Literal Haunting

"What about now?" Sasha asked with a hopeful smile on her face.

Rhea barely had the door creaked open. Sasha stood behind the entrance just a few feet away. Immediately, Rhea noticed a bundle of gifts and letters in Sasha's arms. Also, her eyes scanned for the lunchbox that was probably from her favorite restaurant. Sasha usually knew how to get to her...Food! Her mouth watered. But she grit her teeth.

She glared at Sasha and slammed the door shut with a loud, "Never!"

Knocking could be heard but Rhea didn't care. She did however only began to care when Sasha was haunting her dreams. LITERALLY. This would become only one of the many attempts. Sasha would come every goddamn day and sometimes unannounced since she had a spare key just to pester her about that stupid special fan event.

It didn't escalate out of control until a week later. Instead of waking due to the sex crazed twins since she now had fantastic soundproof earphones, she was disturbed from her sleep by something entirely different jolting her awake. Yet again, Rhea was defeating a level ten boss from her phone game inside her dream and then her editor's eerie voice shouted inside the fantasy like world...

"...Have you changed your mind yet?"

"Nnh?" Rhea was rubbing the sleep away from her eyes, unsure if this was indeed reality because she felt something pull her feet.

"I said..." what sounded like Sasha's voice echoed into her bedroom.

Rhea squinted her eyes. The only thing she could make out in the dark was the silhouette of a dark shadow. Her heart nearly stopped beating altogether when a sound clicked and a flashlight appeared to reveal Sasha's haunting face. The light illuminated her dark, grizzly features that rained down on her.

"Have you changed your mind yet about the special fan event?"

She screamed and threw a pillow at Sasha. Rhea fumbled for the light switch. The both of them just looked at each other for a long moment. Sweat was pouring down from her body, wondering how long and why the fuck her editor was at her bedside with a flashlight, scaring the living shit out of her.

"Sasha. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? GET OUT! NOW...Agh sheesh! I don't care how much you've helped me out in the past, I'm gonna report you..."

"Do it. I don't care. It's gotten so serious to the point that I might even get fired. The higher ups are demanding I get you to come out to the event as it will be one of the most profitable event the company has ever had in it's history. Rhea, you have to go to the special fan event or else..."

What the fuck? The sex crazed brothers and junkie fans were beginning to scare Rhea if they could even persuade the higher ups in her company. Why is it that the one cursed video could produce such a detrimental effect on her life?

She heaved a long sigh, still overly grumpy she had been woken from her hibernation. "Or else, what!"

"I'll be fired..."

"I don't care. Get fired. And get out while you're at it too."

"Heartless girl! Please, you're my favorite author and I've always believed you had a kind heart..."


Rhea managed to push Sasha outside until she was really out and the door shut on her face for the hundredth time this week.

A kind heart?

At times like these, it was every woman for themselves. Of course, she felt bad about Sasha's position being jeopardized. But, what about Rhea's needs? What about her own safety and well being? She dreaded coming into contact with people and fan events were all about shaking hands and all that sappy stuff she didn't care about.

On top of that, if the twins ever found out she was the Faye Wolfe, she didn't know how she'd continue living next door. Although the vision of their hot dogs wagging inside of her mind should have been enough to spark that move. But, Rhea found this condo first! It was the twins that had to move out. Not her.

She wasn't able to sleep after literally being haunted in real life by her editor. Rhea wrapped the blanket around her with dark circles under her eyes, just waiting for her to attack again. But this time, she was prepared. Rhea held her cooking pan in her hands. This was for self defense. One could never know what that medusa editor would be up to just to save her own ass.

Before she realized it, sunlight began peeking through the windows and hit her eyes. There was knocking on the door. Rhea gasped. When would she leave her alone!

She slowly approached the door with her weapon in hand.