Chapter 2 Beat me till your hand bleeds

"Just another weird dream... Why do I keep having this dream every night and then wake up with a heavy feeling."

In a place where surviving is a must a little one doesn't concern herself of what is happening around her. Someone had just lost their life when a fast car hit them. Some just went to jump off the cliff losing all hope of surviving another day. Some even beg others to end their worthless lives. A place where the strongest still struggle to survive while the weak end their suffering if they can. It's a place where one doesn't dream of being born into. A place where the rich isn't afraid of strong people because this crazy rich people can buy anything and anything means literally anything you can see and touch. Even life can be bought by them. So even if you are the strongest person living but you are not rich, you are the same as the poor.

Poor people are slightly better than the strongest because mostly of the strongest are turned into slaves.

"Hey you sh*tty sh*t don't dirty the road" shouted by the taxi driver.

The child just stared at the man looking like a lost puppy. She looks like she doesn't understand what the man was saying, but she actually does. The driver just continue to shout at the child till he turns red from being angry.

He felt like he is treated as fool the man got out.

"You worthless piece of sh*t get your f**king sh*t out!!!" he shouted while kicking the kid hard the she was sent flying and hit the wall near a garbage dump. After the kick the man wipe his shoe that touch the kid, after thinking a little he then throw the shoe cause he feels dirty by thought of having his shoe touch the dirty child.

There is no onlooker of what just happened everyone is just busy with there life. Trying to earn money to live another day.

"Ah, and here I thought I will get beaten again and there's a free food. What a disappointment." After getting up the child just casually stretch herself. She feels nothing from the kick or even when she hit the wall living a little crack in it.

"I better be out of here l, if someone sees the crack they might ask me for a payment. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now even something like this isn't fun to entertain those people."

Before someone might stop and look things like this then somehow because they are entertained they will throw their leftovers. But now there might be something that is about to happen that's why people are so busy.

"Hahaha. Unlucky day again Tein? If you continue acting like a sh*t you will become a sh*t! HAHAHAHAHA"

"Shut up you dumb ball. Why don't you collect some meat down the Red River? I think someone just jump again."

"Really?! Why didn't you say earlier?! I'll be back..." He didn't finish his sentence and he ran towards the river. If you look at him closely you will think that a ball grow some hands and feet. That's how fat he is.

I better start the fire. If some people think this is cannibalism so be it. We don't care as long as we can eat. To the jumpers we are very thankful for your offer. Jumpers are what we call people who gave up hope and jump off the bridge and fall to the Red River. The river is not literally red on the contrary the river is very clean and can be drink. It's just called Red River cause when the sun is down the river turns red.

Bali came back with a lot of meat. I'm sure he scared a lot of scavenger cause they are afraid they might be his meal too.

"What's with the creepy smile?" Bali ask. Did I just smile? Well sometimes I can't stop myself if I can I will laugh hard at how Bali look. Though I'm thankful we are friends if not for him I might be the one he is eating now hahaha.

"Are you sure my acting sucks?" I asked him still wondering why no one took noticed of how good I am.

"If you are poor entertainment is only fun in the beginning cause it is new to the eyes." He said while cutting the meat. I'm so glad it's already clean and ready to cook like what he always bring after getting it from the river. At first I thought even if I die I will not eat human meat, but it changes, it's not that I get addicted to the taste or I really like it. I only took some bite enough to fill my empty stomach.

"Bali...why do you keep living? why do I keep living?" I ask out of nowhere. He stops from cooking then look me in the eye. Suddenly a rambling from his stomach was heard. So he continues what he is doing.

"I don't know. Even if you ask me a hundred times or every single time, my answer will always be the same." he gives me a small piece cooked meat then he starts eating everything he cooked. I don't mind though the small meat was enough for me to last another day. Bali is just two years older than me while I'm just nine years old but I can already think like an adult I don't know why I'm like this I only know that my name is Tein and I'm nine years old. I don't have parents, I don't have anything I only know that the moment I can understand my surroundings Bali is already there taking care of me. He said I am lucky he is not hungry at that time when he found me. He lied though cause I know he never got to dye his hands red(meaning killed someone).

After eating the small piece of meat I got up and go somewhere I can try my acting again.

"Where do you think you are going again Tein?" he ask looking worried. I can't blame him cause every time I go I never came back so he comes looking for me. I don't know why he's like that when it's impossible to feel something like that in this world. I don't even know what to call that thing.

"Just somewhere." I said and run away fast even I know that he can't ran after me now that he is so full after eating a lot of meat.

"You piece of sh*t! come back here I'm going to..."

Since I'm too far I can't hear whatever he is saying. Target sighted. Tall man with broad and sharp shoulders. I can't see his face cause he is standing in front of the light that's so bright. He wears a black decent and probably super pricey clothes I don't know what those rich people call it. His arms are long enough to cover the woman with him but he keeps his distance from her not even offering his jacket. The woman's red dress is sultry and it fits her body perfectly showing her bumps and curves and her back is so white looks smooth and soft. Hmmmm nice, nice this is a rich couple but they don't look like a couple? Whatever.

I ran fast just to bump at the woman but I am expecting that the man will pull the woman instead a bodyguard stops me from my track. Just a few inches from the woman. D*mn I forgot the bodyguards why don't they appear in my eyesight earlier aren't they just pillars?

"Ewww! get that thing away from me!" the woman said full of disgust. "Why are you letting something like that near this Lady! Get rid of it! Now!!!" she continued while shouting but she cover her mouth and she looks like she's gonna throw out.

Am I that disgusting? My clothes looks dirty white and full of holes but they are clean and I always wash them everyday. Tein thought to herself. The bodyguards took turns in beating her up but she still feels nothing.

Do I really sucks at this? Fine. Whatever. "I can only give up acting like shit. Now beat me. Beat me till your hands bleeds. You stupid rich people." she mumbled to herself. But without her knowing someone heard what she just said and in his eyes flashed a hint of interest.