Chapter 5 Continue or not


After touching the queens stomach Tein grabs Bali's hand and ran outside the castle. The king instantly ordered some of his warriors to accompany the two. When they are almost at the castle exit Tein immediately covers her nose because of the rotten smell and she stopped. There are five peelers waiting for them, good thing she heard a few more steps behind them.

"Great! The king sent some of his people, a hoard."

"They don't go back in their words, like the humans." Bali said and frowning at their situation.

He takes out the only map they have and he look at it. "It is three days walk to reach the other side, I don't know if the hoard is enough till we safely arrive at near the bridge that connects to the other side."

"I see, there might be more peelers along the way..."

"Yes! But that's not the part I am worried about." Bali keeps the map really well and he looks forward to see the thing that worries him more. Tein just look at him questioningly.

"For three days straight we will walk- "

"Wait! wait! you mean if we take breaks it's not just three days?"

"Yes! Let me finish what I have to say!" Bali holds Tein lips to shut her.

"For three days straight we will walk across that road." Tein look to where Bali is pointing his finger.

The road is filled with remains and maggots are everywhere, it is a made up of a pile up dead bodies that is on stage of decomposition so you can see some maggots wriggling inside the bodies and there are some of its eggs. You don't wanna see it in your entire life. The two can't stomach what they see, Bali can't take it and he vomited till he felt sick. He imagined himself before that eats those meats. Tein is retching but it's the only road they can take.

Walking through the buildings is a bad idea since there are more peelers that is what they thought and they are right. Almost of the building are the peelers nests. They can't reproduce but they can make some common zombies into one of them by peeling everything living the skeleton.

Back at the castle the King cuts the queens stomach fast that not a single drop of blood came out, he immediately took out his child and gave it to her then he carefully sew the cut. The baby zombie immediately shriek the moment its eyes opened. The baby zombie continues to shriek wanting to be out of its mother's grasp. Understanding his child the king took the child and put it in the floor. It look at him as if saying his thanks and goodbye. The king just growl lowly pick up his child and sit near his queen. The three touch each other's forehead and stayed like that for a few minutes. It is their first child but the child is different.

They know it is because of the blessing that their son becomes different. He is bluish in color but his eyes are blue and full of life, while all of them have dark eyes. The zombies can understand human and any other languages but they can't speak.

"O-one... d-d-day... I... wi-will be... b-ba-ck-k..." The baby said with difficulty. King and Queen is shocked that they froze on their spot while the baby jump like a cat on all four of it's feets. He looks one last time to his parents and shouted. "Father and mother wish me luck." The baby moved fast that before his parents reach the terrace of their castle he is already gone from their sight.

Two days past that Tein and Bali walks non-stop. They no longer feel like throwing up because they can't see what is under them. They learned that the zombies understand them and they made the hoard carried them upwards that they look like they are sunbathing under the sun.

"Bali... I don't know if I can still continue staying this way... Now it's okay for me even if we are getting barbecued under the sun but..." Tein feels nauseous that she almost barfed. "the rotten smell is getting stronger!"

"I know now that I can smell them too. The hoard isn't smelly but the road and the peelers combined... deadly." Bali said and act dead.

He sits up instantly when the hoard suddenly stops. They become alert.

"Why'd they stops?" Tein questioned but she heard a shriek and she looked back.

From afar it looked like an animal running to them but the closer it gets they can see a baby moving and running like a dog. The hoard of zombies gave a terrifying growl but not towards the baby zombie. Bali already pulled Tein's hand and then covers her below him. In a low tone he said. "The peelers are in front of us blocking our path it looks like they are challenging the hoard."

"Hey. Did you see the baby?"

Tein tried to look for the baby but she can't find it anywhere.

"What baby? You are a baby yourself don't even think of taking care of a baby!"

The peelers and the hoard growls at each other they are fighting with their sounds. Zombie warriors don't attack first but they are on high alert. Peelers don't know if they have enough number that's why they are trying to challenge the warriors to know if they can be provoke. If the warriors made the first attack it means that they are shaken because they are fewer. The two human covered their ears, its really not the usual noise you hear when two predators growls at each other. What they hear is almost breaking their eardrums. The noise lasted for about thirty minutes. A deafening shriek silenced everything that Bali and Tein pass out.

The peelers hurriedly returned inside the buildings and they won't be coming out for a long time. The peelers have a very high sense of hearing it's the only thing they can use to move around. Actually peelers are blind but too much brightness blinded them more.

The hoard of zombies picks up the body of the two that's unconscious and continue to walk forward till they reach a bridge that connects to the other side. When the two wakes up they are still in the ground and they groaned thinking that they wasted another that they need to endure the rotten smell for one more day.

"Dumb Bali! at least you shouldn't have pass out!"

"Do you think I want this to happen? Shi*ts don't talk!"

"Ah really! If you are not dumb! This won't happened!"

Then they continue bantering until they start to fight again. Tein finally landed a punch to Bali's face but Bali still missed his punches.
