
“No one’s safe”

"Some people find it addictive," said Pixel. "It is like what social media was when it first came out. Now everyone is using it even though it is illegal."

"Yeah it has got out of control," I said. "The program was only up for a few minutes and so many people managed to get a copy before it was closed down."

"Not to forget all the imitations of it and the patches that other developers have made to upgrade the applications."

I grabbed my coat and passed Pixel's over to her. She held it in one hand while her other hand held her skateboard. I can confirm it was no fun for me, talking about Avatara. However, Pixel seemed keen to continue.

"It's like all the borders have come down," she said. "People can be whoever they please and go wherever they please."

Everytime someone mentions anything about Avatara I feel this sudden surge of guilt. Anything to avoid the consequences of my failure. All the bad things it has caused. I just wanted to connect the world and bring it to a new level. But all it did was create a mess.

"So have you used Avatara Pixel? All the kids seem to be creating their own avatara forms."

"No, no, no," Pixel replied. "I'm a fan but I like my brain where it is. I like being me for who I am."

Pixel continued to chatter on about it to the point it was becoming irritating. That's my problem. I'm too nice. If I don't want to hear something I should be able to tell people and not pretend by being polite to keep the peace.

"I feel the world has gone a little crazy with it," said Pixel. "It's like everyone wants to be in avatara form and escape their real lives."

I turned the shop sign from open to closed and the bell made a small sound as I slammed for front door shut. Pixel and I, were outside in windy weather. The leaves of the tree in front of my shop swaying due to the force. I could feel a few specks of rain and was not keen on hanging about. As is typical, I did not have an umbrella.

"Got any plans this evening?" she said.

"Yes actually. I have a tango class."

"Tango class?"

"Yes, I've been learning the steps for past six months. I don't think I'm that good at it but it lots of fun."

"Ok, cool," said Pixel. She continued to linger for a bit.

"Will you be safe getting home?" I said. I pointed to her skateboard, "I mean that thing is not that safe on London roads and the rain isn't going to help."

"I'll be fine, I've been skateboarding since I was seven."

"Ok take care," I said. I turned to leave then I remembered something I wanted to say. I heard Pixel put her skateboard on the ground.

"Pixel?" I had her attention again. "Thank you for helping me in the shop. I know I am not paying you much at the moment but when business picks up I will increase your wage."

"It's no worry," said Pixel. "I'm having fun working for you." We finalised our goodbyes and off she went down the road with her skateboard. I started walking towards Warren Street tube station. Pixel was right, this world was now full of avatara, flying overhead and at ground level. It was totally unsafe, you just did not know who was who.

After tango class, I made my way back home. I put the key into the door and noticed that the door was unlocked. I normally lock my front door but I can be a bit ditzy sometimes, so I thought nothing of it. I opened the door to my flat and was about to switch on the main light in the landing area and when I got a shock. It was on the floor. I noticed a frame with my 'Keep calm and Grow Flowers' poster in it, on the floor. The glass front of the picture, was cracked. My flat was always a mess but pictures should not be on the floor. Was someone here?

"Hello?" I said. My voice trembled. Light from the stairwell entered my flat through the open door and feet creaked the wooden floorboards. I heard something small fall, which gave me a fright. I thought it must be a mouse, and I was going to switch light on but then there was a sudden increase in noise and footsteps rushing towards me.

"No, no," I screamed. "Who's there!?"

Two strong arms grabbed me on my front. I screamed but then one of the hands grabbed me over the mouth, completely covering it. It was a large thick hand and this huge person, whoever they were, wrestled me around so that my backside was jutting into their frontside. I tried to wrestle free but he was too strong. I assumed it was a male, which in hindsight could be considered sexist but my presumption was confirmed when he spoke, as it triggered the worst of my fears.

"Guess who's back Grace?" he said. My worst fear, that cold sweat that drips down your back and the shivers through your spine. That voice sounds like a voice you have heard before and did not want to hear again. That heavy breath, laced with aggression and malice.

That name, Knightmare-Grimm.

"You!" I said. I could not see his face and then in a second I could not see anything as he put a bag over my head.

"It's Knightmare-Grimm," he said. "Now you are coming with me so we can have a little chat about Avatara." After that I couldn't remember anything. Either I passed out from the fear of the situation or his grip was so tight that he choked me out. None of my neighbours called the police. I had never met any of them. This is common in London and unfortunately many people have a habit of turning a blind eye when bad things are happening, just to keep themselves safe. I don't blame them. The number of robberies had gone up since the release of Avatara.

So I was bundled up and taken away and for a while everything was dark.