Chapter 13 Beautiful

The Black district is two thirds big as the whole Appoca. The island is ruled by Lokileon Luc(Luz) he is the supreme ruler in the island. He's the 13th ruler of the dark clan. Kings and Queens wholeheartedly pays some tributes to him, but only within the Black district knows how cruel, ruthless and brutal this guy is.

There are 4 empires in Black district ruled by the families of Kings and Queens namely the Phoenagon family, Suinen family, Archit family and the Candi family... and above them is Lokileon. These families are in the top of the wealthiest people in the whole world.

After talking and knowing about her being engaged already Cue can't fall asleep that she decides to let her feet walk where they wanted. As she walks near the border of Grey district and Blue district the next place they would pass through she noticed something or someone moving close to her.

She's curious on what it is so she stops but then a figure suddenly appears right in front of her and she's looking down at it's feet.

"You shouldn't look down when in front of me. You should always look up at me." He said and gently holds the girl's chin making her look up at him.

"Who're you?"

Instead of answering her he gave her a tag.

"This is a name changer you can decide if you want to change back to your first name Tein or you want to change your name again or... you can change my name for me."

"Why would I changed your name? And how did you know my name before?" feeling like the man is challenging or testing her somehow she looks straight at the beautiful eyes of the man. The left eye is red like a red moon and the right eye is blue like the ocean. What a beautiful eye colors.

"I am your betrothed... Lokileon Luc(Luz)."

"What a beautiful eyes" mesmerized she reached out to touch the mans eyes which he allows the girl to do what she wants.

He wanted his wife to see what he really looks like. If his wife doesn't like how creepy his eye color is he will just wear contact lenses forever so that she wouldn't be scared looking at him.

"Okay, I will marry you in one condition."

Surprised at the sudden decision of the girl he focused all his attention to what the girl wants.

"But first let me asked you... Do you appear like this to everyone? I mean your eyes... Are they real? Wait they are real I touched them and I..." She pulls the guy's face to see his eyes closely. "Yeah they are 100% unique! Let me see them everyday! Every night! Every hour! Every seconds! Every milli-"

"Yes, okay okay I get it. Now tell me what will you do with the name changer?"

"My name will stay as Cue and your name will stay as Lukileon Luz." After saying this then name tag disappeared and a light enters Lukileon's body. "Eh? why did it disappears I didn't use it to change name!"

He knows that Cue changes his name while the girl is confused. He smiled "You probably changed my name spelling it is still counted as changing ones name."

Lukileon suddenly lifted the girl and then he sat down at a bench while the girl is sitting on his lap her back is close to his chest. Cue wanted to move but Lukileon is holding her stomach.

"We shouldn't be this close we are not yet married!"

"Still we're going to marry each other."

"Then at least explain to me how did this happened." Their sudden closeness makes the girl's heart to pound fast that the guy can hear her heartbeat. Her face and ears turns red and she is so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a whole and burry herself and never come out.

Seeing how affected the girl is he wanted to bully her more but it's their first time meeting again after all of those lifetimes.

"I will only marry you and you only." He said while looking at her full of adoration and how much he missed this girl.

Cue looked at him confused.

"Every family in Black district offers their daughter to me for marriage, their first daughter. But I can only choose someone with brown eyes... The Luz family always look for someone with this specific eye color and the only family with this is the Phoenagon. Brown eyes are exclusive traits of this family. What is so special about brown eyes? Brown eyes is said to be the eye of the Gods. People with this eye color is able to see the true form of people. Even though in the Phoenagon brown eyes is also rare cause only once in every millennium a child is born with brown eyes and it happens that a thousand years have passed and you are born."

"So I am not an orphan? I have a family? Then why did they left me?" Thinking about this she wanted to cry but tears won't fall from her eyes.

"Something happened and you were separated from them. If you want you can meet them." Whatever is your decision I will make it happened.

If I meet them will things change? If I meet them what will I do? I don't know what will be my reaction if I see them. I'm already ok with my life now but if I meet them... There's nothing much they can do now, right?

She takes a deep breath and relax her thoughts.

"It's not that I don't want to meet them but I want to take a rest now I am sleepy." She said and she instantly falls asleep cause her mind is exhausted from all the information she got.

Seeing the girl peacefully sleeping on his laps, Lukileon gently stood up and went to a place owned by him and the one taking care of it is Tristan.

When Tristan heard the knocking at the door he was really pissed cause it's already two in the morning, but when he saw who's knocking he immediately gets on his knees.

Without looking at Tristan, Lukileon directly went to his bedroom.

"My Lord wait let me prepare your room!" Shouted Limo, he is running like crazy. He just entered his body and is adapting to it but he needs to tend to his master now that he is back to his body. "Tristan what are you doing why are you still on your knees you should quickly prepare the master's room!"