
The old man turned his head over to see a little girl in a suit covered in blood. She looked like she had fought a war with a thousand soldiers and somehow managed to come out alive. What was surprising was that his two disciples were right next to her and seemed like they knew her.

"Don't worry, she's with me", Ace assured as he poured another glass. "What's with the blood all over her?", GrandMaster Kai asked as he continued staring at her wondering what was going on.

"Apparently someone is not happy with you and tried to to attack us. Could be your rival, what's his name again. Errr Master Xin was it?", Ace answered.

"HOHOHOHO!", the GrandMaster laughed out loud surprising everyone including Ace as he almost spilled his drink. "That old fart is still bearing that grudge until now? Someone seems to have not changed at all HOHOHOHO!" he continued laughing until finally taking a sip.

'You're an old fart too and you STILL have not changed that laughter', Ace thought to himself as he finished his drink. Audaxia giggled hearing his thought as she supported Edgard to stand up.

"You girl come here", the GrandMaster called out beckoning her over. Audaxia looked towards Ace before walking over. "Goodness gracious, I can't see you properly with all that blood over you", the GrandMaster sighed as he drop a ball of water over her head, drenching her from head to toe. Audaxia stood surprised that she did not know or even noticed water was around her.

Ace facepalmed looking at it happen as his memory somehow came back to him when he was all battered and bruised with blood coming out of his injuries. The GrandMaster would always do that with a tagline 'Cheer up kiddo, it's for your own good' as he walked away laughing.

"He is an Elementalists Audaxia, he controls the elements around him so don't be surprised by that", Ace assured as he looked at the drenched girl still looking around searching for something.

Audaxia was stunned for a moment before finally relaxing and trying to dry out her suit and hair. "Here, let me help you with that", the old man waved his hand, a gust of wind blew right at her making her struggle to maintain her standing.

Suddenly fire started to emerge from the old man's hand slowly growing bigger to the size of a football. "Come here lil girl, best to warm up after a shower", he slowly spoke as a smile appeared on his face. Ace noticing the fire started in shock appearing like a caveman that had finally discovered fire for the first time in it's life.

"HO HO HO! Don't look so shock lil boy, it's just fire, don't give me that look like you have not seen fire for the first time in your life", the Grandmaster laughed out loud. "Old man, I know your abilities very well therefore I would not be so surprised by a simple show like this", Ace retorted showing a disdainful look. "Elementalists require the presence of the elements to control them, but there is no fire around here", Ace gaze intently to this Grandmaster beside him as he started remembering the information on Elementalists.

Most Elementalists in the known world requires the presence of the elements around them to use them effectively.

The Earth element is the easiest to use and also the fastest to be proficient in since it's everywhere unless in buildings or the oceans.

Wind was second because even though it is everywhere there must be a gust or a shift in it to control it at will.

Water was the third because the presence of it can only be found in bodies of water like ponds, lakes, oceans etc. Thanks to household appliances like taps and hoses it's mostly available unless one wants to head into the jungle where it is mostly scarce.

Fire was the hardest because of its destructive nature and needs of fuel like wood or oil. One has to create a spark and feed it and the power of it depends on how much fuel is given. Many early settlements were destroyed due to reckless individuals trying to show off which made this element banned from many known territories.

Light and Darkness element were usually classified as rare since most of the time these elements are from birth or through some miraculous encounter which is even more rare.

Lastly, Affinity was the most important aspect for an elementalist. Although most of the Elementalists can control all these elements, there was an affinity to each individual that will show to which element should they focus on to increase their strength. There are exceptions where some can only control one element but their affinity towards that element is usually the highest grade.

Grades are divided into four groups, which is low, high, excellent, primal.

Low affinity is normal for most Elementalists since they can control all the elements.

High affinity is where they have one particular element which they could be proficient at while also increasing the power in terms of attack and defense.

Excellent is the best any Elementalists can attain once tested as that would mean that their power can grow almost limitless as long as they continue to use their specialised element.

Primal is the highest grade and also the hardest to attain since this affinity must be with them since their birth. Most primal Elementalists can only control one element which signifies the rarity of having primal affinity. One of the reasons why it is the highest is because of the power one is able to receive once they cultivated the strength in their element.

Fire primal affinity can transform to Lightning.

Water primal affinity can transform to Ice.

Earth primal affinity can transform to Diamond.

Wind primal affinity can transform to Light.

Darkness primal affinity can transform to Void.

Back to Ace....

"Master, what do you mean by that?", asked Audaxia. "This oldie only has excellent affinity with fire, his other elements are either low or high. Only primals can make fire out of nowhere and that also usually means they are able to produce lightning soon", Ace glanced at her as he continued looking at the Grandmaster with an intense gaze.