Met Iris.

The meeting end up with unclear result. Mrs.Smith and Mr.Wilde get back to the Ministry of Magic to take official steps to try to contact Harry's adopter, Papa Charlie. Dumbledore got scolded by everyone in the meeting, he did not say anything after, just ushered the others out of his office before locking himself in it. Prof.Sprout leave Harry with Sirius alone. Sirius and Harry walk around the School and talk about each other.

Sirius is surprised when Harry told him that he's a Hufflepuff. That's better than Slytherin, so he did not say anything bad about Harry's house. Harry surprise him again when he told about his friends. Gryffindor Granger, Slytherin Malfoy and a Hufflepuff Death Eater's son?

They settled in Hogwarts kitchen. Sirius show Harry where the kitchen is, through a door near entrance hall, down the stairs, in a room where a fruits painting is. Sirius tickled the pear and it turns into a door handle. They get in and greeted with a big room, almost as big as the Great Hall, filled with kitchen uttensils and little House Elfs. The House Elfs is surprise, but happy to get them some cakes, cookies and other desserts. They continued to talk while eating.

Harry Potter is so happy to see Sirius well. They talked, but Harry worked hard to make sure that he did not mention anything that's related to his and Iris little plan. He forget the time.

"Harry?" the kitchen door open and a pretty little girl with long hair show up.

Sirius is perplexed. In a quick look, this girl can passed as Harry's sibling, "Are you Iris?" he ask the little girl.

Iris gray eyes move to look up and down at Sirius, "Are you Harry's dogfather?"

Sirius laugh out loud, "Am I look like a dog to you?"

"Seriously?" Iris ask back with squinted eyes.

Sirius laugh harder. The House Elfs that are busy with cooking or cleaning something were shock when they hear Sirius big laugh, they look at each other in worry.

"Stop it, you scare them." Harry said, pointing to the elfs.

Sirius try to control his laugh. Iris pursed her lips. A house elf come and give Iris a hot milk in a glass.

"Oh, thank you Twinkle." Iris accept the glass and smile sweetly at the elf. The elf blushed (if it can blush) and retreat back inside the House Elf crowd.

Harry just smile at her. Sirius take a better look at the girl that Harry count as sibling. The black hair did make them look like brother and sister, but the girl have gray eyes whereas Harry have green eyes and the face is a bit similar. Are they really related?

"Harry's Godfather, Prof.Sprout told me to tell you that it is time for you to get back." Iris said after sipping her milk.

"Call me Sirius." Sirius said, looking at Iris intently.

"Then call me Iris." Iris smile at Sirius, feeling a bit perplexed with Sirius's attention. Weird man.

Harry take notice of the weird atmosphere between the two and urged Sirius to get back. He promise to owl him sometimes. Harry and Iris take Sirius to Prof.Sprout office, from there Sirius take a flooed out of Hogwarts.

Iris and Harry walk back to their Common Room. "He might realize something." Iris said to Harry.

"I know." Harry said.

"Have you contact him?" Iris ask.

Harry scratch his head awkwardly, "Well..."

Iris stop walking and give Harry a look.

"I'll write him, okay?"

Iris look at him one last time, say "Make sure you do." then resume walking.

Damn, women is scary even as a girl.
