Earth Shattering Kisses

The kiss shook him to the core as it shattered everything that he was trying to hold back. When her lips innocently touched his, he sucked in his breath as his hands awkwardly lay fisted at his sides. Her lips were just as he had imagined them on that first night he claimed her. It was irresistible.

A surge of desperation engulfed him. It didn't take long for his body to react and run his fingers through her long flowing locks of dark hair. He returned her kiss without mercy. Dane returned her kiss like a beast who after so long, finally got what it wanted.

He was so hungry and deprived for her lips that he crazily sucked on her upper lip and then her bottom lip for minutes on end just to savor the taste of them. She accepted every heated touch of him melding into her.

Dane's tongue danced with hers as she opened for him and craved him just as much as he did. He kept sucking on her lips, nibbling to graze at the softness, and then finding her lips in a sweet escape. Even when he separated from her lips, he always managed to find her so soon from departure and begin the torture all over again.

And god, the way she responded by wrapping her arms over his shoulders and twisting her body deliciously beneath so that her breasts pressed to his chest made it impossible to pull away.

Even though that irritable beating of his heart wouldn't stop drumming through his ears as he kissed her, he couldn't stop. Not now, when she pushed him so far. She broke what little he was trying to hold back from admitting the truth.

Somewhere in him, Dane knew the truth all along.

And yet, the stubborn beastly wolf would still never tell his lynx because he was cursed.

"Dane, I can't breathe. Let me catch my breath."

"No," he refused her and grazed his teeth against her lower lip as she sighed into his lips. "You should have thought twice before attacking me. Don't you know your husband is a beast? And don't go back on your word because you said I can do whatever I wanted after we signed."

"...This is what I want, I want to give you earth shattering kisses that'll leave you so breathless and bruised that you will be ruined for any other man," he said into her lips.

She pounded against his chest so that his hold on her loosened. Finally, he let her take a few deep breaths but never broke away his gaze. His carnal eyes raked over her bruised, sore lips that were attacked relentlessly. The beast inside whimpered. Dane already yearned to feel her lips against his after parting so soon.

"You're so cruel. Why must you always tempt me so that I yearn for things I shouldn't..."

"I'm cruel? You're the one who won't let me...mmh...breathe!"

The alluring way she bit her bottom lip in frustration at his sweet attack made him want to devour them once more. And so he ended her mumbling and hungrily kissed her again without permission, nibbling at her soft plumpness she bit so earlier.

She tasted like the sweet and sour pork they ate for breakfast. Sweet, as he couldn't get enough of her lips. Sour, because he wanted to turn away from such bliss. His lynx tasted like a million things he shouldn't want but found himself already abandoning all reason just because he wanted her on his bed sheets this very instant.

Dane loosened the knot to his tie and regarded her with feverish, ravenous eyes as they caught her breathy depleted expression. A lock of hair tumbled in front of her face as it fell into the folds of her lovely breasts he wished to soon touch.

Even her bare shoulder became exposed as the pretty floral dress nearly draped down from its rightful place. He kissed her bare shoulder, relishing in the fact that he was the one making her skin blush in rosy pinks. Excitement filled his insides as he realized tonight he would be able to make love with his new wife under beautiful lies.

His control nearly snapped apart in two as Prisana untied the sash at her hips so it became undone and fell at her feet. The dress parted to reveal her lovely black undergarments and that lovely porcelain white skin begging to be touched all over. She shyly walked over to him.

"Are you...going to fuck me now? I'm growing impatient dear," she tempted him.

He shook his head.

"No. Tonight, I'm going to make love to you. And when I do," he whispered as he tenderly ran his fingers over her lips he so wished to devour once again. "You'll surely be ruined by me and unable to be with any other man."