Past Disciples Meet

The streets were bustling with people as customers bargained with shop sellers, discussing what to buy and describing their day. Guards stood around to maintain order if ever a fight broke out. Adventurer going into guilds for escort missions or exploration quests and Bounty Hunters looking at bounties put up on walls and guard posts. Everything seemed like a normal day.

*Boom! Crash!* what sounded like an explosion sounded in the distance. People ran away trying to steer clear of the area while others gathered to see what was going. Guards ran over to maintain order in the chaos.

"Edgard seems to be on a rampage again", a someone spoke among the crowd. "Yeah, probably some punk bargaining and said something about his weapons being unworthy or something" answered another. "Yeah that never ends well" another sighed out loud.

"Master!", a young voice was heard as a green haired girl jumps out of the dust holding a bunch of arrows in her hand. Her body covered with dust and pieces of wood. The wall towards the street was broken apart. Broken and bent weapons were sprawled on the ground.

"It's okay, this is between me and him", a calm voice came from behind the dust. A young adventurer walked out of there patting the dust and debris from his clothes.

"Who's that?", another voice came from the crowd. "He survived?", "probably got lucky", "yeah, that time the other guy got injured he was sent to the hospital". The crowd continued murmuring among each other.

"You managed to dodge that huh", Edgard commented as he walks out glaring at him. "Still slow as always with that hammer, I told you to pick up a paintbrush instead didn't I?", Ace mocked as he stood there smiling at him.

"Sharp tongue as always, let me blunt it for you", Edgard replied before lunging at him swinging his hammer. The hammer that was bigger than a mans head was swung around like it was just a broom.

"Forging Hammer style - Smith's Fury!", Edgard roared as he spun his axe above him before smashing it down on the head of the adventurer. "Repelling Wind", Ace mumbled before spinning around and finally putting both his palms up to meet the hammer.

"He's dead", "yeah, that's what you get for being cocky", the crowd continued talking among themselves.

*Boom!* Strong winds burst out from the impact causing many in the crowd to stagger. As they look towards the two, their mouths fell wide open to what they saw. The young adventurer had stopped the hammer with his hands while Edgard stood there with a dumbfounded expression.

"WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", Edgard laughter woke the crowd up from their stupor. "I knew you were strong, I purposely let you win", Edgard spoke out trying his best to keep his pride. The crowd went silent for awhile unable to believe what had happened in front of them. Guards suddenly started to barge their way through to see what was going on.

"What happened here?, What's going on!?", the guards came setting a perimeter around them. "It's ok boys, it's just me and an old friend", Edgard told them, "thought he was an imposter". Some of the guards started to disperse while some stayed to maintain order. One of the guards sternly said, "Edgard, just because your master is a Grandmaster Blacksmith here doesn't give you the privilege to destroy things here".

"Alright alright, don't be such a drag, I'll control myself next time", Edgard replied waving his hands like as if he was swatting a fly. Ace stood there watching Edgard talk to the guards before finally approaching him.

"We'll talk inside", Edgard whispered before heading into the destroyed wall beside the doorway. 'Follow me and don't say a word' Ace thought as he looks at the girl before going in.