Chapter 17 Forbidden skin

Cue suddenly takes a little interest at the egg but what catches her attention more is the cloth that covers the egg. It looks ordinary but for her she didn't know where such feeling come from.

"12 gold mines!" She's in her final limit if the opposite bids more there's nothing she could do but go home empty handed. If the other is just testing me just because I bid a lot higher than him so be it I'll follow their lead!

Surprisingly the other bidder didn't bid anymore. So she is right.

"12 gold mines... going once... going twice..."


"Congratulations to our bidder's generosity. The Phoenigon's egg is all yours."

The crowd suddenly erupted with rage and bewilderment they can't contain their excitement to what's going to happen with the egg but that's not there concern. They only felt that cause of, part of their consciousness they also feel like they win having the chance to see the rare egg.

After the auction Cue didn't leave and waited for the person who won the Phoenigon's egg.

"What's with the rag just throw it the egg is what matters let's go." said the girl to her attendant and the attendant tossed away the shattered piece of cloth that was used to hold the egg.

It just happened that Cue is already waiting for the moment to take the cloth but she's lucky that she didn't have to put much effort to get it. Picking up the cloth she inspect it closely.

"I'm sure I saw it moved! Or my eyes are playing with me? It doesn't matter I could add this to my collection. Hehe wait I think it's better if I tie it in my arms or thigh? This cloth reminds me of what I wear before. It is old and shattered but it is super clean!"

Just as the girl is trying to tie the cloth to her thigh the cloth suddenly moved like it has a life of it's own and it enters her sleeve and slowly expand it's size to fully cover Cue's body.

Inside her dress the cloth envelopes her breast to her arms and then through her hips to her buttocks then to her legs that is enough to cover her sensitive areas, but she didn't feel tightness or hot.

"I am right! This cloth is alive!!!"

Cue tried to talk to it but no matter what she do it didn't say or answer her.

"Well... as long as I found a treasure its all good!" she grinned and happily walking home.

"There you are Milady."

Seeing Limo bowing to her again she can't help but sigh.

"I am going home, no need to guard me all the way to there. And... clearly you are not happy on doing it."

I don't want someone escorting me! I will never get used to that feeling, especially since the beginning being followed like a criminal it sucks!

Limo will never complain in front of his masters but his face can't hide his emotions. Lukileon never looked at him eye to eye cause he always have his head low when talking to him, Lukileon clearly knows it but ignores. Now because he is so much taller than Cue, she could easily see Limo's face except that one time that Limo is on his knees.

"That's not it Mila-..."

"That's okay Limo. You seemed not satisfied with your activity a while ago." Cue could smell a little scent of different types of fruits with mint flavor. She clearly knows what are this smell because she's very familiar with the thing that have this kind of smell. This things are everywhere in Red district especially at the Hana Haven where there's a lot of harlots and some professional geishas. Harlots entertains with their flesh while Geishas are performers that sing and talks only with men.

Hana Haven is very popular in Red district especially to men. All they want is in Hana Haven also drinks and foods here is free the only time they pay is if they want to hire a geisha or buy a harlot which cost a fortune.

Remembering where the girl come from Limo felt a little embarrassment. He could have at least took a quick bath before coming to get Cue.

"Ahem. It's in my blood to have plenty of those activities but I can't ignore my obligations to my masters."

"I see... but at least next time make sure to take a bath. Or do you use those scent to attract more girls to be your food?"

"Don't get closer to my wife." Lukileon blocked and shut the door with Limo outside. He wanted to shout but he will never shout when his wife is with him. "You should keep a lot of distance from him." He said while holding Cue.

"Then don't send him to me. I can come home on my own. I am not a child anymore Kil, so let me-" without finishing her words Lukileon kiss his wife hungerly.

Not seeing his wife half a day he can't contain his emotion of longing. Actually he is very patience he already endures a millennium of waiting again for her, but now that she is within his reach he can't stop himself. Months already passed that they are together but each day is different.

When Lukileon tear apart Cue's dress he was very surprised to see what's inside and all the heat he felt immediately disappeared.

"Why do you have that?"

Catching her breath Cue didn't answer. Thanks for all the luck that accumulated to me this day I won't suffer from soreness! she thought.

"You mean this cloth? I pick it up. Amazing right!" she really feel relieved that her husband is not horny anymore.

"What cloth you are talking about. That's a forbidden skin."

"Aaaahhhhh TAKE IT OFF! HURRY TAKE IT OFF!!!" she instantly tried to take the cloth from her body but it doesn't comes off. "Lukileon please tear this thing waaaah" hearing that it's a skin Cue feels like worms are crawling in her skin.

Lukileon just stared at her having trouble of taking off the cloth. He stared how cute Cue is trying to pull the cloth from her body.

If you are this willing to take your clothes off for me I wouldn't bully you. He thought as amazement is in his eyes. Seeing that his wife is already close to crying he cuts his palm and drop a blood of his in the cloth and it loosen and fell to the floor.

Lukileon took a blanket and covers Cue's naked body and hugs her tightly. "Forbidden skin is what's it called. But it is really a piece of cloth. A cursed cloth. You are lucky to find this because it is very strong and it can protect you from any kind of blade. Even if it is the sharpest blades it cannot hurt you." He explained and kisses the girls head. "Downside of this though, once you wear it you can never take it off unless you drop a blood of someone stronger than it. So you are very lucky that you have me."