Akikan40. Phoenix. 192-202

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 192 New | akikan40

When Vali pierced Sirzech's heart, no one was able to react as they saw this situation in disbelief.

Not only Azazel, Michael, and the others who had a good relationship with Sirzech, but Catteliya and the other members of the Old Maou Faction who had joined the Khaos Brigade were stunned.

Cattleya and those from the Old Maou Faction knew how powerful Sirzech was, and it was also the reason why they gave up resistance since they knew no matter how they tried, they would die under Sirzech's attack. Moreover, Sirzech had killed many of their factions, giving them terror that they often had a nightmare in their every dream.

However, after they joined the Khaos Brigade, everything changed when they gained power from the Infinite Dragon, Ophis. Nevertheless, even if they knew they had become stronger, it didn't mean they were confident to fight Sirzech. Instead, they were cautious.

Still, when they saw Vali had killed Sirzech, all of them were startled and surprised before they laughed.


Cattleya was so happy. "Good! Good! Vali! You did a good job!"

However, those who participated in these three factions' meetings were in terror as the leader of the Devil, Sirzech Lucifer, died.

Serafall was startled, but she quickly reacted.

"Let go of him!"

The entire area was frozen instantly as everything turned into a frigid land of ice.

Still, for Vali, who was in his Juggernaut Drive state, it was easy to handle as he could halve and absorb all of Serafall's attacks.

The two then quickly fought each other, but this situation became even tenser, especially Grayafia.

"Sirzech...? Sirzech...?"

Grayfia looked at her husband, who had died in disbelief, hugging him tightly as she called his name so many times, hoping that everything was a dream.

The rest weren't much different as they had lost their composure with the death of Sirzech Lucifer.


Rias screamed hysterically as she watched all of this in horror and was unable to believe it.

The strongest devil in the Underworld, Sirzech Lucifer died.

No one wanted to believe it, as the image of invincibility pictured by Sirzech remained on everyone's mind.

There was no such devil that would die like this!

Yet, the reality?

Sirzech died with his heart pierced, and his head beheaded.

At this moment, all the devils that were present couldn't maintain their calm, including Serafall, who was fighting Vali.

Nevertheless, even though they had been fighting, Vali didn't seem to hurt Serafall. To be honest, if he wanted to defeat Serafall, it was easy for him, especially when Serafall's condition was far from the best, and he was in his best state.

Frankly, it was weird for him.

His mind was in a mess, yet his body worked perfectly like a machine controlled by a program, but it was good as thinking was just exhausting at that moment, and he just wanted to rest.

Yet, was it possible?


Azazel was enraged, but at the same time, he was also troubled by Cattleya, who was his opponent. Nevertheless, he was confused.

What was happening?

How did this happen?

Azazel knew Vali well as they had been living together for so many years, and there was no way for Vali to do something despicable, such as killing Sirzech. There must be something happening, but he knew at that moment it was impossible to save Vali.

Vali was as good as dead at that moment.

Yet, in this current situation, Vali might be able to get out alive, especially when the power of the Khaos Brigade was boosted due to Vali's feat killing Sirzech.




No one could hide their excitement, and their power increased dramatically due to the death of Sirzech. Even though some of them were killed by Azazel and others, such as Sona and her peerage members, no one stopped, and they kept charging forward, intending to kill the rest.

While it might sound stupid to throw away their lives, if they could take down Grayfia, Azazel, Michael, and the heiress of the Sitri House and Gremory House, then they would do it without hesitation.

As for Serafall, they left it to Vali as they believed he could kill her, too.

"Hahahaha...." Cattleya kept launching her Demonic Energy into Azazel aggressively. "As expected of the descendant of the real Lucifer, Vali Lucifer! You are even stronger than the fake Lucifer! Now, kill the fake Levithan, too, Vali!" Her mood was so happy, and she thought that this was her greatest day. Along with her positive mood, her power also increased dramatically.

Nevertheless, Vali had never answered Cattleya and just fought against Serafall.

However, there was no doubt the three factions were pushed at this moment. All the soldiers they had were defeated, and many were killed, but more importantly, they were unable to help their leaders with the barrier that appeared before them.

There was no doubt they were in peril, especially when Grayfia, the strongest queen, Rias, and her peerage members were unable to do anything. Still, no one blamed them for what had happened. However, if this continued, Michael, who worked hard to protect everyone, and Azazel, who worked hard to fight many, knew that they might follow Sirzech to the eternal darkness.


After half an hour of fighting with Serafall, Vali suddenly left and disappeared by using teleportation.



This sudden action surprised everyone and made them confused.

What was happening?

However, as they were confused, they suddenly felt the temperature had grown higher.


Previously, it was cold and chilly as everyone was filled with despair, but now, it has become warmer. They knew who had come, and they somehow felt relaxed, including Azazel.

However, Michael, Cattleya, and the rest of the members of the Khaos Brigade were confused.

"Vali? What is that guy doing?"

Was Vali too exhausted after his fight with Sirzech?

Cattleya thought so and didn't feel surprised since she knew how strong Sirzech was. Moreover, after Sirzech, Vali's opponent was Serafall, the fake Leviathan. Even though she hated Serafall so much, she also had to admit that Serafall was powerful.

Yet, a blazing light changed everything.

It came so fast that no one could react.

At that moment, the barrier that surrounded the Kuoh Academy vanished without a trace due to the heat.

"Ri-Riser Phenex.."

"Huh? Isn't he in the Underworld?"

"So-So strong!"

Yet, more importantly, how could Riser come so fast?

Cattleya's expression had also changed since she was also familiar with Riser.

There was no doubt among the current generation that Riser was the brightest, if not the strongest, so watching him suddenly appear made her tense, especially when his fighting video was seen everywhere, but soon, Cattleya snorted.

"It's just a brat. What are you scared of?!"

Nevertheless, Cattleya was interested in Riser, and if possible, she thought to invite him to the Khaos Brigade, especially when Riser seemed to hate Sirzech. Moreover, it seemed to be quite interesting to play with such a strong young man.

Cattleya licked her lips and said, "Hey, you there, how about you—"

"Venetian Blast."

Ignoring Cattleya's words, as soon as he arrived, Riser suddenly radiated intense heat before he shot a continuous stream of concentrated fire beams, killing all the enemies instantly.

No one was able to scream, and as they were hit, their bodies burnt into ashes without any resistance.

Even Cattleya, whose power had increased due to Ophis, was also frightened, raising a barrier, yet it was useless before her body burnt into ashes. Nevertheless, she didn't get furious at Riser. Instead, she cursed Vali as he didn't invite her to run away.

Facing this stream of fire beam, all the resistance was meaningless.

Everyone turned into ashes without exception.

At this moment, no one said anything, and they just fell in silence, daze, yet their heart was beatin so fast, hoping that they weren't attacked by Riser.

Yet Riser's control over his fire manipulation was flawless.

Riser didn't damage that except for killing the enemies; no one was hurt, nor did he damage the environment.

He did a perfect killing without a single mistake.

Then, as the light disappeared, they could see his figure, standing in midair, as his blazing flame wings gave so much majesty that they might bow down, but—

"No one moves. The moment you move, I will kill you."

His words brought so much chill that the world seemed to stand still.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 193 Meeting of Three Factions | akikan40

When the devils saw Sirzech was killed, they were in despair, but when Riser came, their hope rekindled, and they were joyous, thinking that there was hope for their race.

Still, the fallen angel armies felt conflicted as they saw their new boss. Nevertheless, they had to admit he was powerful, and their resistance was meaningless in front of his might, so they knew it was their fate to be conquered by him.

If there was something happy about being conquered by him, it was the fact those who had a relationship with the devils didn't need to hide their relationship anymore.

Moreover, Riser had never come after they had attacked them.

In other words, Riser never had any intention to make them his slaves, be a tyrant, and just left them alone, which they felt great relief about.

Nevertheless, those fallen angels who still didn't have a good impression and even wished to fight Riser back by using the power of Vali and the others had to give up since even Vali, who could kill Sirzech, decided to run away when he noticed him.

What about them?

If they made him angry, they could only die.

Yet, the angel group was definitely the one that startled the most.

If they fought now, would they be able to win?

Such a doubt appeared within their minds.

Michael, who was the leader of the angel that was present at that moment, was in a complicated mood as he saw how strong Riser was. Even though he had learned how strong Riser was and watched his video, watching him with his own eyes was different.

Yet, Michael also felt his entire body was tense as he didn't know what would happen in these three factions' meetings. Sirzech, the initiator and the leader of the devil had died.

However, the leader of the angel and the fallen angel was okay.

If the devil didn't have a suspicion, Michael would be surprised, and this was the problem as he knew that facing Riser, he didn't have the confidence to win, or rather, he thought that he and his angel would be destroyed the moment Riser attacked them.

Yet, Michael also wasn't sure what to do as his opponent was from the Phenex House, who was famous for their immorality.

Could his attack even kill him?

Moreover, with the aura emitted from Riser, Michael could feel the moment he made a move, he would be burnt. It was also due to this that he decided not to do anything, fixing the misunderstanding, and, if possible... he wished for peace to happen, especially when Vali Lucifer was still living.

If Vali could kill Sirzech, he could also kill all the important angels in heaven, right?

Michael didn't wish for such a future.

Yet, the thing that Michael was glad for was the fact he had given Durandal to Xenovia, who was the knight of Sona, Riser's wife, so with this kindness, Riser's impression of heaven definitely wasn't bad, right?

Nevertheless, among all of them, the calmest definitely was Azazel. After all, the Grigori had fallen on the hand of Riser, so Riser wouldn't do anything to him and all the fallen angels, right?

Yet, this gave Azazel a moment of thought, thinking that something was suspicious, especially when Vali killed Sirzech. Even though the fact Vali killed Sirzech didn't change, why did Vali do it?

Azazel had never felt animosity, such animosity, where Vali wished to kill Sirzech the moment they met!

Moreover, Sirzech had saved Vai that day.

The last thing trait that wouldn't appear in Vali was definitely ungratefulness. When someone treated him kindly, he would also treat the other kindly, yet Vali killed Sirzech.

Was Vali angry due to Sirzech occupying the position of Lucifer?

Was there a different reason that Azazel didn't know?


Azazel glanced at Riser but quickly lowered his head when Riser's eyes happened to meet him. His heart was beating so fast, and he was extremely frightened as he thought that Riser was about to kill him, but he knew that it was just his imagination. He had such a thought due to his guilty consequences as he doubted Riser was the one who caused everything.

To be honest, it was impossible for Riser to threaten Vali or even ask him to kill Sirzech.

Even if Riser somehow got his hands on Vali's weakness, was Vali someone who would lower his head to his opponent?

As the descendant of the Lucifer and the holder of the White Dragon Emperor, Vali's pride was above everyone.

The thought of Vali bowing down to Riser had never crossed Azazel's head at all.

Yet, what was wrong with this unsettling feeling?

However, at this moment, Azazel could only bury this feeling as he knew it was impossible to predict the development of the meeting among the three factions.

"Are you okay, Sona?"


Sona hugged Riser tightly as he arrived and felt at ease due to his presence.

"It's okay. I am here."

He softly caressed her hair as if she was the most precious treasure. Then, as he tapped the ground, the gust of gentle wind spread, and everyone could feel that their bodies were healed.

Serafall, Sona, Sona's peerages, Rias, and every devil except for Issei were healed by Riser.

While the women and some of the men seemed to feel jealous of Sona, the devils were happy as they felt they were full of energy due to Riser's ability.

Yet, whether it was the fallen angels or the angels, they felt tense as their energies were consumed previously, so when the devils recovered their stamina, healed, and returned to their optimum state, they felt restless.

However, no one dared to say anything since Riser was there.

The moment they talked, they knew that Riser might think of him as a member of the "Khaos Brigade."

No, the moment they showed hostility, they would be like others, burnt into ashes together.

Nevertheless, it felt weird when Issei, who had always troubled him, didn't say anything. Yet, at this moment, he was unable to talk, and he even lost his voice as he just stared at Sirzech, who had died in disbelief.

"No-No way..."

Until now, Issei was still unable to believe that Sirzech, who had been kind and believed him, had died.

Yet, the reality was like this.

"There is no way that you will die. Come on. Wake up, okay? Don't scare me like this. Please wake up..."

Grayfia was still in denial as she was unable to believe that her husband had died. She kept pouring all the "Phenex Tears" she could find into Sirzech's cold body. However, it was meaningless. While the "Phenex Tears" was powerful, it couldn't revive the death. Moreover, even if it could connect the cut limb, it couldn't regrow the lost limb.

Sirzech's heart was crushed by Vali, and his head was beheaded from his neck.

With such injuries, the "Phenex Tears" were meaningless.

As for Asia? She was already exhausted as she had poured all of her energy into healing Sirzech, yet everything was meaningless.

Yet, if Issei didn't make trouble, he wouldn't be Issei.

"Th-That's right! Phe-Phenex Tears! The-There is him now! Wi-With the Phenex Tears, Sirzech-sama should be okay now!"


Issei should learn not to talk.

Nevertheless, due to all the punishments he received, Issei no longer dared to call Riser a "Grilled Chicken," especially when he had lost his protector.

Riser glanced at Issei but said nothing as Issei's time hadn't arrived yet.

Yet this glance was enough to shut Issei up.

However, it was different from Grayfia.

Grayfia would do anything to save her husband, and even if she knew it was meaningless, she would keep trying.

"Ri-Riser-sama, please save my husband. Please give him your "Phenex Tears." Please save him!"

"Sorry, I can't."

Riser's answer was calm, but Grayfia was unable to accept it.

"Why!? Is it because you hate him?! Is it because you two are enemies?! Is that why you don't want to heal him?!"

Grayfia suddenly went on hysterically as she suddenly got angry and put all the blame on Riser.

Due to her loud voice, everyone heard it, and their expression changed slightly, but Riser's answer was as calm as ever.

"Please look at your husband. He is dead. Even though "Phenex Tears" is known as a special elixir that can heal all, it can't revive the death."

Yes, the Phenex Tears weren't omnipotent after all.

If Phenex Tears could revive someone, would its price be just that much?

However, this wasn't the end, as Riser needed to put this woman in her place.

"Instead of asking if the "Phenex Tears," where were you when your husband was killed? Were you by his side and did nothing? Weren't you known as the strongest "Queen"? Then, why did you let your husband die?"

"I... I... I...."

Grayfia was unable to say anything as she gripped her hair crazily as she thought everything was her fault, thinking the death of her husband was all due to her mistake.

Riser was about to give a finishing blow, but Rias suddenly stepped in.

"Riser, please... forgive my sister-in-law."

Rias lowered her head and apologized.


Riser stared at Rias for a moment and said, "Watch her carefully, Rias."

"I will."

Riser could feel that Rias had grown more mature due to this incident, yet what did it have to do with him?

Moreover, if he didn't say anything back then, due to Grayfia's words, he would become the sinner, so there was no need for him to give mercy.

Still, this was far from the end, as he still needed to handle the conclusions of the three factions' meeting.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 194 Kuoh Treaty | akikan40

Still, if there was one who was unable to believe the situation as much as Grayfia and Issei, it would be Serafall.

The friendship between Serafall and Sirzech had gone so long, and they had known each other before they even became the Four Great Maous, so she was unable to believe that the strongest devil that had even been born and bore the name of Lucifer from the Four Great Maous had passed away like this.

Was this meeting wrong?

When Serafall thought about her conversation with Riser at that time in his villa, she wondered whether the peace they sought was wrong. After all, if this meeting wasn't there, would Sirzech have died?

Moreover, if she had been a little faster before, she should have been able to save Sirzech, yet everything was too late now.

"Are you okay?"


Her eyes reddened as she saw him. When he wasn't around, she had to be strong as she needed to protect everyone, but when he appeared, there was no need for her to pretend as she could rely on him.

"It's okay. Just leave everything to me."

As she felt his gentle caress, she couldn't help but fall into it.


Watching her older sister hug her husband, Sona didn't say anything since she knew Serafall's mood was far from calm.

Yet, Serafall was Maou Leviathan; it was impossible for her to stay weak all the time, especially when the meeting was far from over. Still, when Riser was there, she was like his support.

"Are you Michael, one of the Seraphs?"

"Yes, you are Riser Phenex-kun, right? It's nice to know you, Phenex-kun."

"You can call me Riser, Michael."

"Then, Riser-kun."

Even though Michael was much older than Riser, and with Riser's position, it wouldn't be weird for him to add the "-sama" suffix to Michael to show his respect; his power was above all of them, so such a proper and polite address was unnecessary.

Moreover, due to the death of Sirzech, if Riser called Michael by a polite address, it would make the devil appear weak.

Lastly, Michael also didn't hate to call Riser in such an intimate way, as it showed that Riser didn't have hostility toward them.

"I know that it might be sudden, but what do you think to make an alliance between us."


Everyone fell into silence due to his words.

"...what do you mean, Riser-kun?"

While Michael wished for this, he was surprised as he didn't expect Riser to take the initiative.

"My meaning is clear. With the "Khaos Brigade" looming, hiding, and ready to attack us anytime, I think we need to make an alliance together so we can erase this cancer from this world, or... do you wish to face this danger by yourselves?"

"No, no. If that's what the devil wishes for, then we, from heaven, will agree with this alliance."

There was no way for Michael to let go of this opportunity as this was what he wished to do, especially when he came to make an alliance with the three factions. Moreover, even if the devils didn't agree, it didn't matter since having Riser alone as an ally was worth it.

In the end, what mattered the most was the power of an individual.

Riser had a power that was enough to crush all of them, and that made him the greatest ally. Moreover, he also had a connection with the factions of Serafall Leviathan, the Phenex House, the Sitri House, and the Great King Faction.

Riser had enough authority to represent the entire devil to propose this alliance.

With the alliance between Riser and Michael being made, the two shook their hands.

"We will work together to protect each other and erase this terrorist from this world."


"As you have become our ally, I will heal all of your subordinates."

With just a tap of his foot, the comfortable breeze could be felt by all the angels, and all of their injuries, wounds, and even stamina recovered.


At this moment, the angels were in a daze since, as holy beings, they felt like their healing magic, which was something they were proud of, was inferior to Riser, which made them lost for words. However, this also amazed them since not only his firepower but his ability to support was frightening.

However, when Riser and Michael entered a honeymoon period due to their alliance, Azazel was desperate as neither of them mentioned peace with the fallen angel.

"Hey, did you ignore us deliberately? You two are cold! We, the fallen angel, will also join this alliance!" Azazel quickly said, but when he said those words, Rias, who had been trying to calm down Grayfia, looked up at Azazel.

Not only Rias, but the others also did the same.

This stares, not only at Azazel but all the fallen angels that came with Azazel, along with the cadres that came due to the emergency call which was made by Azazel, also felt nervous.

"Sorry, I can't trust you."

The words that came out from Riser were like a drop of cold water poured into the heads of all the fallen angels, including Azazel, as they were staring at him in disbelief.

"You were the one who had invited Vai to this place, and due to your action, you made our leader, Sirzech Lucifer-sama, pass away. To be honest, I suspect that you are a member of the Khaos Brigade, and the reason why you joined this alliance is so you can spy on us. Today, it was Sirzech-sama; what about next time? Is it Michael? Me? Or someone else?"

When those words fell, the hostility between the angels and the devils was impossible to hide, and all of them were staring at all the fallen angels as if they were ready to erase them soon.

No one liked a traitor.

Even if Azazel might not be one, there was a chance that he might be one.

Nevertheless, there was no doubt Azazel was also responsible for Sirzech's death.

Similarly, Michael, who knew about the plan beforehand, also couldn't trust Azazel. Nevertheless, he felt complicated as he had trusted him so much. While he didn't think Azazel would do something like kill Sirzech, he still had suspicion as Vali was brought by Azazel. Moreover, with Azazel's reputation, Azazel definitely wasn't a good person.

Still, the one that was full of hatred was definitely Rias and Grayfia, as they were ready to use their everything to kill Azazel. They might not be able to find Vali, but they could kill Azazel.

At this moment, all the fallen angels were panicked, and they wanted to scream, asking for the help of Riser, yelling, saying that they were working under him, but when they saw his indifferent expression, they felt like their mouth was choked by something as they were unable to talk, which made them even desperate, but suddenly Azazel summoned a spear of light startled them.

The movement of Azazel made them tense, and they were ready to attack all the fallen angels, but suddenly, Azazel's action startled all of them.

Azazel cut his own left leg without hesitation as he dropped to the ground and kowtowed to the ground, ignoring the blood that tainted the earthy ground.

"We, the Grigori, have never been involved in the Khaos Brigade. I know that due to my actions, I have made the leader of the devil, Sirzech Lucifer-sama, pass away, and this sin is definitely not something that can't be forgiven, but believe me, we, the Grigori, are not involved in anything with this.

"To prove that, we will make Vali Lucifer the target of our organization, and we all will kill him without hesitation when we meet him.

"This leg is a symbol of my sincerity. If you ask me to take my life to feel my sincerity, then please wait until I kill Vali Lucifer.

"Moreover, I will step down as the governor of the Grigor, and from now on, the governor position will be taken by Baraqiel."

Those words made a reaction on Rias and Akeno.

As for the fallen angels, no one said anything, and they just quietly listened anxiously, hoping they could get out of this quagmire. Nevertheless, many cried as they saw their leader would kowtow so low as this, making them realize how weak they were.

"Lastly, I will do my best to compensate the Gremory House for this mistake. I know that you might not be able to forgive me, but let me atone for all of the sins that I have caused."

Azazel said all of that in one go as he kowtowed to Riser, but—

"I am not the one whom you should apologize to." Riser looked at Rias and asked, "Rias, what do you think?"

At this moment, Rias Gremory was the center of everything as she could feel every gaze on her. She knew that her decision would determine the life or death of the fallen angels. She then looked at Riser as he was also looking at her.

When their eyes met, she hoped to see something inside him, a feeling, an affection, yet unfortunately, she couldn't since all she could see was a callousness that made her almost cry, but she knew she couldn't appear weak as she also knew what her current situation would be.

So, she could only make this decision as she stared at Azazel with hatred.

"...I hope you can keep your promise."

"Thank you." Azazel sighed in relief.

"Rias!" Grayfia looked at Rias in disbelief.

"This is my decision Grayfia-oneesama. Don't question it."

Rias said those words in a heavy voice, clearly showing that she was holding her anger.

Grayfia grounded her teeth, feeling frustrated as she was ready to destroy everything, but while her feeling was a mess, she also understood why Rias made this decision. After all, unlike before, the Gremory House no longer had the protection of Sirzech Lucifer.

July 20XX AD—

Heaven's representative, Head Angel Michael, Governor Baraqiel of the fallen angel central organization [Grigori], and Underworld's representative Maou Serafall Leviathan, with these representatives of the three great powers, a peace treaty was signed.

Thereafter, disputes between the three great powers were prohibited in the framework of cooperation—.

This treaty adopted the name of the school, which became its stage and was called the "Kuoh Treaty."

As Riser stood next to Serafall, he thought that his peaceful life was about to begin.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 195 Funeral | akikan40

At this moment, the entire atmosphere of the Underworld became so gloomy. It was filled with thick mucus that made everyone unable to breathe due to their sadness.

Sirzech Lucifer died.

When this news was announced, the entire Underworld was shocked.

Not only the Underworld but the entire world was the same as everyone knew how strong Sirzech was.

Yet, such a powerful devil died in the hands of the real descendants of Lucifer and the holder of the White Dragon Emperor, Vali Lucifer. It was like a calm lake was suddenly dropped by a gigantic rock. At that moment, no one could calmly react to this news as no one ever thought the invincible and strongest devil, Sirzech Lucifer, would die.

Not only the Khaos Brigade but all the people with high positions could tell that the remnants of the Old Maou Faction might move due to the death of Sirzech.

Still, even with such a nightmare that befell them, Riser and Serafall could calmly face this situation, and they were able to create an alliance between the three factions.

While the thought of being in alliance with a being that was supposed to be their enemy yesterday, strangely enough, no one seemed to resist it. Instead, all of the devils seemed to be in relief as they didn't have to fight against the angel and the fallen angel due to this alliance.

Still, angels aside, they hardly believed the fallen angels, as the governor of the central organization of fallen angels, Azazel, was the one who brought Vali to the meeting.

To be honest, the reason why Vali was brought to the meeting was all due to the strategy created by the three leaders of the three factions, but that plan was as good as death and ended in failure due to the death of Sirzech as he was killed by Vali.

While Azazel did a good job of making everyone believe the fallen angels again by cutting his own leg, showing how he wasn't involved in the death of Sirzech, it was impossible to erase all the doubt about the fallen angels.

Nevertheless, as long as the fallen angels became their allies, it was possible to monitor their movement. Moreover, instead of the fallen angels, they had to focus on the Khaos Brigade, especially when Vali, who was a member of this group, was the killer of Sirzech, and the leader of this group was the Infinity Dragon, Ophis.

While no one knew what the purpose of this group was, with the death of Sirzech Lucifer, there was no doubt that this group aimed for chaos.

The first victim of this target was Sirzech Lucifer, but what about the next one?

Nevertheless, the matter of the Khaos Brigade and the rest were put aside, especially today.

Today is the funeral of Sirzech Lucifer.

Sirzech's funeral wasn't held in Lucifaad, the Capital of the Underworld and the territory governed by Sirzech when he became Lucifer. Instead, his funeral was held on the territory of the Gremory.

To be honest, many thought that Gremory wished for Sirzech to be buried on the Lucifaad. After all, even though Sirzech wasn't a real Lucifer, the fact that he was a Sirzech Lucifer didn't change.

Yet, in the end, even if Sirzech was a Lucifer, he was a Gremory.

Sirzech might have lived as a Lucifer, but he died as a Gremory.

Moreover, Sirzech's family wished for Sirzec to be buried on the Gremory's territory as it was closer so they could visit him anytime.

Hearing those words, no one said anything, and they acquitted Gremory's wish.

After all, Lucifer's position wasn't hereditary. It was something given by all by the Great King, Zekram Bael, along with all the devils, so the moment Sirzech died, there was no connection between the Gremory and the position of Lucifer.

Even Sirzech's son, Millicas Gremory, couldn't be Lucifer, even if his father was one.

Nevertheless, with the fall of Sirzech, there was no doubt the Gremory would go downhill. It was impossible for them to enjoy the previous privilege they received when Sirzech was living. However, as one of the 72 Pillars, their position was still above the majority, and with the friendships that Sirzech had with Serafall Leviathan, Ajuka Beelzebub, and Falbium Asmodeus, it was impossible for the three to watch the Gremory House be taken advantage of some greedy pigs.

Especially Serafall, as she thought that she was partly to blame as she couldn't stop Vali from killing Sirzech.

Yet, in the hearts of everyone, no one blamed Serafall as they thought that it was Sirzech who got what he deserved.

Everyone knew that Sirzech had saved Vali from Riser previously. When Riser wished to kill Vali, Sirzech stepped in, saving Vali from Riser, yet Vali was an ungrateful bastard who stabbed Sirzech even if Sirzech had saved Vali.

Even if Vali was the descendant of Lucifer and the White Dragon Emperor, there was no doubt he was the number one criminal in the eyes of the devils.

Nevertheless, what surprised Riser was that Serafall wasn't the one who helped the Gremory House the most, as Ajuka Beelzebub was probably the one with the most intense reaction, as if his whole world had been destroyed.

While Riser had doubts, he felt the friendship between Ajuka and Sirzech was far from normal. He felt like Ajuka had a certain feeling toward Sirzech, but unfortunately, Sirzech's feeling was for Grayfia, so Ajuka could only bury his feelings.

Still, those things had nothing to do with him as he was on his way to the capital of the Gremory territory to attend Sirzech's funeral with his wife and all of his family and peerage members.

Their relationship might be quite frigid due to Riser's conflict with Sirzech, but that conflict disappeared as Sirzech passed away, so all of them went to attend Sirzech's funeral. After all, they weren't narrow-minded enough to ignore this funeral.

Nevertheless, no matter who they were, as long as they were from the upper echelons of the devils, whether they were from the Four Great Maou faction or the Great King faction, all of them attended this funeral.

At this moment, neither of them were enemies, competitors, or rivals.

Right now, they are all the same.

Those words might seem strange, but even if their position was different, the fact their current glory was received due to the defeat of the Old Maou Faction didn't change.

All of them were enemies of the Old Maou Faction, and the death of Sirzech Lucifer by Vali Lucifer, the real descendant of Lucifer, might create a coup d'etat which was led by the Old Maou Faction that had been hiding among them, ready to open their fangs whenever they were given a chance.

The death of Sirzech Lucifer was no doubt a chance for them to launch their attack. Nevertheless, this group wasn't stupid, as even if Sirzech died, there was still Ajuka, Serafall, and Falbium. Lastly, there was even the supernova, Riser Phenex.

Even if they wished to overthrow the current government, they needed to be patient and build their power.

This was what made the current government, whether they were from the Four Great Maou faction or the Great King faction, extremely anxious, especially when they lost Sirzech.

All of them were someone who had survived the Devil Civil War, so they knew how powerful Sirzech was.

It was also due to this that when Riser arrived, he happened to meet Zekram Bael. Yet he knew that Zekram had been waiting for him.

"It's a coincidence for us to meet each other, Riser-kun."


Riser also greeted Zekram politely and understood what Zekram wished to do.

"How about we go together?"

With the invitation from Zekram, no one rejected him as he was the ancestor of the Bael House.

"When this funeral ends, can you visit my place?" Zekram whispered to Riser in a low voice.

"I will."

The two then continued to talk as they arrived at the venue where Sirzech's funeral would be held.

Yet, as Riser walked into the venue, strangely enough, the weather was sunny. While everyone was grateful for the good weather, there was no doubt this weather wasn't suitable for the depressive and sad mood that permeated through the hearts of everyone except for one person.

Still, no one knew this person, and no one would think that it was him.

Nevertheless, with a solemn attitude, Riser entered the venue as he held his wife's hand together with their families and Zekram Bael. Strangely enough, when they entered, the light seemed to shine behind them, and the Gremory house and everyone who was associated with them seemed to be swallowed by the darkness.

Yet, a single figure seemed to be an exception.

Riser looked at the figure that stopped his steps.

"Riser-kun, can we talk?"

"Ajuka-sama?" Sona was startled.

Nevertheless, Riser knew he needed to face this person sooner or later.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 196 You don't need to worry; I will take care of them | akikan40

While it wasn't their first meeting, there was no doubt their first meeting was far from good, especially when this man tried to stop him previously, so it was impossible for Riser to have a good impression of Ajuka.

Nevertheless, Riser wasn't surprised by how Ajuka had approached him since he knew the friendship between Ajuka and Sirzech was above normal value.

However, depending on how Ajuka was going to treat him, Riser would need to prepare how he was going to treat Ajuka from now on.

Even if others might be hesitant, Riser didn't mind erasing one of the Maous once again.


Ajuka suddenly stopped the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

Why did he come to Riser?

When he thought all of this, Ajuka felt bitter as he knew that he had a prejudice toward Riser. Due to his close relationship with Sirzech, it was impossible for him to have a good impression of Riser. His eyes were biased toward Riser, so even though he knew that Riser had nothing to do with the death of Sirzerh, he couldn't help but think that Riser must be related to a certain extent, or... Riser might be the one who controlled everything behind the dark.

Yet, the truth?

Ajuka only wanted to put the blame on Riser as his dear friend had passed away.

Unlike the other Maous, due to their close relationship, Sirzech shared all of his plans with Ajuka as he also needed input on how to create peace between the three factions.

Ajuka knew everything.

Their plan was perfect, yet they missed a certain element of their plan as they forgot that reality was different.

Moreover, Riser was innocent, especially when he stayed in the Underworld during the meeting. While he didn't reject the peace, he didn't reject it, but he didn't come to the meeting due to his hostile relationship with Sirzech.

Lastly, Ajuka knew how soft Riser was toward Serafall. Even if Riser wished to kill Sirzech that day, he decided to endure it due to Serafall.

What if his doubt toward Riser was something that they wished for?

Ajuka realized how unreasonable his thought was.

Yet how could a mere Vali Lucifer defeat Sirzech Lucifer?

This was a fact that Ajuka couldn't accept.

Nevertheless, when Ajuka decided to confront Riser, the one that excited the most was the politicians and those who were affiliated with Sirzech Lucifer previously. They hoped a conflict would happen between them so that Riser wouldn't focus himself on them.

Their thoughts were contradictory.

Even though they wished for the devil to be together so they could face this fierce tsunami together, they still wished for a conflict to happen among them so their position wouldn't be affected.

Yet, the moment Sirzech died, they lost their position, and it was impossible for the Gremory House to keep all of Sirzech Lucifer's heritage.


It was because they were too weak.

To be honest, Ajuka wasn't the first person who thought that Riser might have any involvement in this matter, especially due to their previous confrontation when Sirzech was still alive. Yet, they knew it was all due to their prejudice. It was all due to all the bias they had toward Riser that made them come to such a conclusion. In reality, Riser was the one who was the most unlikely to do this, especially when he had an alibi.

Moreover, the killer of Sirzech was clear, and it was Vali Lucifer.

Yet, how could they accept Vali Lucifer, who was beaten by Riser like a bereaved dog, was the one who killed Vali?

Nevertheless, the reality was like this.

Under a sneak attack by Vali, Sirzech died.

That's the end of the story.

Moreover, the one who thought so was only those who were close to Sirzech and loved him so much that they were still unable to believe that Sirzech had really died.

As for the others?

They had to move on, and they also needed to strengthen themselves, especially when the world was facing a crisis known as the "Khaos Brigade."

Moreover, there was also the Old Maou Faction and Vali Lucifer.

There were so many problems that all of them needed to face.

Like how when God had passed away, even if Sirzech had passed away, the world would go on.

The problems, opportunities, and their lives would never stop just because of Sirzech's death.

"Sorry for stopping you, and thank you for coming."

Ajuka quickly changed his attitude and greeted Riser politely, showing how grateful he was for Riser's willingness to come to this funeral.

Sirzech had died, and due to this, the Gremory House would be weakened dramatically.

Ajuka didn't want to cause a meaningless conflict between Riser and the Gremory House due to his harsh attitude.

Nevertheless, when Ajuka was conflicted about how to treat him, Riser had been observing the expression of his surroundings and remembered all of their faces while, at the same time, he also had determined how he was going to treat Ajuka and the others from now on.

"This is something natural to do. There is no need to thank me."

Hearing those words, Ajuka wished to open his mouth and was about to say a sarcastic remark from Riser's polite words, considering the hostile relationship between Riser and Sirzech was still vivid, but he stopped when Lord Gremory came.

"Riser-kun, thank you for coming."

"No, it's not a problem, Lord Gremory."

Ajuka looked at how close they appeared to be, and in the end, he decided to step back since he knew even if Riser didn't have an involvement with the death of Sirzech Lucifer, he just couldn't help but have a prejudice toward Riser.

Ajuka knew that this thought was dangerous since it was probably something that the enemy wished for.

"Excuse me. I need to take a fresh air to calm myself."

No one stopped Ajuka, but at the same time, many also sighed in relief as Ajuka didn't make the situation worse.

Gremory House no longer wished to have a hostile relationship with Riser.

To be honest, if possible, Lord Gremory wished to marry Rias to Riser directly. After all, the aftermath of Sirzech's death was hard to handle. While Sirzech had made many allies, Sirzech also had many enemies.

With the death of Sirzech, it gave them a chance to open their fangs.

Nevertheless, Lord Gremory still knew the time and occasion. Moreover, this was his son's funeral, and it was impossible for him to say something so vulgar.

"Thank you for saving Rias and Grayfia at that time, Riser-kun."

Venelana Gremory, the wife of Lord Gremory, also thanked Riser during the attack.

"No, you don't need to thank me since this is what I should do, but I have to say sorry since if I came earlier... then this wouldn't happen."

"No, don't blame yourself. This wasn't your fault." Venelana bit her lower lip as she endured tears.

It was impossible for all the members of the Gremory not to feel sad, especially Sirzech's parents and all of his close families.

Nevertheless, no one among them blamed Riser as they thought that it was Sirzech's fault, especially when Sirzech had saved an ungrateful bitch.

If Sirzech had let Riser kill Vali back then, would this have happened?

They couldn't help but imagine such a conclusion, but everything was too late.

Sirzech had died, and that was the reality before them.

Still, one thing they were grateful for was that Riser, who was previously the enemy of Sirzech, didn't hold them to account and didn't seem to show hostility, which made them sigh in relief.

Nevertheless, there was no doubt everyone present knew that from now on, Riser Phenex was going to stand even higher, and those who didn't follow him when he was young could only sigh in regret, but it wasn't too late, right?

However, Riser ignored all of them since it was time for the funeral to start.

Yet, as the funeral started, Riser's eyes couldn't help but wander to the front area where the main family of the Gremory House was present and managed the funeral carefully. Even if they tried their best to hide their sadness, it was impossible for them to do so as their bodies appeared so weak that they could crumble anytime as they were unable to believe the reality before them.

Yet, even with this gloomy atmosphere, the women in the Gremory House were so beautiful.

Watching them filled with sadness as they forced themselves to stand straight, Riser sighed and thought that he should take care of them.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 197 Fate | akikan40

There was no doubt the women in the Gremory House were beautiful, especially when Riser saw how young an ancestor of Gremory House and Rias' grandma were. Moreover, they didn't seem to appear like grandmas. Instead, they were like women in their early 20s.

When Riser saw Rias, Grayfia, Venelana, Chysis Gremory (Rias' grandma), and Runeas Gremory gathered together, they stood side by side as they watched over Sirzech's dead body was about to be buried on the ground. He could see the sadness that radiated from their body posture, seemingly weak due to the death of their relative, yet as he saw their weak figures, he could see the exception among them.

Unlike the rest, Rias stood straight, facing this storm bravely and courageously, enduring everything.

Still, his eyes became thoughtful as they saw all of them, but nevertheless, his eyes couldn't help but dart to the corner where he could see a few familiar creatures that gathered together.

Apart from Ajuka, Riser knew the one who couldn't accept the death of Riser was definitely Sirzech's peerage members. While some of them might have been present during the meeting of the three factions, no one could help much when their master died, which made them blame themselves.

Moreover, the blame they received was enormous as they were Sirzech's servants, yet why were they alive?

Why did their master die, yet they lived well?

Even if all of them were staring at the funeral, Riser could feel their gazes on him occasionally, clearly unable to let go of their prejudice toward him.

Yet, did he care about them? No way.

They were too weak for him to care about them.

Nevertheless, Riser felt the gaze of his wife on him was quite strange.

'What's wrong?'

He talked to her with telepathy as she had been glancing at him and Rias occasionally.

'Husband, how about you talk with Rias?'

Sona also didn't feel surprised by his telepathy magic and talked with him calmly.


Riser was speechless. 'What do you mean? Do you want her to seduce me or something?'

Sona should be clear about what Rias felt toward him.

While Riser wasn't sure whether Rias' feeling was an obsession, love, or revenge, there was no doubt that she would leap into him like a hungry leopard who hadn't eaten for several days.


Sona fell silent as she thought of his words. She was clear about what Rias was going to do if she left her alone with her husband, but when she thought about Rias' current situation... she couldn't help but feel pitiful.

As Riser looked at his wife, he thought that his wife was too kind, and this was why her life in the original story wasn't good.

Not only did she lose her older sister, but her father also got a "Sleeping Disease," leaving her alone with her mother as she took over the position of the head of the Sitri House at a young age, but Rias didn't care much about her.

To be honest, even among her generation, Sona was the only one who thought about the low-level devils, such as Rias, Sairaorg, Seekvaria, and the others who were of the same generation as they never paid much attention to the low-class devils.

The life of the devils was like this.

Even the Old Maou faction, who was about to rise to the death of Sirzech Lucifer, had never proclaimed that they were going to treat the low-level devils equally.

Sometimes, Riser felt that his wife was born in the wrong race. Instead of the devil, he felt she should be an angel. However, he also knew that she was young, and she had many ideals about how the world would be in her mind. Yet, she was too soft, and this softness was a mistake, especially when this softness might bring many misfortunes to her.

If Riser was as kind as Sona, he felt that he might die now.

So, it was impossible for him to be kind.

Still, as her husband, he thought that it might be good to teach her the cruelty of the world.

Facing her hesitation, Riser asked, 'Do you really want me to meet her?'

Being asked this question, Sona, who had been hesitating, couldn't help but watch Rias, who stood straight, forcing herself to be strong. Even if Rias' back was straight, it might break anytime, facing this storm. Her heart was shaken, and in the end, she nodded.

'Um... can you try to cheer her on?'

Riser stared at his wife blankly, wondering whether she forced him to cheat on her, but then again, maybe she, who had acquitted his relationship with many women, knew that as long as she was his wife, she didn't mind him having a relationship with others.


Somehow, Riser felt complex at that moment, but he agreed as he wanted to see how Sona would react when he met Rias when the funeral ended.


"I am going to the toilet for a bit."


When the funeral ended, Riser went to visit the toilet to clear up his bladder. During this moment, he could meet Akeno, but he didn't do so as he knew this wasn't the time for him to do so.

The funeral had ended, and his problem should be cleared up, right?

As he saw his reflection in the mirror after he wiped his face with water, he knew that there was something that he needed to do first, and that was to clear up all the traces of him.

Sirzech's death had nothing to do with him.

Others believed so, and Riser also needed to believe so, but there was a single person who knew about his involvement in this matter.

'No, it should be two.'

Riser didn't forget about the being that was kept inside the body of that person.

'By then, everything will be clear.'

Still, after what, what should he do?

Riser felt that he had grown quite strong, and he knew that it was also almost impossible to kill him.

No, it was impossible to kill him anymore.

With "Ruler," the power that allowed him to "reverse" all the magical attacks and power effects used against him, all the attacks were meaningless. While healing and all the support given by the others would damage him, the "Crisis" would make him grow stronger.

Along with the body of Phoenix, was there even a being that could kill him? No way.

Nevertheless, Riser felt that he might use the chaos that was caused by the "Khaos Brigade."

'Should I get more Sacred Gear?'

The stronger he was, the better it was.

Having more Sacred Gear was definitely useful.

Nevertheless, he felt a little helpless as he thought that he couldn't get his hands on Sirzech's body as he knew the Sacred Gear created by Sirzech would definitely be strong.

With that thought, he dried the water on his face with his fire manipulation and left the toilet, but when he was about to return to his wife, he met an unexpected person.

Did fate draw them together?

Riser thought so as when he was about to return to his path, he met Rias.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 198 Warmer than sun | akikan40

As Riser saw her, Rias also saw him.

The two were naturally surprised as they saw each other.

Nevertheless, Rias didn't know a word that she should have said at that moment. If it was before, she might have jumped into him and kissed him, doing something filthy and obscene, yet many things happened in her life that forced her to change.

If it was before, Rias might have dreamed of having a love that often appeared in the storybook, but with the blow caused by the death of her older brother, she knew that she didn't have a leeway, especially when many individuals and groups jumped out to take what belonged to her older brother.

While Serafall, Ajuka, and Falbuim could give the Gremory House protection, Rias knew that it was better to let go of a certain heritage left by her older brother as she knew her family didn't have the power to protect them.

Instead of being caught in such a troublesome problem, what Rias needed the most was time to grow stronger, as she didn't want to feel this helpless feeling again.

Watching the death of her older brother...

Watch how her older brother's killer was left with ease...

Watch how others robbed all the heritage collected by her older brother...

Rias didn't want to experience all of that, and that was why she needed to become strong, yet as expected, what she did was just force herself. After all, she didn't want everyone to see the Gremory House as weak after the loss of Sirzech Lucifer.

While the rest was drowned in sadness, Rias stood straight like a pine, facing all the cold rain that poured down upon her.

Yet, as expected, it was impossible for her to stay strong all the time.

When a certain trigger appeared, the weakness that she had been hiding was gushing out.

Rias stared at the man in front of her.

Many things happened between them as their relationship started rocky, especially after they got engaged to each other.

Yet, Riser changed.

This change surprised her and, at the same time, made him attainable, especially after he married her best friend.

By then, Rias realized how luxurious the chance given by fate was.

At that time, he was just at the tip of her fingertip, but now, he was unreachable.

If possible, Rias wanted to blame the others, especially Sona, who had stolen her fiance, but she knew she couldn't since everything was her fault to begin with.

When one loses something, they gain something.

Rias gained maturity from the loss of her older brother.

"Are you okay, Rias?" Riser asked.

His voice was warm and soothing, giving her the urge to lean and cry on his chest, yet she knew she didn't have a right.

Maintaining her gentle and composed smile, Rias said, "I am okay. Thank you for asking, Riser."

At that moment, she couldn't be weak, and she needed to be strong, so she pretended in front of him.

Nevertheless, Rias thought that Riser would give her the cold shoulder, yet unexpectedly, he gave her some advice.

"Be strong. You are the heiress of the Gremory House, and the future of the Gremory House is on your shoulders, so you can't show a weakness. Also, while I know that you hate Azazel and that you wish to kill him, bear with it and use him. Use his everything to grow stronger, so that way, you can have your revenge."


Rias stared at Riser in disbelief as much advice told her to give up; Riser told him to take revenge as if he believed in her.

"Thank you. I will do my best."

Her tears streamed down her cheeks as she said those words.

"Wipe your tears with this."

Riser took out his handkerchief and gave it to Rias, but she didn't accept it.


She put his hand on his palm as she stared at him before she kissed his lips.

Riser didn't push her away and accepted her kiss.

Unlike all their previous kisses where either he or she did it one-sidedly, this time, the two were cooperating in harmony.

As she kept crying, she hugged him tightly, enjoying the warmth that she longed for.

He was warm.

He was warmer than the sun.

His existence was like a gentle breeze that gently stroked her cheeks and tapped her back to prevent her from giving up.

She wished this kiss to last forever, yet her breathing betrayed her.

As she took a mouthful of air to breathe, she looked at him and asked, "You didn't push me away?"

"Today is an exception."


"What's with that stare?"


"I am your best friend's husband."

"But you didn't push me~." Rias stuck out her tongue, feeling a fuzzy and fluffy feeling in her heart.

Riser looked helpless as he tapped her nose.

"Don't get ahead of yourselves, Rias. I will leave. Right now, you can only rely on yourselves. Don't give up."

"You don't need to worry. I won't give up."

Rias showed a cheeky smile and a determined expression.

What did her words mean?

Did she mean that she wouldn't give up to protect her family?

Or was it something else?

Yet, Riser didn't bother to ask that question as he left her, walking to the corner as he saw someone was hiding.


"Ah, um, did you just return from the toilet? I have also just returned from the toilet."

Watching her clumsy lie, Riser wasn't sure what to say at this moment since he knew that Sona had been watching them from the beginning.

"Are you okay now?"


"Then, how about we go back now?"


Sona looked at her husband with a complicated gaze as she watched everything.

While Riser didn't do anything, he didn't push Rias away.

To be honest, Sona knew that she had a chance to stop Rias from doing that kind of thing, but she didn't do so and just watched them from a distance, doing nothing. At that time, her heart was beating so fast, and her chest was so stuffy that she couldn't breathe, yet strangely enough, she couldn't look away.

What was this feeling?

"What's wrong?"

Sona looked at her husband, who seemed nonchalant and did nothing special.

If she didn't see what had happened previously, she couldn't tell what he did.

"Husband, you won't leave me, right?"

She hugged his arm tightly as she asked that question.

"What are you saying all of a sudden?" Riser felt weird, but when he saw her expression, he knew she needed to answer seriously. "Did you forget the vow that I made that day?" He kissed her forehead gently, then said, "I am going to be your husband until death parts us."

"Then, I will be your wife until death parts us."

Yes, that was enough.

Sona felt satisfied, and that was why...

"If it's her, I don't mind."

"What did you say?"



Riser looked at his wife and wondered whether his wife had awoken a certain fetish.

Yet, such a thing was meaningless to think about, especially when he had a harem.

Nevertheless, as Sirzech had his funeral, a group composed of two races gathered together for a secret meeting about the weirdness that happened to their acquaintance.

"Lavinia, what do you think?"

Azazel asked that question to the beautiful magician in front of him.

Hearing that question, everyone's eyes gathered on this beautiful magician as she recounted her previous conversation with Vali, yet at this moment, what they didn't know while they were aiming for him, he also aimed at them, targeting them from the darkness where no one realized.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 199 Slash Dog | akikan40

Slash Dog Team.

It is a special team, an agent of the Grigori and one of their top fighters.

Similar to the name, the leader of this group is led by the holder of one of the Longinus, Canis Lykaon, an independent avatar-type Sacred Gear with the shape of a black dog.

To be honest, with many supernatural problems in this world, this team was extremely busy, and their chances of meeting were quite rare, especially when they had grown up.

Three years had passed since this team was born, but nevertheless, everyone was still the same, and their relationship was as great as ever. It was also through this great relationship that they all gathered to discuss the anomaly that happened to Vali Lucifer.

Unlike Issei, who spent his time on porn, Vali had spent his days fighting together with the Slash Dog Team, even during his elementary school days. It was also for this reason that they were unable to accept the fact that Vali had killed Sirzech Lucifer.

Vali might have been killed, but those who had been killed were those who were dammed.

But Sirzech?

They knew that Vali wouldn't do something like that, especially when they knew how kind-hearted he was.

Yet, the fact was in front of their eyes.

Vali had killed Sirzech, and it was impossible to change this fact.

To be honest, many things happened on the Grigori.

Not only about Vali but there was also the invasion of Riser Phenex.

When they heard Riser Phenex had invaded the Grigori alone and defeated everyone, they were unable to say a single word and just stayed in a daze. However, they also felt frustrated as they were unable to do anything. When they came to Grigori's headquarters in the Underworld, they could still see the remnants of Riser's attack, damage caused by his attack, which was capable of burning anything into ashes. Moreover, the terror and trauma of everyone that day were still vivid in their eyes.

Watching all of that, the leader of this team, Tobio Ikuse, was frustrated as he was unable to do anything again like how he was three years ago. Even if he had gained power, he was unable to protect everything that he thought was precious.

However, Azazel and the others told them to be quiet and keep hidden since if Riser knew their existence, they would be troubled.

While many were dissatisfied as they had grown stronger in the past few years and had gained a lot of experience, feeling that they wouldn't lose, unlike the time when they were still in high school, they weren't as rash as before, and even if they hated it, except for Tobio, the holder of Canis Lykaon, and Lavinia Reni, the holder of Absolute Demise, the majority of them might not even able to put a single wound on Riser.

Nevertheless, the matter of Riser aside, they needed to put their attention to Vali.

"There is no way for Va-kun to do that, right?"

"Yeah, that guy isn't someone like that!"

Natsume Minagawa, a beautiful young woman with brown hair tied to her back and the holder of the independent avatar Sacred Gear that takes the form of a hawk, which carries the spirit of Qiongki, the Fiend of Deviousness, wouldn't believe in such nonsense!

It was the same with Kouki Samejima, a delinquent man who possessed an independent avatar, Sacred Gear, that takes the form of a white cat, which carries the spirit of Taowu, the Fiend of Ignorance, who reacted similarly.

The two had a close relationship with Vali, and it was impossible to believe Vali's atrocity.

While Vali might be a bit prideful, he was also quite stupid, so they couldn't imagine how Vai would do something like that.

"E-Everyone, please calm down..."

Shigune Nanadaru, a young woman with European facial features who possessed an independent avatar Sacred Gear, which carried the spirit of Taotie, the Fiend of Gluttony, tried to calm everyone down, but it was meaningless as it was impossible for them to calm down in this situation.

"Moreover, Governor Azazel, are you okay?"

Nanadaru looked at Azazel, whose arm and leg had been changed to mechanical, and felt extremely sad and dreaded, as she thought the situation of the Grigori was simply horrible. She knew that the scale of the problem they encountered was probably in the scope that might determine the future of everyone.

In the worst case, everyone might die.

Nevertheless, everyone felt conflicted and hated themselves as they weren't able to do anything when Grigori was in crisis.

"Haha... don't show me that kind of face. I am okay. I am still living well, right? My mechanical arm and leg suit me better. Look! I have become more powerful!"

Azazel showed a variety of weapons and tricks, which could be done with his mechanical arm and leg to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Azazel, just what should we do now?"

Tobio asked with a pained expression. While he wanted to beat up or even slash down the person who had caused this misfortune around him, he knew this matter was extremely complicated, especially when he might destroy the peace between the three alliances.

"You have grown up, Tobio." Azazel smiled when he saw the growth of Tobio. "First, you should never provoke Riser Phenex. If you provoke him, then even I can't do anything except give up your life."


Everyone fell into silence as they heard Azazel's words, which lacked the light and joking tone that he always used. This time, his tone was solemn, telling them the heavy consequences that came from provoking him.

"It also includes you, Reni." Azazel looked at the beautiful, buxom young woman with long, flowing blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes.

Lavinia Reni.

The holder of the Longinus, Absolute Demise, and the ace of a magician from the organization Grauzauberer, the Magician led by Mephisto Pheles. She was also a magician who was recommended by Mephisto to Riser as his contracted magician.

"...I know."

Nevertheless, her eyes were filled with hatred, especially when she thought of the man who had cut Vali's arm.

"So, how was it? Did he accept a contract with you?" Azazel suddenly asked.

Everyone in this place knew that Mephisto had recommended Reni to Riser, and she agreed to this as she wanted to monitor Riser, but—

"He rejected me." Reni was helpless. "Even though many will beg me to become their contracted magicians..." Instead of begging others, many begged her to become their contracted magicians, which made her self-esteem a hit.

"It's normal. You can't use common sense on him. I might not be surprised if, in the future, he might make a contract with a no-name magician." Azazel sighed and felt a bit disappointed, but then his expression turned solemn once again as he asked the truth of the news said by Reni. "More importantly, were you sure with what you said before?"

"Yes." This time, Reni's expression was filled with anger and hatred as she recalled her conversation with Vali that day. She could still remember the helplessness, sadness, and desperation when Vali asked her help that day.

Everyone's mood was also affected as they were unable to hold their anger.

The reason why Vali killed Sirzech was clear, and it was due to his family being taken hostage.

Azazel was also filled with rage and felt helpless as he was unable to be on the side of Vali when Vali needed someone's help the most.

Why didn't he realize it that day?

However, everything was too late.

Vali had become a criminal, and no matter how Azazel wished to save Vali, the killer of Sirzech was Vali.

This fact wouldn't change no matter how Azazel did.

"Why?! Why?!"

"That coward! I will kill that bastard!"

"So, do you know who did it, Reni?"

"No. I don't know." Reni shook her head. "To be honest, his mother and stepsiblings are okay. I don't see a trace of curse, magic, or any of them, so this culprit has the confidence to take their lives even without all of those methods." When she recounted everything, she sighed helplessly. "I want to ask Vali, but it was as if he had disappeared."

After that day, Vali disappeared from them, and this was what made them helpless.

Yet, they knew Vali just didn't wish to involve them with his problem, and this was why they wished to beat this guy up since Vali didn't trust them.

Nevertheless, the one that they wished to beat up the most was the culprit who had caused everything.

But who was this person?

The identity of this person was still a blur, and more importantly, how did this person find out about the information about Vali's family?

"Do you think there is a traitor among Grigori?" Azazel suddenly asked, causing everyone to fall into silence. "You don't need to feel awkward since it isn't like a traitor is something uncommon in the Grigori."

"..." Everyone.

"Azazel, do you think that it is related to Riser Phenex?" Tobio asked with gloom.

"No." Azazel shook his head. "In his case, he might as well fight Sirzech and Vali directly." However, deep inside, he had a suspicion toward Riser, but there was no proof, or whatever, that could connect everything that was done by Vali was related to Riser. Also, how did Riser know about Vali's family? After all, the only one who knew about Vali's family was so limited. Even among Grigori, he was the only one who knew about it.

Or was it due to another group who wished to think everything was related to Riser?

Yet, Azazel knew that if he didn't say so, everyone in this place might have their suspicion toward Riser and might do something rash, which was why he needed to stop them. They might be powerful, but compared to Riser, they were just weaklings, so he didn't want them to die meaninglessly.

Nevertheless, Azazel sighed and felt helpless since he could do nothing, facing all the predicaments that were faced by many that he cared about.

"I know that you are still dissatisfied, but we should be focused on the Khaos Brigade."

Even though they still had many dissatisfactions, they knew the matter of the Khaos Brigade was much bigger compared to the matter of Vali.

However, there was no doubt everyone's suspicion was aimed at a single person, and at the same time, Riser also went to Zekram Bael to have a certain talk with the ancestor of the Bael House.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 200 I Refuse! | akikan40

"Zekram-sama, what are we doing here?"

Riser thought that Zekram would have a conversation with him, and then everything was over. Frankly, with the peace that he had just gained, he wanted to enjoy it more instead of involving himself in the troublesome matter.

Whether it was the Khaos Brigade, Vali, or other matters, Riser didn't care at all since all he wished was just to have a peaceful life.

This was also the reason why sometimes he had the urge to modify Zekram's memory so Zekram would be a loyal servant to him.

Yet, why didn't he do so?

It was because the ability of Memo Memo no Mi wasn't perfect.

The ability to manipulate memory was amazing, but there were a few weaknesses to it, and it was impossible for it to be perfect unless he erased all of those weaknesses. However, he didn't have that confidence. After all, he had just gained this ability, and even if his proficiency in this ability was quite good, he didn't think that he had fully mastered this ability, so he decided to endure this urge.

Yet, his urge aside, when he thought they would have a serious conversation, Zekram brought him to the apple orchid as he started to take care of the apple tree.

While Riser was helpless, he just watched him quietly, wondering why, when people had reached old age, they loved to farm. Well, it wasn't like he couldn't understand Zekram, as he often stayed on his farm.

Unlike Riser, who was leaning lazily on one of the apple trees, Zekram plucked the removed young fruits by hand among the cluster, leaving only the biggest single young fruit on the previous cluster.

"Do you know why I have done this?" Zekram asked.

"It's a common technique, so you can make a good apple."

After all, if there were too many young fruits, the shape of the apples would be imperfect, and in order for young fruit to get all the nutrients, Zekram plucked out the rest. To be honest, it was cruel, and it might seem like an abortion on the world of plants, but since there was no life matter on the plants, no one said anything.

"...it surprises me you know about it." Zekram was speechless as he had lost his momentum, but then he remembered that Riser seemed to have a hobby in agriculture. However, his reason for calling Riser wasn't for agriculture. "Riser-kun, how strong is Vali Lucifer? Do you think it is?"

"Vali?" Riser thought for a moment and said, "For now, he should be at least better than Onee-chan and Falbium-sama. However, he still has a long way to go to reach the level of Sirzech-sama or Ajuka-sama. Still, Zekram-sama, instead of asking me, isn't it better to ask Onee-chan, Grayfia, or the others as they are more familiar."

Like what Riser had said, to be honest, Zekram knew how Sirzech was killed by Vali from Serafall. He also knew that everything started from Sirzech's dubious plan, which was talked about by Serafall before.

To be honest, Sirzech didn't tell anyone about his plan to use Vali to promote the Oppai Dragon, so no one was clear what Sirzech planned to do, but there was no doubt that his plan ended with a failure, especially when Sirzech was killed by Vali.

Nevertheless, the peace that Sirzech had sought had been accomplished, but frankly, the shape of this peace might be different from what they wished for.

In the original story, the relationship between the three factions was amiable to each other, but now, it is quite different as one of the factions is still unable to get rid of their suspicion due to their connection to Vali.

Still, even now, Zekram was unable to get rid of the uneasiness when he thought that Sirzech was killed. Even if he knew that Sirzech was killed due to a sneak attack, there was no doubt Vali could kill Sirzech.

Sirzech was one of the strongest devils and was also the reason why the stability of the devil's society could be maintained.

While there was still Ajuka, Sirzech wanted to have a stable development for everyone, so he decided to bet on the young man in front of him.

"Do you have the confidence to defeat him again?" Zekram asked.

"Are you seriously asking me that, Zekram-sama?" Riser was speechless. "I am a Phenex. Can I die?"


Zekram felt it was stupid to ask this question, but he knew the difference between Sirzech and Riser was immortality.

There was no doubt Sirzech was powerful, especially when he inherited the power of destruction from his mother, who came from the Bael House, but even so, it didn't mean he couldn't be killed.

However, Riser was fundamentally different from the Phenex House, so it was impossible for him to be killed.

While Zekram felt relieved, he thought for a moment and threw something at Riser.

"Accept this."


Riser caught the thing thrown by Zekram subconsciously and opened his palm. It was a king piece on chess, and there was no doubt it was something that was born from the Evil Piece. However, there was no King Piece on the Evil Pieces, so the existence of the King Piece surprised him, and he quickly used his "Researcher" to analyze this thing.

"What is this, Zekram-sama?"

"As you can tell, this is a King Piece from the Evil Piece."

Zekram started to tell the origin of the Evil Piece.

King Pieces are rare Evil Pieces created in the early days of the Rating Games' existence. Originally created by Ajuka Beelzebub, they were judged too dangerous due to the potential for rogue devils to abuse them, with their production stopped early on.

However, a total of 12 King Pieces were created, and one of them was held by the Great King Faction.

"The characteristic of the King Piece is power enhancement, as it can strengthen the user by several folds. The strengthening effect is possible on a magnitude of 10 or 100, as it can elevate a high-class devil into power that is comparable to ultimate-class and even strengthens some users to Satan's class powers."

"Hmm..." Riser nodded, then asked, "So many players on the Top 10 Rating Game players are using this?"

"That's right." Zekram didn't hide anything as he had trusted Riser.

"Even Diehauser?" Riser asked.

"No, that one is different. However, the 2nd to 5th position uses the King Piece."

"I see." Riser was surprised since a King Piece existed, but at the same time, he didn't feel surprised at all as it was common for cheating to happen in the sport. Nevertheless, he didn't have much interest in the Rating Game to begin with. If Sirzech hadn't stopped his promotion to the Ultimate-Class Devil previously, would he care about the Rating Game to begin with?

Moreover, if his Peeraga members and Ravel didn't have an interest in the Rating Game, Riser wouldn't think to participate since he didn't like to be seen as an animal in the zoo.

Well, instead of an animal, he should be called an idol as he was worshipped by many people.

"What do you think?"

"What do I think? I think that this King Piece is meaningless to me." Even if this King Piece could strengthen the high-class devil into an ultimate-class devil or even the Satan-class devil, it was meaningless to him, who was already as strong as the original Lucifer.

Hearing his words, Zekram was speechless, but he also understood for the strong, this King Piece was meaningless.

Riser threw back the King Piece to Zekram after he analyzed it while thinking that it was possible for him to create it for his Peerage members.

"So what do you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't think that the Rating Game is unfair due to the existence of the King Piece?" Zekram asked curiously.

"Not really. In the end, the King Piece is just a tool. I know that my wife wishes to make a Rating Game school for the low-class devil, but the reality is like this.  The world is an unfair place, after all.

"But what's your purpose in showing me this? Since the King Piece's existence is being kept as a secret, you must not wish for the others to know its existence, right?"

Did this guy plan to tie him to his ship?

Zekram smiled and said, "Then, I will be straight. Do you wish to become a Lucifer, Riser-kun?"

"I refuse!"

Riser answered without hesitation.


Happy 200 chapters!

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 201 Riser Lucifer | akikan40

Riser refused without hesitation.

While others might wish to become Maou Lucifer, Riser didn't wish to do so since it was troublesome. Moreover, even if he became a Maou instead of the position of Lucifer, he wanted the other position more since it wasn't as prominent and kind of low-key.

If he became a Lucifer, there was no doubt he could imagine how many troubles would be attracted in his direction.

More importantly, he would be extremely busy!

His position was good enough, especially with many people supporting him, doing whatever he pleased, and watching the overall development from behind the scenes was something he wished for.

"Riser-kun, it seems that you have a misunderstanding about the position of Lucifer."

Nevertheless, like a parent who coaxed his children, Zekram patiently told him that the position of Maou Lucifer wasn't as bad as it seemed.

"Zekram-sama, I am not a child. You can't lie to me. You should know that in this position, I will be targeted by many, especially the Old Satan faction. While I am not afraid of them, including Vali, that you are worried about, I am more worried about Ajuka-sama."

Ajuka Beelzebub was Sirzech's best friend.

If Riser suddenly took after the position of Maou Lucifer just right after the funeral of Sirzech, what would Ajuka do?

"More importantly, while I am strong enough, I don't think many will agree as my qualification is still minimal."

While Riser had defeated many strong supernatural beings, he knew that it wasn't so easy to get his hands on the position of Maou Lucifer.

"Riser-kun, you underestimate yourselves. You have defeated Kokabiel, Vali Lucifer, Azazel, Tannin, and even all the Khaos Brigade during the meeting of three factions. Moreover, you have also taken the lead in promoting peace between the three factions.

"Lastly, no one is more suitable than you, and we need someone who can take over this position, especially during this moment when we need to show our power the most."

Yes, except for Riser, no one was more suitable to take the position of Maou Lucifer.

Riser had the support of Sitri House, Phenex House, the Great King Faction, and Maou Leviathan.

With all of those supports and his individual power, it was enough for him to gain the position of Maou Lucifer.

More importantly, with everyone knowing about the death of God, those who were hostile toward them would do their best to attack them.

Riser's lips twitched, and said helplessly, "Please don't lie to me, Zekram-sama. You just want to dump all the problems of the Old Satan faction, the Khaos Brigade, and many others to me, right?"

"You can't blame me for that, Riser-kun." Zekram sighed helplessly as if he was exhausted. "I am already old. It isn't my job to take care of the future of the devil, but you are different. You are young."

Zekram also wasn't wrong since he should be in retirement, yet he was still working due to many chaotic matters happening in the Underworld.

Yet, Riser knew that Zekram didn't have any intention to rest.

While the leader of the Great King faction was given to Zekram's son, Lord Bael, there was no doubt that Lord Bael was just a puppet for Zekram.

In case trouble happened, such as the existence of the King Piece was known, Zekram could just discard his son as his son was useless.

Frankly, while it might be cruel, abandoning a family wasn't something uncommon in the Underworld, especially among the devils in the aristocratic family.

Still, his family was better as he had many siblings, so even if Riser was useless, he would still be treated better than many. Nevertheless, let's not talk about this matter as it was completely unrelated to their current discussion. However, there was no doubt no one was more suitable to become a Lucifer than him.

First, Riser was a pure-blooded devil from an aristocratic family. His pedigree was perfect, and no one could find a fault with it.

Second, Riser was powerful. While he might only defeat Tannin, the might of the Dragon King was enough to match those of devils in Satan's class. Being able to defeat Tannin gave him enough qualifications to become a Maou. Moreover, he had experience fighting against the Khaos Brigade, the number one terrorist that endangered the world.

Well, instead of fighting, it was more like a one-sided massacre.

Moreover, Riser had defeated Vali, who was the killer of Sirzech Lucifer, which greatly gave much confidence in him.

Lastly, Riser couldn't die, so there was no need to worry about his safety.


If Riser knew what Zekram was thinking, he would curse him.

Nevertheless, those two weren't the only reasons why Zekram chose Riser.

Riser was unambitious and flexible.

This was why Zekran thought that Riser was suitable.

If there was no enemy, there was no doubt Riser would spend his days lazily without working. He didn't seek change like Sirzech within the devil society. Moreover, even if he knew the existence of the King Piece, his reaction was indifferent, showing that he didn't care at all.

If it was someone else, especially the young one or even the adult, they would be angry and furious due to the unfairness within the "Rating Game."

However, the darkness of the Underworld and the devil weren't just about the King Piece. There was more darkness in the Underworld, so if one had already gotten angry and unable to control their emotion due to a small matter such as an unfairness on the Rating Game, how could one become the Maou?

During a crisis, a hero might be needed, but to govern the world, what one needed was a wise ruler.

Riser might not be perfect.

No, the perfect ruler wasn't what everyone longed for.

Fair? Unfair? Such a thing could be thrown into the trash.

They were all devils, a being that seduces humans into sin or falsehoods.

Nevertheless, there should be a limit to the atrocity and chaotic nature of being a devil, especially when one treats the same race. The previous Lucifer and all the other Maous didn't have such a limit and treated everyone like a dispensable piece that could be thrown at any time.

However, Zekram knew that Riser wasn't someone like that. Instead, he knew that Riser was using a ruthless as a mask to hide his gentleness. It was much different from Sirzech, who used gentleness to hide his ruthlessness.

Nevertheless, Zekram believed that as long as Riser became Maou Lucifer, everything would be stable.

The stability was something that Zekram wished for the most, and Riser also wished the same wish.

Riser was the perfect Lucifer in Zekram's eyes.

"Why don't you just try? Anyway, you can step down from the position even if you don't want to. Moreover, it isn't like everyone will agree even if I propose you to become the next Lucifer.

"Lastly, the benefit of being a Lucifer is great. You don't need me to remind you of the benefit of being a Lucifer, right?"

"...that's true."

Riser knew that there was no disadvantage to accepting this offer, especially when, even if this plan was proposed, it didn't mean everyone would agree.

Moreover, even if Riser became a fake Lucifer, he knew that there were many benefits that came from being a Lucifer. The best thing was that his actions didn't only represent the Phenex House and the Sitri House. Instead, he would represent all the devil races, so when he went out for a fight, he could bring all the devils with him, which was great.

Frankly, he didn't really have that much of a rejection of becoming one as long as it wasn't so troublesome to become one, especially when he was 100% sure that he would be targeted by many.

Gremory House aside, Riser was sure that Ajuka Beelzebub, Khaos Brigade, and many would put their eyes on him.


[How about you become one?]

It has been a while.

[That's right. You don't need me to point you out what you need to do anyway.]

That's true.

Unlike before, there was no need for the system to point out what he needed to do.

[Instead of thinking of being a Lucifer, how about you think of it as an opportunity?]


[There is no doubt that your position is comfortable, but there are still many things that you can't do openly with your current status. However, when you become a Lucifer, you might be able to see something that you have never thought existed.

[Moreover, like what Zekram said before.

[If you don't like it, you can quit, and it isn't like everyone will agree for you to become a Lucifer, right?

[Lastly, you have the power to back up your position as a Lucifer.]

Moreover, the more trouble he received, the more opportunities he became stronger.

Nevertheless, he felt the world was quite ironic.

His dream was to live a lazy life like a pig where he only needed to mooch his wife's money, but his dream became so far away on the horizon.

Still, as the system had said, his power was enough to represent the symbol of the strongest devil, Lucifer.

"Okay, then."

"That's great." Zekram smiled, feeling happy.

As for mentioning the future of the devil and protecting everyone?

Such a thing was never within their consideration, as Zekram and Riser only thought about their benefit like how a devil could be, yet their purpose was the same.

Peace and stability.

This is what they sought after.

As for their respect towards the previous Lucifer? The previous Lucifer had died; why should they be hypocrites and act like they cared about the previous Lucifer at all?

Moreover, Riser Lucifer didn't sound bad at all.

So, at the meeting of all the upper echelons of the devils, Zekram boldly said, "I propose Riser Phenex to become the next Maou Lucifer."


At that moment, the whole world seemed to stand still.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 202 Swamped | akikan40

"What is this meeting for, Onii-sama?"

"Probably what we will do after this alliance of three factions. This is new for us, so many things need to be discussed. However, you don't need to think too much since there won't be much change within our society except that we will have peace and live together with two different races."

After his discussion with Zekram, Riser went to the meeting for all the upper echelons of all the devils. Those who were invited to this meeting were those heads of the 72 pillars that were still living and the Ultimate-Class Devils. All of them were invited to discuss the future of the devil without the presence of God and with the peace they gained with the angel and the fallen angel who were supposed to be their enemies.

This was a situation that had never occurred previously, and naturally, everyone needed to discuss their future with this current situation, especially when they needed to talk about how they needed to act in front of the angel and the fallen angel.

Even though they were an ally now, they were an enemy previously.

It was impossible for them to act like they were best friends the moment the alliance was announced.

If Sirzech didn't die due to the Khaos Brigade, there was no doubt that this alliance wouldn't be easily accepted as it is now.

Still, even if they were an ally, they weren't a baby that would trust their allies blindly as they needed to prepare a countermeasure in case their allies betrayed them, their response toward the Khaos Brigade, the way they treated their allies, the exchange of benefit, and how their future be with the current situation.

Nevertheless, the three alliances between the devil, angel, and fallen angel were quite different from how it was in the original.  However, the fact that they had become an ally didn't change, and they needed to discuss this matter since they couldn't postpone it any longer.

The funeral of Sirzech was finished, so they needed to move on to tackle their current and future problem since even if Sirzech had died, their life still needed to move on.

Still, as for why Riser brought Ravel with him, it was because Sona was in her school in the human world.

"But are you sure you want to follow me? You won't be able to join the meeting, you know?" Unlike him, who was an "Ultimate-Class Devil," Ravel was a "High-Class Devil," so she was unable to join this meeting.

Frankly, if Ravel didn't follow him, Riser would join his father and father-in-law since they also came to this meeting.

Moreover, there was no doubt this meeting would take a long time to finish, and waiting definitely wasn't a good thing, especially when one was alone in a foreign place.

Was she going to stay in the hotel all the time while waiting for him?

"It's okay, Onii-sama. You don't need to worry about me. Iryuka is going to be in Lucifaad, too, so I won't be lonely." Ravel leaned on his arm as she spoke those words fondly, yet her words also carried concern, especially toward her friend's situation.

"Iryuka?" Riser suddenly recalled what was happening to Glasya-Labolas House, the family where Iryuka came from. There were many things happening, including the death of the heir of the Glasya-Labolas, the house where Falbuim Asmodeus came from. However, the atmosphere from the death of Sirzech still remained, and the Glasya-Labolas House managed the funeral of their heir in a low-key manner so it wouldn't worsen the current atmosphere within the Underworld.

Not only did they lose Sirzech Lucifer, but they also lost the heir of the Glasya-Labolas House.  Even worse, many of the members of the 72 Pillars somehow disappeared inexplicably, which made everyone even more tense.

If this news was known to the public, there was no doubt the current social situation within the Underworld would be worsened.

It was also due to this that the meeting for all the devils within the high echelons position could no longer be postponed since they needed to bring a new confidence to everyone.

"Is she okay?"

"Um, she is okay, but she seems to be in a bad mood due to the new heir being kind of..." Ravel was quite awkward as she didn't really want to talk bad about other people.

"Zephyrdor, is it? I have heard about him."

Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas.

The troublemaker at the Glasya-Labolas House.

This guy was probably like the original Riser but more unlikeable due to his delinquent-like personality. Moreover, unlike Riser, his peerage members were filled with delinquent boys like a gang, which made it hard for people to like him.

There was no doubt that Iryuka would hate to have this person become the new heir of the Glasya-Labolas, but there was no suitable heir other than Zephydor, as he had a talent and a certain strength to back up his prickly personality.

Nevertheless, such a person was never within Riser's eyesight.

Still, knowing that Ravel had a friend to go out with, Riser didn't need to worry about her anymore as he could participate in this meeting with a focus.


"But Onii-sama, when you have finished, please tell Ravel, okay~? Ravel wants to play with Onii-sama in Lucifaad~."

Ravel leaned toward him as she blew hot air into his ear seductively.


Riser realized instead of the meeting, he anticipated finishing the meeting even more. Nevertheless, he also realized that he hadn't upheld his promise to Ravel to go on a trip with her.

'Let's do it after this.'

With that thought, he softly stroked her head as he thought about their bright future.


After their arrival in Lucifadd, they met their father and Riser's father-in-law, who gathered together. Due to the marriage between Riser and Sona, the relationship between the Sitri House and the Phenex House is so sticky that they might be mistaken as lovers.

Nevertheless, their current discussion definitely wasn't so warm since Lord Phenex and Lord Sitri were worried about the future of the devil.  The death of Sirzech and the heir of the Glaslya-Labolas wasn't a small thing, especially when they knew the majority of members of the Old Satan faction had joined the Khaos Brigade. There was probably a spy from the Old Satan faction within their territory.

Still, unlike the other houses, their houses were more peaceful due to the existence of Riser and Serafall. Their existence was enough to bring peace of mind and security to them and all the houses that were affiliated with their houses.

Not only in terms of security but in the economy, politics, and all the areas within the society of the Devil, their influence had grown stronger due to the power shown by Riser.

During this time, Lord Sitri and Lord Phenex also slipped the account of their house's income for Riser to check, as they knew Riser was good at this type of thing.

"....." Riser.

Riser was speechless, but he didn't reject it since the faster he finished all of them, the faster he could walk away from all of this forced labor.

However, as they talked, Riser suddenly noticed something weird on the account from Phenex Tears's revenue. It might be something small, but with his "Accounting Mastery," it was impossible to miss it, and he realized something fishy was happening, especially when some members of the branch family from the Phenex House also disappeared during this time.

"What's wrong, Riser?" Lord Phenex asked in doubt since Riser suddenly fell into silence.

Riser frowned before he shook his head. "Let's talk when the meeting is over." He knew that this matter needed to be discussed thoroughly, but they didn't have such a time, especially when the meeting was about to start. Nevertheless, he thought that someone really dared to do something that angered his family.

Still, he wanted to sigh since there were so many troublesome things happening.

Riser somehow wished to erase all of those troubles, but he endured it as he knew that their existence brought a benefit to him.


Lord Phenex felt a little unsettled since he knew Riser wouldn't say something like that unless Riser noticed something wrong, but he also knew their focus should be on this meeting.

While there were many things they wanted to talk about, the meeting was about to start, so they went to the meeting hall in the most luxurious hotel in the Lucifaad. As they came, many also came, and all of them were the heads of the remaining aristocratic family within the 72 Pillars, along with the "Ultimate-Class Devil."

Riser, along with his father and father-in-law, was rather low-key as they didn't really want to attract much attention, so they only quietly walked toward the venue, but—


When Riser heard this voice, he knew being low-key was definitely impossible.