
"Aziel is nice."

Rhea looked at Damien with a dead expression as they ate their box lunch dinner she microwaved. She almost choked and died. But instead she had to chew and swallow for Damien's sake before she could find the words. Of course Aziel didn't know the crude words he whispered to her during that exchange earlier on in the morning.

Rhea remembered his words like night and day, "We're only a door away my fair neighbor. Come knocking and you'd be in for a wild fantasy. We have everything you'd probably ever dream of...Ropes, whips..."

Fucking hell. She shuddered just thinking about it!

She smiled, "Listen Damien. Just because strangers smile at you and do nice things don't mean they're nice or good people, mmkay?"

That was true. Deep down inside, you never knew someone's true intentions.

Rhea stabbed her meat and frowned imagining it was Aziel's heart, "For all you know, he and his brother could be some sicko engaging in lewd activities..."

"Oh! Aziel has a brother? Is it a little brother? It would be nice to make a new friend while I'm here for the weekend. Oh Rhea please tell me it's someone close to my age!"

As a child who often changed schools, Damien had a hard time keeping friends. Just in this past year, he had to switch school two times. Now Damien was a friendly child but changing schools so often caused difficulties as there were already groups formed or a feeling of isolation coming during the middle of the school year.

He changed schools often because Elaine's boyfriends always bought her new houses. Rhea was never sure how her dear sister Elaine managed such a feat but it was probably due to her large breasts the size of melons. Anyway, she felt for the poor kid even though she didn't care about making connections. But for young Damien, this was a crucial time in his life so he wouldn't end up so jaded like his aunt Rhea.

She sadly smiled and patted him on the head, "Unfortunately, it's another evil twin. More importantly, Damien...How are things at school?"

"Wow a twin!" his eyes sparkled and then he lifted up his mask quickly to gobble up the dinner. "And well would you look at that...I'm done eating. Looks like it's time to ride the waves and catch some fish."

By riding the waves, he meant taking a bath. She tried prying more but he evaded her and scurried off into the bathroom. Rhea was worried about her dear nephew. Her sister Elaine had expressed doubts about his enthusiasm going to school despite having good grades.

Her worries were jolted by the all too familiar sound of a female's scream shrouded in complete and utter estacy. Shit! Rhea's eyes widened. She had completely forgotten about her neighbor's dirty deeds night after night. There was no way she could have poor Damien sleep through such wretched noises! She needed to tell them off before he finished his bath.

Rhea went to her room and stacked up at least three jackets and two pants. She pulled a scarf over her head so that only her eye sockets were visible. Lastly, she rummaged through her kitchen and grabbed the pan as a weapon. She probably looked like a clothes monster but right now that wasn't important. Protecting Damien's innocence was more important. Now, she was all geared up to take on her lewd neighbor's. She took a deep breath and slowly took agonizing steps into the outside world.

Each step was like pure ultimate agony as she kept walking and felt a weight drag down her shoulders. Until finally the door was right in front of her. She felt sick to her stomach. Her brain kept imagining the worst possible scenarios. She kept wondering what horrors lie in wait behind that door. Last time she witnessed Zeven fucking another girl so anything worse than that would probably cause a heart attack.

She breathed heavily and knocked and waited for an eternity, until someone other than her wretched neighbors opened the door. Standing behind the door was a pretty tall brunette who took a step back in horror after one quick look. The women tried to shut the door but Rhea held it open with her hand.

"...Tell them it's their neighbor," she practically hissed, wanting to melt in the ground for even talking to someone new.

The brunette ran from that spot as fast as she could. Rhea gulped. She peered inside and surprisingly didn't see any kinky action of the sort. Her curiosity killed her so she took a few steps inside. Truth be told, she hadn't paid much attention the last time around that incident occurred because she was so frightened. But now that she was resolved to fight with her cooking pan, Rhea could see things more clearly.

And it was like she was in a different dimension. Rhea was pretty sure each apartment was designed to look the same but the twins had tailored it to their own tastes. The wall was encased in a soft grey while the floor tiles were a checkered mix of black and white. Even the furniture complimented the chic and new aesthetic she couldn't help but gawk over. One thing was for sure, that they were well off.

Her heart stopped when she glanced over at the book case. There were romantic books that she was familiar with as Rhea studied these classics her whole career. And then her heart stopped because she laid eyes on a book she knew by soul. The ever popular Braveheart series by Faye Wolfe which skyrocketed Rhea's career to fame. She couldn't believe her eyes. They had every volume on their shelf! And not to mention, even one of her past old works when she first started out which was a rare find as stores scrapped it off the face of the earth.

Rhea's fingers itched to reached out to her old work Nightingale which she all but scrapped from her mind as well since it was a huge failure with the public. It had been years since she seen that book. She still remembered it with her soul too since it was her first ever book that had a special place inside her.

"What are you doing? I didn't take you for a thief."