The Professor part 2.

Quirinus Quirrel is a one awkward Professor. He teach Defense Against the Dark Arts but almost all his students doubt his ability to protect himself. It is said that he encountered vampires and had a fight with a hag in his first hand experience in a grand tour around the world.

When he came back to Hogwarts, he have the turban covering the back of his head and a strong garlic smell surround him. And he started stuttering when he talk. What people don't know is that Quirrel actually encountered Voldemort instead of vampires in a forest in Albania. The Dark Lord in his weakened state managed to charm Quirrel.

Currently, Voldemort is residing in the back of Quirrel head. More like a parasite than human. The turban, garlic and stutter is to fool others so that Quirrel did not attract unwanted attention.

Voldemort need some unicorn blood to keep his life and Hogwarts coincidentally have unicorns, right in it's backyard, the forbidden forest. Quirrel already planned to go fetch the blood later at night. And Dumbledore, the old man, is actually hiding something in the school. Something Voldemort could really use.

And Potter. The boy who live. A Hufflepuff. What a twist. Voldemort thought that the boy will be a Gryffindor, like his parents, but he's a badger instead. From the way Potter performed at the DADA class, he looks like a decent student, but Voldemort can feel something different with the boy. Something dark, deeply hidden. Could it be that the boy is not as light as others thought him to be?

After finishing Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff session, Quirrel is tidying his table on his DADA class when there is voice from the back of his head. "Try to pay more attention to Potter."

"My Lord?" Quirrel doesn't understand, he thought that his Lord would feel deep hatred for the boy, for Potter is the one who make his Lord at such a state. But lately he found out that his Lord seems really curious about Potter.

Voldemort did not say anything for a while, before saying, "We'll proceed tonight, as per the plan."

"Yes, my Lord."


After walking out the DADA class with the other first year, Harry feel conflicted about Quirrel. Quirrel is the host of Voldemort at the moment. He seems pretty useful to Voldemort as well. It's better to keep using him than Pettigrew. Pettigrew who's actually living as a rat in the Weasley....

"Merlin." Harry smacked his own head.

"What?" Iris asked beside him.

Harry dragged Iris to the back of the crowd. "I totally forget about my dogfather."

Iris gave an incredulous stare at Harry. "Are you serious?"

"Nope. My Godfather is."


"Totally slip my mind." Harry grin. "He's in Azkaban right now. Waiting a bit longer won't matter I guess."

"Did you two planning to run off somewhere?" there was voice behind them.

Harry and Iris turned to see Draco Malfoy at the other side of the corridor. He's been spent some times with them and start to talk casually with them. "I don't know Slytherin have a class here." Harry said, pretending to look around the corridor.

"Uh. I fall of my broom." Draco said, scratching his head in an unMalfoy like manner.

"Is he saying what I heard he said?" Iris feigned surprise. "I thought mighty Malfoy is born with broom?"

Draco give Iris glares. "Oh shut up." then winced.

"Are you really fall off?" Iris asked. Draco nodded without looking at them.

"This is not the Hospital Wing." Harry said, "have you been checked?"

"I'm on my way there." Draco told them.

"Then, we'll accompany you." Harry put his hand on Draco shoulder.

"Get off." Draco slapped Harry's hand away. "It hurts you know."

Iris take Harry in one hand and Draco on the other, "Came, we'll go together. Be nice, ok."

"Yes, mother." The boys say in unison.
