
walking on the footpath sidelined on both sides by sky-high buildings, I felt so tiny, like am just a blackmole on the surface of the earth; something between an atom and an amoeba. The buzzing traffic and the busy populace escalated that insignificance; tired but have no place to belong, hurting but can't stop taking the next step and then the next, fed up and frustrated but utterly helpless! Am silent; but this place is a sea of whispers, chatter, shouts, honks,vehicles; NOICES. I wonder, can I be more silent, tread more carefully that my footsteps make no sound much less leave any mark ??

In the next moment, I accepted the shadow that loomed amidst everything; it wanted a space, I needed a space, and a darkness enveloped me. I was sucked into a black hole, but strangely I felt a belongingness In the darkness, a space of mine, a cubicle of dear silence, a peace of mind like nowhere else: of course, I just made a choice.

I need to persist in here, keep myself sane, survive.