Neighbor Turned Housemates (2)

"Listen, you might have Zeven wrapped around your little finger because he's nice. I'm not that nice of a guy. I won't bend over for an ungrateful woman. This is my condo and I'll do whatever the fuck I want."

Grr, screw that lewd and rude twin! Rhea wasn't ungrateful...Was she? Of course, she had the predisposition of hating the twins in the beginning, but now she saw them as cordial wretched beings. She did know the word 'thank you' and her flashbacks recall her saying the two letter word. It's just...Oh fine, making rules to someone else's condo might have gone a teeny bit far.

And yet, Rhea truly worried that if she didn't go far like she did now then she'd really become their freaking sex slave like Aziel prophesied. She was sitting on the bed to her new room, staring motionlessly at doll Aziel and doll Zeven. Rhea picked up doll Aziel and threw him at the wall. The sound left a satisfying thud.

Rhea looked over to doll Zeven and just like the state of affairs now, she realized they were all alone.

She gently poked doll Zeven's squishy cheek, "I won't be fooled. The both of you are like feathers from the same bird."

A knock on the door jolted her to flop in a funny angle on the bed.

"Rhea?" Zeven called out her name as she composed herself.

"...Sorry to trouble you while you're settling in but could you help me season the meat..."

Rhea walked over to the door and creaked it open. There stood one somewhat seemingly disheveled twin. Even with his hair flipped over to the opposite side and his clothes wrinkled, it was unfair how he still looked all bright and attractive. If it were Rhea, she was sure she'd look like a potato.

Of course, she was living with lean fries who didn't even need to do much maintenance on the looks department.

"My hands are oily from the meat and touching the spices are a bit difficult to do."

She looked to his oily hands and sighed. "...I suppose I can help."

They traveled from her safe haven to the dangers of the kitchen. Kitchens were dangerous because there were sharp objects like knives. Oh who was Rhea kidding? This kitchen was dangerous because one hot twin stood in front of her. She couldn't help but focus on his nice toned shoulders, back, and the backside which she felt was much more round and plump than her own.

"...Rhea? If you don't want to do this, I'll just make it work somehow."

"Uh," she paused and shook her head, embarrassed she was looking at him so intently. "No, I said I would help so I'll help."

Rhea mustered all the courage she had even though her shaking began to hinder her courage. Good thing she took her pills earlier to steady her nerves. Ever since taking medication again, she felt better near people like the wretched angels. She grabbed the salt and began to shake it over the meat.

As she did so, Rhea lightly bumped her shoulder against Zeven's.

She all but flew a few feet away. "S-S-Sorry!"

"Don't worry about it. Keep going."

Way to overreact, Rhea.

She willed herself to keep going until she was finished. And, blame it on Rhea's profoundly strange imagination. She watched as his rolled up sleeves showed a hint of muscle flexing with his hand movements. His long and slender fingers rubbed against the meat ever so softly, stroking it harder at the edges.

And then a blizzard entered her hazy mind as she imagined those fingers tracing against her bare skin. Rhea remembered everything about that night so vividly as if it were yesterday. When he comically touched the meat, she couldn't help but twitch each time he pressed and kneaded into the meat.

He turned back, "Alright thanks for your help..."

Zeven dropped the meat and immediately rushed over to Rhea. "Are you alright? You're sweating a lot."

"I'm fine. Haha, you know...Shaking salt gets a little tiring sometimes."

Shaking salt gets tiring? Rhea felt so stupid but it's not like she could tell Zeven she was sweating because she was lewdly imagining his fingers on the meat as his fingers on her body. He dared to put his hand on her head. And good lord, Rhea almost fainted.

"Your head is hot and your face is unbelievably red. Are you sure you aren't forcing yourself a little too much right now?

"R-Rule number 1!"

He stuck his hand back and remained five feet away like he was told. She sighed in relief. Geez, he was the one making her feel like this! He should take responsibility, not her heart and her racing mind.

She hugged her arms around herself and looked away to the wall. "...Just don't touch me."

Zeven seemed almost taken aback and nodded. "Alright, I won't touch you. Rhea listen, if you're still upset about that night...Don't be, I won't touch you like that ever again. It's not right or enjoyable to touch someone who isn't in their right mind. We only wanted to help ease the effects and we would never take it further than that."

Rhea nodded. "...It was my first time."


"I know I'm overreacting but it was my first time ever being touched like that."

"It was kind of obvious."

"Well excuse me, I don't have harem with girls ready to fuck me at any moment."

Zeven laughed it off. "It was just...We kind of had a hunch based on our interactions with you."

He broke the rule and took a step forward. She gulped down air nervously. The escape route was open. All she had to do was dash to her room and lock the door. But Rhea stood rooted to the spot. She could feel him watching her although she turned her head away to the wall.

"How did it make you feel?"

Rhea finally looked at him. "E-Excuse me?"

"When Aziel and I touched you, how did it make you feel?" he rephrased it more crudely and without remorse.

"I felt VIOLATED," Rhea continued with much disdain. "...Like no matter how much I try to forget, I can't. Even now, I..."

He waited but she couldn't keep going.

"I can't forget either."

She sucked in her breath as he continued speaking.

"Aziel and I agreed it was wrong but...When I touched you that night, it was like something lit up inside me. As a Junkies star, you get kind of numb to touching people but with you it was different...Maybe because it was you."

Abort the steak!

Rhea quickly turned around and dashed to her room, "...O-On second thought, I'm not hungry. Thank you and bye!"

After she shut the door, she slumped against the doorframe. She was completely flushed and shaking from all the confrontation of what happened that night.

His words echoed, "When I touched you that night, it was like something lit up inside me. As a Junkies star, you get kind of numb to touching people but with you it was different...Maybe because it was you."

"Gah!" Rhea shouted.

She went over to her desk and threw doll Zeven to the wall too. And then, she simply rolled herself to sleep while trying to think of things to make her hate the twins.

As she drifted off to sleep, the last words on her mind was "...maybe because it was you".