Tipping Point

"This is kidnapping...I-I'll report the both of you!" Rhea practically thrashed in Aziel's arms and squealed.

Aziel had the audacity to smirk as he tossed her into the familiar shiny white sports car. He leaned over her with a hand resting on the exterior of the car while she kept shrinking further into the seat, "Heh. You've got two smokin' hot kidnappers. Just sit back and relax Ms. Wolfe, cause you're in capable hands."

Two smokin'...What was he saying?! She didn't care how hot they were. But in all truths, they were shining and sparkling more than usual. Did they get all dressed and groomed just to meet Faye Wolfe? It was hard for Rhea to look Aziel in the eyes without shriveling to dark dust. Rhea just wanted to go back to her safe haven! It was good that she was far away from the fan event but now she was somehow with the two people she most wanted to avoid. The freaking twins!

She looked at Aziel's hand and gulped down air. Instantly, she thought about how his capable and kinky hands were put to use on Iris in that lewd video. Aziel got it wrong. It wasn't capable but dangerous hands that were handling her. Her attention couldn't help but drift to the detail of his hands. Aziel's hands were delicate looking, more so than Rhea's own hands. Delicate but large. Rhea wondered, how would his hands feel against...

All unholy thoughts were dispelled as Aziel grinned deviously and shut the door.

She roughly wanted to bang her head against the frame of their car for daring her mind to wander so far. A sudden thought popped up. Rhea wasn't a helpless child. She was a twenty nine year old woman with hands. Rhea fumbled for the car door handle but she gasped. There was a lingering presence beside her.


He hovered above her, reaching for the seatbelt. Zeven chose the exact moment to remain there over her as her hand rested against the handle.

"Ms. Wolfe," Zeven said with a deep sigh as he seriously searched her eyes and leaned close. "You should prioritize your health. Us fans eagerly wait for your works and it'd be devastating if your sickness could have been prevented in the earlier stages but we allowed it to get out of hand. Please, sit tight and we promise to return you back safe and sound."

Stupid boys...

Her hand fell to her side. His words calmed her wild heart, because deep down she knew they were only worried for Faye Wolfe's well being. They were simply extending good faith in order to make sure she was alright. Still...This was no fair! It was two sex crazed twins against one. And again, there was that strange erratic feeling bubbling inside her chest.

Rhea clutched her chest like she was having a heart attack. She then frowned but eventually shuffled against her seat in defeat. "Okay fine."

Now it was Zeven's turn to flash her a wide grin, something she wasn't used to since Aziel was the one who flaunted dashing and blinding smiles. When Zeven smiled, it was like something in the sky crashed. Her heart began to malfunction. She could only blink at him, watching as he began to drive. Just when she thought she could look out the window and ignore the twins, she felt the other sex crazed twin staring holes through her.

Great. What now? She slowly looked back because the intense stare was bothering her. Aziel had his hands folded onto his chin. He was intently staring at her so much that she had no choice but to angrily narrow her eyes at him.

"...D-Do you have something to say to me?" she all but grumbled.

"Sorry..." he held Rhea's eyes for a long moment as if to savor it. "I'm just so floored by your beauty and I can't believe you're right here before me. It's...like a dream come true."

Rhea wanted to jump out of the moving car this instant. Her heart was hurting more than ever before. It was worse than earlier. She was sure that this one was both that weird feeling and a real anxiety attack.

"Aziel. You're creeping her out," came Zeven's matter of fact voice.

"You're only jealous I complimented her first."

"Stop being a kid...Ms. Wolfe, sorry if my brother has made you uncomfortable..." his eyes widened as he glanced at her lifeless body from the mirror. "Ms. Wolfe? Ms. Wolfe! Damn it Aziel, what did your hideous face do?"

"...If I'm hideous then so are you...! Ugh. Ms. Wolfe, what's wrong?"

Rhea couldn't take it anymore. She kept thinking about every damn encounter with the twins such as them kissing her hand and touching or holding her inside their arms. Zeven and Aziel uttering sweet poisonous words was the last straw. She began to slowly lose her conscious as her heart kept squeezing.

Air began to drip like water spilling into her lungs.

The last thing she could recall were the twins frantically trying to make sure she was alright.

Before she knew it, the anxiety from everything that happened today just washed over her until she couldn't feel a single thing anymore.

"...Ms. Wolfe!"