Never underestimate normal people because you don't know what they are capable of once they discover their talent. It's also because of this that Mephisto-chan decided to help Humans form a Magic system because he's afraid that these few individuals destroy themselves and those around them by playing with fire. Well, it was also because of his personal interest."

At that moment, both of their phones rang and when they opened it, they saw what seemed to be a burnt cake with the caption [Kunou doesn't know when to stop burning things. (≧▽≦)]

They both received the message from Claire within the messaging app that Kisuke developed.

One of the biggest changes during this past year is that Claire, Kunou, and Tanis have already graduated high school and entered a higher level of education.

Kisuke thought that they'd be going to a single university but was pleasantly surprised that they opted for universities that specialized in their choice of course.

Claire went for an engineering degree, while Kunou went for an arts degree, and finally, Tanis decided to go to a medical school.

"It seems that they went to Ku-chan, Lanna-chan's place." Serafall commented and turned her head to Kisuke, "It's been a while since we've all been together. Shall we go?"

Kisuke nodded, "Alright. Soifon is also coming today for her regular check-up so I'll ask her to bring Ophis and Lilith with her."

"By the way, I heard they got a promotion. How did it go?"

"They took the 3rd and 4th seats respectively. Though that's probably as high as they could go for now since they can't call the names of their Zanpakuto."

"It's still amazing that they could get as high as that when it's only been half a year since they entered the 2nd Division."

While tapping on his phone, Kisuke answered, "Well, despite not being able to release their Zanpakuto and the occasional failed Kidou, their basic specs are still at least on Captain-level so slaying a bunch of Hollows and Beasts of Hell is pretty easy for them. On top of that, their stealth technique is topnotch which gives them even more achievement points for the 2nd Division. And if you're surprised to see them rise in such a short amount of time, don't be. While the Seireitei is very rigid, they won't stop someone's promotion just because they are 'young'. As long as they have what it takes, they'll give them a proper position."




Later that day, Soifon came with Ophis and Lilith as planned.

"Thanks for bringing them out. They must have been troublesome." Kisuke said while patting the heads of Ophis and Lilith who were wearing their Shinigami uniforms and had ran towards him and Serafall.

Soifon shook her head and said, "It's not that troublesome. As long as someone proves that they can learn Magic, it's easy to get permission these days."

Kisuke asked Ophis and Lilith to go with Serafall first and took out several syringes, a knife, and multiple test tubes to take some blood and flesh samples from Soifon.

Thanks to Soifon's very stable condition, all the in-depth check-ups only happen once a month now and Kisuke only requires some samples weekly.

And while sealing the samples, Kisuke asked, "How long can they be absent?"

"I can cover their communications for up to a month. If you want it extended, just give me a heads up and I'll do something about it."

Kisuke couldn't help but smile at her answer, "I never thought that the Captain of the 2nd Division would allow something like this. If Captain Commander Kyouraku hears about this, he'd be very proud~!"

Soifon immediately scowled at him and said, "Don't compare me to that lazy bum." She then turned around and started walking away.

"You're leaving already? You're not going to force me to treat you to a very expensive dinner?"

"As much as I want to do it, Central 46 and the 5 Great Noble Houses are strangely wary of my position and activities so I can't risk prolonged contact with you." Soifon waved her hand at them and disappeared among the passing crowds.

The group stared in the direction she disappeared to for a bit before leaving. As soon as they left the narrow alley, Serafall turned to Kisuke and asked, "Are you not going to address that strange man staring?"

Kisuke's expression didn't change and kept his walking pace, "Not yet. Let him do it for a while. He probably thought that he's hidden from our senses so he'll approach us on his own once he's done observing."

Ophis and Lilith's situation was never exposed to the Seireitei after all this time so Serafall also doesn't mind the stare, but she's wondering who that guy is and why Kisuke is ignoring him.


28th00: The dragon twins are sustained by headpats and bananas. It's been a year, Sera better have made some damn progress!

Chapter 1180 Names part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Kisuke, Serafall, Ophis, and Lilith teleported to Kunou's place which was in the quiet part of London.

Upon arrival, they were immediately greeted by Kunou who led them inside where Claire, Tanis, and Flanna were lazing around.

Since it'd been a while since the group last gathered like this, they enjoyed their time while telling stories of each other's 'adventures'. Because Flanna's range of activity centered around London, it was decided that she'll live with Kunou, who'd decided to attend the Royal College of Arts.

Meanwhile, Claire and Tanis bought and shared an apartment in Cambridge, Massachusetts because both of them were attending the Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology respectively.

"...and thus, we settled down quite nicely." Claire finished it up while munching on some cake that Kunou successfully baked.

Although they were now attending various universities, nothing had really changed aside from their schedules and living apart. Same as before, Kisuke and Serafall trusted them with freedom not normally granted to people of their age. After all, they are not really on the same level as normal young adults since from their childhood, they were taught how important responsibility is for they possessed power far beyond normal and could easily shape the world if they wanted to.

If they were responsible with their power, there's no reason not to trust them to live their day-to-day lives. Of course, Claire, Tanis, and Kunou have to cooperate by consulting with Kisuke and Serafall whenever there's a problem that they can't solve.

Kisuke stayed with them for a week, moving between London and Cambridge, until it was time for Soifon's next general check-up.

Before he left, however, Kisuke asked Claire, "By the way, is the church still bothering you?"

Claire shook her head, "No. They haven't contacted me these past few months. The last I heard from them was when they were offering various benefits for me to enter any universities."

Kisuke turned to Serafall and the latter immediately met his gaze, "They crossed the line so I already gave them a warning. They should have stopped stalking Claire-chan now."

Kisuke turned to Claire again and said, "If you feel any prying eyes, you're free to beat them up."

"Isn't that bad?" Claire nervously asked. Serafall already said the same thing but her training doesn't allow her to just suddenly use violence as easily. Not to mention, the amount of trouble it'll cost to their daily peaceful lives and their only source of normalcy.

"It's bad, but you should know whether it's unwarranted violence or not. And aside from that, you guys should already realize how much you can move the authorities."

Kunou and Tanis also perked their ears when they heard Kisuke say that. Although not to Claire's extent, they were still beautiful girls who were subjected to a certain amount of harassment.

"Your identities are not exactly a secret anymore and trust me when I say that even if you kill a man out there, within a few hours, you'll have nothing to do with it."

"T-that..." Claire, Kunou, and Tanis were surprised, but they also understood how that was possible.

"You've learned how to be responsible with your abilities, however, that's not the only form of power you can wield now. Those who want to pull you to their side will do everything to curry favor with you. Pretending that this isn't true is irresponsible because you'll just end up forgetting about it and do more harm than good because you can't control it.

"So instead of not acknowledging it, you should learn how to use it for your own benefit. While you have a chance, you should learn how to use this advantage called influence. Of course, this is going to be a much harder form of power to use because if you're not careful, you'll realize too late that this power is actually already controlling you instead of the other way around."

Claire, Kunou, and Tanis all nervously stared at Kisuke because as he had said, they were trying to ignore it to live a completely normal life.

Kisuke smiled at them and patted Claire's head, "It's a given that you'll be making mistakes, but let me remind you that there is an expert here in that regard." Kisuke took a peek at Serafall.

At the same time, the girls also followed his gaze and looked at Serafall, "Ehem, as a former Devil King who took care of foreign affairs, just do what you think is right and I'll give you a full review of the situation and a score on how well you did. Don't worry about any mistakes for now since you're just in the learning phase and I'll guide you on how to fix it." She proudly declared as she tapped her chest with her fist.

"T-then..." Tanis suddenly raised her hand and said, "There's this guy that has been pestering me nonstop despite rejecting him on multiple occasions."

Serafall gave a thumbs up and replied with the brightest smile on her face, "Beat him up to a pulp!"




Claire, Tanis, and Kunou immediately approached Serafall to get a consultation about the problems they didn't mention because they see it as nothing special but annoying regardless. While they don't have any particular problem themselves, Ophis and Lilith had also joined them.

Kisuke grinned at their reaction and secretly left the girls' meeting and when he was about to teleport away, Flanna approached him and said, "Boss, could you hear me out?"

Kisuke looked at her for a moment and saw her serious expression, "Alright. Let's move to another location."

Kisuke didn't really think of any specific place so he just teleported Flanna with him in a random direction where there were less people.

"Before anything else, I'd like to ask. What's the deal with those swords?"

Kisuke immediately knew that she was referring to Ophis and Lilith's Zanpakuto so he gave her the answer she wanted.

"I see... Those are the same swords that you hold." Flanna muttered to herself before facing Kisuke again, "Then we should probably warn them that they shouldn't try anything like calling the names of those swords. Better yet, it's better not to use them at all."

Kisuke creased his brows and asked, "...Why?"

"It's because their names aren't unknown. Blacky and little Blacky also probably also knew their names, but are just refusing in calling them with it, not really thinking hard about its implications."

A certain individual immediately appeared in his mind and Kisuke understood the situation, "Are saying that instead of calling their names, Ophis and Lilith are trying to give them new ones?"

Flanna nodded, "Exactly. And that's causing a conflict that those two are royally ignoring because it's not a threat to them and probably only see it as a challenge. I don't know what being has given names to those swords, but it'll be alerted the moment the names are overwritten. I didn't really mention it to them because I thought that I should consult with you first and if there's no problem alerting the one who gives names, we'll just let them do what they want."

"But you think it's a problem."

Flanna nodded once again, "I can't really put my hand on it, but if this being is a hostile one, it'll be quite a problem, especially for you and 'Benihime'."


28th00: Yep, cause the evil monk named Her. That's really fucking bad. The twin's zanpakuto must be in eternal suffering from these 2 just ignoring their existence wholesale.


Chapter 1181 God of the Sword | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Kisuke asked Flanna to warn Ophis and Lilith regarding their Zanpakuto while he returned back to Japan in contemplation, 'I messed up. Just because it's natural doesn't excuse me for not noticing something very obvious. It's not that Hyousube Ichibei knows the names of all Zanpakuto but he's the one who granted them instead of the Shinigamis and Arrancars who owned them.'

Kisuke soon reached the meeting place with Soifon and thought to himself, 'I wonder if Aizen-san figured this out? Maybe it's because of this that he wanted to discard his Zanpakuto but still retain its ability.'

Although he really had a complicated relationship with Benihime, Kisuke still couldn't understand Aizen's point of view on why he decided to discard his Zanpakuto until now. Benihime has always been a part of his life and there's no question that Benihime was a part of his own soul. Maybe because of that, it felt so natural and he failed to question something so simple.

"What's the long face?", all of a sudden a voice came from his side and when he turned around, he saw Soifon staring at him.

"How can you be sure of what's behind my mask?"

"Although I hate to admit it, I've known you long enough to figure out what expression you're making just from your body language." Soifon really hated to admit it on his face but his current expression terrifies her, "So what's the bad news?"

Kisuke shook his head with a sigh, "Nothing. I just overlooked something crucial."

"It's not going to be detrimental to us, is it?"

"I noticed it before anything bad could happen, so it's fine." Kisuke then took out the same tools to extract Soifon's blood and flesh and immediately went to do his work methodologically.

And while Kisuke was busy with his work, Soifon sent a telepathic message to Kisuke through Magic, [The Seireitei is finally moving. They want to secure a piece of territory in Hell.]

[Where is it?]

[I'm not really sure but they seem to be targeting a wide plain and intended to build an outpost there.]

[But even with personnel completely trained in Magic, I doubt they'll do something this big with all the threats looming.]

[It's still a secret and even I am not sure of its authenticity, probably to avoid the leak of information since we don't exactly know where Szayelaporro is getting his information from, but it seems that Captain Kurotsuchi was able to develop a drug that significantly reduces our opponents' regenerative ability while also putting them in extreme pain as they restore themselves.]

[That's amazing. How did he do it?]

[I'm still gathering information with my men and the Visual Department but I suspect that he secretly travels to Hell with the captured Aaroniero Arruruerie to experiment with him.]

[Aaroniero, huh? Nothing really beats a live sample. Maybe I should catch one for myself too.]

[In any case, with funding and support from the nobles, things are moving incredibly fast and the first pioneers might be leaving today consisting of the members of the 12th Division with the aforementioned nobles' private army.]

[No one else volunteered?]

[Several Captains wanted to go too but the Captain Commander forbade them, at least this and the next batch of the pioneers.]

Kisuke finished his work and cured Soifon's wounds with his Magic, [Thanks for the heads up. I'll probably start moving too. I can use their movement as a smokescreen.]

Soifon narrowed her eyes at him while fixing her clothes. It was already proven that he indeed had a few bugs roaming the Seireitei, 'But what exactly is the information he doesn't have? Or is he pretending not to know?' To this day, Soifon was still figuring out how much information was flowing to him from the Seireitei with only small successes.

"Well then, I'll be taking my leave. I have to return to my barracks to prepare some of my men to go with the pioneers."

Kisuke didn't stop her and Soifon instantly disappeared from his sight. As soon as he felt her presence disappear, Kisuke suddenly spoke out loud, "I think it's about time we speak, isn't it?"

A few seconds later, from the shadows of the abandoned alley, footsteps began to ring as the sound of wooden sandals hit the concrete ground.

Kisuke turned around and soon enough, light hit the figure of the stalker, "This is the first time we're meeting, I believe? Nice to meet you. You can call me Belial."

The dark-skinned man with thick, black hair that is shaven and dyed green on the sides of his head completely stepped out of the shadows and also introduced himself, "I wonder if it's really our first time meeting, but nice to meet you too. I'm Nimaiya Ouetsu."

Kisuke instantly became wary due to his first remark but he still retained his calm demeanor, "The Third Officer of the Zero Division, God of the Sword, I see. It's an honor to meet you. However, this isn't the place to have a proper conversation. If you don't mind, I have a place in mind that no one will bother us."

"Lead the way, Belial-san. I've also wanted to talk to you for a long time. I just didn't expect Kurotsuchi-kun's Magic Concealing Cloak not to work. When did you notice?"

"Half a year ago."

Ouetsu's eyes widened, "So around the first time I started following that lass, yet you pretended not to notice me. Also, did that lass notice me too?"

Kisuke shook his head, "No. It works perfectly fine. But to us who have been mastering the art for years, we know several ways people hide their presence so we have several detection methods to counter them." He then turned around towards the direction of the mansion Serafall bought and started walking.

Ouetsu didn't say anything and continued hiding himself. He only started following Kisuke when he took some distance from him, 'This guy has a familiar scent of a Zanpakuto... But where have I met him before?'

Kisuke, on the other hand, wondered if he could trust this guy because the moment he started asking the questions that he wanted answers to, it was going to be risky for him, 'According to Kyouraku-san, he's the only guy who thinks slightly different from the rest of the Zero Division. But to what extent exactly? In any case, I have to figure out what's the true identity of Hyousube Ichibei's Zanpakuto. Right now, that's the only clue I have to escape from his control over names.'


28th00: Oh, it's the sword harem guy.

Goyya: After reading the 'can't fear your own world', I have the impression that he's the most reasonable guy out of everyone in Zero Division.


Chapter 1182 God of the Sword part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

AN: I'm very sorry for the massive delay and thank you very much for waiting~!

I'm finally done rushing that course so I'll be slowing down my study sessions. Hopefully, around January next year, I'll be able to start applying for jobs.

Enough of that, please enjoy~!


Ouetsu didn't immediately enter the mansion when the masked man went in and instead went around to another side to enter through one of the windows.

It would seem that the masked man already expected this as he ignored his actions and just slowly walked towards the direction of the basement. As soon as the masked man arrived at the door to the basement, Ouetsu silently appeared behind him.

Still wordless, the masked man opened the door and led the Shinigami deeper inside, and soon enough, they arrived at a small room with various barriers placed on it. Due to the intense amount of barriers present, even Ouetsu, who'd just recently started learning about Magic, couldn't help but marvel at the suffocation he could feel from it.

The masked man stepped into the room but Ouetsu didn't do the same and continued staring at him, "Did you really think that I'll enter a trap prepared by someone who invaded the Royal Palace just like that?"

"I was hoping that you would since you followed me quietly up to here." The masked man answered nonchalantly.

Ouetsu was a bit taken aback and asked again, "And what made you think that?"

"Because instead of Soul Society or the Seireitei, you're hiding from the other Royal Guards. More specifically, from Hyousube Ichibei."

Ouetsu was startled but didn't let it show on his face while repeating his question, "And what made you think that?"

This time, the masked man didn't immediately reply and contemplated his options. Since he knew that no amount of explanation could make him step into this room, he didn't bother answering him. However, if they want to discuss anything with substance, it's paramount to avoid Hell's gaze and the only way to do that surely is to leave the Human World, 'Should I risk it?' Kisuke thought to himself.

He could try to slowly gain his trust, but that would take too much time which he doesn't have right now and it's not even certain if he could do that in the first place.

On the other hand, if he risks it and fails, the entire Seireitei and Royal Palace will become aware of him. He would be lucky if they just ended up sending a few assassins and trackers. Worst of all is that Ichibei himself and the others from the Zero Division would be hunting him down.

However, if he's successful, he'd be able to obtain the assistance of one of the greatest weapons he could use against Ichibei.

After a few more seconds of contemplation, Kisuke sighed and placed his hand on his mask, 'Ah... Fuck it. Become a wanted man? Nothing really new. I also already prepared the girls' return trip in case of emergency or the situation became too dangerous. The rampage of Holy Power back then was a blessing in disguise.'

Because of that event, it became a lot easier for Kisuke to secure their retreat in case the whole world turned against them.

Ouetsu wondered what the masked man was trying to do until the latter pulled off his mask and it instantly and dramatically changed his appearance, "!?"

Kisuke, without his disguise, smiles at Ouetsu, "Shall we continue?"

Ouetsu calmed himself and thought about it for a few moments before stepping into the room and saying, "Fair enough."

Kisuke immediately closed the door behind him and fully activated the barriers prepared for the room.

"So that wasn't the full capability of this room," Ouetsu commented while looking around, feeling the intensity of Magic Power in the room thickened.

After putting the room in lockdown, Ouetsu thought that they'd start talking, but just as he was about to say something, Kisuke signaled him to stop, "Not yet."

Kisuke ignored the confused Ouetsu and placed his hand on the wall.

A few seconds later, a thin black line appeared on the wall and soon it turned into an opening that revealed a world with chaotic colors, "This is?" Ouetsu muttered in suspicion.

"The Dimensional Gap. We'll have to go through here to leave the Human World." Kisuke briefly explained before stepping out of the room.

Ouetsu followed him with curiosity and found the space they stepped into was so hostile that no normal person could ever survive, "This is way worse than the Garganta."

"This way," Kisuke called out, opening another portal and stepping into it.

As he had been doing, Ouetsu followed him and soon arrived at a familiar place full of dilapidated structures and perpetually dark clouds covering everything in sight, "...Could it be... The Zaraki District?"

"No better place to do an important and secret talk than under the lamppost, right?" Kisuke closed the portal and erased all of its traces.

Ouetsu sighed and said, "You really are full of surprises, Urahara-kun."

"It's always been my forte." Kisuke grinned at him, "Shall we use a random abandoned hut?"

"Preferably somewhere that doesn't smell so bloody."

"Then let's walk for a bit." Whether Kisuke could pull Ouetsu to his side or not will mostly depend on the latter's view on things and there's really little the former could do about it, 'I hope Kyouraku-san's state is accurate.'




With a warm tea prepared, Ouetsu immediately went directly on point, "So, what did you want from the Royal Palace?"

Kisuke took a sip of his tea before answering, "I already told the answer to Hyousube-san, but in case he didn't tell you, I said I wanted to confirm who the first Shinigami who was born from Hell made an agreement with."

Ouetsu became silent for a brief moment before asking, "And what did he say?"

Kisuke was happy that Ouetsu confirmed his words for him, 'This means he's more willing to cooperate than I expected.'

"Did you really think that he'll entertain my question? I'm just glad that I was able to escape unscathed. And I just really want to see if the one holding up the world right now is the King of the Quincies."

Ouetsu leaned back and took his cup of tea, "That's true. If you could get close like that to that thing, he wouldn't humor you unless he's incredibly interested in something."

"What's this? It sounds like you hate the lynchpin or something."

Ouetsu's eyes immediately rose up and stared directly at Kisuke. With a very serious expression, he said, "I really can't understand how others wouldn't. Even for the sake of maintaining the worlds."

Kisuke's hand froze as he shuddered at his voice that contained a little bit of hostility, 'Jackpot!'



Chapter 1183 God of the Sword part 3 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

"Aren't you being too honest right now?"

Ouetsu took a sip from his cup before answering, "I'm just returning the favor."

"I see... Then I'm really glad that I took that mask off." Kisuke started calculating the moves he could make right now, "But even if you're returning a favor, isn't that a very dangerous statement for you? And the way you said it, what if Hyousube-san cuts you off? While you are the original maker of the Zanpakuto, it doesn't mean anything if you are a threat to the status quo. And I doubt you're the only one who could make a Zanpakuto right now so replacing you isn't really a big issue."

"Am I under the wrong assumption that this conversation will be secret?" Ouetsu finished his cup of tea and placed it down, "And don't you have alcohol instead? It'll be more fitting to the current atmosphere."

Kisuke smiled and waved his hand. In an instant, the tea cups disappeared and were replaced by a bottle of Japanese rice wine and two small cups.

"That's really a convenient skill." Ouetsu commented in awe while watching Kisuke pour alcohol into cups, "By the way, do you mind if I take a look at your blade?"

"Are you referring to Tiamat?"

"That's right."

Kisuke noticed how Ouetsu didn't refer to Tiamat as a Zanpakuto, 'I just used her twice yet he already noticed.'

Kisuke didn't mind so he took out the tanto blade from his sleeve and placed it on the table.

Ouetsu became quiet. Instead of immediately grabbing the blade, Ouetsu first observed it from multiple angles before carefully picking it up and pulling the blade out slowly.

As soon as the light reflected from the shiny surface, Ouetsu's eyes glistened, "It's as I've thought. Although the fundamental structure is that of a Zanpakuto, it's not one. The technique used in the creation of this blade is of an entirely different system. Impressive... What do you call it?"

"A Soul Gear, but it's nothing really impressive. I just studied two existing technologies and combined them into one."

Ouetsu's eyes landed on him, "You being humble really hurts my pride, you know? You didn't just successfully analyze how I structure an Asauchi to a frightening degree but you also used a completely different technology to manufacture it that didn't just mimic a normal Zanpakuto, but also became compatible with anyone with a soul, be it a Shinigami, Hollow, Quincy, Fullbringer, and finally, a normal Human, no training required. Was my Asauchi really that easy to make and modify to this degree of freedom?"

Kisuke was stunned for a bit before saying, "That... I apologize."

"Good. Because what you made here is really something ridiculous because I have a feeling that you trapped a very outrageous being within this blade."

"Isn't that just the same with Shihouin Clan's Byakko?"

Ouetsu looked down on the blade once again and said, "It's not. That guy willingly gets into Asauchis to pose as a Zanpakuto Spirit while yours... I can't even describe it properly. It looks like she was imprisoned but it also looks like she's willing to stay put and be used. And although I can clearly see Byakko, I can't gleam anything to the Spirit itself. Even then, I can still feel apprehension. Just what sort of being is she?"

But before Kisuke could even give an answer, the tanto on Ouetsu's hand began shining and it lit up the whole shack they were in before it left his hand and transformed into a young girl with light blue hair, pink eyes with star-like pupils, and prominent double curved horns.

Ouetsu found himself staring at her when she suddenly said, "That's not anything important, is it?"

Tiamat looked at her side and from the ground, a chair emerged, and sat down on it. She then put her hand forward and a small cup appeared on it, "Please."

"So you wanted a drink too." Kisuke smiled wryly and poured the wine into her cup.

Ouetsu, on the other hand, could only silently watch in shock because he could hardly believe what he just saw. When Kisuke had brought out the tea and alcohol earlier, he knew that he was summoning them from somewhere.

However, the little girl didn't do that. Instead, she very quietly summoned the Spirit particles from her surroundings and converted them to another form of matter casually. This reminded him of the 8th Kenpachi, 'No... Azashiro's ability is assimilation. This is clearly a direct manipulation of Spirit particles and to a far greater degree than even the Quincies. This is already in the realm of creation... Something that only the Spirit King is supposed to know how to do.'

Tiamat drank the wine with a blissful expression before turning back to Ouetsu. And as if reading his mind, she said, "You are overestimating me. I'm just a mere shadow of my former self so all the abilities I possess are locked behind my master's capabilities and understanding."

"...Then couldn't you just simply teach him how to use those abilities?" Ouetsu asked.

Tiamat asked for another cup and instead of answering him, she returned a question, "Can you teach anyone how to breathe? Pump their heart? Or think with their brain?"


"And that's my answer."

Kisuke didn't have anything to say about this interaction because he actually already asked Tiamat how her ability manipulates Prima Materia but she couldn't put it in proper words and even if she tried, it's just gibberish to Kisuke, "Why have you come out?" he asked after pouring Tiamat's third cup.

"This is actually my only time to properly observe this Soul Society of yours. And I had the same question when I first saw it." Tiamat answered and downed her cup before continuing, "Why did your Spirit King create such a dysfunctional world?"


28th00: Very valid question, Tiamat-Larva.


Chapter 1184 Dysfunctional World | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Kisuke narrowed his eyes while Ouetsu stuttered, "D-dysfunctional world?"

"My master here knows what I meant, however, I said that not to disparage your Spirit King. What I'm saying is that I still wonder how it ended this way and what circumstances were present when he shaped this world." Tiamat replied before downing another cup of wine.

Ouetsu turned to Kisuke and asked, "What does she mean by that?"

Kisuke stayed silent for a few moments before opening his mouth again, "Do you know the various stories of reincarnation in the Human World?"

"Yes. And?"

"I've seen places where they cycle souls the same as those stories." Kisuke looked out of the window and saw a few individuals walking around, "Each of those places does it differently, but the basic idea is that the moment death comes, their souls leave their constraints and they return to the world and its flow. And at the end of that flow, a new life sprouts.

"Naturally, there are circumstances that would extract a soul from that flow, but all in all, this is a sacred and powerful flow that no one is allowed to tamper with, even the world itself. It's the law of life."

"Isn't that the same thing happening here?" Ouetsu asked.

Kisuke turned his back to him and snickered, "The same thing? Let me tell you. This world already failed on the first step, which is death. Don't lie to yourself and say that the destruction of the container is death. The only true death is the destruction or dispersal of the soul itself."

Ouetsu furrowed his brow and asked again, "You don't think the death of a Human is not death?"

"How can it be? The moment the soul of a Human leaves its constraints, the world immediately gives them a Spiritual body, converting them into a Plus. Regardless of whether they reach the Soul Society and wait for their new body and soul to disperse or become a Hollow to experience unending desires until their decay, their life has not ended, hence, there's no death.

"And when the afterlife is supposed to be a release and rest without the influence of anyone, why is it controlled by a group of powerful people? It doesn't make sense right? Why are we, who are supposed to be the enforcers of death, so disrespectful of it?"

Ouetsu could feel the contempt from Kisuke's words, but he stayed silent and let him go on.

Kisuke himself knew that he was becoming a bit too emotional and also knew that he should stop here because it might push away this important 'comrade' that he just made. However, even if he shouldn't, he still wanted to, so he continued, "Nevertheless, I can't blame the Shinigamis who do their duties. After all, we have to do it for the sake of the world's balance and stop it from ending. It's a dysfunctional world that couldn't maintain itself if not for the interference of someone. I'm honestly quite impressed that this world is still intact, though at the sacrifice of countless souls that couldn't navigate it. I wouldn't necessarily call it evil, but it also doesn't mean it has to be this way."

Kisuke ended his venting, however, he did not regret it. He has always wanted to release the pent-up frustration that's been building up, but he couldn't simply let it go in front of Serafall who doesn't really understand how different this world is compared to hers, 'Just now, did I sound like a Demon Lord who wanted to destroy the world's fundamental structure?'

Naturally, Ouetsu also caught into this hidden meaning of his and asked, "Are you saying that you want to... restructure the 'afterlife'?"

"Aren't you too kind?" Kisuke suddenly said, "Don't you really want to ask if I want to destroy Soul Society and Hueco Mundo?"

Ouetsu sighed and added, "Do you?"

'Since it's too late to take back what I said and I have no intention of doing so...' Kisuke flashed a fearless grin and said, "If it's possible, why not? If it's impossible, then I won't bother."

A bit of killing intent immediately emerged out of Ouetsu, "Your idea of changing the status quo actually sounds a little nice to me, however, did you think I'll just allow you to sacrifice more life for that ideal?"

Ouetsu is now sure of it. Kisuke is the same as Aizen and Yhwach. They'll put the Soul Society and the other worlds in danger for their ideals and ambitions, 'Should I cut him here now?'

But beyond Ouetsu's expectations, he was shocked that Kisuke's expression suddenly mellowed out of nowhere.

"Sacrifice countless lives? If I did that, they'd lose all their respect for me and all the hardships and efforts I went through so far would be meaningless."

Ouetsu hurriedly turned to Tiamat because he was confused but he only became even more confused when he saw her looking at him with a small smile, almost a gentle expression actually.

"In the first place, I don't intend to make everyone my enemy since that would defeat the purpose of my coming here." Kisuke added, "I can't really prove you anything right now but I can assure you that if I'm going to dismantle the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, the Seireitei itself would continue its existence and the Shinigamis and Hollows won't disappear."

Ouetsu didn't understand what just happened but he had a feeling that he could actually trust him, 'This is the first... Maybe I should gamble on it now.'

Ouetsu sighed and stood up from his seat, "I still don't fully understand why this lady called this world dysfunctional nor why you are so certain that this is wrong, but let's continue that conversation at another time. It's about time someone notices my disappearance and I don't want to risk it."

Kisuke nodded in agreement and opened a portal that would take him back to the Human World.

Ouetsu took a step forward but before he took another step, he turned to Kisuke and said, "Yhwach could only defeat Hyousube because he's not a Shinigami but that's not the same case for you. If you want to get away from his influence, take the 'names' for yourself and bring out their real essence. If you can do that, even if he intends to erase it, he'll never be able to take it back from you. And for how you'd be able to do that, I wouldn't be in this position if I knew."


28th00: Serafall would be fucking malding if she knew that Kisuke didn't want to "release his frustrations" on her. She'd be malding so fucking hard… So, Beyond/True Bankai super mode thing that has been forgotten for like, 500 chapters now? Benihime got distracted with being a NEET after all.

Goyya: The proper beyond Bankai will be showcased in the climax of the arc. And if Kisuke is going to dump, it's better if it's someone who actually understand the situation, hahaha.


Chapter 1185 Etoulde Guests | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

Kisuke went home with a lot of things occupying his mind, more than usual.

[Master, you're very intelligent. And because of that, you were able to change me, my sister's, and many fates.]

Kisuke looked down at the tanto blade on his hand, "What's up with the out-of-nowhere compliment?"

[However, you think too much sometimes so that a simple problem is becoming a complicated one.]

"So you have a solution."

[No. What I'm saying is to think in simpler terms. The opponent's ability is simple, taking and granting names. You're not sealing his ability nor trying to fight against it. You just want your names to be yours and nothing else. Simple, right?]

"...Simple, you say... But it didn't make it easier."

[Simple doesn't mean easy. However, now you won't be as lost. The only other thing I can say is that the moment you doubt yourself in front of him, you'll lose.]

"..." Kisuke didn't say anything for a long time because, in all honesty, he didn't know how useful what Tiamat said to him just now, 'Just keep my name, huh? How simple... and nonsensical.'

Tiamat guessed what he was thinking but also didn't say anything else, 'Anymore will be useless. But it's really just that simple.'




After sneaking through her own security, Gwenn the Hartagertle Mercenary Union receptionist, or rather, former receptionist, arrived at the planet called Nenvetune and its largest city where black market trade was openly being conducted, Zurg. After receiving a piece of information a month ago, she decided to track it and this is the place she ended up with, 'That Yoru... After making a name for herself for 3 ExE cycles, she suddenly disappeared. But at the same time of her disappearance, the upper echelons of the Etouldes suddenly started getting restless with multiple clans clashing with each other for some reason or another. Why do I have a feeling that she has something to do with this?'

It's a baseless line of thinking but she can't somehow remove that from her mind, 'After befriending her for a bit, I'm pretty sure that she's hiding her true appearance and her Pamatypian is just a cover.'

Wearing her cloak that covers her true appearance but not her presence, Gwenn reaches the district where most of the combat slaves are sold. At the darker part of the city, Gwenn came close to the building she wanted to go in, but before she could approach, she suddenly felt a very familiar ability brushing past her, "!?"

Gwenn hurriedly turned towards the source of the ability and met eyes with someone who was wearing the same cloak as her. Even without using her 'eyes', she was able to guess the other's identity, "I certainly didn't expect to meet the Holy Witch here. Are you here to buy some manpower?"

"You know I hate them the most, Sage's Eyes. Though I also certainly didn't expect to see you here."

After that, the two of them went quiet, trying to gauge each other's actions, 'Why is this fake bitch here?' Gwenn thought to herself while staring at the other party's eyes.

'Why is this lazy bitch here.' the Holy Witch, Alicia Crowfeather, also thought to herself.

The two of them were stuck in a stalemate for a minute or two when all of a sudden, a voice came from the relatively small building in front of them that only extends to 3 floors compared to other buildings in the surroundings that are at least 5-story tall, [Instead of blocking traffic, why don't you both come in?]

The two guests were not startled because they already felt another gaze aside from each other examining them.

"...Let's head in?" asked Gwenn.

Alicia also dropped her threatening demeanor and walked up, "Let's go."

The two of them entered the building while regretting calling each other's names. When they got in, the whole place was covered in darkness except for one door with a few neon lights illuminating it, 'Transport pod?' Both of them thought.

As soon as they approached it, they stopped and their innate Spiritual Power skyrocketed and prepared for battle.

Not far from the door, is a tall woman of the Human tribe. Pale white skin, short gloomy white hair, and a black blindfold covering her eyes, "Please don't be alarmed. My name is Laria and I'll be your guide for today."

But how could they not be alarmed? They only felt her presence when they got this close. If she intended to attack one of them from this distance, it could have been trouble.

Gwenn and Alicia stared at her for a few moments before glancing at each other, 'Truce.'

At the quick agreement, Gwenn stepped forward, "Thank you for the work, but why do we need a guide? We just need to meet one person." Since they didn't talk beforehand, Gwenn is just guessing Alicia's intention, 'But that's Yoru's voice and she's inviting both of us. The witch is also probably here for her.'

Laria stepped to the side and pressed the button beside the door, "The transport pod will only transfer to a specific place if there's a registered aura traveling together."

The door opened and Laria went inside while also inviting the two, "Please."

Gwenn hesitated for a bit but soon stepped into the pod. However, she didn't let her Spiritual Power rest and her eyes scanned everything she could to gleam some clues and prepare for anything unexpected.

Alicia also hesitated for a bit before following Gwenn, but not before spreading out her invisible threads.

Although not as good as her mistress, Laria could also feel the spread out of Spiritual Power thanks to some training she had. Nonetheless, she didn't mind this and activated the transport pod. A second later, the three of them disappeared.

As intense light covered their senses, Gwenn and Alicia both prepared their own portable emergency transport module which didn't appear in the market, and if it did, only in black markets and would be enough to buy a portion of a small planet.

When the light disappeared, they found themselves in a wide prairie and a wooden cabin in the middle of it with a field full of different crops and some livestock beside it.

"A small world?" Alicia muttered to herself while looking around and spreading her threads everywhere aside from the cabin.

Gwenn saw the threads avoiding the cabin and said, "You can feel it?"

"My senses are not as good as yours but it's enough to avoid danger."

"This way please." Laria interrupted them and started walking ahead.

The girls followed and they didn't have to reach the cabin to see the only other person present within the space plowing new fields.

She also felt their presence and turned around to greet them, "Ah, you're here. Welcome."

But instead of feeling welcomed, Alicia's eyes widened in surprise, and hurriedly activated her emergency transport module.

Gwenn was shocked at her sudden action but was more stupefied when all of a sudden, a dense and heavy Spiritual Pressure that would put most of the high-ranking Etouldes in shame suddenly blanketed the whole space and she heard the farmer girl mutter, "Bankai."

The emergency transport module activated but to Alicia's horror, it couldn't open the space, "Space lock? And to this degree? Unbelievable..." she murmured to herself before turning and glaring at the farmer girl, "I didn't expect to meet the Sage's Eyes in this place, but that's still in the realm of possibility... However, what are you doing here, Yoruichi Shihouin?"


28th00: I was like "Who is this bitch?" since I remembered the guild receptionist trope chick, then at the end it hit me! SHE'S THAT TRAITOR BITCH! She's sooooooooo fucked now. No clue who Laria is though.

Goyya: Laria is a newly introduced character that became Yoruichi's secretary since it wouldn't make sense if she's not issuing commands if she have her own force.


Chapter 1186 Etoulde Guests part 2 | Goyya's Four Brain Hemispheres

AN: Please read the editor's section if the situation is a bit confusing.


Gwenn carefully looked at the woman who sealed the whole space and saw a familiar face but an entirely different race, "Yoru...? Are you Yoru?"

Yoruichi grinned at her while resting her white blade on her shoulder, "It's been a while, Gwenn. I didn't think you'd come looking for me when I'm fishing for an entirely different person." Her eyes then went down a few inches and looked at her closed fist, "I would really appreciate it if you don't do that... For the safety of everyone in this small space."

"Let me be. I don't know what's happening so this is insurance." Gwenn replied while continuously gathering Spiritual Power within her fist. Any strange movement from Yoruichi, Laria, and Alicia, she'll detonate the power she's gathering and thanks to her eyes, she managed to find a few weak points on the seal so aiming there is enough to destroy the whole artificial space, freeing all of them, albeit, injured.

Yoruichi stared at her for a few moments before sighing. Her blade then returned to its original form and the devastating Spiritual pressure and the space lock receded quietly, "How about this?"

Gwenn was silent but Alicia beside her immediately warned her, "Don't let it go! Just so you know, she came from DxD and I suspect her to have a connection with the Evies! Let's just escape from here!"

'DxD?' Gwenn thought to herself and tried to recall what that was, 'Ahh... Isn't that the latest world under attack by the Evies? I don't really follow what's happening on the frontlines so that's as much as I know. And Yoru have a connection with the Evies? That's not too strange these days, is it?'

A few seconds later, Gwenn decided to trust her guts and slowly recalled the power she was gathering to Alicia's horror, "Why!?"

Gwenn turned to her side and said, "You've been focusing your efforts on the frontlines, but you don't really know what's happening on the back."

"...The back?"

"Let's head inside." Yoruichi interrupted them, "It's better to have a lengthy conversation over some drinks. Laria, I'll leave it to you."

Yoruichi went behind the cabin to clean her workplace while Laria moved forward and invited the two guests to enter, "This way, please."

Gwenn didn't hesitate any more and followed Laria while Alicia gritted her teeth and thought, 'Yoruichi Shihouin... Kisuke Urahara... The two individuals that possess the most threat against the Etouldes. I felt my spider on her so she must be connected with Stralit Luxeus's successor. Not just that. It's confirmed that there's a hole in their seal that allows them to get out.'

Out of all the people within DxD, Alicia wanted to cooperate with Kisuke and Yoruichi the most. However, they are strangely unresponsive. Now she knows that they are trying to do something behind their backs and it gives her an ominous impression when there's a line connecting them to the Luxeux who she suspects have a connection with an Evie.

'Tsk... There's no point in imagining scenarios in my head now. I have to get a clearer picture of what's happening. Gwenn also mentioned that something is happening in our homeworld so that's another problem.' Alicia could feel a headache coming and followed the two who already entered the cabin while also securing her means of escape.




"Sorry for the wait." Yoruichi came out from the back 15 minutes later after a quick shower. Thanks to Laria's attendance, the guest is sitting quietly while enjoying their drinks, "I didn't want to meet you with all the grime and dirt on me."

"Are you really Yoru?" Gwenn turned to her and asked directly.

"The same Pamatypian that you met and registered in the Mercenary Union. Though as you can tell, that's just my disguise and my real name is Yoruichi Shihouin from the world you guys designated as Draconic Deus." Yoruichi sat down with them and turned to Laria who was standing on the side, "Thanks, Laria. Please leave us alone for now."

Laria lowered her head for a bit before walking away.

Gwenn watched her leave for a bit before turning her attention back to Yoruichi, "You're awfully honest. Or is this another lie?"

Yoruichi shrugged her shoulders, "It's up to you what to believe. But your friend here will be able to confirm if I'm telling the truth or not."

But instead of confirming, Alice asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Only if you answer my question first."

"What is it?"

"Are you the main contact of DxD?"

"..." Alicia became silent.

"If you can't answer that, I can change the question."

"Go on."

"What is Chimune Chipaoti trying to do by contacting Issei Hyoudou?"

"!?" Gwenn instantly turned her head towards Alicia upon hearing the name of one of the highest beings in Etouldes.

With a complicated expression, Alicia replied, "I'm the point of contact between the higher Etouldes and DxD."

'She answered the first one. Is she afraid that I have a way to differentiate a lie?' Yoruichi thought while carefully planning her next steps. Her preparation this past year was to have a proper negotiation table with Alicia, 'But the problem is Gwenn... I don't know where she stands in all of this.'

Yoruichi sighed and answered Alicia's question, "I came here to study what sort of beings are messing with our world right now, obviously."

"And what did you find out?"

"That we stand no chance if either side decides to destroy us."

Alicia calmed down after that bit of exchange and was able to tell that she was not in immediate danger, "So what did you call me here for?"

"Before that..." Yoruichi turned to Gwenn, "Why are you here? I just released a bit of information but I didn't think you'd catch it."

Gwenn thought for a bit about what she should reply with before saying, "After the mess, you made against the enemies of Luxeux, of course, I'll come."

"Enemies of Luxeux? I wonder what you're talking about?"

"Well, you can deny it, but I can rest assured that you've underestimated my eyes." Gwenn said while pointing at her shining eyes, "These eyes could hardly see through things, instead, it's much more effective at seeing flows and small details. It's easier for me to track than to find something.

"I still don't know about these enemies of Luxeux and what they went through, but what if it's really me? What are you going to do?"

Gwenn grinned and leaned forward with her elbow on the table, "What about taking another job? This time, against the enemies of Yarwood."


28th00: I don't understand a single fucking thing going on here. Also, it's real rich saying she has a connection to the Evies when she's a flat out traitor. At least, I remember her being that. Or is she just a Xianxia Villainess level stupid?

Goyya: I think I didn't explicitly reveal that she's a traitor though she indeed acted very suspicious at that time.

And to other readers, I apologize if this bit is hard to understand. Looks like I left out too much context here.

In essence, during a timeskip, Yoruichi was gathering and maneuvering her own forces for '3 ExE cycles' I haven't revealed how many Earth Years that is… Or did I? I can't really remember. While at it, she's also doing Seraselbes', one of the Evie big boss, requests of assisting Luxeux from the shadows.

Gwenn is the receptionist that registered Yoruichi and during her time working as a mercenary, she developed a bit of a relationship with her.

Alicia is the Etoulde who was sent as an inspector when Stralit was attacked and Kisuke had to save her. Her whole relationship with that event is not very clear yet.