Akikan40. Phoenix. 308-320

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 308 We never learn | Patreon

Even though his wife had asked him for a request, Riser didn't immediately go. Instead, he went to Tokyo with everyone and went to the famous Destiny Land theme park with the five girls.

Along with Magari, the seven of them had fun together, playing for the entire day with all of their might without worry.

Still, watching Ophis, the infinite dragon, who wore a mouse-like headband while playing with her usual blank expression on the Merry-Go-Round, made him wonder whether everything was okay.

Wouldn't she consider wearing a mouse-like headband as a humiliation as she was an infinite dragon?

Fortunately, that didn't seem to be the case, as she enjoyed her time.

As for Rossweisse, Xenovia, Irina, and Asia, they enjoyed their time much.

While Riser also enjoyed his time, it wasn't his first time, so he wasn't that excited. Meanwhile, he could see that those four really had a blast.

"It's good that they can enjoy themselves." Magari smiled as she stood by Riser's side.

"You act like a parent to them?"

"I am much older than them, so isn't it normal?" Magari looked at Riser and said, "It's you who is weird to sleep with someone who is as old as your mother."

"...weren't you the one who attacked me?"

"Hmm? What did you say?"

Riser rolled his eyes and thought that being older meant that one needed to become shameless.

"Still, it might be some time before you conquer this country."

"You think so?"

"Of course." Magari didn't have a doubt. "The devil, angel, fallen angel, the East Youkai Faction, Japanese pantheons, Norse pantheons, and the Five Principal Clans are all going to come under you. There is also Greek myth, and probably the West Youkai Faction is going to join you too."

Riser nodded, but then, he raised his brow and asked, "Wait, Five Principal Clans? Are they going to join the alliance?"

"Don't you know?" Magari was confused by his reaction.

"They are not my people like you, so of course, I don't know."

"Well, that's true."

Apart from the East Youkai Faction and the Fallen Angel, Riser never went on himself to conquer a certain group anymore. Yet, it surprised him to learn that the Five Principal Clans were going to join the alliance, considering how they disdained the change.

"But if you think carefully, it isn't that surprising, especially after you defeated the Great Red."

When the news of his disappeared when he fought against the Great Red, instead of happiness, they felt at a loss for his disappearance. Being under him was already something natural, and they were comfortable with it, so when he disappeared, they didn't know what to do. Even though nothing had changed, especially when he had taken care of and guided them carefully in what to do, without him, everything was just different.

Fortunately, he was okay and returned after defeating the strongest being in the world.

With that reputation, it wouldn't be weird for the Five Principal Clans to join the alliance, right?

Riser thought so, but he didn't really like the Five Principal Clans, especially when many of his enemies came from these clans, and the source of his women's misery was also due to these clans.

Then, suddenly, he was told that those clans had decided to join the alliance to gain his protection.

'No, it feels weird.'

The Norse, Greek, and the East Youkai Faction aside, he knew nothing about the Five Principal Clans, and someone should have notified him instead of knowing this matter from Magari by chance. He felt something fishy, so he asked, "Do you know who is the one who takes care of this matter?"

"According to Nurarihyon's spy inside the Five Principal Clans, it should be Azazel."

"Azazel, huh?"

Azazel is definitely not the only one who took care of this matter, as Riser could picture the face of one powerful devil who wished for him to be killed.

'I see.'

Riser knew that he couldn't wait as long as time wouldn't wait for anyone. During this trip to the human world, he would try to expand his power and erase those who possessed harmful thoughts toward him.

As for the threats?

Such a thing didn't exist, especially after he devoured the "Great Red" and had the companion of Ophis, who stayed by his side all the time. Moreover, even if his opponent were a dragon, he had a Samael that he had kidnapped from the Cocytus.

"Tell Nurarihyon to tell me if he notices something strange."

"You think that they plan to do something?" Magari asked with confusion since she felt that was impossible. Riser was the strongest, yet a group of humans dared to do something to him.

Weren't they just asking for death?

"I hope that I am wrong, but just in case, okay?"

"Okay." Magari nodded. "I will tell him later."

"Oh, give this to him." Riser then took out a wakizashi and a small katana and gave them to Magari. "This is my Mocking Gear. It has the ability to disappear completely."

"...." Magari.

"Tell him the name of this weapon is "Vodka."

"..." Magari.

"By the way, this is for you." Riser then took out a necklace and put it onto Magari's neck.

"Th-Thank you." Magari smiled affectionately when she got the first gift from him. The necklace was beautiful and elegant, but even so, it didn't attract much attention like the sun shone brightly on the day. Instead, it was like a star that quietly shone around the night sky.

"It has the ability to slow down anyone around you. Be careful when you use it."


Magari kissed him deeply and didn't let him go, wishing to breed many kitties for him. She might be old, but it didn't mean that she couldn't have a child after all.

"Have you named this necklace?"

"How about Fine Motion?"

"Well... it's okay."

The name was as unique as ever.

Nevertheless, Magari didn't forget about what Riser had entrusted to him, so after they went to the hotel and did it for an hour, she quickly returned to the headquarters of the East Youkai Faction to tell Nurarihyon and also gave him a weapon given by Riser.

While Riser was curious about what Azazel and Ajuka planned to do with the Five Principal Clans, he started to make a list of what he should do in this human world.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 309 It's his duty to take care of them, right? | Patreon

When Riser was writing something, the girls gathered together in a different room after they had fun on Destiny Land. After they went to play, they stayed in the most luxurious room in the hotel inside the theme park.

Still, while Irina, Asia, and Rossweisse were quite embarrassed to stay in the same room as Riser, due to a certain coincidence, there were no more rooms, so everyone could only stay in the same room.

Nevertheless, even though they stayed in the same room, there were many rooms inside this luxurious room, so when Riser went to work, all the girls stayed together, including Ophis.

No, it should be said that Riser threw Ophis out and let others take care of her.

"Geez, Ophis-chan, you have a stain on your mouth." Rossweisse sighed helplessly as she wiped Ophis' mouth, which was stained with ice cream.

Ophis didn't say anything and just let Rossweisse wipe her mouth.

Still, Xenovia aside, whose mind was as empty as ever, Irina and Asia were speechless. Unlike Rossweisse, who knew nothing about Ophis, the two of them knew who Ophis was, so when they saw how Rossweisse treated Ophis, they felt a little scared as they knew that Ophis was a similar existence to the Great Red, who almost destroyed the Underworld.

However, as they had spent a day together, Asia and Irina knew that Ophis wasn't a bad girl and she was just like them.

So, even if they stayed in the same room together, they felt comfortable. The only problem was the thought that they stayed in the same room as Riser.

Was this really okay?

Still, when Riser went to work for a while, they knew that they might be thinking too much.

Only, Xenovia suddenly knocked on the door where Riser was in then when she got permission, she opened the door and asked, "Riser-sama, we're going to take a bath. Do you want to enter together?"

"Xenovia!" 3x

Irina, Asia, and Rossweisse were startled and their faces were covered with a cute blush.


Riser was glad that Xenovia was such an insightful woman, but he knew that this wasn't appropriate. "It's okay. I won't join you. It's been a while for you four to have fun, right? You don't need to worry about me."

However, Xenovia pouted. "But I want to stay with you. I want to have children with you."

"....." Riser.

"....." Asia, Irina, and Rossweisswe.

Only Ophis ate her ice cream without caring about anything.

Riser had a lot of women, and even though he had the energy to take care of everyone, Xenovia couldn't fight against Sona, who was Riser's wife and also her master, so when she saw a chance for them to be together and monopolized him, she couldn't help but feel excited and wish to be with him.

"We will be together for so many days. You don't need to be impatient, okay? Spend more time with your friends."


'When they are sleeping, we can do it.'

Hearing those words from a telepathy, Xenovia nodded excitedly, but at the same time, she knew it was also her time to push all of her friends to Riser.

Riser wasn't sure what Xenovia was thinking, but he knew what he planned to do during his stay in the human world.



The five girls stayed together in the hot spring pool after they washed their bodies. It had been a while for all of them to rest since many bad things happened to them.

Frankly, if there was someone that was the most jealous, it would be Irina.

"Say, Xenovia, Rossweisse-san, are you often going on a trip like this?"

After she became a reincarnated angel, Irina felt like her job had become even busier, which made her speechless so this job where she needed to stay by Riser's side was nice, and she also couldn't help but be jealous of Xenovia, who often went on a trip or stayed on Riser's villa most of the weekend.

"We don't go on trips that much." Xenovia thought for a moment and said, "We probably take a trip once a month."

"Even so, that's luxurious." Rossweisse sighed as she held Ophis in her arms since she needed to stop Ophis from swimming around. "You should know when I worked under Odin-sama, I needed to be by his side all the time, and I didn't even have time to rest or break. Moreover, my salary is just so low, and there aren't any benefits!"

Listening to Rossweisse's complaint, why did Irina feel like her future would be like Rossweisse's when she worked under Odin?

Somehow, Irina felt her future was quite gloomy, but if this was for the Lord, then—

"By the way, Xenovia, can you tell me more about Riser-sama?" Asia asked curiously.

"What do you want to know about him, Asia?" Xenovia asked.

"Well, about how he is usually, I mean... our previous relationship isn't that exactly good..." Asia said awkwardly, since when Issei was around, it felt like everyone would show their hostility toward Riser even though she didn't understand the reason.

When Asia thought of this, she couldn't help but feel guilty, especially when she had a bad impression of someone due to others, and she didn't even question it.

As someone with a gentle heart, she just couldn't help but feel her treatment toward Riser was unfair.

"Hehe... you asked the right person! I know everything about Riser-sama, from his height, weight, and even his size." Xenovia patted her chest confidently.

"...ah, um."

That wasn't something that Asia wanted to ask, but with her weak personality, she could only agree.

When one talked to someone they liked, they could talk for many years.

Xenovia was in this state, and she talked about many things about him, whether it was how he was everyday or when he was in bed.

While they blushed and felt shy when they heard Xenovia's story, they also couldn't help but wonder whether this act really felt that good. That curiosity couldn't be hidden even when they had dinner together with him.

Riser noticed their strangeness, then looked at Xenovia. "What did you say to them?"

"I seduced them to enter your harem, Riser-sama!" Xenovia said proudly.


Riser sighed and shook his head. Nevertheless, he also didn't mind having them as he knew they were nice girls, and the rewards he gained from dating them would definitely rich as they were part of the main heroines. Moreover, he knew that without Issei, no one would take care of them.

Issei had died, so wasn't it his duty to take care of them and make them happy?

Riser felt that his step as a villain was still so far away.

"..." System.

Nevertheless, even if he was interested in them, he wasn't in a hurry. It was different when he faced his enemies. When he wanted to conquer women, he took his time, making them lose their guard before conquering them both in heart and in body.

Still, after dinner, everyone spent a night together, and as they were exhausted, they slept directly. Only at that time did Riser and Xenovia go together and do the naughty act in a different room. The feeling when everyone was around was quite different. It felt like they did something naughty.

"Inside me~! Please do it inside me, Riser-sama~!"

Screaming like a woman in heat, Xenovia felt her entire body in bliss as she could feel a magma-like liquid poured deep into her womb. By then, her body was limp, and she lost consciousness.


Riser was helpless, so he let Xenovia rest in his room. He might wish to do more, but he wasn't cruel enough to force Xenovia, so he might as well use this time to check the rewards he gained from Rias.

However, when he walked out of the room, smoking a cigar as he completed about life on the veranda, he saw that someone was already there.


Asia was startled and turned, but when she saw his face, her face turned into a deep crimson as she lowered her head shyly.

"...." Riser.

Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 310 Issei and Diodora will be happy | Patreon

Even if Riser couldn't read a mind, from Asia's expression, he could tell that she must have heard what he had been doing with Xenovia. Unlike Rossweisse and Irina, who slept like a pig, Asia must be a light sleeper, but somehow, with what had happened to her life, he also didn't feel surprised, considering how precious the existence of Issei was within her heart.

Frankly, Asia's best impression of Issei was when she arrived in Japan for the first time. When she had just been thrown out of the church and lost a place called home, like fate, she happened to meet with Issei.

Issei, who was lustful toward a beautiful girl, didn't let go of his chance to befriend this cute nun, who knew nothing about society.


"No, no. It's my fault that I can't sleep..."

Asia's voice became lower and lower as she apologized, but then, she couldn't face Riser as Xenovia's scream was so loud!

Yet, even her scream was loud; it was sexy, lewd, and rousing.

While Asia might have watched 18+ videos due to the fact that it existed in Issei's room, causing her to have curiosity, it was her first time seeing and hearing in reality. Nevertheless, this act of hers might seem unbelievable, especially when she was a nun who dedicated herself fully to the Lord just a few months ago. Yet now, she had become a naughty girl who was curious about the act between a man and a woman.

Still, this feeling also made her feel guilty, especially when she felt this way toward Riser, a man who was supposed to be Issei's enemy.

As someone who was living in the same house as Issei, Asia knew how much Issei hated Riser, and how much Issei wished to defeat Riser. While she didn't think that it was possible, her kind heart didn't dare to break Issei's small, petty heart, especially when she cared about him.

As for her feelings toward Issei?

While it wasn't love, Asia cared about him much as Issei was the first person she met in this foreign country.

Yet, it was also due to this reason that Asia couldn't help but imagine how it would become when Riser was the first person to meet her.

"Are you thinking about him?"

Riser slowly moved to Asia's side. The distance wasn't so close or far. It was just right, so Asia didn't feel uncomfortable with him by her side.


When Asia thought about Issei, she couldn't help but sigh, feeling guilty once again as she thought she was the one who caused the death of Issei. Leaning weakly on the veranda, she looked at the distance Tokyo Bay. Watching how deep and dark the sea was during the night, she wondered whether that was how Issei felt when he died. Dark and quiet. Alone without anyone. The more she thought so, the more she wanted to cry, but then a gentle and warm presence was felt on her head.


"Do you think Hyoudou will be happy to see you like this?"


"If he sees you like this, I am sure that he will be sad, but..." Riser paused his words for a moment and said, "It must be thoughtless for me to say that."

"No, no! I know that you want to comfort me, Riser-sama."

"No, that's not what I mean." Riser shook his head, and said, "I think that it is irresponsible of me to tell you something like that, especially when I don't know your feelings, but I know that ever since that day, you have been living your life wishing to be stronger ever since that day."


How did he know?

Ever since Issei passed away, she has been trying to make herself stronger, wishing to be even stronger, as she didn't wish the same thing to happen again in her life. Yet, at the same time, she knew that Riser might appear like a playboy, but she thought this must be his guise as he tried to hide many things inside him so no one would notice and worry about him.

This made her think that they were the same type of people and made her closer as she lost her reserve and closed the gap between them.

"...did something happen, Riser-sama?"

Riser only chuckled and said, "What has happened to me isn't something special, and I am sure that many people also have the same experience as me."

"That's true, but it must be something painful, right?" Asia sighed and knew that what had happened to her wasn't something uncommon and that many people even experienced something even harder than her, but even so—

"I wonder whether we can return to the past." If they could return to the past, then there was no need for them to make the same mistake again.

That way, there was no need for her to feel something like this again, but—

"It would be nice if we could, but unfortunately, we can't, so you should just try not to repeat the same mistakes, shouldn't you? I think that's what it means to regret."

His voice was calm and low, yet the words that came out of his mouth touched her heart. Instead of punishing herself due to regret, she should try not to make the same mistake. It was just something simple, but she forgot.

"I am sure that Hyoudo will think the same if he sees your current situation," Riser said with a gentle smile.


Asia nodded quietly as she showed Riser a soft smile. At the same time, she thought that Riser was really gentle as she could see that he had forgiven Issei.

Yes, that was true; Riser had forgiven Issei. After all, this guy was dead. Why should he think about Issei all the time?

Still, Riser wondered whether Asia's feelings toward Issei was so fickle.

According to his knowledge, Riser knew that if someone loved Issei the most, it would be Asia.

For Asia, Issei was her everything.

However, with a few words in his mouth, all the worries of Asia disappeared.

Staring into her cute, beautiful face, Riser somehow had an impulse.

Asia somehow noticed Riser's gaze change and caused her to blush, but somehow, she didn't lower her head and just continued to stare at his eyes, seemingly accepting his desire.

Watching his reaction, Riser also didn't hesitate. It would be too sad if Asia continued to dwell on the past and regretted everything. That is why he was going to make her happy, and he was sure Issei and Diodora would be happy when they knew what he did to Asia, right?

"....." System

Slowly and unhurriedly, Riser made sure that this was what Asia wished to do.

Asia was nervous, and her heart was beating so fast, turning her face into deep crimson, yet she didn't move away, waiting before she closed her eyes, accepting his kiss.

As their lips touched, the blazing flame quickly spread all over her body. It was hot and unbearable, yet she didn't hate this feeling. Her heat, worry, and everything melted by the fire, causing her to forget everything and just enjoy the pleasure that was given by him.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 311 Asia is a fearsome opponent | Patreon

Riser realized why Issei and Diodora were crazy about Asia.

While many were more beautiful or had better bodies or even better techniques, Asia was just different. She was just obedient, pure, following his every demand as she gently enveloped him, crying lewdly, showing a face that shouldn't be shown by such a pure girl.

The contrast between her daily and at night was so much different that it lit up the fire within his nether region as he stained her with his color.

Meanwhile, Asia also felt the same and understood why many women were crazy about him, including her Master. When she was worried, unable to see anything in this darkness, his light was bright and warm and became an existence that she depended on the most.

Asia was just a weak woman, after all, and her experiences definitely weren't good, especially when she was betrayed many times and almost died. Even when she was with issei, she just couldn't hide her worry as she kept dreaming that they might be killed by Riser someday due to Issei's stupidity.

After all, who wanted to be killed, right?

Yet, when she was with Riser, it was different.

It was addicting and nice, and she just couldn't escape from him, wishing to be drowned by him.

As the two fell deeper into their coitus act, they didn't realize that Irina and Rossweisse had woken up and stared at their act in disbelief.

"It feels good, you know?"

Like a whisper of a devil, Xenovia said those words to the two, causing them to shiver as their bodies were burnt. Yet their reason told them to stop since they knew that this was wrong, especially Irina, who was an angel.

Irina was an Ace of Michael, someone chosen by the leader of the angels, so how could she fall to this temptation?

"Oh, Lord, please help this lost lamb to fight the devil's temptation..."

Irina also didn't hate Riser, and if she was being realistic, she was the best man that she had ever seen. Even if his position was above all of them, he talked with her in a friendly way, and he was also reliable, yet at the same time, he could do something unexpected that made her heart skip.

If she told Michael this matter, she was sure that Michael would agree, but somehow, she felt conflicted, especially when they didn't talk much.

However, she bit her lower lip, watching how Asia cried happily as Asia fell deeper into the abyss of pleasure.

As for Rossweisse?

As long as Rossweisse had time to be alone with Riser, it was only time for her to fall. Moreover, watching Asia, who fell to him even though she was closer to Riser, she felt conflicted.

Still, Xenovia felt like she was really good as a devil, but at the same time, she was also amazed by Riser's prowess. His physical ability and technique aside, his skill to conquer a woman was even more amazing. She knew how loyal Asia was toward Issei. Even if Issei was a pervert, stupid, and all negative things that were combined into a single creature, Asia still defended him no matter what.

Frankly, if Issei wasn't the host of the Red Dragon Emperor, Xenovia really couldn't understand what the attractiveness of this guy was.

Moreover, with Issei's stupid brain, Xenovia could imagine that anyone who had a child with him would be affected by his small brain and would become stupid.

Meanwhile, her choice, Riser, was the best.

When Riser had nothing, Xenovia chose him, and she never wavered in her choice. As expected, her choice was correct, as he became the best of the best. Still, watching how Asia appeared so happy while being pounded by Riser with a variety of styles, she felt a little bit jealous and wished to join.

However, Xenovia endured it since it was Asia's first time, and it was unethical of her to join them.

Still, as the three watched the fight between Asia and Riser, there was also one dragon who watched this scene curiously.

Nevertheless, when Riser was busy with Asia, Nurarihyon, who gained a new weapon from Riser, was so happy!

This is amazing!

When all the bosses in the world could only show an empty promise, Riser clearly showed his rewards to anyone who was loyal to him.

Nurariyon didn't regret following Riser and felt even happier as he was the first person who followed him. Still, with his reward from Riser, he didn't waste his time and went to the Five Principal Clans to spy on them. After all, he had become stronger. Sneak attacks and hiding his presence have always been his best skills, so with his new weapon, "Vodka," that gave him the ability to become invisible and erase his presence completely, he was simply invincible.

Walking to Nara, the town where the headquarters of the Five Principal Clans were located, no one could find him, and everything was so smooth. However, he didn't expect to find a jackpot.

'Now, what are you planning to do?'


The next day, Riser woke up and continued his trip with everyone. Still, he was surprised by Asia's resilience. She might be weak, but her Sacred Gear, "Twilight Healing," made her able to heal her body, so when one needed to rest the entire day after they took care of his need, she could walk smoothly without frowning and just enjoyed her trip with everyone.

Nevertheless, Asia's resilience aside, everyone felt surprised by Asia's calm. Her face was as pure and kind as ever, and with that face, no one would be able to tell that she was someone who was just being pounded fiercely by Riser last night.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Asia asked them with a soft smile.


Asia didn't mind their reaction and only smiled while thinking that she felt her mood was much better. It felt like she was flying, and everything felt at ease.

Nevertheless, Xenovia thought that Asia was a fearsome opponent.

"Riser-sama, where are we going next?"

"Let's finish Sona's quest first."

Before he left on his trip, Sona told him to do a task that she was asked to do, but due to how busy she was, she was unable to do this task. Usually, this task would be given to the Gremory group, but Rias was also busy, especially with many things happening in the Gremory house.

"What did Kaichou ask?" Xenovia asked in doubt.

"...." Everyone.

"Xenovia, you are so stupid." Irina sighed, feeling helpless.


If it were others, Xenovia might not mind, but facing this self-proclaimed angel, how could she bear it?

As Xenovia and Irina start to fight, Riser shakes his head and then says, "It's to find a lost member of a devil family." Still, before that, he was going to open the rewards he gained from Asia and also explain the rewards he gained from Rias previously.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 312 To become powerful is easy! | Patreon

To defeat his enemy, then conquer their women.

This was probably the best way for him to become stronger.

While the morality of this method was questionable, his opponents wouldn't care about their methods, so he could only ignore his morals and just fight.

Still, as he slept with the two most famous heroines in the story, he gained many amazing abilities.

[Congratulations, you have received "Business Mastery," "Hakoku," and "Mirror Lion."]

[Congratulations, you have received "Crazy Diamond," "Biology Mastery," and "Surgery Mastery."]

Those were the rewards he gained from Rias and Asia.

Suddenly, he felt that there was no need for him to work and he could just spend all of his time sleeping with women; then he would become powerful. Still, even if he had such a wish, he knew that it was impossible to realize, especially when there were many individuals who wished for him to die. However, it was impossible for him to die as he couldn't die, so what did they plan to do?

He wasn't sure, but they planned to mess up his life; he would also do the same.

However, before that, he was going to check his rewards.

Like others, when he slept with Rias, he got three rewards, which were "Business Mastery," "Hakoku (Warrior Nation)," and "Mirror Lion."

There was no need to explain much about the "Business Mastery" as it allowed him to master all the business practice and knowledge. Right now, with this knowledge, he could master the economy and wealth of everyone in this world.

Still, it has been a while for him to receive such a reward, especially when all the rewards he gained would make him stronger, so this was a good thing.

However, even if he gained rewards that made him stronger, he was also fine with it, and as expected of Rias, the last two rewards that he received from her were amazing.

Hakoku was a fighting technique from a Giant Race in a certain famous work. By using this technique, he could use and focus all of his power within his weapon into a single attack, destroying and decimating everything instantly.

'If I'd had this technique before....'

If he had this technique when he fought against the Great Red, then he wouldn't have been so desperate to develop his techniques and abilities to the limit. While he had many fighting techniques, such as "Boxing Mastery," they still lacked an impact and destructiveness compared to this fighting technique.

Frankly, if he had to fight, he wanted to end it instantly instead of a long fight where he had to be in pain for so long.

In other words, this technique was perfect for him.

Yet, this wasn't the end, and he got the more perfect ability for him.

Mirror Lion.

It is an ability to enhance and increase the efficiency of any weapon he holds by a hundredfold.

If he gave an example of how this ability would work, if he held a normal stick, it would have the same destructiveness as the legendary stick of Sun Wukong, Ruyi Jingu Bang. Then, in this case, he held his Star Buster Star Blaster, a planet, or this world would be destroyed.

"If I get this ability before..."

Riser lamented as to why he didn't sleep with Rias before he fought the Great Red. Even now, he still remembered how each of the smashes given by that beast was enough to kill him instantly, as each of them had enough power to destroy a planet, but now, he could do the same even without the power of the Great Red inside his body.

At the same time, he felt everything was so ridiculous.

When he thought that he had become powerful, suddenly, someone was above him. When he was above that someone, there were some beings that were even more powerful. Moreover, this was impossible to stop unless he saw the creator of the world.

Suddenly, he realized that when he was so ignorant before, everything was so happy, and now, he couldn't since every day was hard work.

At the same time, he also understood why Sirzech decided to entrust everything to Issei. Unlike Sirzech, who had hit the limit of his power, Issei was full of potential, and his growth had always given everyone a surprise. Moreover, along with the protagonist's halo and the power of the Red Dragon Emperor, there was no doubt that Issei would become powerful.

In the future, Riser wouldn't be surprised if somehow Issei gained the power of the combination of Ophis and the Great Red, turning him into the most powerful being in the world.

Yet, that was in the past, and from now on, this is his story.

Still, his explanation of his rewards hadn't ended. He hadn't explained the rewards he got from Asia, after all.

However, he had to say, the feeling of Asia's first time still lingered in his mind.

Her sweet cry, soft body, and docile, obedient act were vivid in his mind.

Riser thought that he had done a good job and knew that Issei and Diodora would be happy when they knew that he had made Asia feel happy.

"..." Issei and Diodora.

Nevertheless, the rewards he got from Asia were quite good, and similarly, he also got knowledge-type rewards, which were "Biology Mastery" and "Surgery Mastery."

The "Surgery Mastery" aside, which was practically easy to understand, he felt like the "Biology Mastery" was more interesting.

There were many beings in this world, including dragons, gods, devils, and many others.

With this "Biology Mastery," he understood everything about them. Not in the sense of personality, but their physicals were clear to him, whether it was their advantage or weakness. He understood all of them.

Still, he had to say, those two rewards aside, the last reward he got from Asia was somehow as expected.

Crazy Diamond.

Yes, it is that Stand that comes from the work that often shouts, "Ora! Ora! Ora!"

He got the Stand of one of the protagonists, Crazy Diamond.

This reward was somewhat unexpected as he knew how brutal the Crazy Diamond was, but when he thought about the ability of this Stand, he felt he understood why he got this reward from Asia.


This was the ability of the Crazy Diamond.

It was also part of the time manipulation ability, which was, no doubt, powerful.

The ability of the Crazy Diamond was to restore objects or organisms through touch.

It can repair damage, heal injuries, and revert chemical changes and complex structures to their raw components (e.g., a plate of spaghetti back into its raw ingredients). It may also fuse objects, for example, a person with a rock.

It is somehow quite similar to the "Degrenate" skill that he used previously.

However, Crazy Diamond's main ability was to restore, so in case someone was heavily injured, he could restore them to the state where they weren't hurt.

However, even if this ability was powerful, it had a limit, and that limit was that this ability couldn't restore his injuries. It can only be used to restore others.

While this ability was brutal, it was also gentle as it was born because one wished to help others.

Yet, somehow, for someone as evil as him, this ability might not be that suitable.

However, it didn't matter since this ability was good.

"Riser-sama, is this the place?"

"Yes, this is the place."

Looking at the gloomy sky on the distant deserted beach, Riser thought that they had come at the wrong time.



Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 313 Overbearing Lucifer | Patreon

When Riser planned to go to the human world and expressed his desire to run away from his work, Sona quickly seduced him and told him to help her with a task that she needed to do but didn't have time to do.

Nevertheless, her request was an act of impudence, especially when her husband was a Lucifer, one with the greatest position in the Underworld, yet she asked him for an errand. Naturally, she knew her act would dishonor his status, so she exchanged his service by telling him that she would wear various costumes from magical girls, witches, nurses, maids, etc.

However, Riser didn't waver, as it was impossible for his status to be challenged.

So, Sona had to bleed by saying that she would invite her big sister and Rias together.

By then, Riser agreed as this price was suitable for his status. Moreover, while he didn't say it to Sona, he was quite interested in this task.

"Searching for the lost member of an extinct household of the devil?"

Inside the car driven by Rossweisse, everyone listened to Riser's explanation about the task that he had to do and that they needed help.

"Yes, the one that we are searching for is a member from the extinct Velpar household, one of the 72 Pillars."

While they might know some of the histories of the world, they weren't knowledgeable about the history of the devil, so Riser decided to explain the general situation of the devils to them.

Still, he knew that they should know about the origin of the devils and the structure of the society of the Underworld; considering the origin of Asia, Irina, and Xenovia were from the church, so they should know the basic knowledge about the devil.

As for Rossweisse?

Rossweisse could be said to be one of the smartest Valkrye in the Norse Myth, so it was natural for her to know about the devil, especially when she was working under Riser, so she learned more about the devil since she didn't want to become a burden for him.

However, there was no doubt their knowledge of the "Devil Civil War" was quite minimal since the devil wouldn't expose this information to the world. Still, it didn't mean that they kept this matter a secret as the Devil Civil War was a big matter, and naturally, everyone would know about it.

Nevertheless, even if the other myths knew about this, they only explained it to some, and some of them might not even have an interest since they thought that all the devils were similar to each other.

If there was a difference, it would be that there was a strong and a weak devil.

However, what Riser wanted to explain was why there were many members of the extinct devil households in the human world.

"When the war is over, many families have gone bankrupt, losing everything. In the lucky case, those who lose at the Devil Civil War can live in the corner of the Underworld, but those who are unlucky can only get out from the Underworld and live in the human world.

"By then, they make their own descendants with varieties of races, but mostly humans."

As a human was the most populous race in the world.

"But, Riser-sama, aren't all the nobles rich?" Irina asked curiously. In her opinion, even those devils who had lost in the Devil Civil War shouldn't have a problem with their lives, right? After all, they were noble, so she was confused as to why some of them could become bankrupt.

Riser chuckled. "Not everyone is like mine, my wife's, or Rias' family."

Unlike his family, who had monopolized several industries and were able to sell Phenex Tears, his wife's family, who monopolized the medical industry, or Rias' family, who was good at deceiving individuals to work for them.

Many noble devils were naive and even stupid, such as the Diehauser family, who could only rely on his feat on the Rating Game to develop his domain.

Frankly, if Riser was in Diehauser's place, he would develop a variety of industries, including food, tourism, and some other specialties. In the case of the Bellial house, where Diehauser came from, he thought that they should try to enter a security business as their special ability, Worthless, could nullify any abilities.

Still, he wouldn't bother to explain that, and he wanted to finish his job as soon as possible.

By then, they talked about what the devil from the Vepar Household would be like.

After all, a devil from a different household had their own unique features. It was like him, who was from the Phenex House, had a flame-like wing, or Rias with her beautiful crimson hair. The Vepar household should have a certain unique feature, right?

Riser was also quite curious since it was an extinct household; he hadn't seen the real devil from the Vepar Household.

"According to the record, they should be similar to a fish."


Soon, they arrived at a beach in the human world within the territory of the house of Forneus.

With his "Location," it was easy to find where the devil that he was searching for was located.

Still, the scene before him stunned him as he saw a real mermaid.

Her lower half was similar to a fish, yet her upper half was so beautiful.

—or rather, she was a beautiful woman.

Her hair was in rare emerald, and her ears were pointy cute, reminding him of an elf, even though she was like an elf.

Riser saw her in the distance, resting on the beach, playing alone.

"Isn't that a mermaid?"

Everyone imagined the devil from the Vepar household would be like a monster fish, but unexpectedly, she was a beautiful mermaid. Then, naturally, they put their gaze on Riser at the same time, and as expected, he moved fast by approaching the beautiful mermaid.


Riser wasn't sure what everyone was thinking. He only felt like he needed to help with this mermaid since she was alone, and it was dangerous to stay in the human world.

Moreover, as a Lucifer, wasn't it his duty to protect his race?

As he walked, the beautiful mermaid devil also noticed him and looked at him cautiously, as it was her first time seeing him.

"Excuse me, are you Lilitifa Vepar?"


Hearing her name being called, Lilitifa lowered her guard slightly, but Riser's appearance, who happened to be her type, was also one of the most important factors of this reaction.

Riser didn't activate his aura and talked with Lilitifa politely, which gained her goodwill.

"As long as you are willing, I will prepare you a place on the Phenex Domain."

Lilitifa was moved by his offer and was about to agree, but she hesitated. "But..."

"What's wrong? If you have any difficulties, please tell me."

"Truth to be told..."

Suddenly, the sky turned dark as if a storm was brewing and was about to rampage this place.

Everyone except for Riser quickly became tense before they saw a pirate-like ship approaching from the distance.

"Th-That's him!"

Lilitifa hid behind Riser, scared as the ship approached them.


"Gragg Forneus. He won't leave him and forces me to join his peerage members..."

This is why Lilitifa didn't dare accept Riser's invitation, as she was afraid that she might bring him trouble.

"Pl-Please leave. I-I will handle this. You shouldn't be troubled by my problem..."

Riser looked at Lalatifa and wondered why many devils had a good personality. Shouldn't a devil be an evil?

"Lalatifa! Have you made up your mind? Be mine! I will take care of you!"

Like an overbearing CEO, Gragg didn't hide his intention to make Lalatifa become his woman.

Still, Rossweisse, Irina, Xenovia, and Asia became tense and ready to fight since Gragg seemed to intend to force Lalatifa away.

Watching their reaction, Riser sighed and thought that there was really no fairness in this world. He looked at Gregg's face, which resembled an anglerfish, clearly far from the definition of handsome.

If Gregg's appearance was handsome, Riser could somehow imagine that this definitely wouldn't be the result. Instead, Lalatifa would agree, especially when she was poor and weak. Her only advantage was her beautiful face, and she was part of the extinct Vepar household. Moreover, he knew that this was Gregg's territory, and Lalatifa had also lived on Gregg's territory illegally.

Yet, somehow, Riser could imagine that Gregg was pictured as a villain in the story.

Nevertheless, Gregg, who saw Lalatifa, stood behind a man who felt angry since his love was taken, but when he was about to get angry, he stopped when he saw the man who stood in front of the woman he loved.

Gregg's peerage members also fell silent, and no one dared to say a single word.

"Gregg Forneus, right?"

"Ye-yes, Riser-sama!"

Gregg quickly jumped into the sea, then came to his side as soon as possible, bowing his head deeply. His peerage members also followed, and their postures were even lower. At the same time, all of them were glad that they hadn't said a single rude thing to Riser.

Except for those who lived in isolation like Lalatifa, it was impossible for anyone not to know Riser as he was the one who saved the Underworld from the Great Red.

"I won't stop your solicitation to Lalatifa, but don't use force, okay? She is the only living member of the Vepar household, after all."

"Ye-Yes! Please forgive me! I won't invite her!"

Just joking!

Gregg didn't dare to do anything to Riser's woman after all.


Riser knew that Gregg had misunderstood, but he wasn't a hungry beast who would go after every woman. Nevertheless, he felt bored now.

"Then, leave."


There were many women in this world, but they had only a single life, so all of them left respectfully, and then the dark sky swept away.

Nevertheless, Lalatifa was dumbfounded and asked, "Ah, um, Ri-Riser, who-who are you?"

"Oh, right. I haven't introduced myself." Riser smiled at Lalatifa and said, "My name is Riser Phenex. I am the third son of Lord Phenex, but people mostly know me as Riser Lucifer.

"The current Lucifer of the Underworld."


Lalatifa fell in silence and thought about her experience in the human world. In her life in the human world, she also often read many works, and the one she liked the most was an overbearing CEO who was crazily in love with the heroine.

Still, Riser wasn't the CEO but a Lucifer, so should it be an overbearing Lucifer?

Nevertheless, was such a plot going to happen to her?


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 314 Rock and Roll | Patreon

No, such a plot didn't happen in Lilitifa.

Instead, when Riser got Lilitifa, he left her to Xenovia, Irina, Rossweisse, and Asia.

The four of them also agreed, and they quickly took care of Lilitifa as they were afraid that something might happen between this beautiful mermaid and Riser. Before they left for the trip, Sona had reminded them to protect Riser. However, it didn't mean she asked them to protect him from danger. Instead, she asked them to protect him from various women who wanted to sleep with him.

Fortunately, nothing had happened as Riser told them that he had something to do, so he left for a bit, leaving the rest behind in the hotel in Sapporo, Hokkaido.

While Riser wanted to continue his trip, someone wished to meet him, so he teleported to the place where they made an appointment and met the person who wished to meet him.

"It's really hard to meet you."

"It's been a while, Nurarihyon."

Even though Nurarihyo's voice was full of complaints, he smiled and was full of relief when he saw Riser. Previously, after Riser returned from his fight against the Great Reds, Nurarihyon wished to meet him.

Unfortunately, Riser didn't want to since he wanted to spend his time with his women.

Fortunately, Magari told Nurarihyon that everything was okay, so he could feel relief that his leader was okay.

The beginning of their relationship might not have been good, but Nurarihyon started to feel that it wasn't bad to follow Riser, and now, he is in debt and is going to take down anyone who is trying to harm Riser.

"Since you want to meet me, you must have something to tell me, right?"

"Yes." Nurarihyon nodded. "It's about the Five Principal Clans."

"Oh? Have you found out what they plan to do?"

"I am not sure, but I have heard that they plan to search for the host of Innovate Clear."

"Innovate Clear? Are you sure?"

"Yes. I even sneaked to the headquarters of the Five Principal Clans, you know? I even met Azazel."

With the weapon he gained from Riser, Nurarihyon knew that no one could stop him if he wished to sneak into someone's place.

Naturally, Riser didn't think that Nurariyon was lying. After all, the price of lying and betrayal was something that Nurarihyon couldn't pay.

"But Innovate Clear, huh?"

"What is this Innovate Clear?"

"It's one of the Longinus."

"You mean the most powerful Sacred Gears? Like the White Dragon Emperor?"

"That's right."

However, Innovate Clear didn't have any attack power, and it was a supportive type of Longinus instead of something that could destroy the world.

If there was something special about this Longinus, it had an ability to impersonate God. It sounded amazing, and he also didn't deny it, as it had the ability to create anything within the pocket dimension. Whether it was a living thing, a non-living being, or many others within one imagination, everything could be created.

If there was a weakness, then all the things that existed within that pocket dimension couldn't be taken out and could only live within.

Even so, this Longinus was amazing as it made one become a god, even if it was only within a pocket dimension.

Moreover, this Longinus was the prototype of Ajuka to create the field for the Rating Game.

So, why did Ajuka and Azazel wish to get their hands on this Longinus?

If there was one reason then—


Riser felt helpless, but he didn't say much since they were enemies, so there was no need to hold back, and if they couldn't be cruel, then they might as well commit suicide since death was about to come.

"What are they going to do with that Longinus?" Nurarihyon asked in doubt when he heard the explanation of this Longinus from Riser.

"Well, whatever it be, there is no doubt that they were going to become the enemy of the host of this Longinus."

"That's true."

To gain the Innovate Clear, there was no doubt that Azazel and Ajuka had to kill the user of this Longinus.

Still, neither Nurarihyon nor Riser thought to remind this guy or make this guy an ally.


Because there was no need to.

Even if they got the Innovate Clear, it was meaningless since whatever they did, everything was pointless in front of the overwhelming power.

Nevertheless, the Innovate Clear wasn't the only thing that Nurarihyon told him.

"The Pendragon House and Sun Wukong?"

"Yes." Nurarihyon nodded. "I saw them before at the headquarters of the Five Principal Clans."

In other words, Ajuka returned Bikou and Arthur to their own houses.

As for Kuroka?

There was no need to worry about her as she was in the hands of a more reliable guy.

"A human sure is stupid." Nurarihyon sighed.


Nurarihyon felt that those humans should have just continued their lives without worry in their own world, but somehow, they tried to get themselves into the supernatural world.

"Should we destroy the Five Principal Clans?"

Nurarihyon felt itchy since the Five Principal Clans had always caused him trouble.

As for the fact that they had joined the alliance, he didn't care since what he followed was Riser and wasn't the alliance, so being Riser's enemy meant that they were his enemy.

"It's okay. You don't need to."

"Are you going to destroy them yourselves?"

"No way."


"I will let someone destroy them."


"Well, you will see soon."

Nurarihyon was speechless, but he didn't say anything since he knew as long as Riser had determined something, nothing could stop him. "Then, what should I do now?"

"Just go back. Do your own thing. You don't need to do anything."


Nurarihyon somehow felt that his existence was meaningless since he couldn't help Riser that much.

"The West Youkai Faction might join the alliance soon, so you don't need to do anything since, in case something happens, you might be affected."

Nurarihyon raised his eyebrow and asked, "Are you interested in a widow?"

Riser rolled his eyes. "If you have nothing to do, how about you go back?" He didn't bother to talk with Nurariyon and left directly.

Nurarihyon also rolled his eyes and just left, but he knew something big was about to happen.

Still, Riser returned to Sapporo, telling him to have fun for few days since he had something to do. While they were all speechless, they didn't stop him.


"Can I follow you?" Ophis grabbed his hand and asked.


Riser felt that he might as well bring Ophis with him. While no one could endanger her life, he was afraid that she might be used once again, so he held her hand and directly teleported himself to somewhere.

Unlike the night at Sapporo, it was a day in this place, but somehow, the weather was gloomy and windy from the cloudy sky.

"Where is this?" Ophis asked.

"The land of rock."

"But there aren't many stones here," Ophis asked with a doubt.

"...I mean, we're in London."

As for why he was here—


Suddenly, a girl crashed into him, and when she was about to fall, Riser caught her.

As if it was the work of fate, the two met each other.

"Are you okay?"

"I-I am okay!"

The girl answered in a flustered manner, but when she looked up, she was stunned in a place.



Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 315 A normal girl | Patreon

Meredith Ordinton.

She was a normal girl as long as she could remember.

If there was something special about her, it was the fact that she was a little cuter than the other girls and she was also a magician.

Yes, she could use magic.

Even if she wasn't good at offensive and defensive magic, she was good at security and sealing magic. Her talent and proficiency were even better than Le Fay Pendragon, the genius magician of the Golden Dawn (one of the biggest magician groups) and also a noble daughter of the Pendragon House.

However, even if their skill was similar, their status was different.

Unlike Le Fay, who came from a noble birth, her birth was nothing but ordinary.

She came from an ordinary family and then worked as the security of the royal family.

There was no doubt that even if her life was ordinary, there were many envious of her, but when human greed was no bound, she was similar as she had always wished to become part of the noble family.

Yet, she knew with her origin, it was impossible for her to become one.

Nevertheless, one day, she found her friend, whose status was similar to hers, and they suddenly became a noble family. She was confused and asked how this friend of hers could become one. With their close relationship, the friend told her that she was an illegitimate child of the noble family. Moreover, this friend of hers wasn't the only one who became a noble, as many of her friends became one too.

While she felt envious, there was nothing she could do.

Still, due to the difference in their status, she became inferior, and it was hard for her to communicate with others like before, especially when they also started to become arrogant and looked down on her.

However, she didn't say anything. While she disdained their skill and snobbish attitude, she knew that her status was nothing compared to theirs, so she could only endure it. Moreover, she also didn't want to lose them since she knew that this connection was necessary for her in the future, especially when her origin was humble.

Still, the life of the magicians wasn't all that exciting as they often mostly stayed in a place as bodyguards, so in that time, they spent their time talking about the gossip that was popular in the supernatural world.

Naturally, the most popular gossip was Riser Lucifer.

Riser was the strongest and the new Lucifer of the Underworld.

As a magician, they wished to make a contract with a powerful devil, so there was no doubt everyone wished to become his contracted magician.

Not only was Riser handsome, but he was strong, and as long as one made a contract with him, there was no doubt their status would be directly above everyone else.

Even the royal family might bow down in front of them as they were a contracted magician of Riser Lucifer.

However, listening to their conversation, Meredith only snorted inwardly since even if Riser made a contract with a magician, it definitely wouldn't be with any of them, whose status among the nobles was only so-so. Even as magicians, they weren't that powerful.

'If I can be the one...'

Sometimes, she wondered whether she could become Riser's contracted magician.

If possible, she wished to be the one, especially when she thought about how handsome and strong Riser was.

Contracted by such a powerful devil, under that contract, he wished to become one with her, and she could do nothing as she let him do whatever he wished with her body.

Nevertheless, Meredith knew that she wasn't the only one who had such an imagination since the others also had imagined so.

Riser might be married, but it was because he was married that he was popular.

Still, no one thought that they could attract Riser's eyes, especially when they heard the strongest magician in the Human Magician organization Grauzaubere, Lavinia Reni, was rejected by him.

In the supernatural world, the name Lavinia Reni was loud, and it was also because of this the news of her rejection quickly circulated among everyone as they wanted to laugh at her, who had failed.

A human was like this.

When they saw those who were better than them suddenly fail, they felt delighted.

Nevertheless, due to Reni's power, no one said this matter out loud and only talked behind her. After all, no one wanted to die. Reni was not only the most powerful magician on the Grauzaubere, but she was also the holder of Absolute Demise, one of the Longinus.

Still, it was also because of this that sometimes Meredith wondered if she had gained a Longinus.

"If I have it, my future will be different..."

Unfortunately, her luck wasn't good. While she had a Sacred Gear, it wasn't a Longinus. Instead, it was just something like a nail. It might be quite powerful, but that's it.

Still, the world was like this.

Everything was unfair.

As Meredith sighed helplessly, she suddenly found out that her origin was a royal family!

Yes, she was also a noble birth!

When she fought that, she was so happy, but the higher the expectation, the higher the disappointment was. She knew her origin, and she happily came to her real family, but unfortunately, cold water poured directly into her face. They didn't accept her, and she was told to leave as she had nothing to do with them.

Anger and hatred were the emotions that occupied her, but all she felt was despair and sadness.

By now, she realized a dream was impossible to realize.

All she could do was face reality as she realized how small an existence she was in this world.

She was different from the Pendragon siblings, who could live well after they had joined a terrorist organization. Even though they had messed up the world and many myths, their family would protect them, and the others would give them a face, giving them a second chance to live.

However, what about her?

She was nothing.

As long as she thought about this, nothing mattered anymore.

She thought that she should live a humble life and continue to live quietly as the security of the royal family without troubling anyone.

It was also because of this that she crashed into someone; she quickly apologized timidly.

"I-I am sorry!"

Only after she apologized did she realize that she was about to fall. She closed her eyes in fear, but a strong hand grasped her shoulder tightly.

"Are you okay?"


This is what she thought.

His grasp was something that could only come from a man.

It made her confused and also strange as it was her first time to feel something like this, but she didn't hate this feeling as it made her forget all the unpleasant things, so she wished to know where the source of those feelings came from.

Only when she opened her eyes did she realize what kind of mess up she had done.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 316 Contracted Magician | Patreon


Meredith wasn't sure what to do.

"What's wrong? Aren't you going to eat?"


Meredith quickly nodded as she wondered what she should do, and in the end, she took a cup of tea, and drank it, only—

"It's hot!"

Riser chuckled as he sipped his coffee while looking at Ophis, who quietly ate a cake. Still, he looked at the girl in front of him.


He thought.

She had auburn hair, which she tied in braids, and blue eyes, which were similar to him.

"Now that you mention it, what's your name?"

"My-My name is Meredith Ordinton, Lucifer-sama!"

Meredith was so confused at the time, wondering why she had afternoon tea with Riser, but she didn't reject him and was even happy as she thought that she was sure that everyone would be jealous of her when she knew her experience was.

"You don't need to get nervous. Also, call me by my name instead of Lucifer."


"Call me."

It was like an order, yet strangely enough, she didn't feel like she was forced. It was like her body, lips, and everything she wanted to follow him.

"Yes, Riser-sama."


Meredith blushed when she heard his praise.

"By the way, are you free now?"


"It's my first time here. I don't know much about London, so if you are free, can you guide us around?"

"..." Meredith.

"Or, is that not okay?"

"No, no! It's okay! Let me guide you around, Riser-sama!"

"That's good. How about we go now?"


With that decision, the three of them started their tour around London under the guidance of Meredith.

Unlike Riser and Ophis, who came to this city for the first time, Meredith had been in this city for as long as she could remember. She knew every corner of this city like it was her home. Frankly, this might be weird, but for her, who was a master of "Security Magic," knowing the terrain, map, and geography was necessary.

She needed to watch everything so nothing could penetrate the security.

"So, you are a magician?"

"Yes. I have been..."

It might be because Riser was a good listener that Meredith started to talk about many things about her life and how she was working, including how she worked with the royal family.

"Isn't that great?"


"At your age, you can be entrusted to protect the royal family. I don't think I have seen anyone who is as good as you."

"Re-Really?" Meredith was happy when she heard his praise.


Riser smiled. "It's my first time seeing a girl as talented as you."

As Meredith talked happily, and Riser listened patiently, Ophis stared at the two as she ate mochi made by Riser. She wasn't sure, but she didn't like to see him like this. She could see him, yet at the same time, she couldn't see him. It was as if his face was covered by a thick mask that made it impossible for anyone to see the face behind that mask.

Yet, Ophis didn't say anything and just quietly stayed by his side since she wasn't sure why he was like her, who was just swimming alone in nothingness as her life passed.

However, the thought of Ophis didn't bother the two as Riser and Meredith enjoyed their time together.

"Holy Nail?"

"Yes, this is my Sacred Gear, Holy Nail."

Holy Nail.

It is an object used to nail Jesus Christ onto the cross.

Naturally, he was familiar with it as it was one of the Holy Relics alongside the Holy Spear, Holy Grail, Holy Cross, and the Shroud of Turin, and the first three became the Longinus, True Longinus, Sephiroth Graal, and Incinerate Anthem.

So, it surprised him when he heard that she got a Holy Relic type of Sacred Gear.

Although Meredith said that her Sacred Gear was a Holy Nail, Riser didn't think so, especially when it had the shape of the legendary Iron Crown of Lombardy, which consisted of a circle of gold and jewels fitted around a central silver band.

Yet, he could tell that this crown was made from the Holy Nail.

So, did her Sacred Gear evolve like others?

Still, when he realized the power of this Sacred Gear, he couldn't help but show a gentle smile at Meredith.


While Meredith had friends, they weren't so close to her that she could talk about them, and they were all wearing masks every day. Moreover, they were also looking down on her as her status was much lower than hers.

If there was someone different, it would be Le Fay Pendragon, whose status was above hers, yet Le Fay treated her the same as others.

In the past, Le Fay had invited her to join her, but she refused.

Nevertheless, Meredith was glad that she refused that invitation as she knew what Le Fay played was a dangerous game. Unlike Le Fay, who had the backing of the Pendragon House, she had nothing. The moment she was involved in the criminal organization, her life was as good as death.

Lastly, the reason why she was glad to refuse Le Fay's invitation was because if she followed Le Fay, she knew that she wouldn't be able to meet Riser.

Meredith knew that it might be strange and even arrogant of her to say this, but it was like their meeting was fate. They didn't know each other, and the difference in their status was very different.

She was nothing but a commoner, and he was someone who stood above everyone.

Even God and the strongest beings would cower when they heard him.

Yet, here, he stood by his side, listening to her patiently and gently.

It was also her first time being treated especially like this, and she felt like her heart was overflowing and that they were about to burst.

However, there was nothing permanent.

Everything had to end.

"I am sorry. I need to go back."

"I-I see..." Meredith felt like her feet were stuck on the ground, and everything burst like a bubble.

Could she see him again?

She lowered her head, moving her small feet uncomfortably as she knew that it was impossible.

Who was she?

Why would he meet her again?


"Meredith, do you believe in gravity?"


Meredith looked at Riser in confusion.

"We don't know each other. Our statuses are different. We even live in two different worlds, yet somehow, we met each other.

"It is as if gravity pulls us together."

Riser smiled. "It's mysterious, isn't it? I wonder why I have met you from all the people in London."

His voice was like magic; she was completely attracted to his words like she was under the spell.

"So, do you want to become my contracted magician?"

"Eh? Eh? Eehhhh?!"

Meredith was startled and couldn't believe what she had heard. "Are-Are you joking, Riser-sama?"

"I am not."

"B-But... there is nothing special about me... I-I am also just a commoner... I-I have nothing..."

"No, you are special."

Her chin was gently pinched by him as she stared into his sincere years.

"Why? Because I chose you from all the magicians in this world."

She couldn't take her eyes away from him, and her body moved closer and closer than they attached to each other.

"...is-is it really okay for me to become your contracted magician?"

"Yes, or you don't want to, Meredith?"

"No! I-I want to! No, let me be your contracted magician!"

"Then, let's make our pact official."

Meredith blushed and was nervous, but then she closed her eyes before she let him take her first kiss and sign themselves under contract.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 317 Let's dominate the world! | Patreon

Riser made a pact with Meredith Ordinton.

While he was often low-key, he didn't mind being in the spotlight.

Moreover, he also knew that this girl loved vanity, and for him, it was the easiest way for him to give.

Especially with her Sacred Gear, it was even easier.

The moment Meredith became Riser's contracted magician, her life changed.

The royal family that contracted before changed and made her into part of royalty.

Her status on the Golden Dawn was also so high that she was close to becoming the leader.

Everyone fawned over her, and she gained the life that she had never dreamed of before.

"What do you think, Meredith?"

On the tallest building in the United Kingdom, the Shard, three people gathered together on the top floor.

Riser bought this building directly and made it into his house.

"It's great, Riser-sama!"

Meredith lay on his chest happily as she got everything that she had always dreamed.

Or rather, she wondered whether everything was a dream since everything happened so fast!

Still, she knew that everything was because of him.

He was the one who found him.

He was the one who believed in him.

He was the one who gave her everything.

As long as it was for him, she would do anything.

Still, if possible, she wanted to sit on his lap, but she knew that she couldn't, especially with the current strongest dragon sitting there. It didn't matter as she could sit on his lap later at midnight.

Yet, at the same time, she didn't expect that her Sacred Gear would be so powerful.

She thought that it was just a Holy Nail, a powerful nail that could stab people. While it was powerful, that's it. If there was something special about it, it had the effect of making people stick into a place and unable to walk as they were nailed by it.

However, that wasn't the case.

It had a powerful ability, especially to manipulate people.

Yes, she could control all the people in this world and made her become her loyal slave.

The power was amazing, and it was also because of this she knew that she needed Riser's protection.

If someone knew that she had this power, it wouldn't be weird that she would be killed, brainwashed, trapped, or controlled.

She might seem like an overreaction, but as she had been living on this side of the world, she had seen many things. It was also due to this that even if she knew that her origin was royalty, she never forced herself and acted like a child so she could be acknowledged, as she knew how cruel and dirty royalty could be.

It was also because of this that she gave up without expecting anything and just lived without expecting anything.

However, her meeting with him changed everything.

He knew her worth, and he was also the one who excavated her from the dirty mud, exposing her true worth like a diamond.

Still, she had gotten everything, whether it was status or wealth, so right now, she wondered whether there was something that she could do for him.

"Riser-sama, I have controlled most of the members of the Golden Dawn, governments, nobles, royalty, armies, etc."

Or rather, she had almost controlled the whole United Kingdom with her power.

In the original story, she also had done this, but she wasn't low-key. Instead, like a child who wanted to be seen and acknowledged by many, she caused trouble everywhere so all the people would put all their attention on her.

However, this time, it was different since Riser was right beside her.

He taught her everything, whether it was to control people, gain power, and many others. He didn't hold back and gave her everything.

If there was someone that she trusted the most, it would be Riser, and like a child who wished to be praised by their parents, she wished to do something to him.

"There is no need for you to do anything. You only need to become stronger. That's what you need to do." He patted Meredith's head with a smile. Still, he told the truth.

Despite Meredith's Sacred Gear being powerful, he didn't need her help that much to achieve his goal. He could do anything by himself, and there was no need for her to do anything. Frankly, he felt a little guilty for using this girl.

However, even if he didn't use her, he knew that someone would use her.

He might as well have taken her by his side, and he was sure that Meredith knew that he came for this power of hers, but she didn't mind since it wouldn't be weird for someone to have an unconditional attraction and love.

Their relationship was different from a parent who gave their unconditional love to their children.

Instead, it was because he sought after her power that she knew he would be by her side no matter what.

That was why she would give him her everything.


"By the way, I have heard that you have a little problem with the Pendragon House, Riser-sama?"

"Little problem?" Riser chuckled. "I don't even count them as trouble." In his mind, the Pendragon House was as good as a bug which he saw on the corner of the street where he walked.

As long as it didn't bother him, he wouldn't even bother to glance.

Unfortunately, sometimes, a human is just ignorant.

"Still, they have annoyed you, after all, so it doesn't matter if I give them a little trouble, right?"

"What are you planning to do?" Riser asked curiously.

"Hehe... it's a secret~!" Meredith stuck out her tongue cutely.

"Cheeky, aren't you?" Feeling helpless, he flicked her forehead.

"It hurts~!"

Even though it didn't hurt, she wanted to show how cute she was by acting like this.

How fake!

Yet, it didn't matter since she was cute.

Still, somehow Meredith reminded him of Rias, but due to her small stature, she should be like Ravel.

However, with Meredith controlling the majority of everything, whether it was the economy or the army in the United Kingdom, there was no doubt a nightmare was going to come to the Pendragon house.

"You don't want to follow me?"

"I will follow you after I have prepared my present."

After making a pact and teaching Meredith many things, Riser didn't plan to stay any longer, especially when he was quite busy. Even if he wanted to escape with all of his work, he knew that he couldn't do it. He might be lazy, but he wasn't irresponsible, and it was the reason why everyone trusted him.

Riasing her bangs, he kissed her forehead, then patted her head gently. "Don't do anything dangerous."

"U-Um..." Meredith blushed, but her heart was beating so fast, and she felt so happy!

"But it's okay, isn't it? You have given me a new power, after all. With this power, I can even go to you whenever I am in danger, Riser-sama."

With the power of "Link," Riser shared the power of "Warp Warp no Mi" with Meredith so it could help her to run away.

"Well, that's true. With me, you don't need to fear anything.


"See you later, Meredith."

"See you~!"

As he teleported with Ophis, he went for his next second goal.

Nevertheless, Meredith has made up her plan, and she is going to give hell to those who oppose Riser.

"I need to work hard!"

Clenching her small, pink fists, Meredith's goal was to dominate the world and give it to Riser!


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 318 Everything is about to crumble | Patreon

Who is Meredith Ordinton?

This question appeared to everyone in the supernatural world.

Yet, this was normal as Meredith wasn't well-known, and she was just a normal bodyguard, who protected the royalty.

So why did Riser choose her as his contracted magician among all the magicians in this world?

No one knew the reason.

Except this girl was quite cute; nothing was special about her. Moreover, she wasn't the cutest girl out there. Lastly, her specialty was nothing but security and seal magic, while her proficiency in other magics was also horrible.

Yet, even if no one knew the reason why Riser chose this girl, they couldn't help but feel envious of this girl. Everyone was thinking so hard, trying to gain the attention of Lucifer, yet even if this girl did nothing, she could gain her attention. Moreover, the benefit that was gained by this girl made many magicians grit their teeth in hatred and jealousy.

When one does research about magic, they need money, connections, and many others.

Yet, the moment Meredith became a contracted magician of Riser, she got everything that everyone could only dream of.

Why should it be this girl?!

Nevertheless, even if they were filled with jealousy, they couldn't do anything. Riser made his decision, and troubling Meredith was as good as death, especially when she had become the darling of the Golden Dawn and the entire society of the United Kingdom.



Lavinia Reni was confused and didn't understand. Why should Riser choose Meredith? She had shown her intention to make a pact with Riser, and she even said that she would do anything, yet the result?

She was ignored.

While her personality was good, she still had an arrogance and prided herself as a strong magician, especially when her existence was special. Not only was she proficient in magic, but she also had a Longinus.

Yet, Riser chose Meredith.

She couldn't understand this, and she also couldn't accept it as if all the plans that had been made would crumble because she was unable to become his contracted magician. However, this wasn't her only failure, especially when she was called by the leader of her organization, Mephisto Pheles.

"Is there something wrong, Mephisto-sama?"

Mephisto stared at Lavinia's beautiful face and asked, "Are you still in contact with Azazel and the rest?"


"Don't follow them anymore."

His voice was cold and calm as if it was an order instead of advice.

However, Lavinia frowned and couldn't accept Mephisto's decision. "Why, Mephisto-sama? You should know who the real evil and the good are. We have been working for peace! If we let that evil Lucifer dominate everything, then everything that we have built will crumble!"

Mephisto looked at the girl, who had been following him for a long time, and thought that she had become so unfamiliar.

"Moreover, didn't he kill your Tannin? Did you not even feel a shred of remorse for the death of your family?"

Lavinia was in outbursts and she uttered everything within her mind as she felt like Mephisto had made the wrong decision.

"I see..."

When Mephisto nodded, Lavinia somehow felt relief and thought that he had woken up, but—



"As I have said, leave." Mephisto stared at Lavinia without expression. "You are not a member of Grauzauberer anymore. You can do whatever you want now, and I won't forbid you, but whatever you do from now on, please don't bring the name of Grauzauberer with you, as you are not a member of this organization anymore."

"...are you serious?"

"Yes." Mephisto nodded, ignoring Lavinia's shock. "So, leave. Don't involve me with your problem."

Lavinia opened her lips before she closed them again. She felt like Mephisto had changed, and she felt like he had become unfamiliar in her eyes. Nevertheless, there was no trace of regret on her face, only—

"You will regret this."

Watching Laviania's back, Mephisto shook his head and thought that this girl was so stupid.

Fighting Riser?

Who in the right mind would do it?

When he met Riser before, he knew that Riser was strong, so strong that he knew that fighting was pointless. Even what had happened to Tannin before was caused by Riser; he didn't do anything and just let Riser kill Tannin since doing anything against Riser was meaningless.

It was like when one knew that an earthquake was about to happen, yet was there something that one could do except to be prepared for the destruction to happen?

Riser was like that. He had become a force of nature, and fighting against him was stupid.

As for justice and evil?

Mephisto disdained Laviania's foolishness since he knew the terms of justice and evil had always been determined by the winner.

"And Riser is the justice now."

With that thought, Mephisto just quietly continued his job and lived on the corner without interrupting Riser's life. All he needed to do was act like a pebble on the corner of the street, not bothering him in the slightest and hopefully being ignored by him.


"What do you think, Azazel?"

"Seal and security magic..." Azazel felt conflicted when he saw the report about Meredith.

"I am sure that he has realized it."


"He is playing with us. We're like a mouse, and he is like a cat. Before devouring us, he is playing with us, cornering us, having fun seeing our horror, then when he becomes bored, then that's it for us."

Ajuka narrated his thoughts about Riser's decision to make a contract with Meredith.

"Then, what should we do now?" Azazel could feel that it was like his body was trapped within a quagmire, and it was impossible for him to escape before he slowly drowned, unable to breathe, and then died painfully.

"Nothing is changing." Ajuka shook his head. "I am sure that someone will do something instead of us."

Azazel nodded since he knew that it was impossible for them to investigate Meredith further, especially when she was under the protection of Riser. If they tried to attack her or kidnap her, they knew that they would be caught under Riser's trap and they would be killed.

If there was a reason why Riser didn't do anything to do them, it was because he lacked a reason to do so, but when he got a reason, their lives were as good as over.

Yet, even if they did nothing, someone was much more in panic than them, and they could let them make a move so they could buy them time for them.


"Dammit! That stupid son and daughter!"

Uther Pendragon was enraged when his family was being troubled anywhere within the world. Moreover, many attacked his family at the same time without showing a single mercy. All of them did their best to please Riser by attacking their family, and he knew everything was all because of his stupid son and daughter.

After he saved them, he thought that they could calm down, but who would expect that they would escape once again and continue to act as a terrorist?

In the beginning, he didn't care, but once Riser made a contract with Meredith, whether it was the royal family, the nobles, politicians, businessmen, and many others started to attack the Pendragon family at the same time.

As a big family, it was impossible for their family to be all clean, and he knew his family was full of filth, yet they weren't the only ones.

However, facing the attacks from every direction it made him frightened, thinking that the Pendragon house was as good as ever.

Moreover, everything was all due to Arthur and Le Fay.

Even now, Uther was under pressure, even from his family, as his family wished to throw away Le Fay and Arthur to Riser, begging for his forgiveness, yet as a father, was it something that he could do?

Unexpectedly, he could.

His son aside, his daughter was quite cute, so he knew that Riser might be tempted to take down Le Fay.

With that relationship, their family could make peace with Riser.

As for his son?

With the relationship with Riser and Le Fay, Uther didn't need to worry about anything.

Yet, somehow, when he discussed this problem with the other members of his family, he suddenly noticed something strange.

"Where is Elaine?"

Elaine Westcott.

She is the maid serving the House of Pendragon and a descendant of one of the founding fathers of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. She is also Le Fay's attendant, who was responsible for her education and took care of her since childhood.

While others might not understand, Uther knew that the reason why Arthur left was due to his love for this maid.

However, this maid suddenly disappeared, which confused him.

"I gave her to Riser Lucifer through Meredith Ordinton." One of the members of the Pendragon House said. "You don't mind, right?"


Uther fell in silence as his lips twitched, thinking that the fate of his son wasn't much different from his ancestor, but he didn't mind since if a single maid could appease Riser's anger, it was nothing.

Still, while many things happened due to Riser's decision to make Meredith his contracted magician, he went somewhere.

So, where was he?

"Do-Don't kill me... I-I beg you, Ri-Riser-sama..."

With her neck tightly grasped by Riser, a beautiful woman with straight and long pale blue hair and dark blue eyes begged him not to kill her. Her usual cold atmosphere was no longer seen as one could only see the desperation in her and somehow humiliation and hatred in those eyes.

Yet, even if Riser heard her begging, he didn't show mercy since this woman was one of the dragons who was partly responsible for his almost near-death experience.


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 319 Working hard to become the champion! | Patreon


This was the identity of the woman Riser was about to kill. She might be beautiful, and her begging voice would make anyone feel sorry for her, yet did she feel sorry when he was about to be killed by the Great Red?

When he thought about that day, he became even more furious.


Tiamat couldn't even let out a single noise as her neck was burnt by the heat from his hand.

Painful! Painful! Painful!

It was the first time she had felt like this or even been treated like this.

As one of the Dragon Kings, she would be favored by everyone, and they would bow, grovel, and even show their best respect toward her.

Even the Heavenly Dragons couldn't talk arrogantly toward her.

While their status might be different, and she was just a dragon king, her status definitely wasn't lower than the Heavenly Dragons, and if she wished to, she might be able to defeat Ddraig and Albion, who was hailed as the Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor respectively.

Yet, facing Riser, it was different.

There was nothing she could do.

All of her struggles were meaningless.

She could do nothing.

If there was something that she could do to save her life, she would use her body to seduce him. After all, she knew how beautiful she was. Even if she was a dragon, she knew that Riser would be tempted, especially when his reputation told everyone that he was quite lustful.

As for defeating him?

She could only wait for Ajuka as she knew that there was nothing she could do except buy time.

Yet, Riser didn't seem to care about her, and her throat became tighter and tighter that she was unable to breathe and was about to die.

"No... please...."

She knew that Riser could kill her, and this was what made her scared of him.

As for thinking that everything was her fault, there was no such thing as a dragon being an arrogant being, and being accommodated by everyone was what everyone was supposed to do when they faced them.

Yet, she was smarter than Ddraig and Albion, and it was also because of this that she stayed alive until now.

However, she is about to die now.

Still, when she thought about dying, he let go of her throat and threw her into the ground like trash.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

When she took a deep breath, his cold voice suddenly sounded, "Do you want to live?"

Being looked down at as she appeared to grovel on the ground caused her heart to ache with hatred. She wanted to stand up, fighting him, yet her heart was crushed by his aura, and she knew no matter what she did, it was all meaningless.


As she tried to endure the fear in her heart, she begged him and nodded hurriedly.

"Destroy the Five Principal Clans for me and get all five beasts to me."


Tiamat was in a daze when she heard his request.

"You can't do it? Then, goodbye."

Suddenly, Riser raised his foot before it became blazing hot, so hot, like she was roasted by the sun.

"I will do it! I will do it!"

Her relationship with the Five Principal Clans might be good, especially with the Nakiri Clan, the clan within the Five Principal Clans that was in control of a Yellow Dragon.

Yet, compared to her life, which was more important?

"You can say my name when you attack them when you want."

Riser chuckled and didn't intend to stay any longer. "You don't have much time. Hurry up and do it. You can have this so you can move as soon as possible." Leaving those words, he teleported away without looking at Tiamat as he threw a vial of liquid at this dragon woman.


Tiamat grasped the earth tightly with a complex mood. Not only was she being treated like this, but her pride as a woman was also damaged by Riser's indifference.


Yet, when she thought about Riser's aura, she could only succumb.

The only thing that she could do next was just to follow his order.

Still, while Riser said that she could use his name when she attacked the Five Principal Clans, she knew that she couldn't do so unless she wanted to die.

As for her relationship with the Five Principal Clans?

The hell with it!

As for being an enemy of the entire Japan myth.

The hell with it!

Compared to being the enemy of Riser, it was better to be the enemy of this small country.

As for her relationship with those humans on the Five Principal Clans, it didn't matter. Moreover, Riser only told her to destroy, not to kill all the people, so she could selectively kill.

However, to be on the safe side, she decided to destroy all of them.

With that decision, she looked at the vial that was thrown by Riser, staring at it for a moment before she drank it without hesitation. It could be a curse, a poison, or anything else, but Riser could kill her anytime, so there was no point for him to kill her with this vial, especially when he needed her to take the blame for the destruction of the Five Principal Clans.

Still, to her surprise, all the injuries, ailments, and everything within her body were healed instantly, as if she were reborn. She was dumbfounded and didn't expect that Riser would give her something so precious.

No, he should be the one who produced all this vial.

Not only was he powerful, he could also heal others.


Was there even a point in him struggling?

Tiamat sighed helplessly, feeling an extreme regret to become his enemy. Before, she made a good decision by moving away from his battle against Tannin, but she made a stupid decision by helping Ajuka, causing her to be classified as Riser's enemy.

Yet, the favor that Ajuka had on her had already disappeared, and at this moment, she was going to move away and avoid Ajuka like a plague since, as a beautiful woman, there should be a chance for her to be forgiven by Riser, right?


She blushed before shaking her head.

Still, she didn't waste her time and moved to Japan, ready to destroy the Five Principal Clans.

Meanwhile, Riser, who returned to Sapporo to meet with everyone, had a blast together, eating ramen and many delicious foods while enjoying the beautiful scenery of Hokkaido.

Unlike before, this time, the group from Rias and Sona also joined him on this trip.

Still, if there was something that made him helpless, it was that Ophis became clingy to him, but he didn't bring her when he went to Tiamat before as he felt it was quite troublesome.

"You will have a match against Roygun Belphegor, right, Riser?" Rias asked.


"Then, after that, you will fight against the champion."

When Rias thought that her man would become the champion of the Rating Game, she became excited. "When you win, I don't mind bringing Akeno and Asia with me."

Akeno and Asia blushed, but they didn't hate the idea.

"Buchou, why don't you include me?" Koneko asked with a pout.

"...." Riser.

"You want to join too, Koneko?" Rias asked curiously.

"Riser-sama..." Koneko stared at Riser with a pitiful gaze.

Riser wasn't sure what to do, but he decided to work hard to become the champion!


Riser Phenex isn't a Villain Chapter 320 Bite the dust | Patreon

[The winner is Riser Lucifer-sama!]

Everyone was full of excitement as they saw Riser's victory.

"You okay?"

Roygun Belphegor, who sat on the ground, looked at Riser, who stretched his hand helplessly, but she didn't reach his hand immediately. Instead, she asked, "Thanks. Are you free tonight?"

"If you want to become an ice cube, then go ahead."


Roygun glanced in the direction of Serafall and sighed helplessly. Still, she knew that Riser was powerful, and he was even letting her give her all before he defeated her, even though he could defeat her instantly.

[Congratulations, you have received "Ratio Technique."]

When he saw his reward, somehow, he didn't feel surprised.

The ability of the Belphegor House was "Crack." It was the ability to create a tear in things within the range of the user.

While he could defeat Roygun instantly, he wanted to see her power, so he had seen her using this ability, such as when he threw a ball of fire or a blade of wind, she would "tear" his attacks.

Still, if she wanted to, it should be possible for her to tear up a living being.

It could be said that besides the "Power of Destruction" of the Bael House, the "Power of Crack" from the Belphegor House wasn't so shabby. Moreover, unlike the "Power of Destruction" which was rather slow, the "Crack" could be done almost instantly.

There was no doubt that this was a powerful ability, but it was meaningless to him.

While it could be used on living beings, including the other devils, tearing them apart, when Roygun faced someone whose Demonic Powers were higher, at the same level, or even a little smaller, the effect of her ability was as good as being annihilated.

Nevertheless, it didn't mean she was weak, especially when she was ranked 2 in the rating game.

Riser could imagine the "Power of Hole" from the Bedeze Abaddon would be torn apart by Roygun, which made her a natural nemesis and weakness of Bedeze.

Moreover, Roygun also used the "King Piece," increasing her power and Demonic Power even further.

But facing him?

There was no need to explain anymore, right?

Riser somehow couldn't imagine there was an enemy that could kill him anymore, and this "Rating Game" was just a show so everyone could see how powerful he was.

Nevertheless, as he had won against Roygun, he got a new ability, which was a "Ratio Technique."

Ration Technique is an ability that grants him the ability to divide his target with lines and forcibly create a weak spot at the ratio point of seven to three.

In other words, he could create a weak point artificially.

No matter how strong one was, as long as he used this ability, he could create a weak point, making his damage even harder.


This somehow made him feel silent since it felt like it was better for him to fight Roygun on the "Rating Game" first, so that way, it would be easier for him to fight the "Great Red."

Moreover, when one was strong, a weak point was meaningless as it couldn't kill the opponent instantly.

Still, as his match with Rogyun ended, it gave everyone a variety of responses.

While the common people were happy with their powerful Lucifer, and those who were related to him felt that their future was bright, those who were about to join the alliance fell into silence.

The Norse Myth group, who had joined the alliance, fell in silence, especially Vidar, the leader of the current Norse Myth. Usually, this position would be taken by Thor, his older brother, but during the fake Ragnarok, Thor's injuries were so heavy that Thor needed to fight many things, enduring everything by himself, so in the end, Vidar was the one who took the position of the leader.

Watching how strong Riser was, Vidar understood why this alliance was necessary, and he knew it was better for Rossweisse to have children with Riser as soon as possible.

'Should I add more women?

The more women got pregnant by Riser, the better the alliance between the Norse Myth and Riser was.

As for the others?

Vidar didn't care much since only the strong were worthy of the alliance of the Norse Myth.

The Greek Gods were the same, especially Zeus and Poseidon, who wished to make an alliance with Riser.

While the Greek Gods might seem unreasonable, they still knew the current situation of the world. They might be able to act as they wished on the Greek but on the scale of the world?

Whether Zeus or Poseidon knew that they weren't invincible and their country was often ravaged by many, such as from the Ottoman Empire and Roman Empire.

At the moment, the growth of the alliance led by Riser is like those behemoth empires of the past.

As for whether Riser could continue to stay alive and strong, it was a question that could be talked about later, but for now, their best current action is to become an ally of the alliance.

"How stupid."

Hades snorted, watching the might of Riser as he tried to endure the feeling that crept into his heart.

"Don't cause trouble, Hades."

"Yeah, we have talked over this before."

Zeus and Poseidon quickly scolded Hades, but seeing Hades didn't say anything, they also ignored him and discussed whether they should send someone to become Riser's mistress.

Still watching Hades, who was in a bad mood, the two of them wondered whether they should send Persephone to Riser's chamber. They might be brothers, but as gods, their relationship wasn't something that could be understood by humans common sense.

Nevertheless, the reaction of those gods aside, Diehauser Bellial, the champion of the Rating Game, knew that it was his time soon. Whether his title as the eternal champion could be defended or trampled by Riser, only the future could tell, yet suppressing the uncomfortable feeling in his heart; he vowed that he would win this match.


He would be lying if he didn't feel excited about this match, yet at the same time, he knew that he needed to apologize for what had happened before since the disaster caused by Tannin was like a slap on his cheek.

"Tannin... why?"

Filled with confusion, the "Rating Game" between Riser and Roygun ended with Riser's victory.

While Roygun was helpless, she reached Riser's hand and was stunned. His palm was hot, and she could feel that her body also slowly became hotter, as if she was burnt, yet she didn't hate this feeling. Moreover, watching his eyes that stared at her from a high position, she wondered whether she was a hidden masochist as she could feel that her pants became wet.

