Akikan40. Phoenix. 213-214

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 213 How unpleasant... | akikan40

Not only Riser but Serafall, Falbium, and Ajuka also quickly realized that letting Riser marry many women from various factions seemed to be the fastest way to gain the peace that Sirzech sought.

As long as Riser married a woman with a high position on the fallen angel faction and the angel faction, peace would be achieved with Riser at the top.

Yet, no one said those words as they didn't want Serafall to do something so troublesome.

Nevertheless, Serafall must have noticed it, but she pretended to be stupid since it was hard for a woman to share her love with another woman.

Still, as Riser watched the talk between the three, he realized something. Sirzech might be dead, but there was no doubt his dream was inherited by everyone.  To achieve peace, even Ajuka seemed to be gentler toward him, which surprised him.

Even if Ajuka had some biases toward Riser, he didn't think that Riser was unfit as a Lucifer. Instead, he felt that Riser was much more suitable as a Maou instead of him, who had always holed up with his research.

While no one really knew whether what Riser thought was coming from his heart or an act, there was no doubt his speech touched everyone's heart.


This word was unfamiliar to all of them, but this word existed for them, especially after they reached peace with the angel and the fallen angel.

For Riser, who was able to think of such a speech, there was no doubt no one was more appropriate as a Lucifer than him currently, especially when everyone was still unable to erase their bias toward the angel and fallen angel whom they had fought for so long.

However, nothing could be done instantly, and everything needed a process.

At this moment, they discussed how they could make the relationship between the devil, the fallen angel, and the angel become even closer along with the other supernatural societies.  Not only their three races, but if possible, they wanted to reach peace with other pantheons as a fight was meaningless for them.

No, it didn't matter whether it was possible or not.

They had to do it!

Nevertheless, Riser fell silent as they watched what they planned to do to warm up the relationship between the three factions.

"A sports festival, singing contest, is there anything else?"

"What about a talent contest too?"

"That's a good idea!"


Riser thought that the meeting would be filled with conspiracy and intrigue as they planned to swallow the angel and the fallen angel, but that didn't seem the case as he could see their pure willingness to achieve peace.

Yet, Riser felt this method wasn't good.

The coalition might seem good up front as everyone's position was equal and everyone was fair, but there was never fairness, and someone needed to be in the lead position.

If not, then this coalition would be destroyed sooner or later.

After all, in the real world, there were many examples, like how two people set up a business together, but the other suddenly betrayed his friend and stole the entire business for himself.

The coalition of the angel, devil, and fallen angel was like that.

Their relationship might have been quite warmed up in the beginning, but as long as there was a conflict, no one wished to lose.

The fallen angel aside, if a certain group was unable to accept this peace and went to attack the devil or the fallen angel, Riser wasn't surprised if the group wouldn't be killed and only received light punishment for their action even if this group had the intention to kill the devil and the fallen angel.

However, politics was like this.

Still, as long as they didn't attack him, Riser didn't care much.

To be honest, even if the whole world was destroyed, Riser didn't care much as long as they didn't touch him and those he cared about, but he knew the world wouldn't work that way.

Even if he didn't want to, he knew the best way to achieve peace was to conquer the world.

As long as he conquered the world, he would achieve peace and security.

Probably, a few mice might not be able to accept such a peace, but as long as they die, everything will be okay.

"Now, how about we talk about the other pantheons?" Ajuka asked.

Hearing this, whether Riser, Serafall, or Falbium quickly fixed their sloppy appearance. When they talked about how to smooth up the relationship between the angel, the devil, and the fallen angel, no one seemed serious, but this time, it was different as they needed to face the other pantheons seriously.

Not all gods that existed in this world were powerful, but those who were powerful had a power that was enough to destroy a country or even a continent. It might not be exaggerated to say that one or two even had the power to destroy the world.

The previous God of the bible was like that.

Nevertheless, such an existence also passed away, and even Sirzech, who was known as the most powerful devil, also passed away.

In other words, nothing was permanent.

Even the most powerful being would die.

However, when they died, there was no doubt that they would bring many to destruction, so at this moment, they needed to be careful.

"I had heard from heaven that the Norse and the Greek seem to have an interest in our alliance."


"That's good."

As expected of heaven, even if God had passed away, their reputation was as great as ever.

"So, is there a condition for them to become our ally?" Riser asked curiously.

"They didn't make a confirmation, but they wanted to see us the devil first," Serafall told the news she received from heaven.

"See us? What do they want to see?" Riser felt weird.

"Rating Game."

"Oh." 3x

Falbium, Ajuka, and Riser weren't surprised since the "Rating Game" had become so famous in the Underworld after the birth of the "Evil Pieces." It was something that became the talk of everyone and a source of entertainment.

Similar to the devil, those gods also had a long age, and it wouldn't be surprising if they were curious about this "Rating Game" due to their boring lives. Still, as the one who watched this "Rating Game" was a famous god from various pantheons, they needed to show an appropriate game instead of a game of a group of weaklings.

"We'll have the Youth Devil Gathering soon, so we can get them to watch this "Rating Game."

Riser expressed his idea.

After all, unlike those good-for-nothings nobles, the Youth Devil Gathering this time would be special as there would be many famous heirs and heiresses from various famous houses.

"I will prepare the venue. My hotel is finished."

No one disagreed as Serafall, Falbium, and Ajuka knew well about Riser's architectural talent, and there was no doubt Riser's hotel would be suitable for this event. Riser might have taken the initiative to promote his resort, but it didn't matter as it worked for everyone.


"Riser-kun, I have a little idea."


"Yes." Ajuka nodded. "What if we set up another "Rating Game" for you, Riser-kun?"

"Me? Another Rating Game?" Riser didn't narrow his eyes and only looked at Ajuka curiously.

"Ajuka-chan!" Serafall frowned, but Ajuka was still as calm as ever. "Calm down, Serafall. Let me finish my words first." He then continued to look at Riser and continued with his explanation, "Even though you have shown your might in front of everyone, there must be many who are still in doubt. I won't ask you to fight all of the famous people on the "Rating Game," especially after you defeated Tannin, so how about the Top 3?"



However, Ajuka still ignored Falbium and Serafall. "As long as you defeat the Top 3 in the "Rating Game," I am sure that no one will question your authority anymore. We can also set up a suitable game for those pagan gods to watch over and let them see how powerful our new Lucifer is."

Riser didn't say anything and looked at Ajuka. He knew that this was inevitable, especially when he was young. Even though his speech moved many, there were still many who doubted him, as it was hard to erase the first impression.

As long as one's first impression had been set, it would be hard for one to erase it.

The older one was better than the younger one.

This was a natural thought for everyone, and many thought that the Top 3 of the "Rating Game" was stronger than him.

Bedeze Abaddon and Roygun Belphegor aside, as they knew politics well and their power was received from a "King Piece," Diehauser Bellial was different.

Diehauser was a pure person, and it was also due to this he was blind to politics. Even if his fans told him that Riser might be weaker than him, he didn't refute it as he thought that he was stronger, and even if he might appear low-key, polite, and humble, it was impossible for him to admit that he was weaker than Riser, especially when he thought that he could be the victory.

Riser knew that Ajuka pointed out the fact to him. This wasn't a trap, plot, or anything, but the reality that happened before him after he became Lucifer, so he knew that he needed to take the challenge even though he didn't like to appear as a rare animal in the zoo.

Moreover, someone needed a beating a lot, and he also wanted to break the victory of the champion.

"Riser-chan..." Serafall looked at Riser worriedly. After all, she couldn't even confidently say that she could defeat Diehauser.

"I could even fight Sirzech. You don't need to worry, Onee-chan."

Hearing that, everyone fell in silence as they remembered Riser's brutality, but it somehow made Serafall at ease.

Still, Riser noticed the frown on Ajuka and felt happy. Ajuka might only state the facts, but he didn't like the fact that he was being manipulated to do something. However, he had to be patient since the time hadn't ripened.

Still, with everything decided, his match with the Top 3 of the Rating Game was going to be set up.

However, as the meeting was over, Riser heard unpleasant news that caused him to frown.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 214 Fake | akikan40

When Riser came to the hospital on the Phenex Domain, he entered the most luxurious room and asked, "Brother, are you okay?"

"Oh, Riser." Ruval Phenex smiled as he waved his hand at his little brother.

"...you seem okay now."

Riser was speechless as he saw many women around Ruval, from his wife to his mistresses. He wasn't sure if this was something that was inherited from his ancestor, but there was no doubt that, as a Phenex, most of them were rather lustful.

Was it due to their incredible stamina?

There was a chance, but as expected, his sisters-in-law were beautiful.

However, as a devil, there was something that he could do and couldn't do.

Still, Riser felt relieved when his brother was okay, but this was also normal as Ruval was also someone from Phenex House.

"I am a Phenex. I can't die, you know?" Ruval made a joke about the Phenex House, causing a scolding from his women as they were worried about him.

"Anyway, give us a space to talk. Father, Rasa, you should listen too."

After all the women left, Riser, Lord Phenex, Rasa Phenex, and Ruval Phenex gathered together as they talked about what was happening.

"Who could hurt you, brother?"

Ruval might not be the strongest, but he was still one of the Top 10 of the Rating Game. Moreover, his power also gave him enough qualification to become an "Ultimate Class Devil." The only thing that he lacked to achieve that promotion was achievement, but as long as he won more on the Rating Game, he would gain the promotion.

In other words, Ruval was strong.

Ruval also didn't use a "King Piece," and his power was due to his talent, so it surprised them that he could be hurt.

Ruval showed anger, confusion, and helplessness, then sighed. "To be honest, I am not sure how to say this, but I will start my story from the beginning so you will understand."

All of them nodded as they listened to Ruval's story.

Still, before Ruval started his story, the magic of making their conversation soundproof and detecting so no spies could eavesdrop on their conversation was used.

While some might feel it was exaggerated since those who dared to eavesdrop when Riser Lucifer was present, it wouldn't be hurt to be careful, right?

Nevertheless, the story started when Riser noticed a strange account of the sales of the Phenex Tears. If he didn't have an "Accounting Mastery," it would be impossible for him to notice it as it was quite subtle and wasn't much different from others, but he had noticed it, so he quickly told his family to check it.

As the next head of the Phenex House, Ruval Phenex decided to take this matter personally, as the Phenex Tears were an important source of income for their family. If the distributors they trusted dared to mess around, then he was going to kill them.

How dare they?

Riser was just crowned a Lucifer, and naturally, their family's position was promoted even higher. It wouldn't be weird to say that their family was as great as Gremory House at its peak when Sirzech became a Lucifer. No, it could be said his family's position was even higher due to their Phenex Tears, connection with the Sitri House, Serafall Leviathan, and the Great King Faction.

If they claimed to be a number three family, no one dared to claim to be number two.

As for number one, there was no doubt it was the Bael House.

Nevertheless, no one doubted Riser, and knowing some distributors cheated on them, Ruval was going to kill them.

"Everything was easy and all, and I had killed them."

There was no trace of pity in Ruval's words, and those who listened agreed with his action as those who dared to mess with their money needed to die.

"But there I found something sickening."

"What is it?"

"Fake Phenex Tears?"

"Impossible!" 2x

Lord Phenex and Rasa Phenex couldn't believe Ruval's words.

It wasn't that no one had tried to replicate the Phenex Tears and created them by themselves, as anyone would be greedy for the amount of money created by this special elixir.

However, it wasn't so easy to produce fake Phenex Tears.

Even if one could produce it, the effect would be lower, or even if the effect was the same, the cost needed to produce it was too costly, and the materials were so rare that it was impossible to produce many of them. With all of those difficulties, everyone had given up, especially when the Phenex Tears could be produced by using the combination of water and tears of the members of the Phenex House.

When they used money to produce the Phenex Tears, the members of the Phenex House didn't need to use money as the Phenex Tears were part of their special abilities, inherited, and it was impossible to copy.

So, the thought of the Phenex Tears existing was simply impossible.

"But it's true! I found them, and I used hypnosis on those bastards, trying to find where they got those fakes, but those bastards were fast at running away, and their numbers were too numerous."

"In simple terms, you lose?"

"Can't you not hurt me more than that?" Ruval looked at Riser helplessly. "They had a devil, a magician, and also a human with a Sacred Gear! Moreover, they have attained a Balance Breaker state!"

"Balance Breaker state?!"

Even if they looked down on a human, they still knew those who had a Sacred Gear and even attained the Balance Breaker state weren't something that could be looked down upon.

"But that's not the point! How did they make the Phenex Tears?"

Before Ruval entered their factory, they had disappeared, leaving nothing behind, which made him confused.


This is what made them confused, but Riser suddenly said, "... homunculus? No, clone."

"What?" 3x

"I think they produced the Phenex Tears by using a clone."

Riser thought that if he were in the place of the criminal, what would he do to produce cheap Phenex Tears? Naturally, it was impossible for him to create the Phenex Tears by using plants or myth beings as they weren't cheap, and the profit wasn't enough to cover the cost.

As he kept thinking, the answer was a clone.

Previously, there were many devils that had disappeared so suddenly, but what if those were just smoke bombs for those criminals to get their hands on the devils of the Phenex House?

With few of the devils of the Phenex House, it was naturally impossible for them to create the Phenex Tears, and the state of mind was important to create this elixir, so even if they kidnapped the devils of the Phenex House, imprisoned, and slaving them, it was meaningless.

So, the fastest way was to create a clone of the devils of the Phenex House, treating them like a sow for milk, but instead of milk, it was Phenex Tears.

However, as expected, a clone was a clone, and it was impossible to match the original, so the quality was bad, but with the low price and how amazing this elixir was, it was impossible not to have a customer.

Moreover, with the temptations of money, those distributors were swayed.

Nevertheless, hearing his hypothesis, all of them were furious.

"Those bastards!"

"Kill them! Kill them!"

"I will prepare for the army."

Whether Lord Phenex, Ruval, or Rasa were enraged as they heard their family was made into a clone, then milked until they lost their worth.

"Who are they? Who has such a power to do all of this?"

This was also a question since the cloning technology wasn't something that could be mastered by a random nobody.

"Probably the Khaos Brigade. Others might be involved, but there is no doubt that this terrorist organization."

Riser didn't need to guess and thought that it was the Khaos Brigade as they needed a fund to support their activity.

"Riser, what do you think we should do?"

"Should we stop selling Phenex Tears?"

They felt that they needed to stop the sales of the Phenex Tears until all the fakes and those criminals were taken.

If it was before, they might not dare since if they really stopped the production of the Phenex Tears, they would receive the anger of many as many were waiting for the Phenex Tears. Moreover, they also didn't wish to lose their source of income. However, it is different now as they have money and other sources of income, and Riser has become a Lucifer.

Even if they stopped the sales of the Phenex Tears, they didn't need to be afraid.

"No, you don't need to. It will make us feel afraid of those organizations. Instead, we should be bold and increase the price of the Phenex Tears."

"..." 3x

"You don't need to worry about the increase in price as no one will stop buying it from us. The importance of the Phenex Tears is more important than you think."

If you lose your money, you could earn it again.

However, if you lose your life, you lose everything.

With those words, it was enough to show the importance of the Phenex Tears, right?

Using an increase in price, Riser wanted those who were hiding, selling, producing, and those who were related to the fake Phenex Tears to come out as the increase in price of the Phenex Tears would no doubt increase the sales of the fake.

Hearing his plan, the three of them agreed, using this increase in price as bait.

"As for those who are involved, kill them. No mercy. If you don't kill them, you will also damage my reputation too."

Riser needed a reputation.

Not as a kind and gentle Lucifer, but as a resolute and ruthless Lucifer, so no one would mess around with him and his family.

With that decision, everyone started to move, and due to this, Riser also decided to visit the human world to erase these fake Phenex Tears.

'Hmm... let's get something else too.'
